THE OSHAWA DAILYTOMES, "TUESDAY. OCTOBER 18,1927 -- - | WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST A a SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- of the life of Jesus is proving one of real interest and practical help to those attending. Miss Gertrude Hambly was the leader at las! night's session. ' Arrangements were completed for . the Oshawa Presbytery Young Peo- -ple's Rally which is being held in King street Cnurch, next Thursday a.e2rnoon and evening, y . Group meetings were held for a few minutes when various items were discussed, then the groups re- assembled and the meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Bene- diction, izes or turas an as Ler brown. Add the' remainipg sugar and water and proceed according to the given di- rections. Vanilla flavoring is ap- propriate for use in caramel icing. (6 . Boiled icing is the most popular, and at the same time perhaps also the most variable, of all cake coat- ings. It seems that only the most experienced sugar cooks are exact- ly sure of their product for they alone understand underlying prin- ciples. Sugar cookery, when it is thoroughly understood, is simple | and highly interesting. Granulatea sugar, the basis of all icing, is a while if it is insufficiently cooked it will not harden. Lastly, the saturated syrup cook- ed to just the right stage must' be elowly beaien into the stiffly beaten egg whites. Egg white beaten un- til dry tends to crumble while if it is beaten until stiff, but not yet dry, ii rcmains elastic and during the beating will stretch and enfold the sugar syrup in a most gratify- ing manner. B.Y.P.U. CANCEL HALLOWE'EN PARTY Young People's Week to Be! Observed from October 31 to November 3 from the southern limits named fis included in ihe two restricted areas. On motion of Ald. Hart, a check for 38,000 was ordered paid to Ar- thur Wilkinson, - in settlemeny bis claim against the city ana 1 purchase of land over which the St. Julian sewer will run. A sin. lar settlement for the Butt pro perty's 26 acres was also reported, smounting to some $10,000. , Motion to pave MclaughMa: Hou- levard from Midland street to Christie street io do awdy with a marsh condition was met with some opposition. Ald MacDonald wanted to know why French streef was not paved, as frequently requesied.. Ald. Swanson also proi¥ted in general terms. He emphatighlly pointed out that he did not wish to appear as seeking special favors for his constituenis in the South East Ward, but that. 'unless thé Works Board gave more attention to streets such as Verdun, Sit. Jul- fen, and St. Eloi streets, aldermen RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is ' extra good. : 4 complex sugar built up of several | There was a great deal of busi- 1d Mr. E. Hughes, this city, was a ' tmp) of that ward and Cedardale wou week-end visitor in Belleville, [] olVle Small sranuts png Yotallize in| ness to be discussed at the B.Y.P.U. be forced to hold a caucus and se small granules. The problem of | t - --Mr. F. Saunders, Elgin street Pp Of | meeting last evening, which was to it that other work was obstruct week-end and renewed old acquain- tances. V--Mr. I. Simmons. of the Domin. 'on Bank Staff of this city, is spend- ing his vacation at his former home in Belleville, with his old friends. --Miss Tressa Chapman, of the office of the Thousand Islands rail- way in this city, is in Gananoque at- tending the funeral of her father, the late Alexander Chapman --Fire Chief and Mrs. G. Gimb- lett, who have been visiting in Ham- ilton, called on friends in this city yesterday, while on their return to their home in Peterboro', --On the eve of her departure for home in this city, the many friends of Miss Gladys Barker at Rainy Lake, tendered her a miscellaneous shower, Many beautiful gifts were received by the bride-to-b®, and a pleasant evening was spent FOUR-FOLD GOSPEL IS STUDY COURSE AT KING STREET LEAGUE "The four-fold Gospel' was the discussion in the study course at the King street Young People's League last evening. . This study TRUASE NW 2 MADE TO SCM MADE T( RDER ON V4 ORDER SARE AAI SOASEel STS L SECURELY, ERAN " oN VREE ee alize in We spe ABDOMIN, ELTS y\Vpg le] Sale) NICH NH 135 CHURCH. ST. TORONTO Mrs. Atkinson, Member of Dominion Board, Gives a Fine Address Re The Women's Missionary Society of St, Andrew's United church, held its regular meeting on Thursday af- ternoon' in the new quarters and some of the members of the Simcoe street Missionary Society were pres- ent and received a most cordial wel- come. The speaker of the after- unop was Mrs, Atkinson. member of the Dominion Board of the Wom- en's Missionary Society. She is an juteresting speaker with a through knowledge of missicaary work, and gave a general outline of the work in some of the foreign fields telling how Missionary Endeavor was start- ed in China, India and Japan, brief- ly following its progress to the pres. ent time. At the close of