Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1927, p. 8

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- "Easy-to-Find"' - RADIO PROGRAMS ~ Radio Tid-Bits of native Irishmen, not very country, present a prograu both and ho Fi REEL Ch inging the songs and jigs of Fave: 8 figs ag lg Ty Wil se a8 Inn r meh = JE hse. inst Solin, of, fastinatu hance the matey ol these Attists wy hy even the most Fe of their claim of Laviog kissed the "Blamey Patric: Lynch, accordion; Ly pi anu Mickae] Crowley, ban) hy, vicki, ER C eill, and James ihe Naisaal Players, who have just cele- rated thei first An eTanty in radio, por 1 aa of "Creat Moments in History," will enact (Sveats "of the Lew Lewis Clark etwork ead', ition was the AS isiata ter: fierson in 1803. SE A he, SCPE for this Moments in His. 1 episode was | by Henry Fisk Carlton and the version before the microphone wilt be directed b by id_Stopp. The! 1 Levis result re lo ritory 3 fe ud "Tome: At 10.00 p.m, (ES.T.) ), the third radio auction bridge g one of a weekly series, will also ransmiitted through a score of stations. von ofthe who have Soliaborared in the prepar e plays are Wi Whitehead, Hon" C. Work, ad E. ard of New York, and Frank H. Bachman of Philadelphia. « : 'This program will be broadcast by WEAF, New York; CEL Boston: WTIC, Hartfor: WIAR, Provi TAG, 'Worcester | WCSH, Portland; Wr1, Philadelphia; WRC, tady ; WGR, Bui- WGY tals WCAE, Pitts ; WTAM, Cleveland; WWJ, Detgpoit; Vi . Cincinhati; WG Chisago; KSD, §t.- is; -WOC, Davenpprt WCCO, wilinneapolis St. Paul; WHO, De; OW, Omaha; WDAF, Kansas Na M ~in Ww ine YY Louisville; WSM, Nashville; W Memphis; WSB, Atlanta; WTMJ, Milwaukee. KFVE, a 1000-watt transmitter located atop the Hotel Chase, St. Louis, Mo., will become associated with the National Braodcasting Company's Blue Network today, according 1 a joint statement .issued by G. McC lelland, \"ice-Presidefit and General a of the » 2C, and Thomas Patrick Convey, President al ihe Greater St. Louis Broadcasting A Cor- ation which owns and operates the "St, louis station. "We hope to have. the necessary wire-lines stalled ¥, November 15th," said Mr, Me- 'lelland. "Both and 1 j rograms, the former supplied > the National itroadcasting Company and the latter by our commercial clients, will be delivered through our facilities to KFVE for broadcosting." This afternoon, beginning at 2.30 (EST) win Station WHAM at Rochester, is a spe- ial broadcast for the women folk listeners, known as the "Work Basket Program." After the luncheon dishes have been cleared awav, the housewives may listen to dn afternoon oi talks on gardening, recipes. and interesting menus for the table, interspersed with music, i sort over and mend the many accu- f the work basket, A feature of gam is a half hour of music by the Eastman Theatre orchestra. schedule of WGY tonight includes: Ten Eyck-Orchestra, talk by Jud Lan. American Trio, Beechnut program, the Air Weavers, Everready hour, Bridge «on, and the Radio Cavalcade. prece WINRT, Chicago, deviates from the general idea of planning programs. During every per- 1 On the air" the radio audience is asked for ideas and criticism of the programs. Many new features have been added by W Br due to listeners writing in | in their program ideas Tonight's Best Best Features 3.00 KVOO (349)--Tulsa, U, of gram, 8.00 WADC '(297)--Akron. Band, 9.00 WCBD (345)+-Zion, 111, Tulsa pro- Hicktown String Elroy Saxophone Quintet. i 9.00 Blue Network--The Continentals, 0) WOW (508)~Omaha, Popular and old time music, 10.00 CKRCL (357)--Toronto, night. 10,40 Red Network---Auction rides game, Sigmund Romberg Silent tonight after La m.