Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1927, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1927 PAGE ELEVE © RETURNS TALL A ' MED "~ i For Rent FREDC. McDONALD, BARRISTER, Meitsr, ete. Simcoe and Rich- i streets Oshawa. Phone { : : (108-tf) 'PRANK S. HBBS, BARRISTER, Woliciter, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, money to lean. Room 2, foyal Sank Blag., Simcoe and Bond streets Phone 1496. (121-me) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- dng and gemeral practice of Pack wg B.; 4, F. Annis, BA, LL.B. : ny (ast) W. ©. N. SINCLAIR, X.C., BANK of Copmerce Ppilding. (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A.,--~BAR- riser, Selioiter| Notary Public, Con- voyance', M ta loan, Office 14% King St » Oshawa; Phone 145. FEesldenca phone 837. GRIBRICN & CRUIGHTON--BAR- risters, Jonyeyaneers, Notaries Pub- Alc, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoa St, Phone 198. J. F. Grierson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, BRA. i §WANSON GERMAN & MAC- Wenzie, Burristers, Conveyancers, 1'%otary' Public, ate, All branches of © mins! and Civil Law, Maney to fosn, ce over Lamble's store, 2 Kirg ot. east. Phone 940. D. A. J, Swenson, H, N. German, F. G. Maciksnzle. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, SO- lisitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- sita "ost Office. Phones, office 1614; residence; 2239). (621) LOUIS 8. HYMAN AND COMPANY, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete, Money to loan. Over Dewland"s store, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone" 67, (97tf) HERBERT C. 'fRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal music. A free booklet giving full particulars will be fur- njshed upon request. 50 William street. east, Phone 466. tf ARTHUR W. LYNDR (RAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of dinging. Pupils prepared for ali ssaminations, also church, concert, spera. Studio, 92 Simcoe St. N., phone 371J, Oshawa, Fridays. (np Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 18 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies, (118-t1) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE, consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your Insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected. (Oct. 11-1yr.) Money to Loan HOUSE FOR RENT. CHICKEN coop and barn. Call after five at 757 Simcoe street south. (113-b) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent Conveniences. Apply 107 Eldon Ave. (112b) § TWO PARTLY rooms to rent. housekeeping. FURNISHED Suitable for light Phone 659W. (113-b) TO RENT--CARAGE. APPLY 11 Maple street. (113-b) FOR ' RENT--FURNISHED ROOM with board for two men, close to Mators. Apply 55 Ritson Rd. north, (113-a) ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Also garage. Apply 544 Mary ~St. Phone 2376J. (113-b) FURNISHED ROOM FOR LIGHT housekeeping, also kitchen stove, shower bath, hot water front, for sale. Phone 1431J. 215 Celina street. (113<e) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mortgages. Bullding loans arranged. Bradley Bros, Phone 169, 420. . (96tf) CITY AND #FARM LOANS, No commission. Building loans. ).e- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176t1) COMFORTABLE BEDROOM, ALL conveniences. Suitable for two gentlemen. Breakfast if desired. Apply 31 King St. E., Apt. 2. (113-¢) TO RENT--FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms, electric light, use of phone. No children. 167 Park Rd. N. Phone 266J. (113b) Contracting J. W. KERR AND ALLISON, CON- tractors and builders, excavating and plastering. Apply 380 Mitchell Avenue. Phone. 2034W or 91 Burk street. Phone 2467J. s (1111) ANYONE WISHING A HOME built, call 1337J. Brickwork =a specialty, Cellars and exeavations contracted for. (Oct. 18-1mo) "Medical DR. HAROLD W., TRICK, PHYSI- can, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Spe- cial reference to maternity work, Two years post graduate experience, nine months having been spent en- tirely in maternity work, and di- seases of women, both in United States and Canada, Office and resi- dence, 167 Simcoe street north. (Cor. Brock), Phone 303. DK. McKAY, PnYSICIAN, BSUR- geon, Acecoucher, Office. and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN diseases of infants ana children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attentlon given to X-ray work and Electro- + heopy, Office, Disney Block, Phone 2060 Nid Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 150 BLGOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at his ofMice over Jury & Lovell's Drug