Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Oct 1927, p. 1

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=| Tle Oshawa Daily Times The Oshawa!Daily Reformer VOL. I---NO. 94 RE i Sv A OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1927 10 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. SIXTEEN PAGES TO PROSECU Power Assoc' n to Meet November 3 DECIDE DATE FOR MEETING IN COBOURG Executive of Central Ontario Power Association Met Here Today TAKE ACTION SOON Executive Considers General and Supplementary Reports on Situation The Central Ontario Power As. sociation will convene in a general session to be held at Cobourg on Thursday, November 3, and notices are to be sent at once to the muni- cipalities concerned so that a large attendance may be on hand to hear the association executive's report on the matter of hydro rates in Cestral Ontaric and their views on what steps, if any, can be taken to reme. dy the situation, The special committee which met today in the offices of Conant and Annis consist of ¥, L. Mason, presi- dent; G. D, Conant, vice president; Henry Fullerton, - Cobourg, Mayor T. 8. Holgate, and J. 0, Harity, Belleville, secretary of the associ. atiop This committee considered the general report and supplementary report submitted by Clarkson, Gor: don and Dilworth, Toronto, Who were appointed to make a survey. A further meeting of this commit. tee will be held at Cobourg on Fri day, October 28, to approve of the committee's recommendations which are to be presented at the general meeting on Nov. 3, LEFT THE SCENE OF AN ACCIDENT Charles Slack, of Whitby, Pays Fine of $25.00 and Costs For not returning to the scene of an accident, Charles Slack of Whitby was fined $25 and costs of $6.75 when be appeared before Magistrate A. F. Hind in Police Court this morning. Slack also has to pay the damages to the other car, which amounted to $22.75. The charge was laid as a result of an aceident at Simcoe and Bond street last night, when Slack's car collided with one owned by William Mitched) $8,000 ROBBERY IN WINDSOR, SAFE BLOWN (By Canadian Press) Windsor, , Oct, 22.--More than eight thousand dollars was secured by robbers who Gilbert, 21 of Latugue, was commit- ted for trial in court of King's Bench yesterday om charge of mur- dering his mother and of attempting to kill his father. Police witnesses said Gilbert gave up to them a bot- tle of strychnine after the death of the mother when at the same time the father was in great suffering. bgidd Smith Tra APPOINTED J. A. McGIBBON Appointed Crown Attorney of On- tario County at a meeting of the Ontario Government yesterday af- ternoon, Leaders of the Bar in On- tario County express themselves as highly gratified by his appoint- ment and declare that the Crown's interests will he worthily served at his hands, GIANT 40-TON PLANE FOR OCEAN SERVICE Planned Todsy By Charles A. Levine--Seven Motors and Cabins (By Associated Press) New York, N. Y.,, Oct. 22.--A giant forty ton plane within whose 180 foot wings many passengers may be carried was projected today hy Charles A. Levine as a vehicle with which he hopes to establish a regular trans-oceanic air service. Seven motors and cabins in the wings are the features of his new plane, the model of which is being tested. The plane would have a crew of seven, including the cap- tain. DENMARK FLIGHT AGAIN CHECKED Amphibian Plane, "Dawn," Failed to Master the Wind (By Associated Press) Old Orchard, Maine, Oct. 22.--We just couldn't fly down the wind, that's all," explained Mrs. Frances Grayson, Long Island aviatrix, who hopes to be the first woman to fl across the Atlantic Ocean, as oe Amphibian plane Dawn taxied out of the water and up the beach here to- day after a second false start for Denmark. The plane got off eassy today but decision to return = was made when it was a dozen miles east of here. It was skimming wat- er at 125 miles an hour and in or- der to return it was necessary to ~elease 260 gallons of gasoline. The plane acted perfectly in the water on the return, heading througn use "reakers and up the beach, Possibility of a third attempt this fternoon was remote after a com- ference between the aviatrix and cor Sikorsky, designer of the plaue. 'Neither pilot Stultz nor myself, ike the idea of two mights of fly- ng," she said. The first night the idane would have to remain only a 'ew hundred feet above the water, ecause of the great load of fuel AWARDED $11,000 DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF THREE FINGERS Ottawa, Oct. 21.