A SMALL AD DOES A 5i( 108 fede NERRR EWN LAW OFFICE, E. SoUGLAS BELL. Bradley Block,' 2 Sm rest south, FRANK EBBS, BARRISTER, Meitor, E "Public, Soha Ey loan, Roow_ 3 3 43% ov Royal Bank Bldg., Simcoe and streets. Phone 1496, Solicitors, No yveyancing and Law. W. B. N. 8 BLAIK, XS of Commerce (118-1 yr.) -] Fire Agency 884) | en PLACING EE aa tt i Reud, Epny for Subs DAVIS AND SON, INS King st. west, Oshawa. In Oshawa, putable Fire Companies. ' (118-4), INSURANCE, consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simeoe. north, Your insurance wants at- JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- rister, Soliciter, tary Public, CoN- veyancer. Money to loan, Office 343% King St. east, Oshawa. Phone 145. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- Ye, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St.. Phone 13. J. 3 Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, LA, SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barrist Te, Notary' Public, o es of , Criminal & a Civik Law, Naor to "loan. ove over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east. Phone 940. D, A. J. Swanson, H. N. Mackensie. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Heitor, Notary Public," Conveyaticef, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office Reiss residence, 22397. ) LOUIS S, HYMAN & Co, Td ters, Conveyancers, "Notaries, ete. Over' Engel"s store, 16 Simcoe St. North. Money tq loan. Phones-- oftieé 67. Residence 2191. (tf) FG. ded to and your interests pro- tected, (Oct. 11-1yr.) H..R. COULDERY TIC i: | corating. he fhe OE ton, brick; show cards, price t. of every description, Regent black over Jerry's Barber Shop, Oshawa. (229-1) THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLE; ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put or and removed. Phone 1302 Transportation | S ed, Simcoe St., 3., phone 346-7, 242 Front St, E., "Torouto, Phone Main | 7687, Superior Trausportation ser- vige, (42-11) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age, 85 Bond St, West. Phone 82, : 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehguse equipment. Baggage transferred to and from all, trains. (64-12) DR. HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- can, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Spe- cial reference to' maternity work. Two years post graduate experience, niné months having been spent en- tirely in materfiity work, and di- seases of women, both in United States and Canada. Office and resi- dence, 167 Simcoe street north. (Cor. Brock). Phone 303. (Oct. 17-1 mo.) DR. R. E. McMULLEN, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Home and office, 666 . Simcoe street south,.. Phone 730M, it (Oct 10-Nov 10) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F. L. Beecroft, Whitby, lum and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324; (69-tr) "30400 NEW BUNGALOW, 'R 11 $600 cash. | rooms, TRANSFORTATION LIMIT-| POARDIN, HOUSE FOR SALE rge' 10 roomed Solid brick house meoe ry 'fully equipped for xn room io byil , two more hous- 5. 3 plege' bath, urnace, etc, Wil 11 ne SIRES as going coneern. (89¢) brick, 6 rooms. Fir trim, all conve fences. Division, north of Alice. Immediate ' possession. Phone 1650. (89a) pink AALE=VACANT NEW RED 6 rooms and buffroom." te fittings un 00, or near offer. 620 Hortop avenue, (89¢c) ONE ME HOUSE, NINE ips" Bors, pine floors Rpbtalr ors, downstairs, wired. Would sell ' je Ay electric heap 'for 'cash. 3 houses south C. P. 1 road south, R. track, Par fray FOR SALE--$2,800 BRICK BUN- galow, five rooms, St. Jullen street. $300 down, balance monthly, Louis 8S. Hyman '& Company, Barristers, Phone 67. (88¢c) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR, Oshawa "property, general store $35,000 turnover. Living 'attach- ment, Write C. E. Thompson, North- brook, Ont. (87d) For Rent LARGE ROOMS FOR LIGHT housékeepinig. Phone 2362W. Apply by 7 0'clock. (90b) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM suitable for two géntlemen, 206 Alice street. 