THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1927 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT -_-----'.-T-T- --------- Hold Successful Bazaar A most successful \bazaar was held on" Saturday afternoon in the Simcoe Street ited School under the aus- pices. of the Elizabeth Long Mission Circle. The bandy booth was conduct- ed by Miss Grace Bone, Miss Evelyn Gay and Miss Willow Robbins, Miss "Noris Barrowclough and Miss Vivian Goyne had charge of the Fancy Goods booth, while Miss Mildred Johnson and Miss Lucy Northcott presided at the fish pond which was a great success, dipensing prizes to the children. Dur- ing the afternoon tea was served by Miss Elena Stacey and Miss Quita Davidson and a musical program un- der the direction of Miss Betty Luke and Miss Reta Taylor wah much en- joyed by all who heard it. Miss C. Harvey and Miss A. Lear, the leaders of the circle were very generous with their contributions and help all during hte afternoon. The proceeds amounted to $60. 18 SIMCOE STREKT Psd ) 86" THE NATION'S LAXATIVE The Rexall Store Jury & Lovell King St. E. Simcoe St, S. HAS ARM BROKEN WHEN HIT BY GAR Willie Beaumont, 17 College Avenue, Badly Hurt on Mi p- Knocked down by an automobile which ran over his left arm and frac- 'ured a bone between the elbow and the wrist, 9-year-old Willie Beau- mont, 179 College avenue, is confin- ed to his home with his arm in a painful condition and suffering from minor bruises. The accident occur- red shortly after five o'clock Satur- day afternoon, on Mill street near the bridge which crosses Oshawa Creek. Willie had gone to a grocery store on Simcoe street south on an errand for his mother, and was returning to his home. going west on Mill street. He was on the sidewalk just ay the QUIET WEEK-END turn which the street takes near tne bridge, and for some reason step- ped just off the sidewalk. not hear the automobile coming be- hind him. The child was picked up My a neighbor and taken to his home. and reduced the fracture temporar- ily, but as considerable swelling had developed could not make a perma- nent setting until yesterday, when the boy had to be given an anaes- thetic, The report received today states that he is progressing favor- ably. Willie lives with his mother, Mrs, F. Beaumont, and little brother at 179 College avenue. He attends South Simcoe school, where he is a favorite with teachers and pupils alike, who are looking for his re- turn to school again. The mator- ist who was involved in the accl- dent took Willie to his home, but did not stop to leave his name and address, and the number of the car was not secured by spectators. It ie understood that he is a local youth about 20 years of age. Tells Skinny Men How To Gain Weight Money Back If You Don't If the flat chested ribs are almost skin doesn't try look like a real will, When any man or woman needs more weight they ought to be told that the greatest of all flesh build- ers is McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee, If after tak- ing 4 sixty cent hoxes of McCoy's Tablets or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely satisfied with the marked improvement in 'health-- your druggist is authorized to re- turn the purchase price. Jury & Lovell Ltd, T. B. Miteh- ell, or any good druggist, man whose bursting thru his to make himself man, no one else COMMUNITY PLATE "Bridal Chest" One does not have to be a bride to be delighted with this smart Community chest set. Nor be an expert to appreciate the perfection of the twensy- six pieces it contains. The chest is done in jet black and red, the silverware is Community Prate, covered by a replacement guaradtee, and the price is $35.75. Five lovely patterns to choose from. Illustrated is the new Colonial design-- the Paul Revere. The Bridal Chest may also be had with 42 pieces (Service for eight) and 50 pieces (Service for twelve). BASSETT" On Oshawa's Main Corner He dia | 8ave him shelter for the night, and Dr. R. B. Wilson was called | IN POLICE CIRCLES Two Inebriates Fined--Non- | payment Case Adjourned, Accused Absent A rather quiet week-end was ex- perienced by the local represeuta- tives of law and order, only two cas- KF. Hind in this morning's Police Court. Both of the accused in these cases were arrested in a sadly in- ebriated condition, within half an hour