--A total of $11, 200 was awarded im the Supreme ount of Ontario today to 12-year- old Viola Bradley for the loss three fingers; severed when a truck struck her bicyele recently. Dowler Brothers, storekeepers, of Billings Bridge, on the Capitars outskirts were defendants in the ae- ion. The award constitutes the largest sum handed down in Provincial Supreme Court in more tham a quarter of a ceatury. nsport Co. Acquires Business of Braces Transport Firm TPurchase Includes 40 Trucks and Trailers--Smith Trans. port Has Fleet of 95 Trucks and Trailer System of 40 Vehicles -- Forms One of the Largest Transportation Companies in Dominion PREPARING FOR BETTER SERVICE Company Was Organized in 1921 With One Truck -- At Present Time Practically Every City and Town in the Province is Covered -- Ex-| pansion Has Been Rapid, Showing the Increased Pop- ularity of this Service With the Public Arquisition of the Stacey Trans port hy the Smith Transport Limited was made public today, by a state ment confirming the purchase by Manager Smith of the larger com- pany, The purchase price was not mentioned, although it is stared that 40 trucks and irailers changed hands, Speaking to the Oshawa Dan Times, Manager Smith claimed the Smith Transport Company Limited, bought the smaller company out primarily to serve the public bet- ter. The Stacey Transport has been operating both east and west of the Continued on Page 5) NEW OFFICERS FOR LOCAL 5. A. CORPS Commandant and Mrs. H. Ellsworth Are to Take Charge COMING FROM LONDON | Adjutant and Mrs; Barclay Will Go to Hamilton, No. 1 Corps Changes of vital interest to the local branch of the Salvation Army are announced from the divisional headquej'ters today. In keeping with the customary frequent changes in staff, Adjutant J. Barclay and | Mrs, Barclay will ro to Hamilton, nt No. 1 2nd their places will be filled hv Commandant and Mrs, Henry Ellsworth of No. 1, London, Ont. Both parties have been in their respective charges for a little over twn vears, Citizens /in general will regret to 'earn of the departure from their m'dst of Adjutant and Mrs, Barclay far dAnrine their stay in this city, the local Salvation Army has made aorpot strides and nrogress in every sprtinn of their chnreh has been wonderful. The encial work of the eonereeation has heen. increased ma- terially and ereater numbers have heen hranght into the fold. Speaking tn The Oshawa Dally Times this morning Adjutant Bar- clay confirmed his annointment to the Hamilton branch and stated he will leave on the arrival of the new charges, on Thursday, November 3. "Both Mrs. Barclay and myself have enjoyed our stay here immensely," (Continued on Page 3) 3,000 TRADES UNION MEN TO STRIKE IN TORONTO MONDAY (By Canadian Press) Toronto, ict. 22.~Betwevn 2,500 and 3,000 members of various building grades unions in Toronto will go on strike on Monda in sympathy with members of the Brotherhood of United Carpenters,, according to a statement today by James ion are mot om strike bh the Brotherhood has been out for some weeks, spike officials claim. A sympathy strike will tie up building in Toronto. BUICK CAR CAR FAILS TO STOP AFTER BAD COLLISION A Buick car that sailed right va by without stopping, suecessfully smashed up a Gray Dort automobile belonging to Clarence Smith last night about eight o'clock. The acei- dent happened in fromt of the old West End Rink on King treet, whither Mr. Smith was going to at- tend the Knights of P'ythias Carni- val. The license number of the Buick was secured and the local police are on the look out for the delinguent motorist, "SWEETHEARTS ' BE SADT AY Members of Simcoe mcoe Street] United Church are in for a rare treat as far as sermons ae concerned. Their pastor, Rev. Dr. H. S. Dougall, will tomorrow night begin a ies of addresses entitled "The M g of A Home". The first, which will be preached Sunday evening is called, "Sweethearts," while a week later, Dr. Dougall will talk on the natu- ral sequence, "Marriage". The top- icp are of interest to every' Chris- the [tian and indications are that Dr. Dougall will be heard by large coun- gregations at every preaching. Official Announcement Of Crown Attorneyship ts. A. McGibbon Named to Succed Lt, Col, Grierson in Important Post -- Appoint- ment a Poular One in City and County -- Members of Legal Profession Pay Tri- bute to New Crown At- torney As forecast in The Oshima Daily Times over a week ago, J McGib- bon, prominent Oshawa J. AM, was appointed Crown Attorney of Ontario County at a meeting of the Ontario Government ministry late yesterday afternoon when an Order in Council was issued confirming the appoint- ment. | Mr. McGibbon was at once notified by Col. the Hon. W. H. Price, KC., Attorney General of Ontario, who wir- ed as follows: "Toronto, 5.20 p.m. J. A. McGibbon. You have been appointed Crown At- torney for the county of Ontario to succeed Col. Grierson who resigned. Duties to commence as soon as you can take them over. W. H. Price." General satisfaction with the ap- pointment of Mr. McGibbon is expres- sed by leaders of the Ontario County bar in Oshawa. Lieut. Col. Grierson, the retiring Crown Attorney, dean of the legal pro- fession in the County, said "I am very pleased to hear that Mr. McGibbon has received the appointment. He will make a very capable