"Toc. H"> Assemblies Opei With Impressive Lights Extinguished as Lamp! of Maintenance is lit and Comrades Chant Vow of Remembrance for the Elder Brethren. pg 'Talbot House in Poperinghe elght miles behind the old "Wipers" Sa. lient, ing that the soldier met when com- ing out of the trenches for his few days or hours of rest behind lines. From time tp time tens of thousands of soldiers rested there, and talked as they rested, not al- together about the war, Nothing was more natural to an Englishman than that he should seize the op- portunity which this building af- forded of establishing a sort of club, for it is said that if two Eng- lishmen met each other on a de- serted island, about the first thing they would do would be to form a club. Two army chaplains formed the club, and it turned out to be a little different from any other club ever formed. It has become in fact, the movement known as Toc H, which has its outposts in many parts of the world, It has grown into an organization which has the main purpose of perpetuating the self sacrifice and nobility which the war drew forth In such measure. It is now dedicated to the service of man- kind without regard to race or creed, or social position, or even to military service, More than half its members now indeed, are youths who were too young to have seen ae- tive service, "To Conquer Hate" Toc H was merely the signaller's affectionate diminutive for Talbot House, but some ingenious mem- her when asked what the curious arrangement of letters meant re- plied, "To conquer hate." That is undoubtedly part of the truth for we suppose that among the first of the British and Canadian people to discover that the Germans were not unanimously fiends out of hel', but really human beings very much like themselves, were the soldiers who fought them, and reflected about these things as they sat in Talbot House, The members are not now thinking about the war except ps thev seek to draw inspiration from the heroism and selflessness which it revealed. They are think- ing how best they can help their fellow men. They Insist that Toc H. is not merely another of those feties, Th helieve it to be something a litle different and per- haps a little finer. It is a club for high souled, big hearted men pnd for no others. Everyone in the elub must be a worker. He must be a kind of glorified Boy Sront, hnt hv no means content with his one good deed a day. Toc H, works in harmony with all other philan- thropic organizations, and is will- ing to he regarded as the humblest of them in everything but spirit, A Canadian Campaign There age in Canada mow two hostels. or marks, as they are call- ed, one in Toronto and another in Winnipeg, and a movement is now being made to increase this nnm- ber -and explain more fully than has yet been dome what Toc H stands was the first habitable build- the for, and why it should be helped to greater usefuln This task will be undertaken by the Rev, H, B. Ellison ,of London, England, who has arrived in Canada to give ad- dresses on the subject. Without an- ticipating, Rev. Ellison it may be explained that the first stage of a Toc H group is for a few men who are willing to give their time to help others to meet more or less regularly, and preserve their sense of humor. They are to practice the - Golden Rule and not 'talk a good deal about it," as a youth said recently when asked to define the "spirit" of a certain school. This group is a provisional one until its officers have been approved. It is permitted to nominate its first few members very carefully and they then become the nucleus of the group. Everyone else is regarded as a probationer until by faithful- ness of attendance, and willingness to take on any job assigned him he has proved himself of the right stuff. When so tested the group may be- come a branch, with considerable powers of self government, and then will receive its Lamp of Mainten- ance, The Lamp of Maintenance This Lamp of Maintenance is the most prized possessiui of any hranch., The parent lamp belongs to the Prince of Wales, the patron of Toc H and was given by him in memory of his friends who fell, It is kept burning in a great church near the Tower of London, Each new_lamp is lit from this lamp, and it figures in the simple, but moving ritual of every Toc H meeting. The lights are extinguished, the Lamp of Maintenance is lit and the chair- man recites the lines: "With proud thanksgiving let us remember our Elder Brethern. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow-bld-- Age shall not weary them, nor ("= years condemn-- At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remem- ber them." " The response then rings oui "We will remember them' and is followed hy the "Silence of Rememberance," Another writer says of Toc H: "Toc H sets out to be a fellow- ship, or--more simply--a family. It seeks to bring together the most diverse elements in our world of every day, to unite them so intimately that, knowing .each other, they will cease to misunder- stand as they have to often done, and ceasing to misunderstand they will put love and humor and eco- operation in the place of bitterness and dismalness and strife which have marred the past. The Odd Job has been noted that Toe H Tt 1516 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, Bifocals -- miles and inches through the one lens--for reading and distance. 321 w=l'HONE-» Lil Disney Binck Opposite Post Offne Large ing an ov Thursday Come to the Wintergardens Tonight ill enjoy a pleasant evening . Every- ged to make our vistors comfort- ing to the large crowd last night jt has been found necessary to increase the You thing able. space in certain this will be arranged immediately so that it will enable us to live up to our motto, which is: Official Opening of OSHAWA WINTER GARDEN DANCING TONIGHT THURSDAY and SATURDAY THE Management of the Oshawa Winter Gardens wish to convey their thanks to the many visitors who turned out and in that way helped to make our Official Open- ming success, We espe- cially wish to extend our thanks for the many complimentary remarks and good wishes for success, Dancing Eve * "A NICE PLACE FOR NICE PEOPLE" Crowd at itual Tuesday, Saturday departments, However, wakes an especial appeal to boys at the age many of them are get- ting restive, and in the past. five years has given 1,000 Scoutmasters to the Boy Scout movement. At the beginning it was recognized that to limit membership to former sol- diers was to put a certain end to the existence of Toc H when the present generation should pass away. The essential officers in a Group or Branch are the secretary, the Padre or Padres, chosen by the members, and who may be of any denomination, and last, but not least the '"Jobmaster'" the man who should know his district and its Tiarviny We Open the Economy Department needs from end to od, and have the experienp and personality to place his members each in their own job or jobs, "The jobs vary in- finitely from Scouting or Boy's Clup work to individual work with blind or crippled men--from supplying and keeping in order radio sets for sick children or invalids in a whole Province to addressing and sticking up envelopes for some hospital or other imstitution. They are infin- ite in kind and in scope. For many men the study of social or national problems is the most helpful service they can give to the community, provided that they try to give some practical expression to their study. | DEPENDABLE WATEROUS MEE 1 LTD. 3 Shop at The Arcade J 1 'THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY {cto ber Sales . This New Department is situated in the centre of the Store and to celebrate this great event we have selected merchan- dise to sell at great savings for the people of Oshawa prices, $18.75 New Autumn ~~ Frocks Hundreds to Choose from The Newest Fi vouke" silk, Satin, Velvet, Georgette and Jersey Cloths. Economy $10.75 - $12.75 ON SALE SECOND FLOOR ECONOMY SALE PRICES Rayon Silk Vests and Bloomers. ca,. 79¢ Fur-Trimmed Coats OUR LEADER Turkish Bath Towels. ..... Pr., 49¢ House Dresses. ..........oia 69c Boys' Golf Hose. Pr., 59¢ Ladies' Silk Hose. . Pr., 79¢ Boys' Jerseys. ..........omizominm $1.19 Flannelette Blankets. ............ Pr., $2.10 Cretonne., ......oomupnsisine Yd., 19¢ Beautiful Coats, richly fur trimmed. Made from the newest Fall Coatings. These Coats are worth much more than we will sell them at Thursday. $29.75 ON SALE SECOND FLOOR New Autumn Felts Smart and Stylish. While they last. On Sale Second Floor, - $22.50 $2.90 OSHAWA, LIMITED