| Whitby, #tigecuring any ar was apparently oil ahi lbpes of becoming air afr"contre will _ until the town assumes metropolitan.' proportions, according to a lotter received -on Saturday by His Worshin the Mayor. efense states 3 the train- Qved: from Camp ur. This im- roy to the body of citizéns by Maj. Gen. he visited Whithy inspect the meérodrome ~Fg-advised writing to the De- tment of National Defense, ack- 'that. an officer be sent to in- te the site, and form some opin- of "its anitabilit®, as"a base for fo laid and sea planes. 'he 'answer which the Mayor re- d is as-follows. , Warship. Mayor J. X Bateman, hitby, Ont,, Hi Dear Sir, °$ have' your Totter otSthe 7th of pber 'ih whith You state you un- yo tand that the Department is congidering moving Camp Borden to a more favourable site and putting ".THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES: MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1927 title of Christian outweighs all other " |i] earthly titles such as Reverend, Doc- {i tor, and so om. °° "I am glad so many of you here | in Whitby have the right to that 3% the: forward advantages of Whitby in this connection. ; ~ Doubtless the rumour you heard is due to some officer making a remark sometimes which would seem to show that Camp Birden has not all the desirable. factors for an aero- plane station, and this rumour was repeated wt it "hetame an accepted fact. i v "I can assure you however, that at the present time there is no idea of moving the Station from Camp Borden but if in the future such a move is contemplated, I assure you every consideration 'will pe given to the advantages of the site near the Town of Whitby which you have mentioned. Yours very truly, -- (Signed) J. R. Ralston. This rebuff, if it may be called 50 is perhaps more likely due to of- ficial reticence than to any mistake in the situation by Maj. Gen. Mac- Brien, who 'until a short time ago was head of the Militia Department. FORCEFUL SERMON Says Christians and Ought-to- Be Christians Are Only Two Classes (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct, 17.--Speaking on he subject '"Man's Highest Titlel," ev. H. T. Crossley made an elo- juent presen' 'ion o® the gospel last ight in the United Church, Whitby. 'We read in Acts." er, "that the disciples were first =alled Christians 'in Antioch. This Beautiful = Low Prices Aibaigiied collogtion of fur trimmed Coats that smartly follow the dictates of ashion go on Sale Tomorrow Morning Substantial Savings. best. that is obtainable Coats. BY REV. CROSSLEY «aid the speak. title. Now, What is a Christian? He is one who loves and trusts Jesus Christ as his Saviour and loyally obeys Him as Lord and King.' "There are only two classes in Whitby, the Christians and 'the ought-to-be Christians. "First, 1 want those of you who are Christians to retail the spirit of these meetings and begin a new life. Stand by your minister and the young believers. Seek to recruit others who may just be waiting for the invitation. "For the Non-Christians, I have a question. How long halt ye be- tween two opinions? You must be either a Christian or an atheist. Put yourselves in a dilemma and you will surely be Christians. "I hope you will be trusting Christians. Some peonle say. 'Yes. I am trying to be a Christian.' You will have a hard time. We don't become Christians bv trying but by trusting. When we try we think of ourselves, and expect to fail. When we trust, we think of God and are happy in His strength. And don't vonfound doubt of yourself with doubt of God, or the temptation to doubt with doubt itself, "Next, be confessed Christians. Most people confess their decision to 'become Christians before they make 'the surrender. We are told that if | we confess Him, He will confess us also before His Father and the angels. Lack of courage has kept many back, but if we do not confess Him, neither will He confess us. "Then, "be prayerful Christians. Daniel set a wise example. He pray- ed three times a day. The psalmist says 'At évening and morning and at noon will I pray." How often do you pray? Backsliding begins in ne- gléct of prayer. Again, I want you to be home Christians. I will trust a person away from home if he is perfect there. Familiarity too often breeds something like contemipt. The husband speaks roughly to the wife and the brother to the sister. Surely we should show the best side of our natures to those nearest us. "I want yon alsa to be Church Christians. We read that the Lord | added to the church daily such as should be saved. Some of you are be- i lievers but not' members of the church. You say that you are as gond as if you were church members. But we read that the Lord added the members to the church. Let Him have is way with you and add you too, to the church. "Join the church where you can be most at home, because the church is a home. Join the church where vou can receive the most good nd do the most good. Have a strong preference for that church but a broad tolerance for otheg bodies. "The one thing tn set the matter right if von are not a Christian is present decision. There is nowhere | fm¥. invitations for .tomerrow. Now fs the day of salvation, 'Choose ye today whom ye will serve.' "' T0 CONSIDER RIGHT T0 BOXING CROWNS Mandell is Believed to Be . Reluctant to Defend ! Title | FRAIL | (By Associated Press) | Toledo, Oét. 17.