he Oshawa Daily Times The Oshawa'Daily Reformer VOL. 1--NO, 101 Ew Sundars and" Publis Holidaye OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1927 13 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. "TWELVE PAGES COLUMBUS BARNS BURN, $30,000 LOSS Oshawa Youth Is Under Arrest For Bank Robbery 1S HELD ON MANY COUNTS IN TORONTO Clarence Luke, a Native of Thornton's Corners, One of Four Arrested CAUGHT IN TORONTO The Oshawa Police Were on Lookout for This Gang Dragnets of the law working on the several holdups that have occur- red in Easter Ontario, particularly Toronto and vicinity, gathered in four suspects, over the week-end, among them Clarence Luke, a na- tive son of Thornton's Corners, the lad, aged 22 and well known in Oshawa stands charged with rob- bery of the Bank of Nova Scotia at Campbellville, the hold-u pof Omar M. Mitchell's drug store, Toronto the hold-up of James Bradshaw's cigar store at Toronto and numer- ous other thefts from Summer cot- tages, in which a variety of articles of clothing were stolen at Crescent Beach, Jackson's Point and Sutton In addition, he along with three others, Arthur Willlams, Toronto, William Dunean, Toronto, and Clar- ence Thoms, will be tried for the as- sault of two constables, Luke, of late, has been living in Toronto, The arrest of young Luke, the (Continued on page 3) DENMARK FLIGHT NOW ABANDONED Pilot Stultz Declares He is Through Pilots Plane 500 Miles (By Associated Press) New York, Oct. 31.--Amphibian monoplane Dawn was back in the home hangar at Curtiss Field today, indefinitely out of the trans-Atlantic flying lists, and Wilmer Stultz, pilot who took the plane nearly 500 miles along the route to Copenhagen yesterday before turning back de- clared himself through with the pro- ject, Mrs, Gayson, aviatrix comman- der, was insistent that the Dawn would yet complete the air hop over the ocean, but Stultz said if so it would be without him, The pilot sald it would have been suicidal to continue when the plane could not rise higher than four hundred feet and asserted Brice Goldshorrough, navigator, was sending wireless mes< sages that "didn't mean anything" to Mrs. Coolidge and others on be- half of Mrs, Grayson instead of help- ing in cruical moments, OVER 50 DROWNED " INGREAT STORM Many in Sight of Homes Off Irish Coast--Planes Search for Bodies i (Cable Serviee To The Times By Canadian Press) Dublin, Oct, 31.--Twenty Irish Free State aeroplanes today were searching the coast for the bodies of vietims of the Irish fishing fleet overtaken in the great storm on Saturday, It is feared more than fifty men were drowned many with- in sight »f their homes on shores. County Mave and Galway bore the brunt of the loss. Thirty-one are missing from Cleggan, Galway, where eight bodies were washed re, PAY LIQUOR FINE OF $20 AND COSTS Frank Mallett, arrested for being intoxicated October 29, and who was convieted of a similar offence July 25, last, was fined $200 and costs or an alternative of 2 months when he appeared before Magistrate Wil-- Hs in police court this morning. The accused pleaded guilty. Rotary Fellowship Paves Way to Universal Peace And 'Banishment of War D. M. Wright, Stratford, Dis- trict Governor, Addresses Oshawa Club on Interna- tional Objects of Organiza- tion -- Praises England and Declares Revolution Impos- sible--Urges Highest Type of Supervision in Play- grounds SPEAKER LAUDS OSHAWA CLUB Organization of Clubs in Smaller Towns Proves a Great Success from Service Standpoint -- Urges Closer Relations Between Clubs and Rural Districts--Pvesi- dent and Local Directors Congratulated Back from a study of Kurope through the lens of the past sum- mer's International uvonvention at Ostend, David M, WNEnt, goFmer M,, P, of Stratford and governor jot the 27th Rotary District, aaaressea Osh~ awa Rotarians at theil weekly luncheon today and yeciared that "So far as the future is concerned, Rotary's advance {RR Europe is mak- ing war impossible, "In Rotary," he declared, "the biggest men of Great Britain and neighboring countries on the con- tinent see the first token of a prae- tical basis whereon the men of all Europe may get together to settle their differences without a resort to arms, thereby relieving them of the tremendous burdens which war has imposed upon them." A close study of conditions in (Continued on page 3) EAST WHITBY T0 ASH WATER SERVICE Township Council is to Ap- pear Before Water Com- mission Tonight East Whitby Township Councillors {0pear before the Oshawa Board of Water Commissioners at their monthly session tonight to request, again, that the city supply the communities of Westmount and Ross' Corners with water services, It is understood that, the Councillors have a definite ppo- position to make to city under agthor- ity of the Ontario Ministry of-Health. This would safeguard Oshawa against any Joss in the matters of laying mains throdgh the Township's undertaking to guarantee the hends that might be issued and to colect from the consum- ers concerned; At the same time, the city's right to charge more han or- dinary rates for water supplied outside «(Continued on page 3) SECOND BARN BURNS ON SAME FARM IN SEYMOUR TOWNSHIP (By Canadian Press) Peterboro, Oct. 31.