the ad- dress Mrs, R. Bale contributed a much appreciated solo The next regular meeting will be the annual Thanksgiving meeting and hope that al; the Ladies of the congregation will not forget the date, November 10, the second Thursday in the month, It is ex- pected that a return missionary from the foreign field will be the speaker. Our Daily Recipe Learn through practice to master the art of making boiled icing. CARAMEL ICING Prepare as for Plain or Fluffy Polled Icing except that half of the sugar is put into the saucepan and is stirred and cooked over a moder- ate flame until the sugar caramel steps. In the first place, the gritty sugar crystals must be completely dis- solved in water. Next, the excess , water must be hoiled out in the! presence of acid (cream of tarter' or vinegar) in order to transform the grainy sugar into a simple sugar which on beating crystallizes into a creamy icing rather than a grainy ohe, To do this successfully, it is es- | sential that every single sugar erys-! tal be dissolved either bese t he' sugar and water mixture is put on the fire, or more certainly before it starts to boil. Once the sugar is dissolved, the solution must be cooked quickly without = stirring. If cooked y~too slowly the icing produced will be gummy and lifeless ingtead of | thick and glossy. : Then the sugar solution mus: he: removed from the fire when the proper degree of cooking has been reached, the temperature depend-! ing upon the proportion of sugar and egg white used in the recipe, This exact stage is difficult to de- termine without a thermometer. If icing is cooked too long it crystallizes into a grainy frosting eadache! of heart sants take mild and purely vegetable Wb OW cau uble. | Neth ois +b tor bi Acts pleasantly, | Never gripes, Only 25c. : Make the test tonight-- | and Sold by | All Oshawa Seven Druggists First An for Electric Ranges 4 Mra Electric Ranges have been adjudged the hi gra M in com petition with dealer in your own district. There is a model to suit your own particular need. You cannot do better than to install a Moffat Gold Medal Electric lkange in your kitchen. e Over 80,000 in daily use throughout the world MOFFATS Gold Medal Elect - Teen =e ric Ran electric ranges e world's best products. The models that have been awarded the gold medal of the New Zealand and South i Exhibition, Dunedin, New Zealand, are exactly the same in construction, efficiency and every other respect, as can be shown you by your to be decided was the holding of the annual Hallowe'en party for which a kindly invitation had been given to hold at the home of Mr. E. Crome, on Monday, October 31, but it was postponed, so as not to conflict with the Young People's Week, which being held during. the week from tober 31 to No- vember 3. The first available eve- ning was the foutrteenth of Novem- ber which will, of course, be too late for Hallowe'en so that just a social business under consideration was the trip to Sunderland on Thanks- giving day to attend the Young People's rally and it was decided to leave this matter in the hands of the social committee. The tople of the eféning was taken by Miss Mil. dred Jackson whose group had rharge of the meeting, and was the first chapter of the new book, "You and Your Church", It was very in- terestingly given and a good win. ter's series of meetings are looked forward to by the executive. The scriptnre lesson was read by Mr. Harry Witterick. The meeting was closed with the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. INITIAL STEP IN TOWN PLANNING (Continued from page 1) step taken last night was deemed necessary to forstall erection of a block of stores on Simcoe north amongst some of Oshawa's finest private homes, Introduced by Ald. Swansen, Cap- tain H. P. Ayres, of the Peterbore Aeroplane Company, Ltd., asked the Council's permission and co- operation in making an aerial photo- graphic map of 'the city and vicim itv covering 18 square miles of ter- ritory. The total cost of the map would be some $2,000, most of which would be paid by those de- eiring copies which will be four by five feet in area. The city's share would probably be not more than £400--possibly nothing. On mo- tion of Ald. Swanson, Mayor Pres- ton appointed Aldermen Bradley, Marks and Swanson with the city engineer a commitiee with power to act to work with Captain Ayres. Stop Streets Ald. Schell called the Council's attention (o the fact that drivers of niotor vehicles are not observing the Stop Street signs and that Simcoe and King street are, in consequence made more dangerous 'han ever. He reported secing a truck come cut of Fisher street at 20 miles an honr and torn on to the throuxn street without a pause. To curb this situation, it was de-, clJared advisable to let the chief of police employ any number of spe- rial constables that he may require to fill the police court with violaters of the Stop Street by-law. Ald. Swanson deciared that Osh- av--'s