2 I bodrdeis, extra large corner lot |! (90c) | Notics Re Cluaiied Ads, idimediately clos-, : r classified ads 9,30 am. Monday to Friday and | 8.30 'a.m. tar ay. 'Ads for' Too Late to Classify and Coming Events, received ; AOR £0. 10.30 8d. wi I Bitect ing time - a4 Work Wanted ighed. ri FLOORS LAID AND hed. Prices reasonable. Phone a (90-c) CHIMNEY CLEANING, REPAIR- in shingling, repairing roofs, Guar- "Ty 'tirat class Job. 93 William L. 'P one '26582W, 8 i (Sept 24-Oct. 24) ANYONE I'contracted for. ete oh pre ASCRLLANE- ; Sy chesterfields made to order. Work- cmanship stable, E620F, guaranteed. G. A. Con- " Mechanic, St. (75t1) WISHING built, call 1337J. 'specialty. 'Cellars A HOME Brickwork =a and excavations (Oct. 118-1mo) | Ge East. Phone MONEY' AVAILABLE FOR FIRST class first mortage loans. Swanson, rman and MacKenzie, 2 dang Bi (90tf) PROF. MARSHALL (Continued from Page 9) that the wrath of God might fall upon Him and thus carry out the Atonement. Again, the McMaster teacher is convinced of the absolute infallibil- ity and inerrancy of the Bible in in- spiration and spirit, but not in exact literal detail. He pointed out yesterday that through slips in the transcription of ol manuscripts passages in the Bible were in error, and that churchmen and theological holars the world over had used Help Wagted--Female EXPERIENCED MAID. APPLY DO- minion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141. (90b) 'WANTED A CAPABLE GIRL FOR ousework. 426 Simcoe street morth. 'Phone 668. (69c¢) EXPERIENCED MAID WANTED for general housework. Apply 458 Simcoe street north. (89b) WANTED--A GOOD GENERAL maid for small family, Box "K" 'Times. (88c) 'WANTED--HOUSEKEEPER TO GO on farm near Whitby. Reasonable wages. Apply Box 208, Whitby. (88¢c) GARAGE, FOR A RENT ON AGNES street. Phone 1168J. (90¢) ONE FURNISHED SINGLE BED- room for rent, suitable for business- man. Phone 1910J. (9%0b) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO tent. 292 Celina street. (90-¢) ROOMS FOR RENT. APPLY' AF- ter five at 165 Ritson Road south, or phone 2466J. (90-a) HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE WITH hot water front, warming oven, good condition. Reasonable. Apply 71 Drew street. (90a) CASH REGISTER PRACTICALLY new. Used less than 1 year. Apply ¢3 Division Si. Phone 1014J. (90¢) able for Beauty Parlor Barber Shop. Phone 2133. (90¢c) or Money to Loan PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first' mortgages. City 'or' farm lands, Lowest interest rate. aco: . Hyman 16 06, DR, BE, R. BARTON, PHYSICIAN, | Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and residence, 142 Simcoe street North. Successor to Dr, Finigan, (Sept. 24-Oct, 24) ison iia St. 2 N nl 63% CITY "AND. raARM No commission. Building loans, Le- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176¢f) DR, McKAY, PnYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. Bast, corner Vietoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR, 'GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and n. 'Speeis] referencer to diseases of infants apd children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, 4 id efan and Surgeon, special 0 given to X-ray work and Riots. wheopy. Disney Block.' Phone 2060. (tf) Dental DR. D, R. PAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gaa admip- Istered for extraction, nurse at- tendant. Phone 231. Residence, 2087, (tf) DE. &. 3, PRILLIPS, Di fice Bassetis', yep 806. UR. B.-A, COOKE, 3 SIMOO Gas tor ortraeaally. Drag 54. ENTIST, Phone 959; 41 yr. ST, Undertaking LUKB BURIAL CO., 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division St." 69 King Street onst. Phone 210J. Watch Repairing F. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair. shop a [YES g Street West. Your pa ronage fs solicited. ri od Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, FATIVING, YATES. han, graining, gr 4 years' 'experience. A Sea. Furniture 'Storage Work Pho , OF» | FURNITUFT STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. 