Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1927, p. 6

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS APPOINTED CUSTOMS OFFICER Clarence Quackenbush has been appointed customs officer at Smith's Falls, succeeding Mr. Stewart who has retired. FINE RESIDENCE DESTROYED The residence of Mr. Fred Hep- burn, situated on oad, adjacent to the town of Picton, was destroyed by fire Saturday evening. It was a large frame dwell- ing and a landmark. The loss, amounting to at least $7,000, is par- tially covered by insurance. Mr. Hep- burn is a brother of Brigadier-Gen- erall B, R. Hepburn, ex-M.P. PASTOR TO LEAVE Rev. A. R. Dick, pastor of the Carleton Place (Ont.) Baptist Church, has accepted a call to the pastorate at Bethany Baptist Church, Pape avenue, Todmorden. The new pastor will take over his duties om December 4th. James Holland, pas- tor of Thornbury Baptist Church and student of theology at McMaster University, occupied the pulpit both morning and evening yesterday. PROMINENT CITIZEN DEAD William Embury, a well-known Belleville citizen, passed away on Saturday after a brief illness in his 72nd vear. Fle was born near Nap- anee. For 18 years' Mr. Embury was lest out ols worth - 2.26 EERE Albert Soave Limited. Miva, Moises). INRISEED New Martin THEATRE "Alias the Deacon" also COMEDY English Gaumont News the Bloomfield, senior clerk in the post-office here and was an efficient and courteous official. He was in religion a Meth- odist and for some time was super- intendent of the University Sunday School of the city and of late had lived a retired life. A widow and daughter survive, NOT PAYING THEIR SHARE The Council of the United Coun- ties of Leeds and Grenville, is satis- fied that the urban municipalities are not payng their fair shave of the cost of Provincial roads. A res- olution introduced at the closing meeting yesterday will be forwarded to the clerks of other counties throughout Ontario for their ap- proval before being presented to the Legislature. through the Depart- ment of Highways, The resolution gets forth that the highways are nsed by the residents of urban muni- ~ipalities to a far greater extent, both for pleasure and commercial nurposes, than by the residents of the rural municipalities. DAIRYMEN MEET The annnal meeting of dairy dis- triet fo» South Hastings was held in Belleville Saturday afternoon, pre- ¢#ided over hy A. McKinney, director for the district. G. G. Publow, chief dry instructor, geve an address "elative to the duties of cheese makers and patrons, in order to pro- duce the finest cheese. J. LI. Irwin, nrodure grader, reported that 116.- 02 hoxas »~f cheese had been eraded in this seetion this vear. as com- nred wth 120 205 for 1926, a de- raqea of 23,283. 109 339 wera gnarin] and fir-t grade, f 723 second grade. and 458 third "nd nn grade waa cealacted as the director for this section. 4 EGGS 75¢ DOZEN At Saturday's' market at Kingston 75¢ per dozen. Other lots sold from 60 to 65~ ver dozen, but supply was very small, Chickens were plentiful and they were quoted at $1.50 per pair. There was hountiful sunply of butter selling from 43 to 46c per pound, Large offerings of celery were evident, one market gardener making a specialty of it and selling his entire stock at 5 and 10¢ per head. Apples were disposed of at £1.50 rer hrushel, onions from $1.25 to $1.50 pep hushel, eabbare 5 and 10c per head. The supply of flowers was not as large as nsval, and the offering was in great demand, BELLEVILLE MARKET Cold weather prevailing on Batur- day had a tendency to lessen the at- tendance upon the Belleville market. Dressed chickens and ducks were of- fered for sale in considerable auan- tities. Cooking apples so!d at $1 per hushel. swee' apples $1.50 and best Spys at $2.50 a bushel, Smaller vege- table prices were as follows:--Cel- 10c, or 3 bunches 25c¢; ecauli- flowery, 15¢; ~ninns, hoe a perk; |eabbage, 5 and 10c¢ each; carrots, 40c {2 peck; parsnips, 40c; squash, 10 orv It's Here ! Now Playing £Q The Best Yet--- WZ Ae STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT * THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1927 - lana be; savory, 5c; sage, 5c; horse- radish, 10c. Potatoes were offered jat $2 a bag. The butter market was very busy. Fowl were sold at from 76¢ to $2 a pair, Buiter was offer- ed at 40¢ a pound and 85¢ per roll. Eggs brought 60c a d)zen, with some at @bc. LOOKED LIKE CHRISTMAS The farmers' market on Saturday morning had almost the appearance of a Christmas market, so loaded were the tables with produce of all types. Poultry ' was very plentiful and of varied prices. Chickens could be bought all the way from 20 to 28¢ a pound, the last for milk-fed birds, and