Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Oct 1927, p. 1

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VOL. INO. 78 Vv shawa Daily The Oshawa Daily Reformer OEY Somer sed Pe Thoin ET MRI TE. nd MA OSHAWA, ONTARIO, T TUESDAY, OCT OBER 4, | 4 1927 10 ere Week; 2 Cents a Copy. TWELVE PAGES RAILWAY COMPANY DROPS BUS SERVICE Dept. Orders New Sewage Disposal Plant SUBWAY QUESTION TO COME BEFORE COUNCIL NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT $30 IS TAKEN IN BURGLARY ON GOLF ST. Robbery is Committed at the Home of Arthur Pogson, 315 Golf Street 'MONEY IN PURSE Mrs, Pogson Was Visiting a Neighbor and Incidentally Discussing Burglaries Burglars were active again late yes- terday afternoon and entered the home of Arthur Pogson, contractor, at 315 Golf street, stealing a purse contpin- ing between $30 and $40. So far this 15 the only entry made since Sunday when two other houses and one busi- ness place were broken into, Speaking to "The Oshawa Daily Times" in connection with the latest theft, Mrs. Pogson, who was alone in her 'home yesterday afternoon, stated she went over to her neighbor's home the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Bouck- ley, sometime hetween 4 and 5 o'clock. "We were talking about the recent burglaries," said Mrs. Pogson, who stated that Mrs. Bouckley was telling her about the entry that was made at the residence of Alex Browne, Sun- day night. "I said I'd better get home and get my purse, it's on the side- board," Mrs. Pogson told the reporter in explaining the discussion at the Bouckley home, The informant went on to say that she went right over to her own home and made a hee-line for the side board to get her purse. It was missing and a search in every possible place was made, with the result that it could not be found. Mrs. Pogson said she be- lieved there was hetween $30 and $40 mn the purse when it was taken, but there may have heen more, Entrance to the house was quite easy as the front door was left unlocked and there was no one in the house apart from the thief or thieves, while Mrs. Pogson was away. That citizens are on the look-out for the thugs is evident by the fact that during the night two calls were re- ceived at the police station to the effect that strange | oking characters were frequentine cer'ain sections of the city. One call came from the resi- dence of Mr. Rodgers at 494 King street east where a man was loitering. P. C. Bowman and P. C. Stauffer in- vestigated but upon arriving at the scene they could find no one. Later another call came from John street district and P.C. Stauffer and Whitley investigated. The first phone call was received at 12.45 and the sec- ond one at 2.35 this morning, MOND NICKEL C9, MINE COLLAPSES Hundreds of Yards of CPR. Tracks Wrecked--No One Injured (By Canadian Press) Sudbury, Ont, Oct. 4.--The Mond Nickel Company's Minte at Worth ington, about 30 miles west of Sud: bury, collapsed today and resulted gn wrecking hundreds of yards of track of the Canadian Pacific Rail- ways Sault Line and engulfing the railway station. The sation agept escaped just before his office disap- peared fnto the earth. No person was burt, for the night shift had gone off duty and the day men had not gone deep jinto the mine when they heard rumblings and escaped to the surface. FIRE IS CAUSED FROM COMBUSTION Spontaneous combustion caused what might have been a more serious fire had it not been discovered in time. shortly after two o'clock this afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Askews, 210 Quebec street. clothing stored away in the attic stant- ed to burn, due to combustion and it had progressed some little way before | the occupants of the house smelled the smoke. bummed considerably. The fire depart- ment under Chief A. C. Cameron was called and the burning box thrown out ho | an adjoining fot. The damage did not amount to a great deal, although some winter dlothing was destroyed. A box of | The wood on the box had GUELPH MAY REVERT TO OLD SYSTEM OF ELECTING COUNCIL (By Canadian Press) Guelph, Ont, Opt, 4--~Naotice of motion was made at a4 meet~ ing of City Council last night by Alderman Harvey Mahoney that the system of electing als dermen revert to the old method whereby they were selected ane nually for a term of one year, The present system of electing six new aldermen each year for three year tevms has developed several updesirable features and has lost favor with many elees tors. The notice of mbtion also sgrested reducing the size of the Council from eighteen to eleven, A hy-law supnorting the chanre will have to he sulwnits ted to the electors and later ronfirmed hy the legislatnre he. fore it conld he made effective, ROTARY STREET FAIR OCTOBER 12 Proceeds Will Go Toward Paying for Nurses' Home of Hospital (By Staif Reporter) Bowmanville, Oct, 4.