--The lightweight "title of Sammy Mandell and the mid- dleweight crown of Micky Walker jare to receive serious consideration of the National Boxing Association now in session, Members of the As- gociation feel that Mandell has ,shown apparent reluctance to defend the title since he won it from Rocky Kansas in Chicago a year ago last July. The manager of Tiger Flow- ers, contends that Walker failed to -carry out a contract by which he should meet Flowers within ninety days if Flowers lost the title in a fight with Walker last Apris. Tv GIRLS KILLED ' PUSHED FROM AUTO Coals ad | An event that Cat Stops Block Away snd a Dead Man is Found at Wheel Chicago, Ills., Oct. 17.--Two nine- teen year old girls were death early today and then thrown from an automobile which sped on for a block before skidding to a stop against the curb with a dead man | at thé wheel. The driver, with a bullet through his head, was Wil. frid Winters 22. The dead are Catherine Stadler and Margaret Martin. The triple shooting' took place on Rhodes avenues, household- ers hearing the sound of shots and "seeing the bodies of the girls being pushed from the car. The revolver was found on the floor of the car near Winters' body. shot to | STUDY PR DAY NEWS TOPIGS Miss F. F. Halliday, at the Convention Discusses Best Way to Teach History The distinctive Gruen Pentagon LEADLEY'S GREAT PLAY IS FEATURE OF BENGALS' WIN Hamilton's Star Establishes a New Field Goal Record for Canadian Football Hamilton, Oct. 17--Aided and a- hetted by' the wonderful performance of Frank ("Pep") Leadley, who ¢s- tablished 'a new field goal record for Canadian football, the Hamilton Tig- ers scored a 24 to 8 victory over the Montreal Winged Wheelers in a Big Four struggle at the H.A.A.A. grounds m Saturday afternoon to place them- selves inssécond place in the loop standing, one point behind the cham- pion Ottawa squad. The former Queen's star was never as brillant on a local field as he was against the men from the east. He scored 19 points, kicking five goals from the geld and tour single counters, and he yroved to be one of the best ground ,ainers on the team. but while Leadley crowned himself with glory he was only one cog in the Jengal machine that struck its stride Jter seven minutes of playing time ad elapsed to buck and boot them- elves to a one-sided victory after Jontreal had secured a 7 point lead. A pleasing feature of the victory vas the smart work of the Bengal ront: guard. Headed by Brian Tim- mis, they ripped large holes in the Montreal line, gaining yards again and again to relieve the situation, and their defensive work was faultless. Jnly once did Montreal gain yards through the line, so well did the Ben- gals hold and in three of the 'four periods Johnny Bennett was called up- on to kick the Montrealers out of tne danger zone. 13,000 SPECTATORS SEE GILL DEFEAT Titanic Struggle Kept Huge Throng on Edge--McGill Keeps Lead Montreal, Oct. 16--McGill Univer- sity obtained a strong hold on first place in the senior division of the In- tercollegiate Football Union by de- feating Queen's University by 11 to 10 at the Percival Molson Memorial Sta- dium yesterday in a versatile and thrilling game. It was McGill's sec- ond straight victory in the series, they having defeated University of Toronto the previous week-end at Toronto. It was a titanic struggle which had thirteen thousand spectators on edge most 'of the time and which was only decided in the last 45 second of play when Tremain kicked a rouge to break a 10-10 tie. The punt which decided the battle was a drive which carriea from centrefield to Warren behina the Queen's goal line, a distance of 60 yards. Warren, a newcomer to senior football, received the ball cleanly bn hesitated before deciding whether he | would attempt to kick the ball or ru it out. He decided on the latter course, but the slight delay proved costly, and before he could break a- way he was surrounded by M:Gill tacklers. DURHAM TEACHERS' . INSTITUTE OFFICERS (By Staff Reporter) Port Hope, Oct. 15--Officers of next year, elected at the Teachers' tay ' . " * Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List (Section 12) Voters' Lists, 1927, Municipality of East Whit- Not County pi Ontario tied ice is Vepehs given that ave complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Vists Ar nd that"l have posted up at my office Ea Colum- bus a the 14th day of October, '<27, the list of persons en' lod 'a wi in the said Municipality for } vier of Parliament and at Municipal Elect: mud that such list re- mains there for smspection, 1 hereby c upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have e_any errors or ise] AY) 'me; 0) Bu Jaa yay jue 4 al' being the ah day. of No, "ed this 14th day of October, 1927, «- P. G. PU " -| Port Hope. Convention which closed yesterday are: Hon.