WELVI CULEGATE . -- - GHATTER (Continued from page 9) proved to 'be a rather easy disposal ior 1CC. Fo rt . According 10 the lower school's br cr-torm rugby schedule which has }->n posted this week, the (wo w nnin; teams, FA and ICC will now hook horns to deeide which will 1ace. for the lower school champiow- ship, the winner of the 2A-2C game which is to he played next Monday ui ht. AN three of these remain- ing gamed should be well worin séeing., A geometry definition submitted to Miss Tutile recently by a second 'aw v prnil:: An altitude is the per- pendicular from the verdict of a ...angle to the other side. That the Collegiate .interests it- ©" i» mare than classroom: work and athleties will be well evidenced iv t week when both the Literary Society and Student Councll will get under way. The main object of the Literary Society this year is to pro- duce a real entértainment of a high literary and musical order which will take place sometime during the winter while the Student Cdunecil will have all that work whieh is not performed by the athletic societies, 10 look after, and that is beyond a doubt, an extensive field. Next week at the Princess Thea- tre in Toronto some... of William Shakespeare's most noted plays are veing staged, including "Merchant of Venice," 'As You Like It," "Ju- lius Caesar," "MacBeth," 'King Lear" and "Hamlet" (modern). Some effort may be made to &e- cure a block of seats for one of the plays and to place the seats at the disposal of the students, transporta- tion by bus service being kept in mind should the project materia!- 1ze. This should prove to be an ex- "Funk and Wagnall's New Staa- dard Dictionary" is the only recem: addition to the school library but] is by all means the most valuable hiss g has been placed! there for some time. It gives the orthography, pronunciation, meaning and etmyo- logy of all the words, and the mean- ing of all the idiomatic phrases n ihe speech and literature of Enlish language. It is overflowing with illustrations and is most tractively bound. The book circulation continues to soar upward in the library. This week a mew high water mark was set when 596 books were issued which is contrasted to 208 for ast week. The attendance averageq 503 per day this week while tne number reading periodicals and newspapers advanced to an average of 240 a day. In connecfior with Hallowe'en which is now only two days ofl, the librarian this week featured a very impressive display of mystery and weird (stories accompany sap which was a nicely designed poster. Several more posters, by the way, are at present being designed by students in the higher classes. The U.T.8. game this afternoon will be Jack "Tub" smith's farewell to Oshawa Collegiate. Next week he is leaving with his family for their new home in Texas ana iui lowing him to his new surroundings will be the kindest of well wishes for every success in his future life from all his many friends in the school and elsewhere. Jack will be cadly missed on the rugby team, in basketball and in the general school life and on account of tne disiuw: he is going, the removal seems all the more aoute. The visitor, left alone with tne small boy of the house, comment- ed upon his behavior, and said, '1 suppose mamma gives you some- thing for being a good hoy?" "No, was the reply. 'She gives it to me when I ain't." Sure of Himself Now! 7 So Clean Inside, No Fear Le) NG that gets results, was all 'ANYTHING tha EI sana In those days my perspiration was so acid, it used to rot my clothes. Then a doctor tipped me off to WO little sweeteners-- CASCARETS weather. Try a cascarei tonight see how you feel next day, and for days after. With a skin fresh apo fracrant. All druggists, 10c and 25 cents. "However Oven Hosted Once a person realizes the wonderful properties in cascara, no other laxa- tive in the market would ever, he considered. It's no trick howels." thet, purifies the system clean through. Cleanses even the skin. Renders perspiration as in- offensive as so much dew! The oia- frshicned way was "salts." They get action, hut they take the mue- cus membrane along with the waste matter. Mineral oils are gentler, hut 'hey 'eave the howels with a film of poisons for the blood to carry off through the pores. But when you cascar'ze the system. you get rid of all the poisons hy norinal mnsecular action of the bowels. If you have the habit of taking medicine for constipation. or even for anto-intoxication, stop it For p candy cascaret is a delightful torm in whieh to take caseara; chi'dren love them. and the f{aste tempts most grown ups to have "more." And what a comfort to know yon are in tht elean, wholesome condi- tion that does away with any need of deodoran's, even in the wares: to 'clean out the Dozens of things will do We reached for a gud on the desk be- at. | ide me. jor I'll drop you.' I dropped the gum scene and i ing the highways. TDLLLY] mind