2 p-- "WOMEN'S DAILY' INTERES] A SOCIAL a and PERSONAL --Mr. and Mrs, D. _ Robertson and Miss Nelson, of Totome, spent Sun- day with Mr. and "Mrs. C. Brochman, 226 Athol street east. Bw --Mr: "and: Mrs. -Gearge * E.« Br. Simcoe street forth, visited "with re- fatives in Windsor during 'thé "'week- end. bas eS iry * --Misses rraife: Francis, Dorothy Williams, Hélen and Kathleen Goh-en visited with friends at Brampton for the week-end. --Mr. and Mss." Wm. Harmer and Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Harmer of this city were guests at the Dutton- James wedding which took place in Peter-- boro on Saturday. --Mr. and Mrs. R. S.' McLaughlin entertained about 175 guests, the ex- hibitors and committee of judges at] the annual horse show being held 'at the Royal Winter Fair, as well as some 1 of their local friends, at a buffet lun- Cheon yesterday. i . T. E. Kaiser, M. P., left today for Torontw; Barrie and Orillia on a tour of inspection in connection with his office of life insurance' in- spector for the Standard Bank of" Canada. \ JUGO-SLAV AVIATOR NEARLY BURIED ALIVE der Ptervotich, chief of the Jugo-Slay military aviation, fell with his machine in the Swiss Alps when returing' from | the international 'aviation meet at Zur- ici, Monks of the famous St. Bernard Monastery picked "up "the body and brought it "to 'théir cloister to await shipment to Belgrade. ® At the moment when the corpse was about~to be shipped after having lain in the morgue seven days, the colonel ! recovered. Belgrade, Nov. 20.--Colonel eo Shy] 'gave 'signs of fife and; after treatment, | GREATER Millinery Values | -s-than ever before oftered in Oshawa Felts - Matron Hats Metallic - - Velvets $1.49, $1.98, $2.98 $1.00, $1.49, $1.98 " $1.98, $2.98 $2.98, $3.98 KIDDIES' HATS $1.00 VELVETS, PLUSHES and FELTS 3 KING STREET EAST And every Hat is smart, new values, Come and ses them. one week in stock, Only Dorothea Hats can give such in style, the latest design, not i | sician, CONCERT TUESDAY 10 BE REAL TREAT. Signor Guerrero Coming Un: der Music Club Auspices Interest aroused in, the concert to -ybe given in the main auditorium of the Simcoe Street United Church Tuesday evening, beginning at 8.15 o'clock, by Miss Jeanne Dusseau. and Signor Guerrero indicates one of the most notable: -gathetings of music lovers in Oshawa's history, The Oshawa Music der whose auspices the concert is be- \ing given, annoupce the details of the | program which begins with two num- bers by ladies of the Oshawa Music | Study Club who will form a double octette, they will sing Dr. "An Indian Lullaby" first, bach's vocalization of the * from the "Tales of Hoffman. Miss Dusseau will make her appear: ance in Sadero's "In Mezo al Mar' Bizet's""Air de Micaela" from Carman.' Signor Guerrero follows" with sions, namely: Allegro Assai, Andante son meto, and Allegro via non troppe. Miss Dusseau then sings a series of four numbers: soft i taire," a Quebecois folk song ; Alice Buntens Scotch lullaby * a-ba Birdie." Bemberg's me" is the concluding number, Guerrcros versatility will be splen- didly demonstrated in his next numbers 'at the piano. Chopin's "Ballade in A Flat" first, then Liszt's "Liebestraum and "Blue Danube Waltz" by Schuliz- Evler. Miss Diissean's final three numbers, including the concert, will. be "Miene Liebe ist Gru" (Brahms); Besly's res Little Fairy Songs;" and Forge's "Song of the Open." ACCIDENT VICTIM [3 RECOVERING Albert Wilson | Still i in Serious Condition But Not Critical The condition of Albert Wilson, 846 William street west, who was injured in an accident Friday afternoon, is im- Lproving, according to a report issued this afternoon by his attending phy- Dr. R. E. McMullen. While his | condition is still serious, it is not re garded as critical. An X-ray of the injuries was taken | 8aturday afternoon, showing two frac- {tured ribs. The injuries of his head did not show up so clearly, however, { but, while it is not definitely establish- "ed, there are strong suspicions of