86 Bond St. West. "Phofie 83. Coléman's Cart- ge and Storage. DR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF fice, foo, BAN Bats Bldg. Pbone Js 5-tf | Royal Ban DR."W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RD- gent Theatre Bldg. = Phoug 17 Soe ope Hg, Phong die%1. R. B. ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Bh, 5 rt oot Res. 1114W. 134tf © Music HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan and vocal music. A free booklet giving full particulars will be fur- nished upon request. 50 William street east. Phone 1957), . Oct. 14-1 mo) MR. R. FOUNTAIN OPEN FOR pupils. Cornet and trumpet a cialty, "20 years experience in class theatre orchestras and hate Other instruments taught. * Phone 7104. (84-1) LAHOKLA, INSTRUCTOR, HAWAI- fan Gitar. Individual instruction to all pupils. Music supplied for all oc- casiofi. > Neon '& Lée's Music Store, (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGANIST and Choirmasl Simcoe St. United Church, prépares pupils for any exam- inatiof in' Piano, Studip at the church. Phone 251 for a pointment or information. | ( (Oct 10-Nov 10) ARTHUR Ww. L (HAMBOURG 0). Teacher of Sheng Puplls 'prepared for al ssaminaisons, & HE church, concert, ibe Pi 11 Simcoe south. (72t1) Organ and Singing. | C. C., STENHODUSE -- GBNBRAL architectu 1 'wor % Tr, irri Be: Res. Phone 9021. THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you our €Stitnates. "Write, or phone whit) by) 255. ¥ Surface Tarren a ya Bi waxing, 4G ing nd polisningy. '013 100fs made Bd 61 SI RE = Veterinary Surgeon BY VETERINARIAN, wr IJ domestic animals. i pital." 50 Masson at and Dog St. Phope 629, (56tf) 1 y TO ' RENT--FURNISHED BED- room, suit two gentlemen. Private. Board if desired. 46 Kenneth Ave. Phone 1393J. (90-¢) TWO ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE for four gentlemen, 41 Bond St. east. Phone 781M. (90-b) TO RENT---NINE ROOMED SOLID brick house, 17 John St., opposite Central Park, oak flooring, hot water heating, electric range, ela- borate electric fixtures, three piece tile bath, stationary washtubs, pullman breakfast room, garage, Possession, November 15. Rental, $75. Apply Dr. Belt, 13 John, St, Phone 112. (90-c) FOR SALE--GOOD COAL STOVE, burns wood or coal. Apply 31 King St. E. Apartment 2. Phone 2576, (90-c) FOR SALE--VICTOR ORTHO- phonic, new scale Williams piano, Wilton rug, bathroom medicine cabinet, 2 congoleum rugs, gus stove, lady's coat, and man's over- coat, 107 Brock Street east. (90-c) FOR SALE--ONE KITCHEN CUP. board with glass top, also one elec- tric fixture. 456 Arlington Ave. (90-c) 2 LARGE MIRRORS, CASES SUIT-{ Help Wanted--Male BOY WITH BICYCLE WANTED for light delivery. Phone 1611, 64 Ritson Rd. S.. (89¢c) BOY WANTED TO LEARN PRINT- ing trade. One with high school edu- cation preferred. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (81tf) BRIGHT BOY OF GOOD APPEAR- ance and manners wanted to assist with collections. Must have bicycle. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (81tf) GORDON PRESS FEEDER WANT- ed. Mundy Printing Co., Simcoe South. Situations Wanted WANTED--A POSITION AS CARE- taker of gentleman's residence or public institution, or other permran_ ent work by a man willing to work. Other work taken In meantime. First class references at Box *'U" Times. (891) ONE COOK STOVE FOR SALE. Apply 211 Court street. (90-a) TO RENT--ROOM SUITABLE FOR two - gentlemen. All conveniences. Central; board next door. Apply 178 Albert St. Phone 731J. £90-c) FOR RENT---ONE BRIGHT FRONT room, suitable for two ladies' or one gentleman. Breakfast if de- sired. Phone Whitby 397 or write hox 633 Whitby. (90-b) TWO UNFURNISHED R®OMS ON ground floor. Rent reasonable. Phone 2464). (89¢c) THREE LARGE BRIGHT ROOMS, suitable - for light housekeeping. Box "8S" Times. (89d) FURNISHED HOUSE, EIGHT rooms. Will lease for a year. Apply 25 Division st. m, (89¢c) FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE for two gentlemen... 