SHAW TA Ho | osHAWA hy pmo we RETO received on a small market x morning were: eggs, 55 cents: bu AT cuts; Wucks aid ehick- ens, 40 cents Ib.; tomatols, large Basket, 35 cents, small basket, 25 cents. Escapes From Traiiing School The local police office was noti- out eight o'clock last night fit rd Burkholder 'had us caped from the Training School at Bowmanville. He 1s a boy of 12 years of age. Stole License Plate es 'While George Gudgeon, 213 Hijll- side ave.,was enjoying the first show at the Regent. Theatre last night someone took a license plate, No 381-397, from his automobile which was parked on Victoria street. It wa: recovered later on Bond street east Hola ve Euchre. The Mizpah Club of Sunshine Re bekah Lodge No. 222, held a pro gressive euchre in the 1.0.0.F. clu! rooms yesterday afternoon, Mrs Brenning won the first prize ane Mrs, H. Hawley took the consola tion award. The gathering was widely attended 'by the elub mem bers. C.N.R Earnings' | The gross earnings of the Canad- ian National Railways, inqluding the Central Vermont Railway, but excluding all lines in Canada east of Levis and Diamond Junction, for the week ended October 7, 1927. were: $5,281,433.00 as compared with $5,586,055.560, for the same woek 'of "1926, a decrease of $304. 622.50, or five per cent. Pays Wages In Part Thomas Miller, who has already ap- peared four times on a charge pre- ferred by Edwin Askins for the non- payment of wages, was up before Magistrate Hind i in Police Court again this morning and paid the greater part of the wages due into court. The case was adjourned until Monday morning to enable a full settlement to be made. Cars Collide While Richard Walker, 63 Athol Strget east, was driving a truck, license No, 39-013 across the intersection of struck by a car visio license No. 20 po wih the result that the re fen- the car was damaged dent occurred at 845 this morning. HOLD MISSIONARY - MUSICALE AT ST. ANDREW'S CHERCH New Venture at re at the Whitby S do By Staff Reporter Whitby Get. 15.--St. ind Wo Pres- "yterian Church auditorium was well illed last evening when the Women's Missionary Society held a missionary musicale. It was a new venture for 'he Society and one which proved to J very successful. The minister, Rev. J. Lindsay, pre- sided, and in a brief opening ress amphasized the work which is being 2arried on by the Society at home and abroad. There was a fine musical orogram, including solos by Mrs Le- Roy and Mr. Mills, of Knox Presby- terian Church, Oshawa; with Mr. Goldburn, a former organist here, presiding at the organ, also a solo {by Miss Eva Bell, of Whitby, with Mrs. Osborne as gccompanist. Two missionary addresses were giv- en, the first by Mrs. J. Williams, of the Toronto Presbyterial, who traced at length the work' being carried on by the W.M.S. in Formosa, Japan, Manchuria, India and in Canada, and : by Rev., Wm. Mitchell, the new min- ister at Ashburn, who after a brief history 'of the Chinese people, their industry, eagernegs to learn, and the ability of their own scholars, stressed the fact that the Church had a great opportunity in a country of over 400, 000,000 to preach the gospel. The walls of superstition, he believed could be broken down, and he believed that notwithstanding the present crisis in 'that great republic, it would yet em- brace the Christian gospel. Card of Thanks ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, 116 Prince street, wish to thank the lodges and all those who sent cards ii of condolence during their recent J bereavement caused by the death of their nine-months-old daughter, Hel en Jean, after an {illness of fife months. They also wish to thank Dr, | Campbell and the nurses at the hos- pital for their attention and care to the little sufferer. (88a) In Memoriam | MURRAY-~In loving memory of "AMie,"' Who died October 16, 1922, aged 5 years, --Loving remembered by | Mr. and Mrs. Newman. | "Jesus Called a Little Child." (88a) { MURRAY--In ever loving memory -- Hand Rolled Chocolate twice each week so that you can be n every piece you eat is Shectutely frou Take home a ry for Sunday 60c¢ For Sale Only at The Rexall Store 11921. Mrs. G. D. Conant. of our dear son, Alfie, who died October 16, 1922, aged 5 years. As we loved him so we miss 'him In our memory he is near." --Sadly missed by Mother, Father, and Brothers. (88a) VAN NEST--In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Eliza Van Nest, who passed away Oct. 16, 1925. Deeply regretted. Husband and children. (88a) ------ Too Late to Classify LOST--WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- || rier, white with black sadale-brown on nose, answers to name of Bonnie. Finder suitably rewarded. Phobe (88¢c) WANTED TO BUY--10 WHITE Leghorn hens must be yearlings or pullets, Phone 1369M. (88a) FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. Suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. All conveniences. Central. 