--CFCA, CFCF, CKLC, CNOR, KF 0, WAIU, WEMC, WHAZ, WOI, WRHM, Woo, WRVA, WSBT, WWNC, Regular Morning Programs The following moming Jeograms are broad st regularly every week day SETTING-UPS Red Network--"Tower Health," WEAF, WCAE, WER, WE BL, from way, Radio Electric 15 Prince St. Pheae 2477 $. COWELL, Prop. Beaeh Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets in stock. Full line of fixtures in stock. FUEL COAL bd COKE $13.00 per ton Hard Slabs, - WOOD | Soft" Slabs, load, '$3.25 Mixed Slabs, load, $3.50 load, $3.75 | Bodywood, Y4cord, $4.25 | Uptown Office, 66 King St. Ww. | Yaoae 660 7.00 KINT (25) Muscatine, music. wus Y.M.C.A. exer- 7.30 8.00 pr no HO (535)--Des w (422)--Newark. w (375)--Davenport. 83 Red Network+ "Cheerie," 9.00 wike a7 Kaasas City. also at 7.00, 7, and 8.00 am. eliville Bym. Ia. a. "The Boss." I Roanne Lions,' Happy hour. SEWIFE FEATURES G75 Detroit. (428)--Cinci. Moines. "Tonight's Dinner." Women's hour, "Daily from WEAF, Moming + Victor | ioe WLS (345)--Chicago. Home question box. \ 10.30 CKCL (357)--Toronto. J (283)--Calumbus, WBZ' (333)--Springfield, Mass. WAY Contam, W Ld Alvan, 0. 11.30 WHO 3 12. Noon WBCN (288 'EBH (366)--Chicago. WTMJ (294) Milwaukee. Request organ recital. 12.30 KMA (395)--Shenandoah, Ia. 12.45 x. N 12. Noon WAIU 5) Columbia, 0. EP 8.15 8.30 8.45 9.00 10 WA Wet (a) N.Y. WC = hicago. Municipal (366)--Chicago. VEN (306)--Chicago. Shopping news; 0. 'omen's hour. Studio frclic. Music. Vocal; 'talks. period. Wit Pa16)--Chicago. Women's hour. hy (476)-- Atlanta. Homemaker. WAMD' (225)--Mpls. Musical program. (533)--Des Moines. Organ. )--Chicago. Home service. READ Women's hour. Farm questios OONDAY CONCERTS WLS (345)--Chicago. bell. WOO (508)--Phila. Band; 3 wwy (353)--Detroit. Blue 'Network--Cham WJZ, KDKA, KY pL --Rochester. Y. vin Musical. R. D. Dinner- Luncheon music. Piano recital. Sparkers, from WGMS, WIR, Red Network--Concert, from WEAF and others. KFNF (462)--Shenandoah. KRry (250)~Columbia, Mo, WADC (297)--Akron, WBZ ac (375)--Daven OR (422) Newark. WTAG (546)-- Blac. Network--The from WJZ, KDKA, K PWX (400)--Havana, WAIU (283) WHAS 1 ram te. (333)--Springfield, Mass. Who (535)--Des Moines, Worcester. WEAD (283)--Columbus, O. Concert. Old time Musicale. Music. 0. Studio, Brass quartet, LS Studio, Studio program, Musicale, Red Arrow rt. lvania FossiEess Pw: WBZ, WBZA. Band concert. 0. Organ, Concert WHK * (265)--Cleveland. Studio. iw (428)--Cinct WSUIL WOR, KMOX WCAO, W ADL WGHP, nia, id - WNAC (422)--lowa City. Whisk G45)--Buffalo Melody Columbia Chain-Teature Harmony Four. Musicale. Way program from BAN, ue with A WIZ, Kor! Kyw, "WBAL, A LLOIL (278) Council Bluffs, Prof Schult- Seripture; Organ; pro- "Newspaper- Home manage- Ruby Trio. (309)--Lincoln, Neb. Betty Lance. WSM: (341)--Nashville, by senheim. WBBM (38) WBT WDOD ram. Wi JID (366)--Chicago. LS (345) Chicago. Wo SB) case. WRNY WSAI ( hii ( 3 --South rogram, novelties. WEA (263)--Norfolk. WSOE (270)--Milwaul Cinci. WTMJ (2%4)--Milwaukee. nounced. 9.30 KTHS (385)--Hot he icago. Male rlotte, (246)--Chattanoog: Springs. quartet, : Concert. Farmers N.C a. Children at Maoose- All-state hour. City. State Teach. 09)- X.Y. Concert. Studio program. Bend, Ind. Studio Ray-o-Vac Twins. kee. Musicale. To an- Plantation Network--Woodwind ensembl:; ¥ 2 and others. Y (380)--Sch . Studio Nox Sur ha Sano. Organ. WHN (¥4)~N. Ww, p {ey --Chacago WTIC, (535)--Hartiord, 10.00 Blue Network---The Mediterraneans, May | Singhi gen Tivoli Theatre. Piax % | ------------------ -- Yincl Preshicss of New "Policy | NOMINATION PLAN IN IMMIGRATION Hon. Robert Forke Tells Pro- with assurance of co-operation on the part of the provinces aud ex- pressions of appreciation of what is being done and the lays for the future." SPAIN PRODUCES VALVELESS ENGINE Compressed Air Gives Service Which Now is Done By Pump D i -, once again be in the hagds of jury- Then. _ Whether the young