-Pres,--Col. E. E. Snider, of Pres.--Miss Tena Ferguson, Darling- ton, Vice-Pres.--Mr. T. A. Rodger, New- castle. ; Sec.-Treas.--Mr. D. Barton, Ennis- killen. Rep: to Executive--Mr. M. Malcolm, Caesarea; Miss N. Montgomery, Bow- manville, Auditors--Miss M. Dalton, Enniskil- len, Mr. E. E. Staples, Haydon. Rep. to O.E.A.--Miss Elsie Thomp- i Become thoroughly QUEEN'S BY 11-10} (By Staff Reporter) | Port Hope, Oct. 15--"The most suc- cessful way in which to teach history to pupils," declared Miss F. F, Halls day, of Bowmanville, at the Teachers' + Convention here yesterday morning, "is to study present day news topics. imbued with the points of your lesson," counselled Miss | Halliday, "and then tell the children a "simple story." Continuing with her subject, "The , problem of the History Teacher," the speaker declared that telling the chil- dren this simple story, which should jake the characteristic true to life and create high ideals within the children, | does more to impress the fact upon them than any other method. Stressing the . point that children | should be taught to have an interna- tional spirit, Miss Halliday declared that the people of other countries lare to be looked down upon simply von account of having different color, {creed or mannerisms. | Declaring that a diflerent viewpoint by the children toward these matters would create a better international good fellowship, Miss Halliday advo- lofi that teachers study the principles of the League of Nations which is for | peace, and explain its tenents to the young students. "Let me stress another point," con- | cluded the speaker," which is that the I glories of this youfg and vibrant country to which they hold the heri- tage, should be made clear to the children." TWO CARS DAMAGED Two ears were damaged in_ an ac- cident which occurred Saturday at Simcoe and Alma streets. A. Sand- ers, King street west, was driving his car south on Simcoe stree: and when he attempted to turn onto Alma street struck a car driven by C. ¥. MeVagh, Harmony. McVagh's car had the right running board right fender and steering' wheel damaged, while Sander"s car had both fenders broken, as well as the {steering gear, and had the bump- er broken completely off. JACK NORTON Wide sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Norton, 319 Mitchell Ave., in the death of their nfant son, Jack, who died this morn- ing at the age of 6 months. The funeral will be held from the family residence, 319 Mtichell Ave. at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, Octo- ber 19th. Interment wil be made yom the Union Cemetery. Don't drive a one-eyed car Carry spare bulbs HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE 10 OFFICE STAFF MUNDY PRINTING CO. WERE GUESTS AT GULL LAKE The office staff of the Mundy Printing Co. spent the week-end at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs, C. M. Mundy at Gull Lake. About twenty members left the office on Saturday at one-thirty in cars and were driven through some of the most beautiful scenery of Ontario. The weather during the week-end was all that could be desired, and ' with boating and hiking the party enjoyed a very pleasant holiday, Two of the part were given very unexpected immersions, but they were able to return to Oshawa last evening with the rest of the "gang." ably low price. Victor Northern Electric a Formerly $110 Now-- $77.50 it in your own home 10 King St. W. Never Before and Never AGAIN Such an opportunity to secure one of the finest five tube Radio Sets on the market, at such a remark- D. J. BROWN THE JEWELLER Phone 189 "Do You cre Your Own QUIRES IE LI BNI BI NSIS STORM WINDOWS " Combination D Machine Floor Sanding B. W, HAYNES 161 Ki.g St. W.- Office phone 481; Res. 180 R 2 2tter H>uses URIAH JONES 461 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 'Phone 1947w Investors and Builders, Here is Your Chance! Choice Building Lots from $250:00 up, p23 _Cash Balance. $5.00 a month at 50. a choice listing of Houses in all rts of the city on easy terms. Houses ik Pid suit purchaser. Loans ar- Ww. J. SULLEY . SULLEY & MAW Real Estate "He fo ebrince St son, Port Hope; Mr. C. H. Robinson, k of East Whitby. y Nestleton. Up AR Real Estate and Insurance DISNEY PHONE 1550 "ESTATE HERE LIST YOUR REAL meee Ts REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers. R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1663W LYCETT Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 25 King St. E--Corner Celina Phone 205 CARTER'S Real Estate 5 King St. East Phone 1880 Large, Street. nth. Only $300--$40 deep Lots, Oshawa Boulevard and Richmond cash; balance $5 per Horton & F rench