, [=| The Oshawa Daily Times SUCCEEDING The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While hh is News" VOL. 1---NO. 93 ent Shar, CES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1927 TM Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy. SIXTEEN PAGES SEEK G. W. MCLAUGHLIN FOR MAYOR Plan Chamber of Commerce Here URGES STEP/Duncan to Tell Story Today At Murder Trial Pestimony Being Heard In Brantford In Death of Woman 0 FORM LIVE ORGANIZATION Alderman. Swanson * Sees Need For Boy To Secure Industries IMPORTANT PROJECT Says Smaller Factories Would Supplement Larger Definite steps are being taken for the organization of an Oshawa Cham- ber of Commerce. In view of the city's growth, the plan of having the City Council employ an industria commissioner has heen discarded i: favor of the larger scheme which would, it is believed, put this city de- finitely in the Canadian market for smaller industries to supplement its enviable group of major industries With a prospective membership of between six and seven hundred men to be drawn from all ranks of the city's industrial, commercial, profes sional and trade life, a permanent sec- retary would be appointed and charged with hte work of Oshawa's develop inent along same lines, Ald. i, J. Swanson, who intro- duced the maiion looking for the ap- pointment of an industrial commis sioner some months dgo, and who i acting on hehalf of citizens deeply in terested in the general ny of Oshawa's development, today outlines the general plan of organizing a Cham ber of Commerce. Slack Periods "My idea is this, "Mr. Swanso: pointed out, "we have practically noth mg but very large industries, and when those industries are busy there is no complaint amongst the working men But a great many of the industrie (Continued on Page 5)) MONTREAL THEATRE TRAGEDY RECALLED Trial of Laurier Palace Theatre Officials Opens --Dramatic Stories (By Canadizn Press) Montreal, Oct. 21 Dramatic stories oi how the 78 child victims of the Laurier Palace Moving Picture Theatre fire Jost January were trapped and crushed to death were told by witness- es when the trial opened yesterday of Ameen Lawrand, vroprietor, and, Mi- chael Arie and Camil Bazzi, employees, | on charges of manslaughter. Nothing new however developed save the state- ment that some children had broken window panes and climbed down a telegraph pole. One witness declared Michael Arie had prevented the chil- dren from leaving by the stairs block- ing their way and telling them there was no danger, but an eleven year old survivor said that although the man blocked his way he was unable to identify any of the accused as a man. CALIFORNIA SWEPT BY DREAD EPIDEMIC Bi y LL Deaths (By Canadian Press) Sacramento, Calif., Qt. 21.--The infantile paralysis epidemie sweep ing California has resulted in nine hundred cases and one hundred deaths, it was reported today. AMERICAN CARPENTERS NOT CONTEMPLATING STRIKE AT PRESENT (By Associated Press) San Francisco, Oct. 21--President William Green of the American Feder- ation of Labor said today he was ig mnorant of the Toronto carpenters' strike situation and does mot know of any action being contemplated by the American Federation. Toronto re- ports are that the Federation may cal a general strike in Toronto in sym- pathy. FLIGHT TO DENMARK MAY START TODAY (By Associated Press) Old Orchard Maine, Oct. 21--After receiving reports from ships at sea Mrs. Frances Grayson set three o'clock this afternoon as the tentative time for the projected hop off of the big Am phibian Plane Dawn on the flight t Denmark. west wind makes the stant difficult but it was hoped it ight case down to permit of a take off. Whose Body Was Taken Braniford, Oct. 21.--That the cloth- of Margaret Brash Duncan, whose ushand George Duncan, is on trial harged with her murder, could have een torn on the alumimum step of inean's car, was the evidence of vrs. Charles Summerhayes, sister of huncan, in police court today, when uncan was arraigned, Little new ndence was brought out during the worming, hut 'it was expected Duncan could tell the story after resumption iter this afternoon. Brantford, Ont. Oct. 21--George Juncan was arraigned today on a narge of the murder of his wife, Mar- aret Brash Duncan, before Magistrate lake in County Court. He pleaded After Her Mysterious Death--Several Witnesses To Be Called To Undertaking Parlors (By Canadian Press) { | not guilty and witness s were called by the Crown. Hadtie Hannah, Ham lion, | told of Duncan and his wife leaving | her home on the evening of Sepremb 1 | 