Italian 1s guilty or not guilty of manslaugh- ter, his bootlegging, which resulted in the charge, as cost him fifteen months of freedom. He has been in custody ever since his arrest a year ago last summer. The former trial was a sensation in Milton. The courtroom was on that occasion packed with specta- tors. But when the second hearing opened this afternoon there was not such great public interest. The courtroom was fairly well filled, but many of those present were directly connected with the case. Several jurors were challenged 'when the selection was being made. and Peter de Rose; wiz, All afmers 5 'Possible Toronto, Nov. 14.--A new valve- Then his Lordship, before calling 2d June (357)--Edmonton, Musicale. F P to Be less two-cycle automotive engine has! for the indictment against D'Angelo, " 3 ale. CFCA (357)--Taronto. Organ. | Brought to Canadian heen developed in Spain, azcording | noted that it was a retrial, and told RiA (395)--Shenandoah. Studio musi- F te a report covering the invention, counsel: "You know exactly what 7 ni > arms which has been received in this points are in dispute Get rid of Kir Gore! Rudlts; "Wem Cts h country. immaterial evidence." KYW (526)--Chicago. Concer. Ottawa, Nov. 14.--Unlimi: . The following features are elaim- As a result much of the exam- J] re. . . -- 'ed ac- wie on i re All ceptance and placement of fae | ¢d for this engine, in which the ination and cross-questioning of the and Pat. workers from the British Isles will | combustion chambers are cooled bv)former trial was dispensed with. WOKT (210)~Rochester. Feature. | po"y 0 sovernment immigrati 1. | means of compressed air, without | The Witnesses gave no new evidence, WTMJ (294) -- Milwaukee. Wisconsia L3 gration po ' ! but ly th ti Communities, icy in futnre, Hon. Robert Forke i USIng an extra pump: ut only the most important parts KFAB (30)- Lincoln, Neb. Harmony | Minister of Immigration announced Inertia is eliminated in the distri-jof their former testimony was Boys. 10.15 KOA (326)~-Denver. rama. 10.30 Ble Network--Norman Sweetser, Indian music and bari- me; WJZ and others, Ww NBM (389)--Chicago. Harding Theatre, WDAF (370)--Kansis City, WENR (285)--Chicago. WSN KGO (38)--Oakland. WAIU (283) --Columbu d (341)--Nashville, 10.30 Ww T. AM (400)--Cleveland. 11.00 KFI_(469)--Los Angeles. The Cavalier :. Popular progran:. Program, "Apple Knock Popular. Vocal program, s, O. Loew's Thea- KFOA, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHOQ, KOM), 12.45 Whar (370) --Kans Lam, CNRV (291) ae aps. Golden Pumpkins ity. - Nigh Hawks. uve The Night ed British farm workers as tion, working largely through the settlement branch and cial governments, will placement on Canadian farms of al the provir in the British Isles, Mr. Organ. Forke stat v rib ago. Stage show. ed. An official statement issued a: CA ( Vocal. 0 . 11.30 WBRM Tavs. Potpoirrs the conclusion of the conference ve AY (337) Phila. Cheerup Club. states: 11.45 WSB (476) Atlanta. Concert. " 3 . an : 12 mid Pacific Chain--*"Vagabonds," from KF1 A conference of representative of provineial governments with the 12.05 WLW (428)--Cinci. Noon-day musicale, KPO. Honorable Robert Forke and offi 12.15 WEAF (492)--N.Y. Rolie's orchestra. KNX (337)--Hollywood. Feature program. |, 3 12.30 CFCF (111)--Montreal. Mt. Royal Or-| 1 amWAMD (225)--Mpls. Popular frolic, ies of the Depatment of Immigra Shesira. (A =NY. Tameh : WEBH (366) ~Chicago. Informal revue. | tion and Colonization was held. ari: Fy, h)--N.Y. amcheon music, o g y ade at Xray HO~Clevelasd, Orchestra son | 400mm, WAR Gs) Nv Concert. hs of Pro i ade cer 7.15 WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. Organ, a hi EY ' i il 1 pm, n, CFC A (37) Calgary. News: weather. | 7.45 Wigs 3m) Chicago, Instrumental just concluded. 