a [ small fracture of the skull. It is the {opinion of the hospital authorities tlfit | he will be restored back to normal | health, however, and that the fracture {will be successfully healed. Mr, Wil- son will have to remain for about | three weeks, however | CHICKEN PATTIES | Chop meat of cold chicken coarse |ly and season well. Make a large {cup of rich, white sauce. and while | still on the fire stir in 2 hard-cook- | ed eggs, minced very fine 1 tea- | spoon chopped parsley, and one cup | of the chicken meat, Let come to a boil. Have ready some patties bak- |ed in patty pans and male from rich paste. Slip from pans while hot, fill | with mixture, and set in the oven |to heat, Arrange on warm plates, and serve at once. | Who Likes Washing Dishes? + Washing dish them 3 times Especially wh they must be easier by using Gillex in water and loos scouring. Us You'll be de'ig ea MADE BY E.W.GILLETT €0.LTD.~ MAKERS oF MAGIC BAKING POWDER es occasional! a day, 365 days a year en there is all wache VV COLDALU 'shwater. ens the g bi doing e Gill 'Uf ith it. shied may be pleasant--but to wash -- that's different! the other work to do. But.you can make the job much Gillex softens the Still-- away with hard Gritlos: 5 ol Miss Jeanne - Dy Pussein and!" Study Club, un- i A. S. Voat's then Offen- 'Barcarolle" "and manding the Ontario ; Bee-: ' thoven's Sonata Opus 57, in three divi- Willan's "Music when voices die;" "A la Claire Fon- and 'Hush "Ccme to La | RRR SS _|UNIVERSAL FIVE-DAY WEEK Anas ina! an a PN Far on "1337 Se _-- A -- kh oT BE rts Da fect KINGLY HUSBAND: ci SUBJECT OF SERMON Rev. Dr. Douagll aagll Delivers An. 'other Address on "Making" a Home" ; mE Roses is mever any | 'Joss of flavor through:damp- ; ness, Never A he bight, | Shtutforation, "The bri ean aluminum ::.co be "keeps Ra" 'Rose as fres! 2 v flavory as the day it -- Sunday evening greeted: Rev. Dr. ¥ 127 {Dougall in Simeoe Street 2harch with RE x Bik is |S wis Za he fine audience considering the wea- her. Dr. Dongall gave an address on AL GFN. B DI LTO. | "The ~Kingly Husband," wheih is onc DL 1k e may sveer 'tics which bound her to the ald. life. mn. thi Serres. "Making a Home." Is Officer oiling : He aid that there is. something des- im hte: act by which ina word rg bi commits + her life 'to the are of @ man- She leaves father and mother, and the home of her childhood. of him. to. whom Fhe hae Jeste Wed her ha with trembling lip but with con- tary District No. 2--Friday {han heart, she entrusts to his keep- Parade . | ine the holiest interests of her life. ' : . = And as he is faithful or unfaithful to | her, so is her happiness lifelong, or her Maj. Geni. A.J. Bell, CMG, DSO. |es unmeasured. It is a tremendous commanding military district will.inspect the' Ontario" Regiment Fil- [jd every 'husband should know, that day evening, 'and will be accompanied | ad he Would keep his own soul, so he at the ceremony by his ctaff consist- [5s gnder obligation: to make that life ing of Col. 2 Parsons, G.S.0. 1; {zppy, beautiful and blessed. Lieut. Col, Rhodes, DS.0., M.C Mh hat under 'God is the one essen- Lieut. Col. B W. Brown, DSO; and | gga requisit¢ for such a tremendous Lieut. Cal. H. M. Hitchie. { responsibility? Is it wealth, sceial es- | | Lieut,- Col. Frank Chappell, com-|apiistinent and case? it is not. Ninety Regiment, has | er cent of the -diverces are in the issued orders for the ceremonial. * "C" | omes oi the wealthy. The one re: i Company of Whitby will parade with | quisite is Love. He must love her as Headquarters, "A" and "B" Companies. | Christ loves the church. - The hor 39) All ranks will wear their decorations; ! is (he Lamb's bride: the band will appear in regimental| fis bride. + At 'the marriage altar the scarlet and senior N.C.O's. will wear | husband swears the continuance of that regulation sashes. Dress, service drill | fove 'until death ~daes -us. part." And order, !svhenr-the beauty has-faded from her Following the inspection, Shea)e aud -the Justre from her cyes