of each other Sunday evening. John Rogers has learned by sad experience that it doesn't pay to show oneself on South Simcoe street | after partaking too freely of "fire- water". The experience cost him $20, together with the costs of the | prosecution, when he pleaded guilty to the charge this morhing. Ed. McGovern also drank, not wisely but too well, and being full of that species of bravado that some- times accompanies that condition, appeared on the King and Simoce corner about 7:30 last evening. A kindly officer recognized him and when he appeared in Police Court this morning he was assessed the usual $20 and costs or 30 days in jail McGovern had been lodging at the police station for twe months or so, and apparently liked jail hos- pitality so well thay he took (he count, The third case that was sched 1led to appear this morning was that of Henry Wesolowski, charged with non-payment of wages. His name was called in the time-honored man- i ner, but Henry did not put in an ap- | pearance. Steps are being taken by | the crown to ensure his appear-! ance when his case is called again. NEW DEPARTMENT FOR POULTRY SHOW | Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eges | and Honey Classes Are | RA lll lat ll es of coming before Magistrate A | From the first month aft birth. Olajen should form a pl of every baby's diet. Olajen positively prevents rickets, mini- mizes teething troubles and for- tifies the entire system against the many ailments common to infancy and Ehildhooe, et a jar from your druqqis to-day. The tiniest gg take it eagerly, OLAJEN LIMITED 27 Front St. E. Torchis dlajer E7%e @Markets TORONTO STOCKS (Supplied by Stobie, Forlong & \'o.) Stock Bid Ask Abitibi 130 1311 Abestos 36.7% Bell Telephone 150% Brazillian Rr. Amer, Brompton Burt, F.N. C. 1. Alcohol City Dairy Janada Mal'ing .. ons. Smelters , ,.. Imperial Tobacco . Imperial Oil Int. Nickel Int. Petroleum Massey Harris Paper 0il Added | North, Bakeries | Seagram At a recent meeting of the Diree- torate of the Oshawa Poultry, Pig- eon and Pet Stock Association, fur- ther arrangements were made in connection with their annual Show which is being held on December 13, 14 and 15. Final details are now being worked out hy the executive. A new feature of the show this year, which promises to attract con- siderable «interest, is the seetion which will be devoted to the exhi- hition of Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Honey. A splendid list of prizes is being prepared for this di- vision, and it is expected that there will be numerous entries, especially in the Dressed Poultry section, where farmers will have an oppor- tunity of exhibiting the poultry that they intend putting upen the Christ- mas market, Prize lists for the show have been prepared and are in possession of the secretary. C. W. Law. It is also the intention of the directors to dis- play a collection of the cups and trophies which are being offered, in the window of a store of one of the prominent merchants on a date pre- vious to the show. There will also he exhibited the medals which were won by local] men at Poultry Congress in sumiier, Ottawa this Recent Deaths WILLIAM WOON Word vas received here today of the death in Honolulu, Hawaii, of William Woon, a native of this city and a former resident. Mr. Woon has heen a resident in the Hawaiian Islands for the past 40 years, The deceased was a druggist profession, and has practiced in Osh- awa for some time until he retired and took up residence in the south- ern islands. He returned to this city each year, to visit his relatives, and renew his aequtaintance with his many friends here. Hé never mar- | ried, and leaves no brothers or sis- | ters, but is suvived, however. by two nephews and two nieces. They are: Mr. John Cummins, 33 Bagot street, | Oshawa: R. I. Woon, 75 King street west, Oshawa; Mrs. G. A. Williams, 291 Simcoe street north, Oshawa; and Mrs. Wainwright of Jamaica. | Died WOON--In Honolulu, Hawaii, No- vember 20th, 1927, William Woon, formerly of Oshawa. (118ay | For Yow PHONE 22 2° Jo" Thompson's Drug Store || 10 Simcoe St, 8. We Deliver the World's | by } | Can. | Chrysler | Congolenn | Hudson ! Int, | Woolworth iis a big production. | Shredded Wheat 1 Twin City | | Amulet Argonaut | Barry Hollinger | Bidgood | Beaver | Central | Dome I Dom, Kirkland | Hollinger Howey | Jackson | Kirkland Lake .... | Kirkland Hunton | Kootenay Florence | Keeley Lake Shore i Lavall-Que, | Macasesa | McIntyre {Mining Corpn. | Noranda Nipissing | Newhee Pawnee {| Potterdoal Premier Saint Anthony | San Antonio Ribago | Teck Hughes Tough Oakes Vipond | Wright ' Willsey, Mhnitoba -1 0 a RE CEE CRE Hargraves Coghlan NEW YORK STOCKS samplied by Stobie, Forlong & 0.) Stock High Low 2 P.M. Amer, T1% 71 71% Amar 17914 179%, 1923 1923 118 118 Can, Tel. Atchison ' Balt. & | Rrirgs UES 1 Can. Ohio Mfg Loeo. Dry. Pace, 118 247 255 591 LIDAR h7% 28 Dodae L173 Irie 6354 Fam, Plvrs.. .108 Gen, Motore 131% Gen. Asphalt 847% T30% '9 5 ~TY% 741% 64% 58% 545 801, 1774 427% R73, 195% h7% 2764 17% 6314 107 1% 130 % 843 725% 49 671% 74 643 56 54 54 89 177% 42 871% 81% 528 222% 143 1045; 21 "AY 17 6314 107 14 12054 S415 72 4914 671% 74 643; 55 54 54 {RR 7% 17 Vv 421 R= Th R114 0 3, 2991 142 194 54 3014 Int, Int Comb. Nickel Paner City Elec. Pen, | Ward wloanAd HOE Phillips Pete. Radio Sears Roebk, R114 1".S. Rubber 527 "8. QV: Pipe 222V, 118. Steel ,.1441, ..1943, 311% Kan, Man, Miga, Mant Ne S. Yellow Cah A moving-pleture producer, on filming "The Passion Play," noticed that 'here were twelve Anostles. "Oh, that won't do," he said; "this That number will have to be increased to twenty- four." SS, » | Blackburn R, Private Wi OBIE YoRLONG 4G 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office Phone 144 S. F. EVERSON, re System LOCAL MGR. AA {16TH BATTALION REUNION FRIDAY Seventy Veterans from Here te Attend Banquet at King Edward Hotel Seventy veterans battalion will leave for Toronto 6.15 Friday evening to attend the units annual reunion banquet being | held in the King Edward Hotel with | Lieut. Col. Pearkes, V.C., Ds.o.,} as guest of honor. Two busses have | | been chartered to transport the {troops H of the 116th et ---------------- ch Y So say those who have tried it o 5 | + The Oshawa veterans will detrain | buildings. It is designed to permit of at the corner of Yonge and Queen ! future extensions to the east inside streets and, with the Legion Pipe { Band leading them, they will mareh to the King Edward comrades. Full arrangements | made for a splendid ironto members of the talion Association ar orchestra and toast list liant speeches. ! | TO STOP DROWNING OF PLANE ENGINES Washington, Nov. 20. the Army and Navy Air Services and commercial plane 2» manufacturers are giving their attention to the use have 116th special singers, Officers of planes as the - possible solution of what is considered perhaps the great- | | est problem at present confronting the | science of aeronautics in the matter | of long distance flights--the drowning | of enlzines and the sinking of planes. | | -- x -- | Father: "Betty, I'm shocked. Your | mother tells me you are engaged to | three college hoys." | Betty: "Oh, well, papa, they are | all football players and when the | season is over I shall marry the sur- | vivor."" eb -- ; | ENGLISH FOOTBALL | First Division Arsenal... Westham W ( Portsmouth Derby County Sunderland Bury ......... 0 Aston Villa .... Liverpool Burnley | 3 English League [ Birmingham | 1 ) i Bolton Wand. .... Cardiff City Everton Fa | Huddersfield T... | Manchester U... 5 Middleshorough Newcastle U... The Wednesday Leicester City Tottenham Hot Sheffield United Second Division Blackpool... .. 0 Leeds United . Bristol City +» 1. Preston' N.-E, , Chelsea . Nottingham F. 1 Clapton Orient. Manchester C. 2 Grimshy Town. . Port Vale 0 Notts County 9 Barnsley ...... 0 Oldham Ath 3 Wolverh'pton WO | Reading South Shields . 1} Southampton Fulham Stoke City Swansea W. Bromwich A. 1 Hull City Scottish League First Division Celtic : . 1 Cowdenbeath .. Raith Rovers 4 Duniermline A Dundee . 3 Hamilton Acads Rangers. . Falkirk Hearts Aberdeen Kilmarnock 3 Clyde Motherwell. . 3 Bo'ness i Patrick Thistle .. 2 St. Johnstene .. Queen's Park . 