217 Bruce St. (88h) FOR RENT-- ROOM SUITABLE for two gentlemen with board. Five {minutes from Motors, 300 Haig St. ; il (8c) PIANG FOR SALE IN GOOD CON- "dition. Sup for quick salle. "1. Times gs ICK FOR RENT FIVE ROOM B 'bungalow. Phone 19537. (88a) FOR RENT_--WELL FURNISHED front room. Phone 667J. (88a) acci- | 'WANTED--A GOOD GENERAL maid for small family. Box "K" Times. (88c) g Lu E SPECIALISTS IN MINING SECURITIES LISTED AND UNLISTED Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto % ik Mo WIRE BYSTEM 11 King Street Osha: Above CPR. Office, Phone 184 8. F. Everson, Local Manager secntiel) dios #2 pe of | Under GM . Housing Scheme | eh -18:0° 84 hd LITCHEN, (I owing toon - ps FF -n LIVING ROOM. PY § < | } Ro A | BiB "Friest wtLoon - Skilful treatment of depth is the architectural feature of the second of General Mators housing plans which is published today. The house plan show, gbove with its accompany- illustrat will give the careful homegee or a very clear idea of this type of house's sedate charm of line and. economy of space Which, by careful planning, gives a splendid sense of spaciousness. Exteriorly this house presents a picture of good taste admirably ap- plied to ®uilding construction. There are no false notes, mo pre- tence, yet nothing there but intim- ates that those who will live within it cannot help but be the "right sort of people." The entrance porch, long but comfortably narrow, is on the side. This arrangement gives just that hint of swagger which makes for invited guests' good humor--a little air of humor and friendly secrecy. This porch. also makes for shelter against winter's worst efforts with- out declaring that its sole business in life. It opens into a vestibule with stairs to the upper floor at the right, and a glass door opens on the large living room. The features of this {apartment is the tile hearth fire- place with nooks for books and a settle; and the curve! window re- cess which opens on_the street, An archway marks the division between living and dining room which is also splendidly lighted. This house's kitchen, however, will be a particular delight to the housewife, Its built-in features are kitchén cabinet and an ironing board, In addition, its breakfast alcove with windows opening on the rear gar- PLAN . |arly pleasing. StCowD FLOOR + PLAN den speak of before-school break- fasts for happy children. The basement, as in the other plans, has the laundry separated from the furnace room, Both de- partments are wall lighted, the laundry particularly so and equipped with double tubs. The upstairs lay-out is particul- The stairway from the entrance vestibule opens on a hall which connects with this floor's three bedrooms and bath. Each room has ample closet space. The bath- room is particularly well treated with a view to saving space. It will be noted that it fits sinto a recess that could be admirably adapted for shower installation, A slatted linen closet is found just off the stair well, and all the rooms are flooded with daylight through large windows, Structurally, this hous» Is of the best type. It is bulit tc conserve heat in winter and to resist extremes of summer heat. Its appearance, whether in stucco or brick, strikes a note of distinction that the home lover truly appreciates. Includes Main Floor, a Base: ment and Second Floor, Store a Departmental Ap- pearance -- Gift 'Shop Lo- cated in Basement--Latest Designed "French Fitting 'Rooms" 8 ' Up to the minute in every re- spect. That is the only phrase that will fittingly 'describe the new de- partmental store of W. A. Dewlan le Jo opened 'its doors to the i lic for the first time this morning. That the latest addition to Oshawa's retail district is unsurpassed in its class east of Toronio and is a real asset to the cty, is evident by the many complimentary remarks made by visitors today. Mr. Dewland, who also operates a store in Whitby, has vested his 'confidence in Mr. W. A. Clarke of this eity who will manage the local bramgh. When a representative of The Osh awa Daily Times visited the Stove yesterday aftérnoon the staff ' wds busily engaged im putting on the finishing touches' preparatory io op- ening today. Every member of the staff from Mr. Clarke, the manager, down to assistanis in the various de. partments, are thoroughly 'exper- ienced in their lines. The most interesting department in 'the store, whieh consists of two floors and the basement, is probab- ly the! (Gift 'Shop, lodpted in the basement. While 'all the larger stores in the bigger cities have Gift Shops, | they are usually found away up on a, top floor. In order to save the pub- lic 48 much walkng as necessary W. A. Dewland's Oshawa branch has lo. Sicated this department in their base- ment. Many interesting little articles can be found here neatly arranged on spacious tables. On the right go- tng down the steps one is immediate- ly attracted by the little art gallery. 4 Dewland's New Store Is L The Minute i in Every, Respect Hn pictures, inexpensive ones, may be seen. Chinaware of various ue. scriptions, potiery, most hotably the Velta Art Ware from the local in- dustry, Smith's Potteries of Oshawa and Japanese silverware, are also to be found. "A store within a store" suitably describes the department, which contains many miscellaneous articles suitable for all occasions. On the second floor customers are impressed with the compactness and beauty of the ready-to-wear depart- ment. Here one may find an almos.. inexhaustivable supply of coats, eve- ning and afternoon gowns, ready- made waists, ete. For fitting purpo- ses the departinent is equipped win two of ithe latest designed "French Fitting Rooms." These have neat mirrors arranged in them. The landing on the staircase is al- 80 a beauty spot, it taking the form of display space. Where once an un- sightly window held .forih there now is a panel form. It sets the stairs off in wonderful manner. . The main floor, arranged with at- tractive show cases is worth seeing. There are ten cases. standing on the floor, while in addition to these there are five wall cases. These are all lighted. - The scheme is something