ments will be served all ranks. s heart is-still 10 choose her among Bus transportation for the Whitby | { woman; 1o- him she shall be first, Company is being provided, | fairest and. dearest," the. speaker de- Companies will fall in 7.45 p.m. Fri | clared. : day at hteir parades in the Armories. | "How foster this CREA say to the husband,--be a gentleman, | Be courteous in your manner | speech to" the lady who is your wife. The trouble in" many a homie is that the husband geascs to nourish the love i by ihe. methods by which he won it. | He is still gentle ot other women, but at home he may be rude, careless in speech, and negligent in doing pleasant refresh- kind of Love? i COST $30,000,000 TO RESTORE LEVELS Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 20.--Thisty million dollars would be required to | add- two feet to present Great Lake | ship channels, Col Spencer Gosby, dis- | things. He appears to htink: because trict engineer of the War Department, | 5 woman is' his wife she would-keep told a group of representatives of City | right on loving him even' though he councils, Chambers of Commerce treats her in a manner which' would navigation companies here yesterday. | yo an offence to other women. He! It the depth is increased to five fect | nakes (he mistake of his life, because the cost would amount to $100,000,000, | he is alienating the best thing in his | he said. i life. | L. C, Sabin, of Cleveland, vice-presi- "Married lifc calls for fullest con-| dent of the Lake Carriers' Associatioi, | fidence" and' comradeship. Trust, per- told the conference the present draft | feet companionship will disappear when of lake channels is now 19 feet as! one becomes conscious of something compared with 21 six years ago. Hel hidden or pretended in the life of the declared work should be started at other. once on St. Mary's River, which is) "love for his wife at' present the shallowest channel husband to provide the lakes. port... There is one | often come to a man with a wife little ones,--comes likeva shadow over his soul,--What if I should be taken away ? How shall I make sure provi-; | sion for the little ones? The estate of a, | some men will safeguard that cmer- London, Noy," 20=Sir Laming gency, but not so with many a wage-| Worthington-Evans, who has held carner. So it behooves us to be care-| a dozen Cabinet positions, in a news- i ful in our spending. Take out a life paper interview complains of a recent insurance policy. You will rest more statement by former Premier Lloyil | easily in your grave if you know, come George and widely repeated since by | what may, your dear ones are provided newspapers and politicians, that Eur- | for. Divine guidance is not divorced ope has 10,000000 trained men: under | from common sense. Divine providenc arms. | has never been separated from human Sir Laming asserts that the latest | endeavor » ttati a | The Jove which endures must be authoritative figures show that there hed i é Husbands. there are not more than 3,552000, including | ttached to character, tiusha ! : 4 are who love their wives sincerely. the Russian red army of 1,12,000. On | Joyously they work to add every com- || the other hand, Jukording to Sir Lam: | fort. Honoring their wives they bring | ing, more than 5,000,000 men were un-| every noble achievement to their feet. der arms in Europe in 1914, {| But husbands and fathers there are He protests that the cause of dis-|who whn it comes to religion they armament, which Mr. Lloyd George | draw aay. Often she goes to God's] professes to have at heart, is iweed | | House alone. Alone she sits at the] by such sensational statements { Lord's table. Alone she brings her | ------ i children. Alone she teaghes they to | pray. And then sickness, sorrow or | APPEAL ON BEHALF | death cross the threshold, alone she | OF STRIKING MINERS | ii, seck help and consolation. God pity the wite In this respect is widow." and will inspire her! comfortable sup-] which will and uery SAYS LLOYD GEORGE'S FIGURES INACCURATE Washington, Nov. 20.