ay. prin ed a special dispatch from Buchar- est declaring ' mors were prevalent in the Ruman in Capital that Prin- cess Ilieana had eloped with: Avqung| nant. aide-ge-oamp , to late King Ferdinand, her father The Princess has been missing for two days.from, her usual haunts, She dispateh isays, Sand is: U t oi eabte a Jacht in the Black Sea. to The Evenitg 'Post yi fe = Beth Weyms OSHAWA BRANCH: key ST; WEST: OPENS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, Reception and Régistration of Tupils Saturday, Oct. 15th, from 10380¢ aan. to. 12.00 "a.m. Children's and Business Girls' Classes Special 'Rates for Children © 1 hag ve tal cir i «of 'gossip in "Rumor has, it tha! ht! Princess ] Tle- 1! ana following taror'ssexample, and! in defiance of urt etiquet and | he 'h 'own joverboard the Borigsand. all oth: , and has eloped ; with Wher ha naval lieuten- ant, whose beauty and courtly man- ner . caused him. ih be gelosted | among th of i ag, the pa ud de~camp, A------ BCHOOL OF THE DANCE Démonstration Lesson!' Program of 'Dances; in-Costaméd- by Pupils of Toronto Studios Sat., Oct, 20th: 3'p.m. at The Oshawa Schools All 'interested in Dancing are cordially invited : NO 'ADMISSION FEB 'For, Further-Information write 31 Breadalbane St., Toronto 5 Brunswick Panatrope Model PR-138-C Finished. .in - wal. Panatrope Swive unas one "features with the 8-tube - Radiola Super-Heterodyne Biape could grace oa, pete a of. His Powik George V. This sensational instrument will entertain you now in your home with music that is truly. "Fit for a King." The Brunswick Pana reproduce every note o, is the only record- the entire a sc ing medium to Every audible . sound comes to you in all its original, natural tone--music so overwhelmingly: life-like that it amazes and inspires all listeners. Compare it with other instruments, compare it if you will with the actual music of the artists or instrumen vinicing test by which the Brunswick' t is the con Panatrope will demonetrate and prove that it is the most remarkable musical 'triumph. ever- conceiyed. THE IMUSIC OF THB PANATROPE IS THE STANDARD 'WHICH IMITATING MAN VACTURERS ARE. STRIVING TO ATTAIN. Tus Brunswick +-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver- 'Whitby 0, Hake : , Phones 205 and 342. IS FINED 20 FOR. RECKLESS DRIVING ,| Charge of' Driving. a' Car (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 14.--L, Isard, Ham- itor. wip appeared in Whitby Po- fce Court last Thursday charged with being intoxicated in charge, of B. car, judgment being reserved, was yesterday acquitted of the charge and fined $20 and costs on a com- plaint . of reckless driving. Isard's car struck the rear of a car in which two Terontn Police Inspectors were riding, They testified that | Jsard staggered when. he got out of the car and gave it as their belief | that he -was-intoxicated.. His dgfense was. that he had worked continuously | from the morning of Monday, Sept. 24th till the morning of Tuesday, Sep. 25th, and .that. he spent most of Tuesday in motoring from Hamil- ton. to Peterboro and back to the as. station between Whitby and Oshawa before which the crash oc- curred at about 9.30 p.m. This feat left him naturally in a very ex- hausted condition, which accounted for his uncertain movements when he descended from the car. Ohe of the Inspectors, Wm. C. Johnson testified again agreeing that the Jong period of work without sleep would produce the. condition. in which Isard was at the time of the necident. Although not intoxicated, it was held tha Isard: was incapable of driving a car and he was fined $20 for reckless driving. Johnson last week commented on the absence of a Crown Counsel. Tt annears that it was the dutv of the Highway Constable who laid the aomnlaint to notify the Crown At- torney, which 'was not done. PERSONAL Whitby, Oct. 14.--Sincere sym- pathy and condolence is extended by their many friends to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith whose infant daughter Beverly Grace, died yesterday morn- ing aged 4 months. The funeral is to_be held on Saturday to the Union Cemetery, LIGHT SESSION OF EDUCATION BOARD Whitby Trustees Are Dissatis- ~~ fied With Progress on New Addition (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 14,--The Board of Education of the Town of Whitby held its October' meeting in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall on Wednesday night. There was lit- tle before the Board and proceed- ings were expedited to allow several members to attend the farewell to Dr. Forrester at the Hospital. Considerable dissatisfaction was expressed over the unnecessary de- lay in finishing.the addition to the High School. The architect was.in- cried to expedite the work to the fullest possible extent in order that it might be completed