--The second parn fire nn the eastern limits of Sevmour Township in two days re- sulted in the loss of the barn and season's crop of George Dunk last night. The cause of the fire is some- thing of a mystery. Some insurance was carried. ; OTTAWA PROSPECTOR MISSING FOR WEEK NORTH OF TIMMINS (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont., Oet. 31.--Joseph O'Neil, prominent prospector, has been lost in the woods morth of Tim. mins for mearly a week, according to advices reaching his relatives near Ottawa. Search parties have failed to find any trace of him so far. He was expected to be absent only a day or so, WOODS "CK SCHOOL IS ORDERED CLOSED THROUGH DIPHTHERIA Woodstock, Ont, Oct. 31--As a result of diphtheria cates which have developed in Ingersoll dur- ing the past few days, Ingersoll public school was ordered closed today. One death is reported, that of a young lad whose sister attend- ed the school, Special instructions for proper disinfection of the school have been issued by the Provincial Health Board, PERJURY CHARGES MAY RESULT IN WINDSOR HEARING Crown Attorney and Judge Are Cond Sich Action BOSTANI EXPLAINS ---- Says Woman Signed Affidavit Without Knowing Its Contents (By Canadian Press) Windsor, Ont,, Oct, 31.--The question of laying perjury charges against certain witnesses who have testified ut the hearing before the police commission of charges against suspended police Chief Daniel Thompson, will be considered by Judge J J. Coughlin and Crown At- torney. This statement was made after certain testimony by Paul Bostani, the "soup man of Amherst burg' today."If what you say is true you ought to go to jjail yourself," judge told him . "I know," grinned Rostani, Postani said he had told Mrs. Angela Lorenzi to sign an af- fadavit which had been drawn up by eounsel for the rommittee prose- cuting the charges against Chief Thompson but Mrs. Lorenzi said «he did not know the contents of the affadavit because she eounldn't read English. Bostani insisted that the woman did not know what wis in the affadav't but had signed it on his reeommendation. The judge agk- ed if he hime=elf knew.what was in it. "Rure," smiled, Bostani. This ended proceedings under this special count, BROOKS APPEAL IN SUPREME COURT Hearing Opens Today -- Is Appealing Sentence of Five Years (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 31.--Bart Brooks, of Toronto, in the Supreme Court of Canada today opened an appeal a- gainst' the five year sentence imposed after he was found guilty of being an accessory- in the alleged illegal opera tion on Miss Ruth Dem' ner, who sub sequently died. In the same connec- tion Dr. O. C. J. Withrow is serving seven years. The sentenced were confirmed on an appeal to the Toron to Supreme Court. The grounds of appeal are mis'direction and non -dir- ection by the trial judge. Dr. With- row is not appealing. LABOR-SOCIALISTS HAVE 800 CANDIDATES OUT OF TOTAL 2,000 -- (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) London, Oct. 31.--Labor-Social- ists have more candidates than any other party in the municipal elec- tions which take place in every city or borrough in England except Lon- don tomorrow. Out of 2,000 candi- dates Labor has mearly eight hund- red, Conservatives mearly six hund- red and Liberals three hundred, the A BARN AND EMPTY HOUSE ARE BURNED Fire at Lakeview Gardens Results in Damage of $2,500 HAD GREAT START Started in Stable «-- House Had Been Vacated a Few Hours Before Over $2,600 ddwages was done lete balurday evening by fre of a mysterious omgin which destroyed «ue house and Larn of M, Starczew- ski, Lakeview Gardens. Although city firemen made a run 'to the scene of the blaze, they could do very little, on 'ac ount of the dist- ance of the buildings from any wa- er supply. The fire started in the stable and had gained considerahle headway before it was noticed, The alarm wag received at the fire hall at 11,156, and by the time the fire trucks arrived, the house as well as he barn were doomed. Fanned by a strong east wind, the fire carried directly toward the residence which was soon destroyed, despite the ef- forts of the firerien who used chem- icals in an effort to smother the flames. The loss mgiht have been greater were. it not for the fact that the family had moved out of the build- ing but a few hours hefore. There was little furniture in the house and the -ontents of the barn was al- so small, There was little hay or grain in the building and no ani- ma's were found. The cause of the f're is a complete mystery, and no theory as to how it originated has heen advanced. It provided a run or well over three miles for the fire department, over some very poor roads which considerably delayed the arrival of the firemen on_the seene, Some insurance Starczewski. was cafried by SAYS CONTINENTAL C0. A MERE SHELL Defense Counsel in Teapot Dome Conspiracy Trial Washington, Oct, 31.