and efficient offi- cer." W. E. N. Sinclair, KC., MPP, stated : "I expected the appointment of (Continued: on Page 3) JACKIE COOGAN IS ON THE ROAD TO . FABULOUS WEALTH . (By Associated Press) San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 22. --Jackie Coogan, ragged forlorn little fellow of the movies start- ed up the road toward fabulous wealth today with a million and a half dollars' worth of South- erm California real estate as his vehicle. The disclosure that the thirteen-year-old screen star was more than a millionaire was made when the broker an. ed the purch of Los An- geles lots bringing the estate to that figure, ms Between Attorney Gener- al's Department, the City of Oshawa and Col, Grier- son, Who is City Solicitor RETIRING AS CROWN ATTORNEY Col. Grierson is Dean of On- tario County Bar, Begin- ning Practice in Oshawa in 1866 -- Has Fine Military Career Lieut. Col. J. F. Grierscn, who re tires from the office of crown a torney of Ontario County -as soon as J. A McGibbon, appointed yesterday even ing, can take over the office, will con- tinue as special prosecutor of Liquor Control cases in the city of Oshawa under an arrangement between the Attorney General's department, the City of Oshawa, and Col. Greirson w he is city solicitor It will be recalled that Swanson was appointed a O.T.A. prosecutor for Ontario before Col. Grierson's appointme which time the arrangement cease Appointment of special Liquor Con trol Ast prosecutors is becommng gen cral throughout the Province; and the size of Ontario County makes it im peratively necessary, it is stated, that the crown attorney's office should he assisted in this manner. Col. Grierson retired from the Crown Attorneyship in July, but was earnestly requested to carry on with the work until such time as the department con cerned could make an appointment, While still acting for the Crown Col. Grierson will relinquish the offic as soon as Mr. McGibbon can take over its duties. Col. Grierson is the dean of the On tario County bar, having begun prac tice in Oshawa 1886. Graduating fron the niversity of Toronto in 1882 and from Osgoode Hall in 1885 in whicl year he served in the Northwest Re bellion campaign with the Queen's Own Regiment, Toronto. Enlisting in the 34th Regiment ir 1878, Col Grierson received a commis sion in that regiment in 1885 on hi return from the western campaign. His service was continuous until his retirc ment at his own request in 1913 as commanding officer of the 34th Regi ment with the rank of lieutenant col onel. Over 30 years of Col. Grierson's life have been given to the service of Canada in the Dominion militia. Growth of his private practice, which was marked by the forming of the firm of Grierson-Creighton in 1920, was Col. Grierson's reason for resigning as Crown Attorney of Ontario County to} which office he was appointed in 1923. | During his term of office, leading | members of the district bar state Grierson discharged the onerous duties of the position with distinguished abil- ity and zeal, and his return to private practice is marked with the congratu- Jations of the legal fraternity in this district whose members hold him in the highest esteem. MOTHERS' ALLOWANCE BOARD APPOINTMENTS Announcement was made today that the Provimeial Mothers' Allow- ance Board has re-appointed the members of the South Ontario Mo- ther's Allowance Board. The fol- lowing have been returned for a year: Mr. Robert Thompson, Whit- by, Chairman; Mrs. Lillian Forsyth Claremont; W. L. Ellins, Colum- bus and William Reel, Port Perry. WOMAN LEADER DIES IN HAMILTON D..A.) (By Press) Hamilton, Ont., Oet. 22.-- Mrs, Harry P. Burkholder, prominent figure in Canadian Women's organ- izations died today. Mrs. Burkholder had been ill for a long time. She was president of the Ontario Chap- «»r Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and was a moving spirit in many civic activities, She was 58 years of age. LEG BROKEN WHEN HIT BY TRUCK (By Canadian Press) Guelph, Ont., Oct. 22.--W. A. Knowles, suffered a broken leg and other injuries when struck by a mot- or car driven by Lorne Whitaker, of Brantford today. "WEATHER Moderate to fresh w» pds mostly fair tonight and Sanday. Probably a few light local show- ors, | ial specail | | | Col. J. F. Grierson To Still Conduct Liquor Cases For Crown Under Special Arrangement [ SPECIAL PROSECUTOR LIBUT,-COL, J. FV, Who will retire as Crown Attorney of OntariH County as soon as J.A M:Gib on, the new appointee, can take over the office. Col. Grier- son, however, continues as spec- prosenctor of Liquor Control Act in the city by special arrangement with the Attorne) General's department, and by vir tue of his office as city solicitor START SURVEY AT USHAWA HOSPITAL R. J. Wright, Expert, Toron- io, is Directing Investigation --Committee Met Friday Survey of the O:hawa Hospital began today under the di- rection of R. J. Wright, Toronto, an