that the bandi B ANK jcars before eatering 1 Hamilton, a keen watch was kept ; Itor aba { Hately started scour- h the theory in had changed Toronto or ndoned motor cars, but none was discovered. (Continued from page 9) Stewart said, "and as 1 passed the five-dollar bill to Mr. Martin in the | cage that he might change it 1 He caught my mave, though, and snarled: 'Drop that gun and started to move around toward my office, where 1 had another gun, but they met me at the door and told me to 'stick up my hands.' They called Martin around to where I. was, and he, too, had his hands in! the air." J Captures Banker's Gun One of the bandits went to Mr. | Stewart's desk, where he found the ' gun, and muttered, the manager said: "That's what the--was after." The gunman pocketed the revolver. Then, while two kept the manager and teller covered, the third went in- to the cage and scooped the money from the cash drawer into his pockets and picked up the teller's gun. On his way hack around the cor- ner he tried the small safe inside the large one where the hooks are kept. He found it locked and or- dered the manager to open it, but a4 motor car approaching along the road scared them off and they fled, | one of the men calling the warning over his shoulder that "if any one poked his nose outside that door he would get 'his.' " Mr. Stewart said he saw their car then for the first time as it moved slowly past the front of the bank, The three men had to rum! down the street a few yards to get it, he said, and as he reached the door they were just picking up speed, The bandits, although they had got the .4 automatic from his desk drawer and the .45 Webley from the teller's cage, missed the .32 re- volver the manager had laid down, Stewart grahbed it, and from the doorway fired foyr shots after the retreating car. Apparently none of them found its mark, The manager was not sure how many men had heen in the waiting | car, The three who entered the hank, all little fellows, he said, that "I could have licked in a few min- utes if they hadn't had guns," were armed, one with a .38-calibhre weapon | und the others with .32's, | Tonight Mr. Stewart and Mr. Mar- tin had not checked up their cash, | and were not sure of the amount the bandits had taken. However, they pores of your! were sure it was not more than ($1,900, There was more money in But a ltt'e natural cascara|the small safe, Mr, Stewart said. Car Saved the Day | "They might have made it pretty hot for me about opening that safe if a car had not pulled up in front of the bank just at the moment," Mr, Stewart said, As the bandits' car swept down ' the village main stree; several resi- dents, attracted by the gunshots, caught a good 'glimpse of the men. | About 2 o'clock Warden Agnew of Halton County, who is Reeve of Campbellville, said he saw the car with only tive young men in it bik ting gasoline at a service station. | He was standing at the service sta- | tion when they came up, and he said | that they needed only four gallons to fill up. They insisted, he said, that the tank should be filled to | capacity and that the gasoline should he "high test." The cap from their gasoline tank was missing, the War- den said. When the little branch bank was Ordered Out of Milton Milton, Oct. 28.--Following the robbery of the Bank of Nova Scotia at Campbellville this afternoon the banks here have been testing their burglar alarms and oiling up their revolvers and shotguns. It was learned this evening bandits who held up Manager Stew- art and the staff at Campbellville this afternoon were in Milton last night, in a high-powered car, but Chief Constable Chapman, suspecting them to be in town for no good purpose, ordered them out of Milton, The robbers evidently changed their plans and selected the bank at Campbellville for the big hold-up Nich appears to have been success- ul, CANADIAN SURVIVES WRECK Guelph, Oct. 28. --Anxiety re- garding the safety of A. E Worsick, of London, England, and a native of Guelph, who was a passenger on the ill-fated Principessa Mafalaa, which weft down off the coast of Brazil on Tuesday, was relieved to- day when his sister, Mrs. Alfred Wat son, received a telegram from Now York advising her of his safety. At the time the tragedy occurred Mr. Worsick was on his way from Bar- celona to Chile in the interests of Viscount Cowdray, oil magnate. OPPOSED TO SLANG Harold had been to Sunday school, and was asked by his sister, a few years older, what he had learned. The lesson was the story of Joseph, ana *he oo that the six" Attention Stock Feeders and Dairymen PEA MEAL $44.2 per Ton $2.00 per ton less if you supply bags. HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED Phone 203 me small learner was evidently full of his subject. "Oh," he said, "it was about a boy, and his hrothers took him out and put him in a hole in the ground, and then they killed another boy, and took the boy's coat and'dipped it in the blood of this boy and--" "0, no, Harold, not another boy!" his sister interrupted, horrified. But Harold stood his ground, "It was," he insisted. "I know the teacher said 'kid," but I don't use words like that." STEAMER SENDS § O 8 AFTER LOSING SOREW St. John N.B., Oct. 29.