--It was the purpose of the government to show that Harry F. Sinclair was interested in the Continental Trading Company of Toronto, which figured in dealings fol- lowing the transfer of the Tea Pot Dome to Sinclair, asserted government counsel at the resumption today of the conspiracy trial of Sinclair and Albert B. Fall, former secretary of the inter- jor. ye Continental Trading Com- panv had a huge amount in liberty bonds which subsequently was deposit- ed to Fall's credit. The Continental Company was a mere shell, gotten up by "these gentlemen for their own purposes," Owen Roberts, the Govern- ment counsel, charged. RESULT OF CRASH (By Canadian Press) Kitchener, Ont., Ozt. 31.--Two cars are totally wrecked, Andrew House- man, of Galt, is in jail on charges of criminal negligence, and Leo Gole is in St. Mary's Hospital suffering from head lacerations as a result of an ac- cident which occurred on the Preston highway one mile east of Kitchener last night. It is alleged that House- man zigzagged down the road and crashed into a car in charge of L. Cook, of Kitchener. AUTO HITS A POLE, DRIVER RECEIVES A BROKEN RIGHT ARM (By Canadian Press) Niagara Falls, Ont, Oct. 31--John H. Jackson, general manager of Queen Victoria Park Commission was injured at Burlington cut off, when his motor car ran into a telephone pole. He is in St. Joseph's hospital with a broken remainder being Independent right arm and several cuts. Fine Dairy and Storage Barns With Grain and Forage Crops Destroyed Farm of Frank Richardson, Quarter Mile East of Col- umbus, Visited By.Disas- trous Blaze of Mysterious Origin -- 55 Head of Fine Dairy Cattle Saved, Valued at Thousands of Dollars STARTED EARLY SUNDAY MORNING in Ontario County -- In- cluded 4 Buildings Equip- ped With Most Modern . Dairy Farm Devices Fire doing damage estimated at $30 000 totally destroyed dairy and storage barns on the farm of Frank Ri"hardson a quarter mile east of Co'umbus at an early hour Sunday morning. The origin of the disas trous blaze is unknown and it had made so much progress before dis- covery that it was thought futile to ack that the Oshawa Fire Depart- ment be sent out Fifty-five head of fine dairy cattle, valued at several thousand dollars, were saved from the flames through the efforts of Mr. Richardson and staf of help ers. Large numbers in Columbus and vicinity hurried to the RWard- son farm hut were unable to pénder any help except in throwing water on the farm dwellin" which owing to the stil' morning air, WAS not greath menaced. Mr. Richardson lost prac- tically all of his grain and forage ~rops and a large guant'ty of sta tionary equipment. The loss is not more than two-thirds covered by in- (Continued on page 3) GETS THREE MONTHS ON LIQUOR CHARGE William Kuz, charged with keep- ing liguor for sale pleaded guilty when he appeared before Magistrate Willis in polee court this morning and was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. There is no alterna- tive. Asked his occupation, Kuz re- plied he was a carpenter, whereupon his worship asked "Does he work at that on the other business?" Costs of $8.20 were also levied. HAS HAND CAUGHT IN RIP-SAW, RECEIVES CUT ON FINGER When he caught his hand in'a rip-saw at the plant of the W. J. 'Ir.ck Construction Company this morning at 8.15, William Kerns re. ceived quite a severe cut on the finger, which will force him to lose several days' work, He was treat- ed by D-, H. Trick and then re- moved to the Oshawa General Hospital. While the cut on his finger is quite serious in itself, Mr, Kerns is doing nicely and it is not expected that any other complica- tions will set in. It is probable that he will be discharged from the hospital tomight. THREE YEAR TERM FOR THEATRE OWNER FOR MANSLAUGHTER Proprietor of Laurier Palace Where Tragedy Occurred is Sentenced TWO OTHERS GUILTY Two Employees Are Each Given Two Years -- 78 Children Perished (By Canadian Press) Montreal, Que., Oet. 31.