positively new for furnishing stores, A case displaying a neat garment is also available and will be placed in front of the main door each eve ming. One important and unique feature about Zhe new store is that every article has been purchased new with. in the past two weeks and the mot- to "Quality Merchandise 'at Popular Prices," ably tits the establishment lin every detail. Mr. Dewland as well as Mr. Clarke wil be on hand practi- cally all the time to give any de- sired advice to their patrons. The specially built show cases were furnished by Jones Brothers of Toronto, specialisis in this line, and the beautiful ferns used to decorate the store today were loaned by Reids geil | Mr. plenty o business in this locality to |LOBLAW'S OPENING SECOND STORE Will Be Located on 'Simcoe! lis Street South in Baird Block Expansion of business since a store was opened in this city about three and a half years ago was giv- en as the reason for the opening here shortly of another Loblaw Groceteria Store, The latest addi- tion to the chain will be located, according to the branch manager, J. Mc Eachern, on Simcoe Street South, in the block next to the mu- nicipal offices. A building is at present being erected by the owner of the property, Nelson Baird, In speaking of the Daily Times in connection with the expansion, McEachern stated that it has been found that the North Simcoe Street store cafhnot adequately han- dle the present business and it is with a view to relieving the situa- tion at this branch, that another store is being opened. There is warrant an additional store, he stated and Loblaw Groceteria Com- pany surveyed the situation some months ago and the result was that the Baird block is being constructed |] to meet the requirements o the gro- cery store. Since opeming a branch of the great chain in Oshawa about three and a half years ago, the business has grown so rapidly that the staff at the North Simcoe Street branch has been increased over one hun- dred per cent, Just when the new store will be opened ds not definitely known, al- though the building is beings rushed so as to allow occupancy at an ear- ly a date as possible. One--Did you fill your date last night? In St "George's Hall, Centre St. Rev. A. C. Rooves, B.A. Phone 1883 Residence--34 Buck 2. St. West 10 a.m.~Sunday School. 11 a.m.--"Debp Calleth Unto day night, Oct. 21, at 7.30 in the auditorium of the Baptist Church. Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St. West Sunday, October 16 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 'Canon C. R. dePencier, \ Baptist Church Minister: Rev. John Galt Sunday, October 16 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--Services. The pastor will preach, 3 p'm.--Sunday School. Monday, 8 p.m.--B. Y. P. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Mid-w cc} Prayer Service, SO SHE COULDN'T "Well, after his behavior yester- day I'll never go fishing with him again as long as I live." "Heavens, what did he do?" "Oh, he just fished!" Cor. Bagot and Centre cet TT WW 39 Athol Street West CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: First Church of Christ, Scientist. 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, October-16 11 a.m.--Subject: "Doctrine of Atonement" -- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. Wednesday Meeting 8 pam. - Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room' where the Bible and all authoriz Christian Science literature may: be. read, borrowed or purchased -.and. periodicals subscribed for. Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,' from 3tob gl 0 Rev. R. A. Whattam, : 30 Elena St. Phone 567F Sunday, October 16 Rev. E. A. Tonkin, of Bow- manville, will preach at both' morning and evening services. Congregation At Home, Wed- nesday, October 19, at 8 p.m.' 2:30 p.m.~Sunday Stheok? and Eirra Bible Class. Everybody welcome. - UNITY TRUTH CENTRE } S8.0,E. HALL, KING ST. E. Sunday, October 16 10 am.--Sunday School. 7? 11 a.m.--Public Service. 7 p.m.--Public Service. Everybody Welcome. 52 Simcoe St. S. Phone 148 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th 7 p.m.--"Politeness." Dr. Dougall will preach, Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's 's meeting withdrawn.' SI. ANDREW'S Monday Evening, Oct. torino -------- ment in New Auditorium. Jesfie Alexander, the popular Elocutionist, and Little Bettina Vegara, the Child Wonder tov Violinist, assisted by local artists. PRESBYTERIAN ho CHURCH -- OF THE -- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES, OCTOBER 16 11 am.--Rev. E. A. Henry, D.D., Minister of Deer Park United Church, Toronto. 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. It is spe cially requested that all Scholars and Teachers be presént 'i as all necessary re-arrangements are to be made. 7 p.m.--Rev. W. H. Sedgwick, DD, Minister of the: -.; Metropolitan Church, Toronto. vot 17--Concert and Entertain-"' i wait Joo 11 a.m, ~Morning Worship: . 2.30 p.m.--~Sunday School. More--I hope so. She ate every- thing in sight, i A DOZINOL 4 18- - Rally. KING STREET UNITED CHURCH, Rev. C. \/, DeMILLE, B.A., Minister 139 King St. E.--Fhone 218. "The Superbumanity of Jesus." 7 p.m.~Evening Worship: Rev. W. A. Rose, B.S, preacher. 4 Monday, 7.45 p.m.--Young People's League. Wednesday, 3 p.m.--Ladies' Aid. (Note the Day.) Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.--Prayer Service. Thursday, 2 p.m. and 7.80 pan. --Presbytery Young People' 5 = fo 13aub a ki hl A i i -Mz zs 110 10 alas yu BH 9a and! cog ~k