2) oncton, usic 8.00 W (33 nsas t K. Strin : s For a Kon, (278)--Council Bluffs, la. News; Trio. Asa ty ne \ "The Hon, i Forke Jue efor sie. 830 Red Network-Aeolia tal, from |the provincial representatives thr KTHS (385)--Hot Springs. Concert. WEAF, KSD, CAE, weeor WDAF, immigration plans for next yea KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Noon program, WEEL, WGN, R, WGY, WLIT, deali ar Sh WAMD (25) Mpls, Stadio program. WOC," WRC, "WSAL" Wi AM, WTIC, Sea fz particulal with the move CCC 5 Pp our. ent of assisted migrants 4 i Very (0) dre St, Tau) mb NO (New Mexico College, Stadio] moni Seater oan WDAF (370)--Kansas City. round the orchestra, bid ? rovinck WFLA (366)--Clearwater, Fla. Studio, |®chemes of colonization and th Wk a Juha, Concert Mambls 8.50 WOO (8) Pile, J. W. C. I. Band. |Working arrangement entered int h)--Chicago. rgan, arney 9.00 (288) Classical, v 9 av f ora y WIID (366)--Chicago. Petite ensemble. WLW (428)- Fi i Pr trio. With the railways for immigratio ALY (454)---N.Y. Luncheon music; alss | WNOX (265)--Knoxville, Classical num from the continent of Europe, : bers. British Settlers WMCAH (370)- String ensemble, ! 9.45 WIOD (384)--Mi Beach. 'C " 3 wSsn i PL roi Music . 10,00 Columbia Chain- ister Composer Thar: | The Minister emphasized the de iat aM EI, Luncheon music from WOR, KMOX, KOIL, WAIU,! ®ire of the government to increase . JG --Detroit. Tuller Trio. WCAO, WC AU, Ww ADC, WEAN, WFBI y wio GH)-De> Moines, -- The Ambas- Won, YR AR, SP RKE Lag in every possible way the flow o WMAQ, WNAC, WOWO, 'suitable British settlers and his de 1.30 Wi SO Hallas, Address; Mnisie, RERY, (250)--Columbia, Mo. Concert, |eire to enlist the co- operation of al --N. ripture musicale, 'E (370)--Chicago. R ile 140 aus (Hn oN. X. Scripture musical WERE Koni icag ecital by Bell:| organizations interested in Britis) ns WLS (345)--Chicago. U. of Chicago choir | migration, Mr. Forke explained Wedne y 5 WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Artists pr -|the nomination system under whie! gram, | sda Program i residents of Canada may nominat Array raoomaus (1 SRY opt etn | LTE 31, CLA Ta, Mona .30 p.m. WBCN ica) ecita KF UO wy "Viol " | y 3 2.00 Wenp (319)-- Detroit. ome hour. KPO (422) el F hu sin, sia goive the Empire settlement rate 2.05 WIZ (459)--N.Y. "Daily Menu." artists, | He intimated that with the establish 215 KOA C30) aver. Organ. WHK (265)--Cleveland, Instrument 1 Ment of the medical inspection b A ., +4 --haston, usicale, numbers. g av , WGR (303)--Buffalo, Radio Trades. WAZ, (N.Y. Concert sexter | Canadian offices who have recent WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Musical potpourri, WTMJ (299)--Milwaukee, String Trio, {lv been sent to England and whic WSB (476)--Atlanta, Musicale, HADIO TALKS-PLAYS {will come into effect shortly afte 3.00 CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Musicale, 7.00 pm. WEAF (492)--N.Y Synagogu:| the New Y a KOIL (278)--Council Bluffs, Leisure hour. services. : y the New Year, he intends abolish WAIU 28 --Columbus, O, Afternoon § WITD (306) Mooseheart, Tll, Talk, ing the regulation that calls for : prog WIZ (454 Y. John B. Kennedy. permit to be in the hands of unac WEBS (34)--N.Y. Talk, vocal. + D WOCO (305) Mpls Sep i! " WHB (337) Kansas City. Ladies hour. Boy Qs) Pls: Paul, Rortiwe companied 'women. Instead of fir WIT Ch Studia program. i gi. (256)--Springfield, O, Education: | Ing any special number of experi h cago, oosehear chil. address, o ri i jares 3 . {enced and inexnerienced Britis' WGY (330)--Sc ady Or OE You WTMJ (204)--Milwaukee, Public service. hid )--Schenectady. Syracuse Un'- | gay "workers as last year, the Mini 3.20 WGN ~ (306)--Chicago. Artist recita WLW (428)Cinci. Farm Council tall ster has decided that his departmen 3.30 CKCL (357)--Toronto. Studio program. 