Btore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for ecasultation and treatment yf diseases of ear, nose and throat nly, Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97, (49-tf) G. W, CAIN, CARPENTER, CON- tractor and builder, plans and speci- fications, - .R.R. No. 2, West Hill, Ontario, (Oct. 19-Nov, 19) THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you nur estimates, Write, or phone (Whit- by) 255 (73tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, », L. Bececrolt, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-1) Floor Surfacing NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, fill- Ing and polishing), Old floors made new, Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St. South, phone 440. tt) Painting and' Decorating PAINTING = AND DECORATING. Estimates given, Work guaranteed, Best of material used, Phone 920r3, (Oct, 29-1 mo.) R. GUTSOLRE, PAINTING, FAPER- hanging, graining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work guaranteed. 151 Huron street, Phone 2087TW (45-40) Accounting and Collections Dental DR. D, R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gaa admin- istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant. Phone 231. Residence, 2087, : (tf) DR. 8. J. PRILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fico over Bassetts'. FPhone 959; Rentdence 306, 4-1 yr. LR, BH, M, COOKB, 9 SIMCOB ST. north, over Mitchells Drug Store. Gas for extraction, Phone 64. DR./L, 'B. BUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal "Bank Bldg. 'Phone 948; residence, 3878M. 86-11 DR. W. H, GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatre Bldg. Phoue 1780. Res. 689. (154 THE OSHAWA COLLECTION AND [fndemnity Company is now located at Room 4, Bradley Block, 29 Simcoe street south, Oshawa, All collections given prompt attention, Accounting systems installed, Advice in refuer- ence to Income Tax Return adjusi- ments, (Nov. 2-1mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King Street east. Phone 210J. FIVE ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT in Whitby. Possession at once. Con- veniences. Phone 372 Whithy, (113a) TO LET--LARGE HOUSE AND poultry buildings on Kingston Road to Scarboro. Suitable for tea room and poultry farm. Dr, Brown, 95 King St. East, Toronto, (113b) TO RENT--FURNISHED BEDROOM suitable for two gentlemen. Also garage to rent. Apply 149 Albert St. Phone 2617W, (112¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, including heat, light and water, Phone 1540). (112¢) HOUSE TO RENT--- POSSESSION Dec. 1. Phone 1302W, (112¢) PETTTTTTVTITY Notice Re Classified Ads. Effective immediately clos- , ing time for classified ads 9.30 * a.m. Monday to Friday and 8.30 a.m. Saturday. Ads for Too Late to Classify . and Coming Events, received ; up to 10.30 a.m. '| ranges, one with : water front, Rates for | 'Classified Ads First insertion -- 13; cents per word. Minimum charge--80c¢. Rach subsequent insertion---- Ao per word. Three comsecutive imsertions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number----10c¢ additional Professional or Business Oards, $2.50 per month for 20 worde or less; 10 cents a word per moath for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP- LISH MUCH TELIPHONE 85 Ask For Classified Ad Depart- ment, BIG SALE OF FURNITURE. 15 iron and brass trimmed beds steel springs, new felt mattresses, all sizes, regular $18 to $20 at $9.50 to $10.50, sliding couches, new mattresses, regular $12 at $7.50, sideboards, tables, stands, chairs, carpets, rugs, coal and wand 1 oak and Quebec heaters, baby bug- gles, and go carts. Other Dbar- gains. 17 Prince street. (113-¢) FOR SALE--GOOD SEWING MACH- ine, first class running order. Phone 18961. (1134) Motor Cars CHEVROLET COACH FOR SALE, New tires. Mechanically right. At a bargain for quick sale. Phone 1719). (111f) FORD SEDAN FOR SALE. APPLY £38 Division street. (111-¢) PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION. Cheap for quick sale, Box "M" Times. (112¢) FOR SALE ONE CONGOLEUM RUG 9%x10%. Brussels rug, brown, good condition, quantity seven inch stove nipes. 68 Gibbs street. (113-¢) QUEBEC HEATER IN GOOD CON- dition. $8. Oil heater $1.50 for quick sale. Apply 120 Tylor Cres- cent. Phone 1241M, (113-¢) FOR SALE--20 H.P. 60 CYCLE Westinghouse, Induction Motor, 220 volts, 850 R.P.M., 3 Phase, with starting compensator will take $185 Address Bowmanville Fdry. Co., Ltd., Bowmanville. (1121) FOR SALE--SIX LID McLARY Range. Only used one week. Apply 239 Dearborne Ave. Phone 1001M. (112h) FOR SALE--ONE FUMED OAK library table, Two chairs to match. Apply 144 Brock St. E. Phone 263. (112h) BLOCKS FOR SALE. Blocks laid. Phone 873F. (112¢) CABINET GRAMOPHONE FOR sale. Apply 92 Arlington avenue. (111-¢) CEMENT STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. counters, tables, shelving, window stands. Apply 27 King street E. (111-¢) DIAMOND TIE PIN FOR SALE. Weight 14K. Pure white stone. Snap. Box "HH Times. (111-¢) Board and Rooms GARAGE TO RENT--APPLY Ritson Rd. 8. 