gituation #8 regards police | proteciion is really pitiful because of the lack of men. He pointed oui | covers the north of Oshawa and an- cther covers the southern distric: to the lake. The mayor broke in to say that if thers was a call to the sergeant on dniy at those hours, he had to lock the police station to answer the call. Mr. Swanson declared that in view ofgthe recent epidem'c of bur- 2lary, Oshawa must consider add- ing at least sir. possibly nine, n=w men to the fc.ce, and that the {Council might expect a recommenda- tion to that effect from the Police Commission. Ald. Schell made it clear that in this discussion the Council was not criticizing the police but itsenr iv pot having a larger force to deal with the necessitics of a growing city. Ald Hart called at'ention to the fact that the signal lights at King 0 Moffats Electric Ranges for sale by the -' ELECTRIC SHOP Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ont. ,.and Simcoe are occasionally off [through lack of power, and he ad- | vised that the Hydro staff here be asked io notify the police when su-h shut offs were to be e=:pected £0 that a man could be placed on dutv at the main intersection. Mayor Preston declared that Osk- awa's sireet lights are growing dim- mer all the time and that some- thing must be done soon with re- gards to the city's power shortage and hydro rate problem. Restricted Arers The city arpas to be declared wholly residemtial on Ald. Swan- son's motion, which was seconded by Ald. Harman, are, west of Sim. coe north. an area bounded on the east by Simcoe street; om the north by the 3rd Concession road, on the west by the Oshawa River; and a line 150 feet south of Louisa St. East of Simcoe street. the north limit is the 3rd Concession road; on the east 150 feet east of Mary street, and south by 150 feet senh au Of "BFork Riteet. Simcoe street N., = that after midnight, one patrolman |' given some attention. He commended the dermen for their efforts in behalf . making granulated sugar into suc- | opened in the regular way with Miss | ted until older sections of the eit visited in Belleville during the L REGULAR MEETING cessful icing consists of four main B Galt, presiding. The first item one Elgin iol Si adi wor h 4 they were eminently justified ix keeping the constituents' needs be- fore the €ouncil. The caucus plan was not put in- to operation at last night's meet- ing and the McLaushlin Avenue paving scheme passed. Ald. Hart pointed oui that the newer sections of the city were en- tirely revenue producing and that, amongst other things, influenced the trend of paving. Appeal to Board The W. E. Phillips Glass Com- pany was authorized, subject to Works Board action, to present its case for the closing of Oshawa St., between First and Third streets, io the Dominion Railway Board with a view to giving residents affectea ans outlet over the Oshawa Railway tracks. On suggesiion of City Solicitor Grierson, the city's suit against the township of East Whitby will be re- viewed by a judge to be named by the chief justice of Ontario, This case was before Mr. Justice Lennox who died recently. No new evidence will be required. Mrs. John A. Wilson, at 50 Wil- Jlam street asked exemption trom street cleaning and watering tax al- leging that the* street had been cleaned very infrequenily and water- ed never. Petitions to pave portions of Park road south and Carnegie 'streets; and to comsttuct sidewalks on An- nis and Conant streets were refer- red to: the Works Board. W. J. Severs presented a claim for $25, alleging that his car drop- ped into a rain-filled hole at the corner of King and Center streets, ruining tire, inner tube and rim. The fire protection .commiitee's report, presented "~ by 'Ald. Miller dealt with the purchase of coal for the city buildings. of their ward, and pointed out tua. |; GLY feminine indeed is this dainty May Belle Bandeau Brassiere and Bobette set. The competent, wee bandeau of firm}ly-knit, lockstitch rayon lined with net--is snug- fitting and comfortable. Equally alluring is the match- Belle Bobette irements of the mode for short frocks. Truly a lovely gift set--made in soft, lustrous rayon in all the popular pastel shades --beautifully tailored and dain- JSily finished. All May Belle Lingerie is made from our own superb lockstitch rayon--guaranteed to give the utmost in service and to retain its beautiful sheen and color, Look for the May Belle label in every piece of rayon lingerie. Let it be your guide when shopping. 15 ONTARIO S1LKNIT, LnvaTED TORONTO Largest Makers of Rayon Fabrics and Rayon Garments in Canada. _3 in clean, pure SMP SMP oN | 2? : E 3] A # § a) A ? ELED WARE SFE A ---------- y STA OW EW Wor e Spotles s/ i" If babies' and children's food should be cooked Enameled Ware, then so should mothers' and daddies'! For clean cooking and easy cleaning, use SMP Enameled Ware. ; Made in Conada by The Sheet Metal Products Co. "Spade TORONTO Winnipeg Calgary