--At an early hour this (Saturday) morning the Government wireless station at Red Head picked wup information that the steamer Labor was flound- ering about on the Atlantic in a hepless condition and was calling na for assistance "The steamer's call 1s L €C L, and the message from the disabled ship was 2s follows. "12.30 a.m. Eastern stanaara time, lat. 40:35 north, long. 69:45 west. Lost screw propeller. Wish to be taken in tow." The position of the ship when tne call was sent out is about 50 miles east of Nantucket, Mass. It was re- ported that assistance was being sent, "My husband's so jealous." "Isn't that embarrassing?" "Yes. Isn't your's jealous?" "Not a bit." "Isn't that humiliating?" "Did your friend completely re- cover from his broken leg?" "No. Complications set in."! "How so?" "He married his nurse!" THE BABETTE BEAUTY PARLORS Mr. and Mrs, Lash who have taken over the parlor from Miss Cormack wish to ane nounce that they will give a special Shampoo and Marcel for $1.25 starting Saturday for ene week, We also speci. alize in Finger Waving, Water Waving, Hair Dyeing and Tint. ing Facials and Manicuring, for appointments, Phone 2020 | I Turning Back The Shadow visited tonight the teller, Martin, a Sa ELS aS aes eT mr, | youth of about 17 or 18 years, was in his cage, placidly working over his books, and only occasionally, as his manager vividly described the {events of the afternoon, did he look 'up from his work to contribute to the story. ! The police of Toronto and of the | surrounding district were apprised of the hold-up by telephone mes- sages from the manager. Provincial Officers Allen and Owens and Chief F---- pp ---------- ISTORY records the story that Hezekiah, king of Judah, fearing that he was near to death, asked, as a sign that he might be spared, that the shadow should move backward upon the sun- dial of Ahaz, As Hezekiah, trembling in anticipation, watched, it is said that the shadow slowly ceased its onward course and commenced to move backward around the dial, in token of the fact that fifteen years were added to the life of the king. Fifteen years of added life meant much to Heze- kish--it would mean much to us today, Yet we, of this generation, enjoy an average life many years longer than our ancestors just a century #80. These years have been added to the average, individual life -- without any seeming miracle -- Withovt even very common knowledge, proving in the prevention of illness and disease--in giving every child an opportunity of becoming a strong, healthy, happy man or woman, . Any plan which has at its object the bettering of public health and the prolonging of human life merits the unreserved support of every thinking citizen. It is our responsibility--it is our business --to see that every care is taken in the matter of sanitation, and prevention of contagion, that healthful rules of living are followed, and that the regulations and practices of preventive medicipe are employed. What You Can Do There are certain steps we can all take to assist in the wide-spread programme of welfare and health, such as attention to little ills as they appear ; care of the teeth, eyes, skin, etc.; prevention of contagious for your Dry Cleaning Service! ICK up your telephone and call P 2520. That's all that's necesary to bave your Suit, Coat, or Gown thoroughly cleaned and renovated by our no-odor method. UR careful process is 100 per cent efficient and leaves the fabrics un- harmed. ed down so the "d'mmer hour" wil' 'mot be over before you can do a Quick lunches, usually cold. gulp little playing, is the best way to ruin your stomach, and you suffer from indigestion, heart bura, bloat- ing, mervousness, headaches; and, worst of all, you gc: thin, pale and weak. If you must eat that way, always Yeep a package of Pape's Diapepsin handy so you cam chew one of the pleasant tablets after our meals. It keeps the ~~ 1 swec: stomach can J. cst fit. Follow the experience of thors- ands who again have a young appe- tite. All druggists recommend and guarantee Pape's Diapepsin to re- Veve indizes'ion and sweeten the stomach in 5 minutes. 80 your Life Can Be Prolonged A tion has growing to the efforts of far-seeing and humanitarian of health conserva- and given impetus, thanks ian men. Each year sees an increasing interest being taken fife su ok or infectious diseases; pr feeding and care of children ; regular habits i Romp g la ol ough examination by a competent medical authority at regular intervals. When sickness threatens seek proper advice. Have a thorough medical examination at least once a year,