156 (112a) TWO ROOMS TO RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping, also one lot for sale. Apply 220 Clarke St. (111e) A REAL HOME AT 187 RITSON road south, $8 a week. Mrs. Winegard. Phone 1855. (113-¢) BOARD AND ROOM AT 240 EULA- lie avenue. (113-¢) ROOMS TO RENT -- SUITABLE for business men. Board optional, 109 Frederick street. (110-¢) TO RENT, FURNISHED BEDROOM suitable for two gentlemen. Apply 45 Bond street west, Phone 1259W. " (111-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen or young married couple. Call at 117 Huron St. or phone 1314J. (111e) BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanied. Apply 105 Colborne street east. (Oct. 18-Nov. 18) ONE FURNISHED BEDROOM rent, suitable for two young men. With or without board. Apply 331 Leslie street, (111-¢) FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISHED front bedroom, warm and bright. Suitable for business person, Apply 78 Bond St. W. Phone 804. (110tf)° WANT- Apply (113-c) TO GENTLEMEN ROOMERS od, Breakfast if deBired. 314 Division street, Room and Board Wanted two young business men. ' location required. Near Simcoe St. or Simcoe. Box "G'" Times, (113e¢) Dressmaking | 35. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY | Central ! FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD, DRESSMAKING, PLAIN, FANCY sewing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 354 Les- lie St. Phone 1842). (1101) PHONOGRAPH, new. 478 Telephone (110-tf) EDISON cabinet style, Simcoe street 1264. DISC practically north. OAK LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE. Neat design. $12. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (110-tf) HOT WATER HEATING PLANT for sale. Good eondition, Low price. This plant was used to heat the Mundy Block, about 10,000 square feet of floor space, before new addition was erected. It should be just the thing for a store or apartment block. Apply C. M. Mun- dy, Oshawa Daily Times, Telephone an 186 Bloor street east, Phone 1617M, (Oct, 21-1 mo.) (106-tf) | CAR OWNERS AID AUTO STEALERS BY LACK OF CARE Fully Half Taken By Youth- ful Joy Riders, Figures Show NEED CO-OPERATION Taking Practical Steps to Head Off Thieves from Getting Away While automobile stealing con- tinues to hold its position as our second largest cfiminal industry, with bootlegging an easy first, the American Automobile Association advises that the car cwners them- selves, through carelessness, are responsible for one-half the thefts. This conclusion is based on the activities of 939 clubs in following up the cars stolen from members. Of the 95,225 cars stolen in 28 in- dex eities in 1925, it is estimated that close to 50 per cent. were tak- en away by youthful joyriders. A little more care on the part of own- ers would eliminate the greater per- centage of this type of theft and re- duce the accidents and the wrecks resulting from it, A.A.A. officials be- lieve. Apart from the organized and criminal aspect of the car theft in- dustry in America, the AAA. ad- vises that three factors, all within easy control, lend aid and comfort to the enemy. First, the carelessness of the great number of owners who do not even take the pains to lock their cars when they leave them. Second, the ease with which stol- en cars can he marketed, which is due in large part to the fact that only 23 states have so far enacted a Certificate of Title Law, while the remaining states continue as "motor bootleg" markets. Third. the comparative leniency | with which car thieves are treated by many courts in many sections of the country. Tightening the resistance against automobile thieves in southern California, arrangements have just | heen entered into with the authori- ties in Arizona cities to make the lot of motor vehicle purloiners a | difficult ome in this section. Walter E. Wood, chief of the theft bureau, and John A. Rose, of the embezzlement division of the Wanted to Borrow CLIENT DESIRES $1,000 ON SEC- ond mortgage on $6,000. Residence on Carnegie Ave, First mortgage $3,000. Will pay bonus of $200. Louis 8. Hyman & Co., Barristers, Phone 67. (112¢) $150 Special Prices _McLaughlins ing, 22-45 model ing, 5 good irs Ue $s 5 pusenger Pric mel $325 big