8.00 KSAC (333)--Ka S J "Col kd, a perialv WIBO (416)--Chicago. Sheridan Theatre. lege of he Rihas tate College. "Col: | working largely through the me 4.00 WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Salon orchestra, WAMD (225)--Mpls, Radio Movie Cluh. | dium of officials of the land set WDAF (370)--Kanszs City, String trio. WHT (258)--Charlotte, N.C. Farm Schooi. tlement branch and the Provincia WEAF (192)--N.Y. Afternoon musi WEEI (448)--Boston, Mr. and Mi WEBH (366)--Chicago. lieal.h talk, Dr. Radio Skit. y Governments, will undertake place Bundeson. : w , AQ (448)--Chicago. Northwestern 1".| ment on farms in Canada of a) 4.15 WHO (535)--Des Moine Music masters. t S g 4 4 ? : 4.30 CNRS (330) Saskatoon. Spec al music. Wh /RVA (254)--Richmond, Sport farm workers and - houseworke KFAB (309)--Lincoln, Neh, Orchestra WSUIL (422)--lowa City. "ding lesson, | 1HAt can be secured in the Britis) . 8.15 WCCO (4 ls- " ir F > WEAR (500)--Dallas. Homemakers, ? Philosopher" Mpls-St. Paul, Amatent 18les. The colonization department WIZ (45)----N.Y. Manhattan trio. 8.30 W 8 (345)--Chicago. Shakespeare 01 the railways and the various im WLS (343) Chicago. Homemakers hotir WD K (545) Buffalo, Book enat "| migration societies operating un 4.45 WOO (508) Phila, rand organ, 9.00 RIT # He A £00 WCCO \(105)--Mpls-St. Paul. Readers NF (08) hi Fors Athletic Clu, der the auspices of religious bodie Club. ) w G (273)--Atlantic City.' weg are being invited to co-operate in a' WHILE YOU DINE 1000 REL A (254)--Richmond. ~ Bridgegame, |€ffort to move from the British Isle 5.30 wey (3%0)--Schenectady, ~~ otel Van KE 0 (54 aS Dnydler. Detective Horits, the largest possible number of th -ot. ns. ie address n 6.00 WAR (283)--Columbus, Dinner con- Jiggs." (242)--Chicago. "Maggie and classes that can be absorbed. s. ; Control Selection ; : + rre. 110.10 WTIC (535)--Hartford, Sc y A 492)--N.Y. Waldorf; also WRC. ord cience news. ' ai Wear mn wa concert. 10.30 WOC (375)--Davenport. "Law for the! 'The representatives of the pros WIP (508)--Phila. Orchestra, 11.10 WON 206) - Chi waa} i | Inces expressed the opinion that cor WTAM (400)~Cleveland. Orchestra, 800 KSO (527701 isago. am 'n Henry. trol of selection of migrants shouls WW] (357)--Detroit. Dinner concert. 8.30 CFCA arinda, Ia. Orchestra, lie in the h + ' 6.30 RFAR (309)--Lincoln, Neb. Dinner con- Tras (357)--"Toronto. Romanelli orches- 1 N i andg of the Separimen : i and that Canada's interests must br WIAL (285)--Baltimore. Dinner orches- | ¢ 0 WHO 535) Des ne ia Serehaders, the guiding principle. The Minis A ours, from : y 4 WGR (303) Buffalo. Dinner music. weak: Ks KvOo, WBAP. We "AJ, ter assured the conference that un WMAC (370)--N.Y. Ernie Golden, WHAS, WHO. WEEL Wk, way, | der the arrangements for next yea 6.33 WNAC Gin tfarin. pnd. ue WOC, 'WRC, WSB,"WSM, Wij. the department will control selec 6.45 WOC (375) Rochester, Dine music, ares oi JoTonte, NOs " tion, but that at the same time ther 00 WBAP (500)--Ft.. Worth, Music. 7 rchestra, | wi 4 3 2 2O-IDEr 7 Wh Co a Wass Ben [1000 RES ap Hot Springs, Ws lestra, . ho 21 Dle scope 57 the sapere ore AL 0O;- a 4 8 arrester pac pe hestra WENR (288)--Chicago. Tip Top orches. WCAU (261--p in this work, hila, Charlie K " pis -F e Kerr, WHMAQ (448)--Chicago. Chapman's or- WOAE (268)--Tampa, Dance orchestra. The Minister explained in de NHAC WELA 366) Clearwater, Fla. Dance, |1811 the various plans by which th- WMT (29) Milwaukee. Organ. WNOX O05) ions rcland orchestra, | Government hones to encourage col 7 A pd . " ne; 7% WON (3060. Chicas, eS: senile. Why (261) Mpls, Dance ® Music. 