135 Brock st. Phone 962F. (89t1) TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms to let. '104 Mill street, (89¢) SIX ROOMED HOUSE, HARD-| wood floors, downstairs. All modern conveniences. Phone 599W, (89c) RUDD GAS WATER HEATER, nearly new. Apply 517, Simcoe st. N. (89¢) SOLID OAK GLASS, CUPBOARD, Almost new. Apply 313 King Street east, (89c) FOR SALE--A CHAMPION RANGE in splendid condition. Six lids and reservoir, Apply 292 Athol Sireet east. Phone 849J.. (89¢) Lost and Found WILL PARTY WHO WAS SEEN removing spare tire from 298-326, Friday evening at Columbus, kinaty return to Cook's garage. (90-b) PLOST--BETWEEN MRS. FRED McKenzie's, east of Columbus, and Union Cemetery, Oshawa, one Fire- stone balloon tire, tube and rim. Finder kindly leave: at Chadburn Motor Co., or Mrs. McKenzie. (90-¢) PIANO FOR SALE IN GOOD, CON- dition, Snap for quick Wale. Box "I" Times. (88c) FOR SALE -- COFFEE COLOR Baby Carriage in good clean condi- tion. Price $10. 497 Simcoe St, S. (88¢) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE, 1RON and brass trimmed beds, steel springs, new felt mattresses, slid- ing couches, child's cribs, side- boards, tables, chairs, dressers, washstands chiffionieres, coal and wood ranges, heaters, gas stoves, baby buggies and 'go carts, parlor set. Other bargains. Goods less than half price. 17 Prince street. (88-c) COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT, near General Motors. 106 Appar hr, TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, 34 Arlington, Ave. (89b) FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE for two gentlemen with board. Five minutes, from Motors. 300 Hal boy ¢ ELECTRIC FIXTURES FOR 6 roomed house for '$12.90. Also com- lete sets from $19.90; up-to-date actory samples, half price. Light- ing Fixture Sales Co., 70 Queen east, Toronto, (871) GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE, eight horse power, new. Apply after six, 'Elmer Toms, Church St, Pick- ering. (871) FOR SALE OR RENT--2 ACRES, seven roomed house, four mites north of Oshawa Also good build- ing lots in North Oshawa. Apply Freq Conlin, Phone 1654r14. as : : -. -C o Baew » c 8. DICKENSON, V:8.," DISPASES) oy ; mg hee t ve Bl Velorioary," 34 ok St. BH. Phoie' (131-0 Dressmaking I, THE UNDERSIGNED AM PRE- pared to do all kinds of se cali at 364 Leslie St. or phone 1842J. Migs Flossie Boyd. ©. (Sept. 27-1mo) CORSETIERE-- SPIRELLZ2 SHOP, 32 Elgin St. E. Mrs. Annie Pentland, managing corstierv. Evenings by ap- FOOMBRS "WANTED. 76 COL- | borzie street west. Phone 15610M. B:ars 4g (90a) m-- po = | oh 6} : BOARDERS AND ROOMERS whnted. Apply 105 Colborne: ne A east. (Opt. 18+Nov. 8) TWQ GENTLEMEN BO. RDERS or roomers wantéd. 106 Burke St. Pn (39u) ery. $1.00 DEPOSIT SECURES DELIV- Place your order now for Christmas Gifts, Ladies' and Gents'| Dressing Cages, ' silverware, ching! ware, electyiec floor lamps, watches, clocks, rings, jewelry of all 'kinds, Payments from 650 cents weekly. 0. H. i 22% Simcoe South, Phone (Oct. 6-Nov. 6) WANTED TQ RENT--FIVE OR 6 roomed house by tenants with steady' employment. Phone 2530, (90-b JOIN OUR NEW LIBRARY. NEW fall books are coming in now. Ro- bertshaw's ok Blots, Phone 1472. 317 Simcoe St. wh (Tue-Sat; tf) pointment, Phone 442J. ©" (Sept. 23-1mo) DURBANT MACHINE COQ.--WHR DO all kinds of machinery repairing. r starter ring gears install- »d} connecting rods re-babbited, «1g'wn geprs or pinions supplied sil makes 01 cars. 161 King u,. Plame 519. t., on LOST--WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- rier, white with black sadale-brown on nose, answers to name of Bonnie. Finder suitably rewarded. Phone 921. Mrs. G. D. Conant, (88¢) < Motor Cars FOR SALE--1927 MODEL CHEV, coadgh, used six months, excellent condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Box "Q"" Times. (88-¢) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21ST. TH« farm and implements, the property of 'the estate of the late Fred G. McKenzie, lot 8, con. 7, of the township of East. Whitby, on new road, 2% north east of Columbus, will