Toy Price, i $495 Oldsmobile Coupe, 2 Passengel, splendid tor, ,'25 ee ce 25 3505 Coupe, 4 passenger, splendid Ba ee... a. 9350 Essex Coach, 1926 model, tires, i ras: $625 Dolse Touring, '25 model, «tires. Price a $95 | Price, hy, $275 Stars 1923 Tourings, splen- gi moses Fries; did Arig rol $250 band, Pree, oo $485 1926 Touring, balloon tires. Terms to suit. Automobile Club of fornia, have just! returned from an Southern Cali- MIXED HARD AND S8O0F7 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry bouy wood, Phone 660. Wateroas- Meek Ltd. (Mar 26-tf) Real Estate for Sale WANTED--IN PRIVATE HOME, gentlemen to share room with an- other. Board if desired. Apply 46 Kenneth Ave. (112¢) ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Call at 21 Rowe St, Phone 1347M. (Oct. 20-Wov. 20) Tea Rooms HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. Special business men's lunch 12 to 1.30, daily, broiled tenderloin steak, roast duck and chicken dinner, Din- ner dance parties arranged, Accom- modation for overnight guests, Af- téernoon tea and bridge parties. Courtesy and service, Mrs, L. M. Prior, proprietress, Phone 2209. (Nov, 3-1 mo) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--EMBROIDERED WOOL work, or woman who could do same. Box "O" Times. (113-a) WANTED---A WOMAN WHO CAN do plain sewing. Apply 627 Sim- coe street south. Phone 425F. (113-tf) APPLY 44 Elgin St. (113-b) HOUSEMAID WANTED. Mrs. W, H. A. Patte, east Phone 1846. Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Rros. Phone 438 (2) Window Cleaning Wanted to Rent GARAGE WANTED. VICINITY AR- lington and Simcoe Sts. Louis S. Hyman, Barrister, Phone 67. (112c) pc and Surveying DONEVAN, AND SMITH, ONTARIO Land: Surveyors and Civil Engin. ears, subdivisions, town planning,. municipal engineers, Bradley Block, Oshawa. Phone 1635. (104-tD) Veterinary Surgeon DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals. Cat and. Dog Hospital. 503 Masson St. Phone 629, (56tf) C. 8. DICKENSON, V.8., DISEASES of all domestic animals scientific- ally treated, Dominion Government 'Veterinary. 84 Brock St, BE, Phone 1063. (131-th) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. "bes. Phone 9027. : Watch Repairing THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and fioors polished, screens and store windows put or snd removed. Phone 1302w. t Transportation WANTED TO RENT--TWO OR three furnished, heated rooms, for light housekeeping, one child, Apply Box "G"" Times. (112b) WANTED TO RENT -- HOUSE, flat or apartment, Box "F" Times, (112¢) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed, Simcoe St., 3., phone 3467, 232 i Front St., B, Torouto. Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-tf) REFINED COUPLE WISH HOME with family, in good residential lo- cation, who could spare a room for winter. Box "B" Times, (111e) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West, Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. Baggage transferred to end from gall trains. (64-15 Corsetiere CORSETIERE--SPIRELLA SHOP, 32 Elgin St. E, Mrs. Aonie Pentland, managing corsetiere, Even:ngs by' appointment, Phone 442J. (tf) Signs PROOFREADER WANTED, have good education, Alger Press. MUST Apply Supt. (113-a) WANTED--DECORATOR OR IM- prover on pottery. Apply The Smith Potteries, King St. W, (112b) MAID WANTED, APPLY MRS. VAL- leau, 91 King St, E, (111e) WANTED -- AN EXPERIENCED stenographer with some knowledge of _bhooekkeeping, Grierson and Creighton. (109-tf) | FOR SALE--FIVE ROOMS, BUN- galow, bath, and all modern con- veniences, Wired for electric range, and large garage $500 down, 233 Eulalie Ave. 112¢) FOR SALE -- CHOICE BUILDING Lot on North Side of Athol Street East, near G.M. offices. Size 40x137%. Reasonable, Phone 2092W, 11 Lost and Found LOST--A BROWN COLLIE PUP, male. Answers to the name of "Colonel." Finder please phone 1356M. (113-a) LOST--LADY"S GOLD BROOCH, on Saturday night. Valued as keepsake. Please return to 239 Bruce street, Reward. (113-¢) LOST--ON BLOOR ST., THURS- day afternoon, brown purse, con- taining key and sum of money. Ap- ply 101 Bloor St. W. (111-¢) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -- NEW brick vender house, Apply 64 Park Rd. N, ; (112¢) Help Wanted EARN $25 WEEKLY UP AT HOME clipping newspapers and addressing envelopes. No canvassing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Par- ticulars for stamp. Box "A' Times. (112¢) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE--COB- blestone house just completed on forty foot lot, restricted district, Walkerville, Ontario, This home is hot water heated and strictly mod- ern, side