6 Hibernians St. Mirren 2 Airdricomans . Sceond Division Albion Rovers ...0 Morton ....... Armadale .. Third Lanark Arthurle. .. Forfar Athletic Bathgate . Alloa Dumbarton . Ayr United .. Fast Fife Dundee United King's Park Clydebank .... [ast Stirling... leith Athletic. Queen of South St. Bernard Arbroath Stenhousmuir COUNCIL SPLIT ON FIRE PROTECTION Continued from page 1) get increase for salaries and uniforms of $10,000 yearly, Purchase of a car for the use of Fire Chief Cameron recommended to next year's Council and that provision be made for it; maintenance. No fire station in Cedardale district; no purchase of additional equipment including a motor pumper; no increase in salary for the fire chief except in- directly through the purchase of an automobile for his use. Next Monday night the minority, ex- pecting new recruits in the meantime, will also submit its proposals, namely : Employ eight new call men and pro- vide quarters at the fire hall or im- mediate vicinity where eight call men could sleep and be. available for runs with the department at any hour of the night. Add two men to the permanent staff. 1 4 3 ) 2 3 I 4 1 | 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 | | | | | | | id 1 3 5 5 1 9 Town 1 1 > 3 ow | jthe oval, The con'ract for the building was while the quarte r Consideration for Oshawa's track w Motors new-hnr'lt streets, states. When Ritson of | be relieved of Consideration school hich wil} keen General Manager completed, Road, and this traffic of the children through to meet their, won by the Jackson, Lewis Construe- {tion Company. The cost of the two be=n projects depends, very largely, upon program. To- seasonal conditions. Both are under Bat- | construct'on now. The approximate € providing an!cost for the new final repair building ) The is $20,000 Will be marked by bril- test track will cost around $10,000. mile traf- {fic problems was the impelling mo- {tive for the construction of a test all General utomobile off city Brown Division Street, Mary stree® will which, a watertight, ventilated engine hous- |OWIng to the seasonal character of ing and an automatic bailing system in automobile manufacture, reaches a the construction of both land and sca | peak when the roads are most full af ordinary motor traffic. danger congested to traffic decided General Motors to be- gin the track at once in defiance of win'er conditions which will add greatly to the cost and difficulties of the undertaking, While the test track he gen- erally oval in form "sion made a' the lower end of the track, for a hairpin turn. Othe. tests to be applied include lavin~ two hv fous across a section of the track to tes! the new cars out for noise defects. Other schemes will be worked out in due course to make the tests more effective than the open road tests of the past could be, it is under- stood. wit rt ig ---- _rn For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store 23 SIMCOE 8. PHONE 389 Cash or Terms 4 x7 if when a break occurs, and you | 'epair Clerk, the job of this RZ " * LS '1. {1 ui Keep Tome yo 1 IT BN Lost ~-- and he is personally re- 1» for seeing that it is re- it wed. H. ga 1 5 oo ew | 1, adj. 5' to suit his personal eonven- "this i3 personal to myself" ; --T'l:e Oxford Dictionary SONAL" JATCHMAN -at your Service e Chinese doctor, his job is 'ual attention--continuously. Stationed at the cen- tral of the telephone plant. In touch with every circuit, every station, cvery toll line, Testing continuously for service troubles, inside and out, Spotting the effects of moisture, corrosion, rust, electrolysis, and wear and tear, your service "well," in of your service is to see ar telephone -- your ser- is again working in the possible space of time, it is not just one telephone To him, you are without of our maintenance and orees is to give this close, M. BLACK Manager TELEPHONE CO. CANADA One's own, individual, Grant Chief Cameron a straight in- crease of salary and let him supply his own car as at present. Make his sal- | ary retroactive for 1927, at least in; part, to cover the amount he is out of | pocket for the current year. TRACK BEING BUILT: | wore | Continued from page 1) | permit high speed tests. ! Engineers from General Corporation 1,200 acre Proving, Grounds near Pontiac, Michigan, laid out the track on data gathered from the world's greatest testing" ground for motor cars. i The new final repair building will | be of brick, steel and concrete con-| struction covering an area 100 by 100 feet, and of the same heighth as adjoining buildings. It will stand just inside the west curve of the test track in line with its companion Motors J A-.. Watch tor the big 1c Sale Wednesday to Saturday | November 21 - 22 | KARN'S Drug Store Next the P.O.