be offered for sale by auction, on Friday, October 21st, at 1 o'- clock. George Jackgfin and Son, auc- tioneers. (90-a) Agents Wanted PERSONAL GREETING CARDS-- 'Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Can- ada. Regal Art Co., Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave., Toronto, (90a) | pip DOLLARS A DAY SELLING exclusive line of fine rayon silk es. Fast sellers. Liheral compmis- sion. Free samples. Write Dept. 27, Public Service Mills of Canada, Ltd., 'London, Ont. Soe 92a) Wanted to 5 varying terminology in interpreting the Book. "There is no place for infallible Popes in the Baptist 'denomination." he declared. "The Baptist faith stresses liberty in non-essentials, makes room for individualism, stands for unity in essentials and charity in all things. There is not a Baptist church in the world that would fasten vpon itself the respon- sibility of guaranteeing the absolute infallibility of the Bible text." Professor Marshall delivered his speech with ringing tones and flash- ing eyes that spoke defiance of his critics, and in again offering to re- sign if the university board and the convention desired it, refused to be ousted by a 'recalcitrant minority." He bitterly assailed the attacks on him by Rev. John Linton, character- izing some elements in them as "dis- creditable, dishonorable and a spec- ies of intellectual fraud." He par- ticularly objected to Rev. Mr. Lin- ton's attempt to debate through the columns of Toronto newspapers. Pays Regards to Linton "The proper place to do that is on the floor of this convention he said warmly. "I do not regard Mr. Linton as an absolute authority in matters of interpretation and faith, and his views are not necessarily a criterion of orthodoxy. "The real issue we have to face is whether my views are in harmony with the terms of the university's charter. I was examined in this re- gard when I first came here and Dean Farmer found me in accord with all the required teachings. The charter specifies a belief in the divine inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as an absolute authority of supremacy and sufficiency in matters of faith and practice. T stand by that, "It is my critics, not I who want to alter the charter. They want to put into a requirement for belief In the absolute infallibility and iner- rancy of the Bible, and no Baptist church anywhere fastens this upon itself. It is the real spiritual truth of the Bible that is absolutely in- fallible and inerrant, and it is not to be arrived at by mechanical quotation." The difference between the var- fous Greek and Hebrew versions of Biblical manuscripts was pointed out, as well as the variant readings to be found even in the Bible of to- day. . "Biblical criticism is not destruc- tive, but is ever trying to get nearer and nearer to the original text, and the nearer you get to what the Bible really says the more you love it," he said. "One version of the Bible says that 'when Herod heard John, he did many things," when the cor- rect translation is 'when Herod heard John, he was much perplex- ed." Now is that destructive, or does it deny the real infallibility or truth 4 or inspiration of the Book? General Current Clearly Defined "The general current of the mes- sage of the Bible is as clearly defined as the current of the St. Lawrence, As an honest man I can't subscribe to this doctrine of the absolute and textual infallibility of the Bible--and I won't! \ "It is dangerous to pit the au- thority of the Bible against scien- tific facts. It was the common view fn the old days that the earth was flat and that the sun moved round the earth, which has been shown to be erroneous. And while it does not specifically say in the Bible that the earth was flat, there are indications that the people who lived in Bible days believed as much. "I believe that God created man | from the dust of the earth, breath- ing into his nostrils the breath of life and that he - became a living soul, but just how he accomplished it, T don't know. and neither does anybody else. I accept the Biblical version of the creation of woman, 8, JACOB; IN RAGE and all kinds of » 1 am pay- ing 'tor scrap and $1.50. Buylag old x one 764. ao; Tuning NEIL YELLOWLEES, EXPERT | plano tuner, will be In Oshawa once every week. Orders left at Harris' Music stors. Thou 1490. 