--Mpr Justice Wilson in the Court of King's Bench today sentenced Ameen Lawand, proprietor of Laurier Palace Theatre, to two years in the penitentiary and Michel Arie and Camille Bazzy, employees, to twelve months each. The men were found guilty of manslaughter in connection with fire and panic at the Theatre last January when 78 children lost their lives, WEATHER Fresh south and southwest winds, fair and mild today and Tuesday, Gasoline Leaking From Pump Results in Blaze = sep" L Occurs in G, M, C, Plant 62, Division Street -- City Fire- men Use Three Cans of Foamite to Extinguish the Flames -- William Leggatt Has Eyebrows Singed and is Burned About the Face In a fire which occurred at eight o'clock last night at Plant 62, Chey- rolet Assembly, General Motors, Wil- liam J. Leggat was burned about the face, although not seriously, and small property damage was done. The fire occurred when some gaso- fine which was leaking from a pump became ignited, and city firemen, who responded to an alarm had to use a dozen cans of Foamite extinguisher to conquer the flames. Mr. Leggat, who is an electrician, was working in the plant at the time. The electrical equipment was receiving an overhaul- ing and the power had been shut off, and when it was turned on again an automatic motor in the plant com- menced to operate. Mr. Leggat pulled the switch to turn off the motor, thus creating an arc which ignited the gasoline fumes. The flash of fire sin- ged his eyebrows and burned his face slightly, but he pluckily rontinued fighting the fire until after firemen from the city station arrived on the scene. He was then taken to the of- fice of Dr. G. L. Bird. Damage to the building was slight some paint only' being burned. Thre sorinkler heads burst over the fire by fortunately the gasoline flow was no great enough that the water spread iable area the flames over any apps ' CHILDREN PLAN PRANKS TONIGHT Pranks of every description will be played tonight, the occasion be- will be many on the streets. While b us chaps wsu- aly feel free to do anything they wish, police ask that they go a A as far as damaging propert concerned. No additional ain derly fashion. The usual fun can and will go on WINTER ARRIVES IN WEST CANADA Saskatchewan Has Blanket of Snow--Most of Grain Crop Garnered (By Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Oct. 31--Winter has al- ready descended upon Saskatchewan with a blanket of snow covering isouthern and central portions of the Province. Rain was fairly general in Manitoba over the week-end but there 's the possibility of snow both in Mani toba and Alberta tonight. This latest wave of inclement weather finds most of the grain cyop garnered. THUGS ENTER SIMCOE ST. RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood, 465 Simcoe St, North, Lose Clothing ------ JEWELRY STOLEN Th'eves Enter Through Cellar -- Family in Woodstock When Robbery Occurred Evidencing a fondness for wo- men's clothing, especially silk stock- ings and underwear, thugs broke in. to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wood at 465 Simeoe street nerth, sometime during late Saturday might w early Sunday morning. The loot onsisted principally of, clothing and + «mall amount of jewelry, Every- 'hing is covered hy insurance, The olice are investigating. Speaking to The Oshawa. Daily Mimes today in connection with the mtry into their home, Mrs,' Wood 'trted a cellar window was broken nd the latch lifted, thus affording miry into the cellar. From there the arowlers rained admittance into the wallar gtoirway and managed to nick 1 lock allowing them to get into the firat floor of the house, Once in- side_there, they ransacked every- thing, making a thorough job of going through every possible and ronceivable drawer and hide-away in the house. (Continued on page 3) STUFF LEAD PIPE WITH DYNAMITE St. Kitts Boys Surprised With Terrific Explosion Man Injured (By Canadian Press) St. Catharines, Oct, 31.--Expeet- ing it to act like a firecracker, three lads stuffed dynamite into an" eight inch length of lead pipe in Orchard Park last night and set it off, Ter- *ific explosion resulted. a John Williamson suffered slight ugles. Pwo others, John Hendersom; and Clifford Northey, miraculously es- caped but have not yet petupned to their homes, Police found the boys had hidden a sufficient store of dynamite to blow up the whole park. HON. JANET AITKEN IS MUCH EXCITED ABOUT HER WEDDING (Cable Seryice To The Times By C ian Press) London, Oct. 31--Hon. Janet Aitken, only daughter of Lord Beaverbr, 5 "frightfully excited" about the plans for her wedding to Ian Douglas Camn- bell, heir to the Duke of * Argyll, which will take place in London, prob- ably in December. Janet is noted for her fondness for outdoor sports, The couple will reside in London. The en- gagement has just been announced Ccming Events RATES 8 Cents poy ord each inser. Minhonm charge for eash insertion, 35e. ni i MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, 21 Maple St. Hours 2 to 9. (1014) SERYBODY COME TO THE HAL- lowe'en Frolic at Albert St. School tonight. All kinds of amus ts. Admissi free. (1012) TADAME ' ZEDDA, SCIENTIFIC palmist and Phrenologist, now at 224 St. Julien St. for business. (101b) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, AT 267 French St. Phone 7107. Hours 2 to 9. (101e) BAZAAR AND CONCERT IN of L.T.B. Fife and Drum Band" K.P. Hall, Tuesday, Nov. 1. Ba- zaar 3 o'cloe'. concert 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents, jine'vAing guessing ec ntest. 2200) RESER™Z THURSDAY ad | ber 10th, Drama at Oejw= "ioe (99e-105105) Tn