1 onization of British people on thr WHO (535)--Des Moines. Little Sym- | 1030 WHAM (og) mymond. Orchestra, | Vacant land of Canada, All thes: phony. WHEK (265)--Clevelany y Dine. schemes call for some form of co FOR THE KIDDIES WRC (469)---Wash, Dasice, = oneration on the part of the prov id i118 a N.Y Tuneful Tales. otic ud S28) ~B uth Bend, Ind, Miami|inces ahd he stated that alread: . , - ts. appy our, 600 WEBH (366)--Chicago. Dream Daddy |. WIIC (535) Hartford, Hotel Bona, |6Veral Of the provinces have agrees Davis. PE oY. ik ics Fee 10:43 Re St incoln, eb. Orchestra, | 10 Rive gome co-operation, ¥ =} . nel ee Bee, r] mr I 615 WMAQ (485)--C incase. Topsy "Turvey Walk dk te, Dance, Thin us ism sted 21 om ~Buffalo, dance, 6.45 WEFL (448)--Boston. Big Brother, WR (309)-N.Y., Dance music of the past two years from the con WAL (361)--C 'e ' . 3 0 ge 7" YA or iia Uncle Win, from Daplon, inci. Hauer's orchestra | tinent of Europe, Several of the 0 WEY G11) -Nashville. phe story. | 11 1¢ Wot re ae tot Dance, provincial representatives expresse' 7.1 H (. icago, ncle in, » --~Atlantic Cit Si hit ; 7.45 WGHP (319)--Detroit, Evening chat. 11.30 KOIL (278)--Council Bhuifs, Orchestra. he wpinion that in the .pust thi 9.30 KOA (326) Denver, Tiny Town Tales. Red AF, WEA Hotel Mange from avement had been. too much unde PR AMS y /CSH, WSAL wrtie, | the control of transportation inter WAAC 370 Ay 700 K 3. Argan als" wi ie 0 Mil puri, Orchestra. _{@sts, with the result that hardshii 73 fimore "Organ. 12 mid, WH N (aso RY Orley "¢I'had been created for some of the enck, from icago, Dance. neweomers who were not properl WIBT 3G ; prop WIAG: W Woes, WEEIL Wer, WIAR, ao 5.699) 5 Chia Dace, placed in employment on arriva' HAM Remington i (2 --Chicago, Mr. Forke said he recognized th weaknesses of the past and that ir renewing the arrangement recent] for a period of three years he ha Instead of fixing any special num- ber of experienced and inexperienc- {year, the Department of A medium of the officials of the land undertak: such classes that can be secure! (Copyright, 1927.) KGO (384)--Oakland, Prior or chestra, chettra Francisco, * State or- SH (366)--Chicago, DD, 5 wLIB (306)--Chicago, Tow esis, .C0 REX (240) Portland, Ore, Midnite re- Kix (337) Hollywood. Hotel Ambas- -- PRIZE-WINNERS ANNOUN( 'ED IN ORANGEVILLE JONTEST Orangeville, Nov. 14.--Winners in the junior. farmers' competition were announced today Representative Campbell Lamont and are as follows: 1, Earl Langtree, Laurel; 2, Edward 3, Gordon Carroll, Orton; 4, Herbert Meek, Mono Mills; 5, Aaron Menary, Laurel; Taylor, Grand Valley. James McLean of Richmond Hill, noticed an improvement *{year's work, The contest is open to men 30 years and under, and each competitor Agricultural Gowling, Laurel; must plow at acres on his cwn farm, WA \H2O The home plowing 6, Archie judge, over last least four nlaeed in the hands of his immigra- tion insnectors at the paris of sail ing in Europe the responsibility o' deciding on the fitness for farr work of my immierants who mar move' next year. The Minister in formed the conference tha' he re tains the power to suspend the move ment at any time if the transpor tation companies fail to exereisc due care in recruiting and placin" continental immigrants. Given First Place "The Minister emphasized that i' the policy now being pursued, firs place is given to the movement fron the British Isles and after thir every encouragement is offered fo the immigration of Scpndinavian and others from the northwester' countries of Europe. '» which ares the arrangement with the transpor- tation companies does not apply. "The result of the conference war the clarifyine of many immigration problems and the meeting broke up bution system and reduced by 50 per cent in the crankshaft. connec- tion rods and pistons on the same atroke; friction is eliminated in the bearing of