28, Mrs. Duncan apparentiy being in| good health. The Caledonia hot: keeper said Duncan was in his hotel between 7 and 8 pm. while David Chrysler said he was introduced to Mrs. Duncan at 930 pm. when shel seemed all right. Mrs. Charles Suwmmerhayes, sister of Danean, told of the arrival of Dun can with the body of his wife and de- clared the relationship between Dun can and his wife was . always good. Puacan had told her "she just died," she said, SRITISH SUBMARINE ATTACKS PIRATES Rescues Crew of Steamer Captured and Taken To Bias Bay (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Vress) Hong Kong, Oct, 21--A British submarine has carried war against Chinese piratez into the pirates' stronghold at Bics Bay. After res- cuipg the crew of the sicamer Irene captured by the pirates, the subma- ine turned and attacked the shore rendezvous. Today tlames swept the notorious pirates' lair forty miles north of here, The 1"ene had been attacked on Wednesday and the pirates overpowered the olfic- ers, robbed the passengers and tock the ship to Bias Bay. The subma- rine came along and fired at the steamer, picking up its crew and passengers. TYPIST GIVES UP CHANNEL ATTEMPT Miss Gleitz Only Eight Miles From Dover When Taken From Water (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) London, Oct. 21--Miss Mercedes Gleitz gave up her channel swimming attempt today when eight miles from Dover, says a despatch to the Even- ing News this aftrenoon. She started out early today to vindicate her pre- vious channel swim as a result of Dorothy Logan's fake swim. The News said it received word of Miss Gleitz' failure by wireless from a staff man in an aeroplane which accompanied the swimmer. (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) London, Oct. 21--Miss Mercedes Gleitz, London typist, commences the second channel swimming effort at 4.23 am. and at 10.35 am. was reported by the pilot of an a®roplane to be half way over. VICTIM OF MISHAP NEAR HAMILTON IS RECOVERING (By Canadian Press) Hamilton, Ont., Oct. 21.--Jack Wal- ker, the most seriously hurt of the six children injured by a motor car dri- ven by a Toronto man on the high- i way last evening, was much improved today and his rccovery was expected. ------ JACK DEMPSEY IS THROUGH WITH FLYNN (By Associated Press) New York, Oct. 21.--Jack Demp- sey, in a letter to the sporting edi- tor of the New York American, to- day indicates that his connections with Leo P. Flynn are at an end. Flynn directed him through the fights with Sharkey and Tunney and Dempsey says he was only employed 'or two fights. DR. LEVERMORE EXPIRES SUDDENLY (By Associated Press) Berkely, Calid., Oct. 21. Dr. Charles derhert Levermore, winner of hundred Shompand dollar Bok peace prize, dr dead of heart failure yesterday at the age of 71. FIRE THREATENS TOWN OF INGERSOLL, (By Canadian Press) Woodstock, Ont., Oct, 21.--The entire business section of Ingersoll was threatened by fire today and detach ts were ned from London and Woodstock. Local fire fighters, however, had the blaze under control when aid arrived. Fire broke out in the stock and sales harn of William Kirwin and the adjacent Oxford Hotel caught fire. Many other buildings and even the Town Hall were touched by tongues of flames. Damage was confined to the upper porticns of the barn and hotel and was be- ing estimated today. CAROL TO RETURN TO OWN COUNTRY? Peasant Party Confident He Will Rule--Has Broken With Madame Lupescue (Cable Service To Canadian Press) Paris, Oct. 21--French radical news- paper E'Oecuvre day says delezates of the National Peasait party of Rum- ania have vegotiated for former Crown Prince Carol for his return to Rumania and assumption of the thrown. This possiiiity, however, is discounted in competent circles. The Peasant party leaders are quoted as being confidi ot the maladministrati<; of Premicr uana will eventuaily bring whom Carol's return. Carol is reported a accepting the peasant party's siipula- tion that he break with Madame lu pescue, with whom he years ago deserting hus wife, Princes: Helen. The Peasant party will hold a congress on October 25 when pro- nouncement in favor of Carol's return may be issued. Ie Journal says Carol has already left Madame Lupescue because of her memoirs being pub- lished in United States newspapers. CHEVS, PLAY ST. KITT'S TOMORROW IN OAKVILLE Just before golug to press lage this aftermoon word was received locally that the Chey- rojlets will meet St. Thomas Church of St. Catharines fn Oakyille tomorrow aftermoon at 3.30 o'clock. While the game was presiously