ducks from 25 to 30c¢ a pound, while geese were 25c. Eggs were fairly stationary at 60c a dozen, with la few offerings at 58c¢, and butter was quoted from 43 to 45¢ a pound. On the nuter market potatoes were priced from £1.50 to $1.75 a bag. Apples were $5 and $7 a barrel for Spys, and $5 for Bellflowers; Rus- sets were 35¢ a peck and Baldwins 60c. Green pears were 65c and $1 a peck. Green pears were 65¢ and $1 a peck, Neef was 12 and 14¢ a pound, pork 17 to 23c. CONFER DEGREES R. W. Sir Knight H. B. Fetterly, Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Ontario East, Royal Black Knights of Ireland, was ten- dered a banauet on the occasion of his visit to Prescott Saturday even- ing, by $t. Lawrence County Chap- ter, in the Oddfellows' Hall. Pre- vious to the banquet several degrees were conferred on a class of candi- dates by Winchester, Kemptville and Mardinal Vesree teams, Alexandra naval Black Preceptory, No. 655, of Prescott had charge of all detail for the evening. The toastmaster o* V.W. Sir Knight W. T. Kingston. Toasts Of those graded | wove prepoced and responded to hy Si» Knight T K. Allen. RW. H B. Fetterlv, RW. Sir R. W Sir Knight Rohert McLaughlin |e iont Grev (Rev) Sir Knight Met- | calle and R W. Sir. Knight Lount. | An address to RW In Feterly, | one lady who had one basket of "88 | jng's nrogram. vag endeavorine to 'sell the lot for | | | | | ehestra will | { Ralph Graves are ideal as the girl {and boy for whom the amiable old Sir Knight H. hw St Lawrence County tion of John, K B. Hymer's stage suc- cess, and was adapted to the screem by the prominent screen and stage writer, Charles Kenyon. LULLABY OF A GOLF 5 GOLF WIDOW Hush-a-bye sleep, Daddy's gone golfing to win the Club sweep; . If he plays nicely, I hope that he will-- Mother will show him her dress- maker's bil. baby, pretty one, . Hush-a-bye baby, safe in your co Daddy's come home and his tempe! is hot; Cuddle down closer, baby of mine, Ddddy went round in a hundred and nine, ! Hush-a-bye baby, please go to sleep, Daddy is mad he's rage in a heap; Caddy coughed on the eighteenth green, And spoiled a good shot, it's easily seen. Hush-a-bye get no shoes. |» It cost five hundred, this game tc lose; And dressmaker's bill, it now will suffer, baby, you'll {| TiN Chanter, and short epeeches hy visit- | ire Knights were part of the even- | At The Regent ROMA YTV amnny mt TOVE, | WAP AND HORSES "In Old Wentnckv" Rlue Crass country, famous for! heautifnl women and fits fast horses! Thig ie the grene of the fea-! ture offerin~ at the Regent for the first three davs of this weak, The picture is based cn the well-known gtnge plav of the same name which | for over thirty years was one of the racing melodramas ever shown. In the pictrrization, howev. | er. we have the advantage of act- ually seeing the horse race, ana we ah'e te experience the thrill- ing excitement which alwavs accom | nanies a neck and neck contest be- tween blue-blooded race horses. the historic. nl ite oreatest are Daddy gets luck and trims a poor duffer. 3 FAILED TO BREAK TIE Montreal, Nov. 20--That Canadiens and Montreal Maroons will continue this scason their closely fought, low scoring matches, was shown last night at the Forrm, when ten minutes of whirlwind overtime hockey failed to break a one to one tie, The teams were at mid-season form, and the game was speedy and packed with thrills for the entire 70 minutes. Canadiens, opening their Nation Hockey League season here, introduced to the fans how substitutes who made good from the start, Lafrance, formerly of the Middle West, was relief centre to Pete Lepine, and turned in a fine perform- ance while Martin Burke, formerly of Toronto, gave Herb Gardiner, Cana- | dien's veteran defenseman and capt-in, frequent reliefs. Eleven thousand fans witnessed the struggle, "Was you cess?" "No, two nf the play cards at all." hunting trip a suc- fellows couldn't LOST! ' wo Insurance Policies, Phone 1812J or mail to Box "D'" Osh- awa Daily Times . Whole Round World = has sent ifs nbute fo complete . this wonderful Chnétmas Cake Recipes from castle and manor, abbey and convent, from the grew siube and famous inns, from stately town and country , have been combined to make the "Merrie York" Christmas Cake a superb, lordly and delicious cake for Yuletide. Rich with the old-time goodnest that was the secret of those who cooked for the finest in the land -- And now with the added charm, delicacy and distinction of flavor that the resources of the modern 'world make possible. To "Merrie York" we bring cherries from France--citron and rare peels from Italy--pineapple from Hawaii--pecans frome Georgia and Texas--walnuts from Bordeaux--spices from far. away India