--An appeal to &0 ntribute money and supplies to the CELEBRATES HER ause of the striking miners in Penn- 65TH BIRT} IDAY sylvania, Ohio and West Virginia to enable them to endure the "almo-t un- bearable" hardships which winter will Mrs. Phoehe Smith 173 Celina entail was addressed by the American | | Street, celebrated her 65th birthday Federation of Labor to more than 30,- | last Thursday "and in the evening 2 0 local unions in Canada and the | 5 surprise party of relatives and United States. | friends testified to the love and es- teem in which she is held. DANDURAND NAMED aim) Looking into the face |g No. 2, ['commital for a human being to make. ||| Christ died for | = and! \ | { | E | The merriment of the impromptu gathering held its course until mid- Geneva, Nov, 20--Official notification | night when. promptly on the stroke of the appointment of Senator Raoul | of the hour, Mrs. Smith was present- Dandurand as Canada's representative | ed with a wealth of presents all of | on the Council of the League of N: Ye bed vi testified to the affectionate tions has been received by Hon. Sir | thought and gratitude for her moth- | Eric Drummond, Sccretary-General of l erly services, the League of Nations. The Councit| A buffet supper was then served | will meet on December 5. to the ass sembled guests, rere MESS ELECTS OFFICERS J y sad when a young couple s ¢ ; 3 pail t tor ever» It usually means that Chatham, Nov. 20.--Major W. they don't set eyes on each other for Kerr has been elected President B |e whole days. the Officers' Mess of the Kent Regi- | ment, Other officers are: Honorary | Presider deut.-Col. Morley; Vice- Or t,. T. E. Cottier ; Secre- r, Capt. C. Collop. | [ | tary: Trea dic Croup JAILED FOR LIQUOR Often c'1ecized wit on "13 Niagara Falls uw Nov, 20.--Ge Prekup, Falls 3 : { for a month b { Saturday, on a tha in an illegal place. | city, found guilty of ri while intoxicated, was sen: | seven days. | | eorge sent t« jail | Fra down for! BEING URGED IN INDUSTRY New York, Nov. 20.--The universal | establishment in industry of the five- {day work week is a goal which the | | American Federation oi Labor is de- | termined to reach as being prac { economically sound znd socially sary, William Green, President of the Federation" today told the Union of! Orthodox Jewish Congregations of | | América. | EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Does your require close range vision? Don't fail to have your eyes examined. You may be injuring them. «- {1516 Disney Block Opposite Post Office in exchange: ow ant ted, man: must be respectable till "ater Christmas," aN AT nd i. - EAE PG i NE NE NI NC 2 EE NE ---- AMINE A 0 I XS i Wl We Need the Sp ace for Christmas Diplays Nothing i in the way of Coats is kept back. Everything must go .as space is very lim- ited for our Chrristmas business. Prices quoted below will vouch for our sincerity in this matter. - 1 - COATS WORTH $25.00 Selling Now for $14.95 COATS VALUED AT $26.50 to $30.00 Selling Now for $19.95 COATS VALUED AT $32. 50. to $39. 50 Selling Now for - ro $25.00 COATS WORTH UP TQ $49.50 Selling Now at $35.00 All other Coats in stock Reduced 20% This means a distinct saving to the purchaser EY YY A SPECIAL PURCHASE Passed Along to Our Customers 35 AND 36 INCH WIDE ENLGISH AND CANADIAN FLANNELETTES | White or Striped 1600 yards to be Sold TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 40 f Our Best Afternoon Frocks Regular Values up to $27.50, go on Sale : Tomorrow Morning at $ 2 5-00 This includes Crepe Romaines, Georgettes and com- binaticns of Georgette and Velvets in all the latest styles, featuring the short stout as well as the slim figure. Navy, Dark, Sand and Light shades, A value extraordinary, as every dress is of a high standard. The best of materials, made into perfect fitting costumes, This reduction has become ne- cessary as we need the space for our Christmas Business. Don't forget the price B/N) NY @\I NI BY AY OSHAWA Phone 2595 a)