arranged for Wednesday afternoon, the 0.A. The Times By INVENTS AUTOMATIC DEVICE TO PREVENT GREAT AIR HAZARD (Cable Service to The Times by Canadan Press) Chicklewood, Eng., Oct. eight years of research, F. Handley- Page, noted aeroplane designer, has developed an automatic device which Le claims will prevent plans from go- ing into an uncontrolled spin, the most fatal of all air hazards. KUNTZ BROS., NEW YORK HIGHEST BID (By Canadian Press) St. John's Nfid., Oct. 21--The tender of Messrs. Kuntz Brothers and Lehmann Brothers of New York, amounting to 98.13 per hun- dred dollars par value was highest of the last might tenders for the Newfo Government Loan of fixe mililons dollars and 21. --After eloned two ANOTHER NEW APARTMENT HOUSE HERE Building Permit For $65,000 Issued to L. V, Disney--16 Apartments 26 RY 116 FEET Building Total Swelled By Permits Today Valued at $78,000 en a great boost today when a per- mit was issued for the erection of another large apartment and store building to be built on Simcoe street West, The permit which was for $65,000 was issued to L. V, Dis- ney, local realty man. He will bnild a block to accommodate 16 apartments and three stores at 82 Simcoe street South. CC, C. Sten- house is the architect. The building which will be of the latest construction will be of brick and tile construction and will be 36 feet wide and 116 feet in depth, The foundation will be concrete construction. The apartments will be hot water heated, Another permit for a dwelling was issued A. Miller at 259 Ritson foad' for a brick veneer residence ernsting $3,600. C. Cainfield was also granted a permit for the erection of a hrick veneer home to he built at 352 Jarvis street, at a cost of $3,600. J. Ferrie will erect a house and store at 612 Burton street at an approximate cost of £1,000, The larvest exclusive resi- idence. permit of the day was giv- en A. McDowell, who will -build a gnlid brick honse at 468 Mary street, at a cost of $7,000, Permits for the erection of garag- es and other minor bhnilding, ete., granted had an approximate value of $1,600. iw TWO AUTOS AND BICYCLE STOLEN Boyce Moto- Meter Also Taken--Band of Youths Suspected Theives in Oshawa last night were after means of locomotion, as evidenc- d by the fact that two automobiles and a bicycle, as well a Boyce Mote -metey, were stolen. Jt pected that a barzdeor youths are ac- tive in small thefts here, for a large vumber of bicycles and other articles have been taken recently. Even some of the automobile thefts may be at- tributed to certain of the younger ele ment desiring a "lark," in the opinion of the authorities. Bath of the autcmobiles stolen last night were of Chevrolet make, both vere taken about the same time in the wening, and both vere stolen from the same section of the city. The first one was the property of Samuel G Fdwards, 255 Arthur strect, and it was taken from Celina street between 715 and 920 pm. The car was a Chevrolet sedan, licens: number 297- 670 During the sam period of time, a Chevrolet touring car, belonging to Frank E. Williams, of Bowmanville, was stolen from King street just east of the Regent theatre. The license 1umber of this caf is 47-006. The bicycle stolen last evening was tl:e property of Mr. Webster, 737 Ce- dar street, and it was taken irom the rink on Rickmond street between ight and ten o'clock. It is a Win- ner bicycle, painted red. The Moto- meter reported missing, was taken from a car belonging to E. GG. Harrcn, 144 King strect east, while it was parked on Ontario street last night. as ie Sus- RUTH ELDER REMAINS UNDAUNTED:; TO TRY FLIGHT NEXT YEAR (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) was dingly pted + Effort on Foot to Have Prominent Citizen of City Accept Nomination LJ Oshawa's building total was giv- | These Launching Move Be- lieves Oshawa Should In- sist on Having Services on One Whose Heart and In- terests Are Wrapped Up In City ALD, SWANSON ENDORS S MOVE Citv Needs Services of Men With DBroadest Possible Outlook at Critical Point in Dcvelopment, it is Pointed Out Efforts are vader wav today to in- duce G. W Mclaughlin. one of the founders of Canada's ercatest antomo- tive industry, to stand for election as Mayor of Oshawa in 1928.