'Sepll"'2R-Oct. 28) r| ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at l1denl Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phope $38 (tf) ook Wei { although again I don't profess say exactly how it was done." ,vants continu | OFFERS TO RESIGN :: PACE ELEVEN, YA TEER a TURNS Al SMALL BI J VAR LY 8.8.0 0.8 8.8 8 0 BRETTTTTTTTTTT to "How do you know He did it at all?" queried a heckler in the rear. "We're not discussing that now. Never mind," answered the pro- fessor. Loud cries of "Shame! Shame!" and other epithets came from his opponents when Professor Marshall quoted, "How long, O Lord, will those wo profess to be thy ser- ito turn the beautiful Oriental poetry fnto,their dull West- prose?" ir Bible Mainly Word of God "God and the human element both had a part in the making of the Bible," he continued, "but I believe the initiative remained at all times with God and that His part in it was the greater. The Bible is mainly the word of God, and God predominated at all times in the process of the revelation. "The process of the revelation has been an expanding and progressive process, reaching its crown and cul- mination in Jesus Christ. Christ lifted the revelation to supreme (Continued on Page 12) FAILS TO FILE HHS EXPENSE ACCOUNT MEMBER EXCUSED Breach of Elections Act Was Caused By Inadvertence of Agent Woodstock, Oct. an all-day hearing in the Court House today, W. T. McMullen, Act- ing County Judge of Oxford, sta- ted that he would grant an order excusing the. Liberal member for South Oxford, T M, Cayley, from the illegal delay in filling out his dec- laration of election expenses. The Judge in his finding states that the member acted in good faith, but paced the blame on Alex S. Fergu- son of Woodstock, Mr. Cayleys offi- cial agent. The decision as given out, will allow of the filing of the ne- cessary 'declarations. This finding will not affect the action brought by Dr. F. D. Canfield, which calls for a penalty of $500 a day for each day that Mr. Cayley sat in Parlia- ment. Cayley Pleads Ignorance Mr. Cayley was the first witness, and his evidence and cross-exafina- tion continued all during the morn- ing session and well on in the after- noon. Ignorance of the Dominion Elec- tions Act respecting the point in question and implicit faith" .n the ability of his official agent to take care of such details for him, to- gether, with the admission that nis agent, Alex 8S. Ferguson, had de- ceived him, featured the evidence of Mr. Cayley. Judge McMullens finding was as follows: "I find on the facts that the delay in making the proper return was not by reason of any want of good faith on the part of the applicant, Thomas M. Cayley, but the delay occurred through inattention or in- advertence on the part of his offi- cial agent. Without Connivance "I also find that the omission of the official agent in relation to the return and declaration respect- ing election expenses was without ganction or connivance of the can- didate, who is the applicant here, and in the circumstances, after hear ing evidence; I am of opinion tna? the candidate, although if he had been a lawyer or professional man might not have been so patient with the official agent, still took all reasonable means to prevent such act or omission, and I so find. [I think the relief contemplated by Section 12 and subsections ought to be granied, andrif necessary I may be spoken to again as to the exact forp or Jorder."' 17.--Following A MAN 1S HUMBLE fo nes IGNORANT-- AT SIXTY HE'S HUMBLE BECAUSE HE'S WISE! And when he's really wise he has conchiied that there is mo better, hotter coal" in wn than the kind we sell. And he'll know our price is right. W. J. Sargant COAL, COKE and W "Bloor St. E. 'Phone