the crankshaft and gas vaporizéd in a vacuum without us- ing an extra pump. This new simplified engine takes | up little space, is noiseless, and éan y | attain - higher speed and a saving in fuel. A new carburetor is used, able to maintain a ccnstant mixture for high speed engines, from slow speed being automatically sensitive 1 a change in the atmosphere pressure, and better and more economical than those known heretofere, A new spark plug, thoroughly tested, assures efficient ignition, cleaning itself of oil automatically, regard- less of its position and the quan- tity of oil that may pass into the combustion chamber and prevent. ing preignition rangement. by reason of i's ar- SARNIA BRIDGE GOES CONTR ACT TO NEW YORK FIRM | Sarnia, brought out. Tell of Alcohol Sales Harold and Walter Maybee, son: of the dead man, told of D'Angelo's relationships with their father. In the evidence of these hoys was brought out the story, told at the former trial, of D'Angelo's sales of aleohol to Mr Maybee. On July 21 he had visited Maybee's lunch stand on the Dundas Higway and sold him a one-gallon tin. Harold had mixed the alcohol with water and coloring, bottled it in "twelve or thirteen' bottles, and put them in a bag. Walter hid the bag. Later the Maybees, the two hoys and Mrs. Olive Guertin, Mrs Elsie Snowden and Mrs. Fairbanks, three friends, who had been visiting them, motored from the stand to 4 Bal- muto street, Toronto. Two bottles of alcohol and water were taken to the city. There was drinking at the Balumto Street house Later the police found one bottle three- quarters empty, the other still fill- ed. ¥ The boys testified as to the trip to Toronto and drinking at the house. Mrs. Snowden, called to the stand, also gave evidence on this matter. Mr Maybee was taken ill at Balmuto Street, and later died in St. Michael's. Hospital. Contents analyzed. Professor Rogers, analytitd] chemist, told of analyzing the con- tents as between 30 and 40 per cent wood alcohol. He had also analyz- ed two bottles of the ten found at Maybee's by Chief Kerr One was 38 per cent wood alcohol, the other 30 per cent. Dr. I. H. Erb, pathologist, told of making an autopsy and discovering signs of alcoholic poisoning It could not be positively determined whether the poisoning was from grain or wood aleohol, but certain signs, hemorrhages, congestion of the brain seemed to particularly in- dicate the use of wood alcohol. Mrs. Margaret Gill, widow of George Gill, a wood alcohol poison- ing vietim, told the court of a con- versation with D'Angelo. "He said," she testified, "that he was going to peddle bananas, as he heard there was bad liquor floating around and | he wouldn't want to be up for kill- ing anybody." This bit of evidence was empha- sized when the defense counsel and the Crown addressed the jury Mr. MacDonald argued that it showed that D'Angelo had not known the alcohol that Maybee received was poisonous, and that he was not gross- ly negligent. MeGregor Young maintained that the conversation was before the sale to Maybee, and so it showed that, even though D'- Angelo knew that death lurked in the hootlegging business, he still carried on. -- Nov. 15.--The franchise for the $3,500,000 bridge across the | St. Clair River has been awarded to | the firm of Harrington, Howard & | Ash, constructing bridge engineers, New York City, This was the decision of a joint session of the City Councils of Sarnia and Port Huron last evening, tot | meeting being the culmination of the. many meetings held during the nast six or seven weeks to discuss the erection of the bridge. There were four firms on the short leet, me being the Port Huron & Sarnia Ferry Company. The financing of the construction will be done from New York, and 2a lause in the agreement stipulates 