- Those who are launching the effort to have Mr. McLaughlin accept nomination point out that at this criiical int in y's develonnient. Oshawa should in- sist on having the services of one whose heart and interests here, and point wisdom would be of in- cileuable service not only during his occupancy of the mayor's chair hut would affect the city's future develop ment for many years, "I think." Ald. I). A. } clares, "that it would be one of. the and native Swanson de- hest things possible for Oshawa if citizens would get together and prac- tically demand that George McLaugh lin accept the mayoralty for 1928, There isn't a more capable man in this Dominion, and add to that his life long knowledge of Oshawa and its problems. His service would be of in calcuable benefit to the communi, and | tha: if h shown that a representative body of opinion was behind candidacy he would consent to stand. Mr. Mclanghhn has over to serve his sity any capacity lecking to Oshawa's bet- terment, "Moreover, I have come to the con clusion that, without one, there should be a definite move to get more of Oshawa's lead ing citizenship to the Council "Oshawa needs the services of men with the broadest who are not able only to think ward or city terms, but who provincigl, a national outlook. "Given assurance of public Lchieve were his ready heen in attacking anv possible under city must have to continue its deve ment would offer themselyes for of Ld aN a sweeping ro-orgamzatim Of the Council. Bringing five or six new men of the type nceded inio that would enhzace its dignity and bring the avility which this city's growth and expansion requires in the conduct of its affairs." OFFER OF $200,000 FOR MINING COMPANY Mayor R. D. Preston, Head of Gateway Mines Litd., Says Offer Was Cash R. D. Preston, mayor of Oshava and president of the Gateway Gold Mines, Limited, whose proper are inTech Township. near the Kirkland Lake holdings, announced today that in a meeting of his company's directorate yesterday in Toronto a cash offer of $200000 from English Syndicate for their claims was refused despite the additional offer of 15 per cent stock interest in the proposed company. Mr. Preston states that his com- pany owns eleven valuable claims in Tech Township and that the d rectors are eminently satisfied with their prospects. Diamond drills have been in operation all summer with good re- sults and promise of further progress The directors' meeting, which the mayor attended as its executive officer, was held in the Prince George Hotel. GERMAN PLANE TURNED BACK FROM: AZORES (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Lisbon, Portugal, ©Oet. 21.-- The Heinkle Hydro Aeroplane D-12- 20 which took off for Azores early today, returned shortly after Ward's with a leak in the oil tank. The plane is enroute to the [United States and it had gone biit a short distance when forced to turn back NO ARRESTS OVER NAGHT No arrests were made by the local Police Department during last night, and there was only one case before Magistrate A. F. Hind in Police Count this morning. That was the adjoun od trial of George Tavlor, atias Fer Lent Buckles, who appearad om a caurge ff foreeny. CASS MAS A sain adjcurned until next Wednesday, Jciober 26d. whose exccutive talents, broad outlook | the | outlook, | standing of the reasons for their can- | lidacy, 4 believe men of the type this [ter find'ng Dr. logan was gravely! body | SOUGHT FOR OFFICE G. W, MCLAUGHLIN, | Whom a body of representative citi- i zens are mentioning for the may- oralty of Oshawa in 1928. Ald. D.A.J. Swanson declares that there is not a more capable man in the Dominion, and that eciti- zens should demand his services in view of Oshawa's present growth and splendid for even greater progress. CASTS NEW LIGHT ON FAKE SWIM Lieut. Adams In Statement Says Miss Logan Confessed Only on Demand (Cale Service 10 Canadian ! Tondon Oct £7. {today quoted Il. eut. Commander L Adam. retired. whe acted as pilot for Dr. Dorothy lLozan in her "Hos, vim" and de Jaring that 'essed to the fake only when arothe* menher of her par ty demanded that she do so. "I de cided to ies'st that she make a full | ion," Lieut, Adams said, The Times by Press) Daily sketch tcompronising his honor by contin- > {ning to withhold certain facts abour {the swim. She. had concealed from {Lim the faet that she got the thou- | rand pound reward. he claimed. Adams sa'd that only when he eard it in the newspapers did he carn that Dr. Togzn had re eived |x reward and that she had signea documents stating she had made the swim in record time. Then he and membe | Ceorge Woodward, another of the party, went to see Dr. Logan and demanded. that the lie about the | | | | | swim be withdrawn. He declared hat the fact he and Weodward were threatended + with serious conse- wuences induced him make to- lay's statement. to PLANS CAMPAIGN ON DISARMAMENT (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Toncon. Oct. 21.