drive and stone garage. Would consider improved or vacant in exchange. In good Oshawa resi- dental district, Write Box 152, Glen- coe, Ontario, (112¢) 58 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, Would exchange house or building lots in Oshawa. First class build- ings, in first cass state of cultiva- tion. Possession any time. Apply Fred W. Betz, Stouffville, Ont. (111-¢) SMALL FARM, OSHAWA DIS- irict, Al buildings and soil. Suit- able for poultry or market garden- ing. Consider mortgage, house or lot. Further partidulars, owner, Box "K" Times. (111-e) Pets and Livestock Notice I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Irma Laing, she haying left my bed and board. George Laing. (112¢) I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Jean Core (formerly Mrs. Jean Armitage) after this date, she having left my bed and board. Signed ED, A, CORE, Oshawa, November 12, 1927. H. R. COULDERY ARTISTIC DE- corating. Signe on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards. price ticket: of every description, Regent over Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa. (229+ts) Furniture Storage ¥. A. Von GUNTEN, SXPERT owiss watchmakér, repair shop at 44% King West. Your pat- yonage 1s solicited, (29-t1) il uu FURNITURE STORED IN SBPAR- ate compartments. 86 Bond St West. Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- 1ge and Storage, block' : All Buick cars: DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO 2/1 kinds of machinery" .<pairing. Txcelaior starter ring geass install. vd; connecting reds re-babbited, ween gears or pinions supplied for sil makes of care. © 161 King 8t., wr Rueme: 810 40 ---- Taxi PHONY 245DBIL- 19 Prince. sirzet. (Oct, 21-Nev, 21) 1.OCK'S TAXI, Ray Bus Station, DET BERR) Work Wanted METAL BUMPING AND. ALL * KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR King St. W, Oshaws aa---- (111e) | i ---- EE -- STORM WINDOWS Machine Floor Sanding p | B. W, HAYNES 161 Kisg St. W. Office phone 481; Res, 180 B 2 a ous wood-working ghop. sashei# and doors made, &!30 repairs. (17-41) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship euaranteed GA Con stable, 74 Mechanic St. Phone 520F. (76LL) POMERANIAN PUP. PURE Phone 687J or 245 Kendal (113-a) ONE white. avenue, Wanted adopt -baby girl out by the week. Age 11 months, Please phone 2357TW or apply 482 Albert St, (112bh) Wanted to Buy MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS; and all kinds of metals. Buymn scrap batteries, old cars and oul try. Goods . called for. Phyl 2606M. . Residence 99 Mill str (117 oa La WOOD-WORKING -- MISCELLANE- |i Screens, | 8. B. Edmondson, 251 Slmcoe St, 8. #8 ited Wright Funeralsa ir J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AN BALMER DISNEY FUNERALS 82 Simeoe St. S. P Unsurntased Ambulance 2 kG WANTED--A KINDLY PERSON TO | THURSDAY, NOVEMBER RUMMAGE extended tour of the eastern and southern boundaries of California, during which they confered and ar- ranged programs with the chiefs of police and sheriffs in nearly a dozen cities, Greater co-operation than ever before is promised this winter in heading off thieves driving stolen cars to other sections of the country. The officials in the towns visited express themselves as glad to ex- tend this co-operation, argl it is believed that now greater difficulty than ever will be experienced in driving stolen cars out of southern California. A net for automobile thieves has been spread from XKing- man in the northern part of Ari- zona, to Flagstaff, Prescott, Phoe- nix, Tucson and Yuma in the south, Although a co-operative agree- ment has been in effect for more than a vear with Mexican officials in Lower California to the south, an- other conference was held with the authorities at Mexicali and plans adopted to further tighten the bor- der against the invasion of crooks. (118 GYM CLASS 1 ages commencipaliRR Enquire at office for pare Ars, (1131) ME ROSE, PALMIST, 2 aple St. Phone 2372F: Hom 2 to 9. Fridays appointmen ( - ALL MEMBERS OF QUEEN MARY Lodge, No. 97, L..0.B.A., will meet in their lodge room Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. Eleetirn of officers. (113b) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, AT 267 French St, Phone 7107, Honrg 2to 9 (112-114-118) 1 h Baptist Choir will present MIR concert. Come early. Limited ae. commod (111-113b) E AT THD. MAR: ket, Thurs Novemszer h, (113b) St. Andrew's, | BAZAAR UNDER THE AUSPIC f Sunbeam Chapter O.E.S§ in P. Hall, Thursday afternoon Noy, 17 at 3 pm. Afternoon tea will *4 served, (110-117." 2 4)

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