before the - * Paramount Oshawa Theatres Limited i" DIVIDEND NOTICE , Notice is hereby given that - a dividénd of one and three- quarter percent' (13%) on the. Preference shares of the Company has been declared, payable on the 15th day of i November, 1927, to sharehold- > ers of record on the 31st day of October, 1927. By. order.of the Board, N. L. NATHANSON, Managing Director. $3 8 ous five roomed brick ' veneer bungalows, hard- wood floors, fir trimmed, all con- veniences. Centrally! located. Only $500 down and $35 per month. $3.6 eer = bungalow, hard- wood floors; all conveniences, on paved street. South west part of ey. $500. down. : Five roomed brick ven. ety as su din. free vat 8 ee o ORIGINAL * 'POCAHONTAS *1 .00 COKE : sER-5O 'CANNEL : . X99 Conger Lehigh Coal Co. 52 King St. E. Phon 871 {Yard Athol St Phone 931 aD | CD § visit of the Inspector so that the full grant may be requested. The contract for a new side walk at the High School was given to R. M. Deverell, Dundas Street School is at last to have a fire\escape. The board awarded a contract for the erection of the escape to Geo. M. Rice and Son. 5 The matter of providing skating rinks for the school children was brought up and' discussed again. wees PAGE SEVEN | 61: ENROLL IN NIGHT CLASSES . - ¥ School at Whitby--Record Attendance «By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Oct. 14.--The cvering vocational classes which ace being conducted in the High School, are '| drawing, the highest attendance this year..of any year since the inception of the night. work. In all the branch- es together, the enrollment .is now 61. There are, of course, cases of one person being registered in more than one subject, and thus being , | counted more than once but the true figure would be very little short of *the one given above. The most popu- lar course is stenography, in which 16 are entered. Basketry comes next with 13. There /re 12 and 11 respeetively in the Home Nursing and Sewing classes and at the bot- tom of the list is Bookkeeping and Typewriting. with a register of 9. Mr. Sennett is well pleased with the show of interest that is being evinced. FINED $30 AND COSTS Pleading guilty to a charge of being in an intoxicated condition, Thomas Miller was fined $30 and costs with the alternative of 30 days in jail in Police Court this morning. Miller was arrested by P.C. Fawbert on Me- Langhlin Blvd. early this morning, Miller also has a charge proceeding against . him -at 'the present time in connection. with non-payment of wages to Elgin Askins, This case was ad- journed until tomorrow morning. A CORRECTION In the report of the program given under the auspices of the Fire Department in the Armories Tuesday night, a mistake was inad- vertently made in the names of the ladies who sang the vocal duet. The name as reported was McNell, whereas it should have read Misses Elizabeth and Margaret McNabb, The ideal wife and the ideal hus- hand are two of a kind that never make a pair.--Chicago News. Action in the matter was again de- ferred. When the grounds of the High School are graded provision for a rink is to be made. ------ Breast fed i is: best fed means so tsuch to8 Noe feedin baby's health oa happiness. . Doctors the world over encourage mothers to breast-feed their children. It is nature's way and artificial feeding can never take. its place. But special and extra nourishment is needed to ensure adequate maternal milk, Take Ovaltine, the delicious tonic food beverage before and during the nursing year 'round. pesiod. 60c, 90¢, $1.50 and special fomily size, $5.2 > tals Ovaltine, prepared from ripe batley male, fresh eggs and creamy Bill jo jo he type of concentrated 1 . ly abso economical to buy the lacgee ENABLES M RS AS BREAST FEED AM RNDER Li Fen rbed, it furnishes a plentiful rf of rich milk in a Per fectly natural way. Ask your doctor. Send the coupon for a generous trial tin of Ovaltine A. WANDER LIMITED, 455 King St. West, Toronto. Please send sample of Ovaltine. cents is for packing postage. Name. Street Gey For Your PHONE 22 oni nea Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe Bt. 8. We Deliver BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS At Special Prices C. W. DETENBECK KING ST. EAST : A, G. BROOMFIELD es, El c and Supplies Auto Accessories Oshawa Battery Service King St. W. ph 1184 REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, and Light Lunches LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2264 ERVATIONS are now being taken for building lots in Prior to the opening of the formal sale of - Fairview Park, No. 2 we. are prepared to accept reservation for lots, on Ritson Read and other streets in this property. All in- formation as to price, terms, restrictions, ete., is gvailable at our office. : 25 KING ST. E.