PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1927 "unig SEI FECTION of BEST STRIPS for TIMES READERS Representing Dominion--400 . . . : : ELLA CINDERS--The Slip That Slipped ; : By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Washington, Oct. 3~Hult a doz- a i Ft HL / 2 / 4 en Canadians arrived in Washington EL g THROUGH THAT " - A BRIE today to represent Canada at the In. ' 82 | Hb ; ROU y y iF E 1 ITCH ternational Radio Conference, which' oe g--=--2t fli! TH on Go IN THE CROWD THAT . ! opens Tuesday afternoon and will : = : ; 15) : 1 LOSE YOU! PLEASE last at least a month, It is the big- jut : YOU TO ENTER! gest conference of the kind ever 4 3 held and will attempt to solve the many problems which have grown out of rapid growth of radio broad- 'casting, Governmental and com. mercial. > i Canada's delegation is headed by Alexander Johnson, Deputy Minis- ter of Marine and Fisheries, Other delegates are Commander C. P. Ed- wards, Director of Radlotelegraphy; Laurent Beaudry, First Secretary of the Canadian Legation here, and Major Steele of Ottawa. They will have as technical advisers J. W. Bain and D. Manson of Ottawa. Two |!E officials of the Canadian Marconi | Company are here also and a rep- | | 3 is = 0 \ resentative of the Bell Telephone -- a . A W | 3 U. 5. Pat. Off; Copyrigh Company is expected later to con- 3 es i ciopolian Hewspapes Servic duct a watching brief. 400 Delegates In all' 51 countries are represent- by about 400 delegates. . G UP FATHER Su j By Geo M M wie : ; --DYy « VACIVianus if ga . . I yprinh me a ah AIT Tomorrow President Coolidge will welcome the conference, . Secre- | Ema cats ea Se tary of Commerce Herbert Hoover 7 . a . will be made its Chairman Colonel | i A S0 THATS | YES- JUST TRY IT T. F. Purves, chief British delegate, | £ WHAT YOu YOURSELF -- will report on the radiotelegraph | ; CALL AN ECHO! HOLLER ANY- section of International Telegraph | 9 om 4 i THING AN' THE Union at Berne and preliminary | i= Hi Y WORD WILL business will be disposed of. One | { ET \ Z COME BACK! matter which probably will come up | = o VA : 3 immediately will be a proposal that |E French as well as English be recog- | nized as an official language for the eonference, This has not been de- cided. Mr, Johnson told The Canadian Press that Canadians were interested in the whole agenda rather than any particular part of it, and that prac- tically every question on the very long agenda directly between Cana- da and the United States over wave- length' piracy will come up at the conference. f=" It is almost certain the general | iS : HH H : 2 Z, 4 principles of exclusive wave-lengths ) . Hi tH Z ZZ © 1927 ev Inv. Feature Service, for Governmental and commercial | i SE NTC 4 ZZ 0S / Great Britain rights reserved. broadcasting will be discussed, and rules evolved to govern rights of | kX ned nations. But the present dispute on the American Continent interests about four countries only, and it may be relegated to a spgcial com- mittee or left to Canada and the Uni. 3 ; ted States to reopen the negotiations | 5% THEY WERE - / ur fe J in deadlock here last | E58 ff QUEL iH dl y Thich eves 1a 4 : ORIGINALLY Wk § NERA 2 AIP" GERANIUMS CAME FROM THE CAPE OF spring. Soutlon tient. = WHERE DID NATIVE OF THE & Fog 3 WN GOOD HOPE. GERANIM It is now accepted that the con- | GERANIUMS ; 74 : Nr i fillet ak OIL A SUBSTITUTE ference. will practically rewrite the | i COME FROM, CAPE OF GOOD ; X ative | FOR ATTAR OF RO3ES,!S DISTILLED FROM WP Sy OCEAN \ \ treaty reached at the London Radio | 3 NN Conference of 1912, One conspicu- | = HOPE, TOMMY. = \ [Se SS SS SSS SS Se SO i BRIViSM CENTRAL mm FRICA AULT I LE YUE EY ous absence from the present con- ference is Russia, which too active part in the 1912 gathering. Nov. 17 has been tentatively fixed Z! Diya 7 as a likely date for the adjournment | £2 ba a a QC ise / of the conference, but some dele- f E : x" pt < : JUD SEAN gates are already expressing hope | 58 ) r-2 K 2 "I y that they ean return home earlier, | £2 7 J 4 iD oN and a general effort will be made 7» #4 = he time. T : HHL "y gd) ¥ : : pis TL Rag 4 A 7 | [1-307 TELL US THAT THE RED,WHITE OR PINK GERANIUM" PLANTS WHICH ARE CULTIVATED contains some 30,000 words, with tentative proposals for the amend- | g Y | ).< THROUGHOUT EUROPE AND AMERICA ARE REALLY NOT GERANIUMS AT ALL; THEY ARE PELARGONIUMS. ee | § |" i BUT REAL GERANIUMS ARE FOUND ALL OVER OUR WOODS AND THICKETS GRACEFUL WILD FLOWERS § WILSON & LEE | : ER NI = | | SYINGING THER FIVE-PETALED HEADS ON L0HG HAIRY STEMS, WE CALL THEM CRANES-BILLS OR YIILD GERANIUMS. GERANIUMS AND PER GONIUMS BELONG TOTHE PLANT FAMILY "GERANICEAE ". MUSIC STORE I ei i - SER - eg, © © 1927, by King Features Syndicate. Ine Great Brits rights reserved. 71 Simcoe St. N, Phone 2888 Everything in Music MIE WE NE AN Wi )\ UJ) FE \E/ 00/0 TY) PHONE 705 PUDDINHEAD ' I'M GONNA THREW A POTATER HIT WIM ON THE Kelly : D rug Store || ; Rviotris 5 Cs en AT ME AN' HIT Z HEAD WITH A 34 King St. W. : 5 ME RIGHT ON THE \ i TURNIP Prompt Delivery AN' I ANT Jie | ; i : MEAN | ene "Wright Funerals. J. A WRIGHT - hii BISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE imcoe 3 » U Ambulance Service ENE Ee W/E TENE /NE) AE TILLIE THE TOILER--A Safe Disguise : --By Russ Westover WE BURGESS WAS DIRE. PUY ONE O'ER, HELLC, TILL I'M [ORRY/ | WE FARE SHE LUCK: IMASKED BALL TomGHT ON coro Dumas | (Ween you gla , bus i WHEN + THINK OF 17 + . eel TA Dail [BUY HZ DIDNT RING WITH A BLACK EYE - | Dont WANT. mg {IR BURGESS. ALU A masked Baul 13 THB, "Daily except Sunday. | UP Topay So 1 GUESS GUESS THATS TILLIE To TARE YoU? Yl wire His mask! i ARNG A Suv Py bs Daily, iH: [HE ISN'T GONNA. TARE RING IN : Ti YEH -- | SEE - |i on. HE BLACK &Y8 CA pd aily, ME - IF YOU'D LARE 2 7 i i O 0 VITHOUT DOING A LO . : WO TAKE ME MAC For ME | =5 ) UH Hun - THATS) HE SIiDNT | |B y ge | Pie ALL RIGHT TH IRNOW THAT : 2h IT WAS A = --Daily, 7 7) / : 7 ,~Daily. Daily excepf Surday. 2% 7 or ; DE aa va D; .~Daily, JE @OVIAY i LBlssI lo €lon ANA" NIE St SSO NU NE SC)