and Ceylon--the finest of flour from Canada-- Almost the whole round world has sent its tribute to complete the epicurean excellence of the cake for your Christmas hospitalities--the "Merrie York." The # 4 Ask the Canada Bread man to deliver a ""Merrie York' Christmas Cake to you-- and enjoy a Yuletide treat ic York = ak PAC BEBE BER 12358 Ral In order to make the play more interesting to modern audiences, the | events have been bronght dewn to | own time, some of the dialogue | Feen rewritten, and. scenes | Ane has | from the Great War have been in-{ clnded. Manager Osier assures us| that this is one of the hest features | he has shown for a long time. There will also be the wsual toni | ral pews pirtures, and a laughahle | comedy starring Aenes Avres and Stn Laurel. Jack Watson and his or p'av specially selected | music for the big feature. | At the New Martin | If yeu want entertainment of the highest order, in which comedy, drama, pathos and all the other | qualities of all onr lives are inter- | mingled. don't fail to see "Alias the | Deaedn," the Universal-Jewel pro- dvetien which opens its engage. ment of three davs at the New Mar- | tin theatre tonight. Jean Hersho't, in the part trom] which the name of the picture is | taen. gives a performance which will live long in our memories. So human and handled with such delicacy and restraint, he establish- es himself, if he has not already done so before, as one of the very finest actors the screen has ever seen. The cast which plays in support of this brilliant chara-ter star ia no less capable. June Marlowe and "deacon" sacrifices so Mytrle, Stedman, Linccln Plummer, Tom Kennedy. Maurice Murphy. George West and others play principal roles in the supporting cast. Much of the charm of the picture is directly due to the able direction of Edward Sloman, who stamps the preduction with the same sense of "human interest" which marks every release bearing his name. "Alias Deacon" is a much. Ned Sparks, picturiza. Low rental. CHARLES About 12,000 ft. of good dry storage space, conveniently locat- ed, with Canadian National siding, for rent either in whole or in part. ¢/0 Mundy Printing Company, Limited Telephone 35 or 312 7 M. MUNDY » { Onn. Centre St. pA A AAA A A PAA 8 2 Felt Bros. } he LEADING JEWELERS Wa ablishes 18Rg 12 Simcoe St. South LACKHEADS Blackheads go auickly a sim method that just 83 ie Get two ounces of peroxine pow der from your druggist, rub this with a h wet cloth biiskly over the blackheads-- you will wonder where they have gone. ¢1517) OUALITY AT A LOW PRICE Suite constructed of rock extension table chairs. Special for Well Made Dining Room Suite, elm and finished in the golden shade, com- prising buffet with mirror back, and set of 6 8-Piece Fumed Oak Dining Room Suite 8 Piece Dining Room NEW JUNIOR and BRIDGE LAMPS New styles in silk shades. The very latest designs and colorings are now on display, also the latest idea in standards. Rang- ing in price from $13.90 to $42.50 CEDAR CHESTS Natural Red Cedar Chests in various de- signs and sizes. They are nicely finished and well constructed. From hi $1.98 1. Collis & Sons 50-54 King Sgreet West, Oshawa Phone 7339 or Ae Hére is a Suite that will last you a lifetime, constructed of quarter cut oak, comprising buffet, ex- tension table and set of diners. "$89.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites, cover- ed in the latest cut velour whica looks so well and wears so well. They are well made and come in either showwood carved fronts or upholstered all over. Special, - $159 $14.25 : 3-PIECE FIBRE SUITE This Fibre Suite has large settee that will seat three persons, with chair and rocker. Has fancy design in backs. The seats are auto spring construction and covered in high grade Cretonne. $83.50 3-PIECE FIBRE SUITES C ing Fibre Suite in this smart look- ing Furniture finished in coffee shade. The seats are auto spring construction and covered in smart cretonne, $49.50 THE AMBITION OF THIS FIRM 5-Piece Bedroom Suite Very Handsome Bedroom Suite, constructed of birch and finished walnut with smart decorations; comprising dresser, single vanity, cheffonier, bed and bench. Spe- cial, $129.50 Walnut Beds Simmon's Walnut Finished Bed- stead, fitted with strong link spring and guaranteed pure felt mattress. Reg. $23.45, for $19.75 Rugs Fine quality Wilton Rugs in the noted Barrymore weaves. They come in Oriental colorings on grounds of faws, blue, tdupe. Size 54 x 27 " 63x36... Smokers A large range of these popular Smokers, in finished walnut and solid walnut that should make selections easy. They range in price from $6.50 FURNITURE COMPANY 63 King St. E. Phone 79

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