xpert in hospital administration of the staff of Clarkson, Gordon and Dilworth, accountants, who were anpointed tH make the investigation in the interest of the institution. A meeting of the special commit- of the Hospital Board of Direec- tors was held in the office of Chair- | man G. D. Conant Friday afternoon | at which time Mr. Wright with the | committee discussed the scope of the survey, THe committee consisted of G. Conant, C. N. Schofield, It is expected that Mr. Wright will be busy with his field work at the hospital for the next week, and it is expected that the final repory pre- sented will suggest such changes in the business administration of the GRIERSON cases General tee D. Henry, and Charles Col | tocpitas as will effect general sav- ines and make for increased effici ency. COOLIDGE LAUDS CARE OF VETERANS President Aastra VU. S. Does Better Than Any Other Nation ° Washington, Oct. 22. -- 'I'he United Stutes has taken better care of its war veterans than any other nation, President Coolidge said here on Thurs day in a speech dedicating a statue to General George Meade, commander of the victorious Union Army at the Buttle of Gettysburg. "We have not only been lavish in the public honors which have been conferred upon our veterans, but we have 'also bestowed upon them pen- sins and gratuities, reaching down to every man in the ranks, with which no other country ean make any com parison," Mr. Coolidge said. Such beneficiaries accorded to Civil War veterans will probably exceed twice the cost of that great war, al though it lasted for a space of fou: years. POLICE SEIZE LIQUOR IN RAID Six cases of White Ale and four bottles of real "hard staff" were seiod Lb Oity and Pros vincial Police in a raid yester- day, A resident of Conant street who has appeared before the IN noch on contain previous ocoa- sons was the pecesient of the I v's aftemom. -o charge has uit ie ewpentad 'N a ki fluid shortly. 4 ul be sat ' joceupied by Nelson and Beil, TE LIQUOR CASES IN CITY Ry p---- $1,000,000 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Announcement | Made of the Subdivision of the Conant Property VISTA HEIGHTS To Be Laid Out on the Most Modern Town Planning System Oshawa, south of the Canadian Nitional Railway today saw the launching of a million dollar real eetate development, This figure is not arrived at by dipping rather far into the future, but is hased on statistics presented by Capti:n George A, Sames who has opened tem | porary offices at No. 8 Bond street | west until the store premises at No. | 9 Simeoe street south, at preseut are available, Captain Symes is sub- dividing the Conant properties in C'¢dardale into a thousand superiy: value home-building lots. The de- velopment is to he known as Vista Heights, and is the most ambitious undertaking in Oshawa's real es- 'ate history, (Continued on SAILING TODAY FOR ENGLAND F. W,. Brooks is Returning Home After a Visit to Oshawa Mr. F. W. Brooks of Sommerset, England, who has been visiting with relatives in this city and country, sails today from Montreal on the S. 8. Albertic for home. Mr, Brooks spent two months here with his two sisters pnd brother. Mrs. J. Lang- maid, 23 Elgin street, Mrs. Artnur lL.anemaid. Athol street east, anu Mr. F. 8. Brooks of Courtice, In ad- dition to the above mentioned Mr, Brooks visited other friends and re- Jatives. He renewed many aecquaint- ances as it is forty years since he { left for the Old Country, although | during that space of time he has ' visited this country at intervals. VALUABLE BOSTON BULL TERRIER IS KILLED BY AUTO valuable Boston bull terrier, the property of Mr. Ernie Marks, Simese street north, was killed sarly this afternoon when struck by a car. The dog was struck by one «a1 and as it was getting up was hit by another one. Page 3) A (Cable Service to The Times by Canda'an Press) Dublin, Ireland, Oct. 22 --Patrick >ardinal O'Donnell, Primate of Ire- land, died shortly before noon toam, at Carlingford, where he had been ill several weeks with double pneu- monia. He was elevated to Cardinal late in 1925. He was 71 years of age. Ccming Events RATES 8 Cents per ~ord each imser- Minha charge for es bh fmsertion, 85c. WHITE ROSE DEGREE MEETING at Sons of England Hall, Monday, October 24th. Initiation. All Wihite Rose members please attend. H. Simmons, Secretary. (93h) TWCHRE PARTY IN THE K. P. Hall, Victory Lodge, Monday, Oct. 24. Admission 25 cents. Re- freshments. (93h) CATHOLIC . WOMEN'S LEAGUE holding Rummage Sale in Mar- ket, Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 2 p.m. (94-96) ST. ANDREW'S Tuesday, ten (94a) BUT HERE, OSH. awa K.P. 47, Bazaar, three days next week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Old West End imk. 94e) >a, RUMMAGE SALE at the Market, o'clock. NOT COMING ST. ANDREW'S LaATIT "2 hold their Church Fair "u Dee. 6. "Aap (94a

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