--Viscount Cecil who recently resigned from the Baldwin Cabinet in disagreement with its disarmament policy, today launched a person speaking cumn- main in the cause of disarmament, making the first of a half dozen ad- dresses he will del'ver before Christmas. Speaking at a special meeting of the British eacue of Nations Union he declared that ue obiect of his resignation from the Cab net was to have greater free- iom '0 impress upon his fellow coun trymen the ufgency of disarmament vithout which, he said. there cou "ea ro hope of enduring peace in Europe. Milkmen Not to Be Overlooked On Poppy Day Just how much money has been lost to benevolence since Tae Days started through over- lo king milkmen cannot be more than estimated, but the day- break immunity hitherto enjoyed he milk distributors is at an end as far as Oshawa is concerned. "3% November 5 the local Cana- dian legion post is staging its wana! Poppy Dar, and on one comrade's asking at what hour oda wud Begin, arother vera aored 4 et an. early mn mvh te cat on the milk wa- Sui. dcavers. 9 opportunity af-! ARENA PLANS DEFERRED TO NEXT SPRING Hambly Bros, Announce' That Early Start Is To Be Made In 1928 BIG UNDERTAKING Experts Advice Promotors To Wait--To Erect More Substantial Building Oshawa hockey teams will not play on artificial ice in this city thie w.nter it became known this morning following an aunouncement br ilambly Brothers, local ice man- iactu brs to the effect that the Lroposition would be developed dur- ing the next couple of months and | work would he started early enough (iu the new year to have the bulia- ing ready by November 1, 1928. Several interesting developments ir connection with the arena prop- osition have taken place during the time which has elapsed since the an- nouncement was made about a month ago to the effect that the rink {would be put up and would be ad- 'vanced far enough to allow [teams to play there this year, star: ing probably January 1, this year. ¥ The undertaking is a large one and it is not merely a matter of a decision to go ahead. It takes inne to have the plans formulated to fi. the requivement of the communivy ithe arena must serve and it is with a view to having these completed that the local promoters, Hambly Bro- thers, have decided to wait. They have secured the advice of experts men well educated along these lines and invariably they have been told it would be to the best interests of loth themselves and the community to wait and get things underway carly in the spring. In speaking to The Oshawa Da'ly Times today in connection with the decision one of Hambly Brothe:s stated, apd his remarks were con- firmed by a member of the staff 10- | terested in the erection and formu- Jation of the planes, that by hbld- in" the work over till spring it will be possible to provide a more | substantial building than otherw ue (could be done. It will also be poss- ille to erect the building somewhat larzer than was at first plannea. With the rink ready for hockey teams to get on early next Novem- ber, Oshawa stands a good chance of securing several of the profes- sional teams to come here and av | their spring trzining, local team? | will be able to stimulate and s>- | cure experienced players and thus be ready to get on ice with the be- ginning of November and be in god condition when hokey season O"- ens. It will not be nezessary to iourney to Toronto for pre-seasson training. GIVEN YEAR TERM FOR MANSLAUGHTER David Walton Found Guilty of Causing Death of Man In Motor Mishap (By Canadian Press) ; London, Ont., Oct. 21--David Wal- ton, convicted of manslaughter in con- nection with the death of Melyille Abel in a motor car accident here, was today sentenced to a year determin- ate and six months indeterminate in the Ontario Reformatory = by Justice Raney. Ccming Events | RATES 3 Cents pea word ~uch inser Minb.aomn chaxge for each imnertion, SHc. OLDE TYNE SQUARE DANCE AT Jubilee Pavilioa tonight. Hold- en's Orchesira, Dancing 8.30 p. m. (93a) MADAME NEVADA. PALMIST, AT 267 French sireet. Hours 2 to 9. (20. 01.49%» RUMMAGE SALE, ST. GEORGE'S School room, Centre St, Friday, Oct. 21st. Opens 1 p.m. (90¢) WHITE ROSE DEGREE MEETING at Sons of Enzland Hall, Monday. October 24th. Initiation. All White Rose members please attend. H. Simmons. Secretary. (93h) EUCHRE PARTY IN THE K. P. Hall, Yicto-v Lode, Manday, Not. 4. Admis on 27 cont Re- | fre hments, "2h | 21 Aan emmragam ecary " . "om | Jubilee Pavilion tomipht 171 14. | e's Orchestra. Tauncing 35:9