'hat the hridge reverts to the mu- | nicipalities in 20 years' time. POUND MOVES UP New York, Nov. 1: --Continning its advance on an active turnover, the British pound, relieved this year yf the usual pressure from grain ind cotton bills because of heavy jolla credit financing, moved into ew high ground Saturday at the ypening, and before the close had] -eached $4.87 1-16, with rumored | sales at $4.87 7-16, the highest | evel since preswar days. days. IVANGELO CASE 70 (i0 TO JURY TODAY (Continued from page 7) short time afterward he was sentenc- ed by Mr, Justice Rose to four years in the penitentiary. Retrial Ordered, But then on March 16 and 17 of this year came a plea before the Appeal Court on his behalf, and on May 9 that court granted him a re- trial Mr, Justice Rose charged the jury that if it was shown that D'- Angelo sold Maybee poison alcohol ae was guilty of manslaughter, The Appeal Coury opined that the jurors should have been told that D'Angelo was guilty of manslaugh- ter only if he knew the liquor was poisonous or if he were criminally careless in selling it. 'It was also pointed out that, while the young Italian had committted an infrac- ition of the O.T.A, his was not un- lawful in the sense of "unlawful- aess"' that is necessary in determin- ng whether an act constitutes man- slaughter, And so this case, which was among the first of the poison-alcohol yrosecution, was advanced another stage in its lengthy procedure, second Trial This afternoon came the retrial hefore Chief Justice Meredith and a jury, practically a year after the firsy jury hearing, At that former trial there had heen 14 Crown witnesses--doctors to tell of autopsies, experts to de- seribe the tissue-destruction of wood aleohol, chemists to report how bhoot- 'eg beverages wree found to be poi- son, police to state of alcohol seiz- ures, and Maybee's two sons and sev- ral friends to relate a sordid tale »f bootlegging and drinking. Today but eight of these witness- 2% were called in the Crown's case, all reiterating their former evi- lence. In that first trial D'Angelo had taken the stand in his own de- fense; but today he remained in the srisoner's box, and the defense called 10 witnesses. So within two hours after the hedring opened all the evidence was in. Three-quarters of an hour 'ater at 5 o'clock, both the defense ~ounsel, Hugh John MacDonald of Toronto, and the special Crown Prosecutor, McGregor Young, K C., had concluded their address to the jury. Tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock Halifax As close to rfection as possible Universal Socket Power Units give just about per- fect results because they are built of the finest materials money can buy and their design is a masterpiece. Don't buy auntilyou've seen what they can do, At your dealers, His Master's Voice, Ltd. Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver Toronto N five short years more than 119,000 American homes have been made more comfortable by Celo- texing, Broad, strong boards of Celotex keep summer's heat outside; make homes re- freshingty cool during hot, sultry months, And in win- ter, Celotexed homes are snug and warm, even when. the thermometer hovers 15 King Street West Phone 1500 Chief Justice Meredith will sum up w the jury, and D'Angelo's fate will FLINTOFF & SONS NN ew home comfort summer and winter when you CELOTEX your home near zero, Best of all, Celo- texing can save one-third your fuel money, because it keeps valuable furnace heat inside the house. In your own home you can easily enjoy these new comforts and economies. We have a new book that gives complete information about this better way to build. Write or phone for your copy today. 528 Simcoe Street South Phone 826

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