--'ractically everyone in Bowmanville and vicin- ity is keeping the pight of Wednes- day, October 12, open, that they may attend the Rotary Club Street Fair which is being held on that date on King Street hetween Silver and Di- vision streets, The Ontario Regimental Band and--Comedy Band of Oshawa, will supply the music for the occasion. There will he dancing on the street, hooths on the sides and possibly a fireworks display. Pigskin Peters, of Birdseye Centre, disqualified contestant in the C. N. ££. Marathon swim, has accepted the invitation of the Rotary Club to at- tend the fair, Pigskin is expected to add to the fun of the evening. It had heen decided at first to have the fair op October 5, but as this would clash with the Orono Fall Fair of that date. and it was post- poned. In case of rain on the twelfth, the fair will be on the following night. The proceeds of the fair will help defray the costs of the Nurses Home, erected last fall in connection with the Bowmanville Hospital, ASK GRANT FOR CHRISTMAS FUND Legion Auxiliory Want $100 ~Protest Against Memorial Park as Playground Two communications from the Tadies' Auxiliary of the B.ES.L. Post No. 43, are today before Coun- il committees for consideration. The ome is a reauest for $100 for the Christmas Cheer fund; the other is 2 protest against Memorial Park be- ine used as a playground. The use of ground adiacept to the war me- morial for recreational purposes fis condemned by the Legion Auxiliary. The park. they point out. should be used as a resting place for old and young. but not for games. Throwing of refuse such as eigar- "tte ends and other matter im the Garden of the Unforgottem fis also made the subject of strong protest as an insult to the dead. The Works Board of the Council is asked to cowmider grapting of a license for Oshawa's first turkish bath house. This mew business to he mn in compection with a moolreom. will be located on Simcoe Street he- tween Will and St. Lawrence streets i Joseph Mitchell's application fis aporoved. Citizens on Albent street are ask- fog tha* erayel or cinders be distri- buted om their stieet from Simeoe to the Paseline. Those metitionine ~ve 0 MH Rurrows W. Morris, W. Wetnili. Fd. Chesebrough. ND. Me- Tom Mrs J. RBedlow W Frederic. N ©. Mallett, Fred White. and E. Jackson. DEPARTMENT NOTIFIES CITY ACTION MUST BE TAKEN IN NEAR FUTURE Tor, Berry, of the Provincial Health Department, Ap pears Before Council Ask- ing for Assurance That Matter Would Be Consid- ered Soon COST WILL BE ABOUT $500,000 New Plant Need Not Be Erect- ed Within a Year But As surance Was Needed, Dr, Berry Stressed -- Consid- | | ering Health and Water-' front OPPOSE NEW DAIRY ON KING STREET EAST Citizens Appear Before City Council and Present Petition MAYOR HAS TILT Matter is Referred to the City Solicitor to Prepare By-law Stating that the course he wus ladopting was with a view to driving home a lesson in the need of putt ing Oshawa under a town planing zoning law, Mayor Preston at last night's council session adopted an attitude of opposition to citizens Oshawa was given courteous hut firm notice by the Provincial ministry of "health at last night's Council ses- sion that it must erect a new sewage disposal plant in the near future, the cost of which according to City En- gineer Smith, would total $500,000. Ir Berry of the department headed hy Hon, Dr. Forbes Godfrey appeared he- fore the aldermen and in a brief ad- dress asked that the City give the de partment assurance that the problem of sewage disposal would soon be con- sidered. The Council, accordingly, re- ferred the matter to the Finance Com- mittee for investigation and report. The province's terest in the matter was pointed out to be from both the standpoint of public health and its rights in the waterfront of Lake On tario. While the new plant need pot be hegun in less than a year, the de- partment was said to require assurance that the matter was under active con- sideration. Mayor Preston thanked Dr. Berry for attending the meeting and declared that Oshawa is suffering from grow- ing pains, "The Council is not ignorant of the fact that -ous sewage disposal system is not adequate," he pointed out, "and the department can rest assured that we will take every necessary step in the matter at the earliest possible moment." POLITICAL GUNS IN ENGLAND BOOMING Remsay MacDonald Makes a Scorching Attack on the Government London, Oct. 4--Big guns of Conser- vatives and Laborites are booming at Blackpool and Cardiff this weck in political manoeuvres "which may lead to British General Elections in 1929. Ramsay MacDonald, former premier, opened Labor's offensive at Blackpool with a scorching attack on "the wealth that is beng flaunted as it never was flaunted before," and on "paganism of living" which he declares would lead Great Britain to ruin as jt did Ancient Rome. On Thursday, Premier Baldwin will answer MacDonald from Cardiff where 2500 Conservative delegates are gath- ering. Outlining the Government's program for the coming sessions of parliament, the Premier is expected to settle once and for all Britain's great controversial political questions of the moment, reform of the House of Lords, and how old awoman must be before she can vote. FINED $20 AND COSTS Oryille Hurst appeared in Police Court this morning on a charge of being intoxicated in Cowan Park yes- terday and was fined $20 and $7 80 costs on pleading guilty to the charge. Hurst said that he felt siek and thought that a little drink would mot h him, but the mtagis- trate rem him that he had warned bim jrepeatedly that he could mot liawor. and warned biw that if he was ever up before him on the same charge again the minimum penalty would be $200 and costs. or a jail term without the option of a fine. STOLEN CAR FOUND Quick work on the pant of the Oshawa police force yesterday re- sulted in the locating of a stolen an- tomobile A car was taken from the Moffat Motor Sales shortly hefore one o'clock yves'erdav and not long after At was back with the owners. P. ©. Parsons located the car om | {the presenting a petition against the erection of a dairy in the centre of King street east residential dis- trict, The petition was signed hy properiy owners whose homes are valued at half a million dollars for taxation purposes alone. The petition was presented by J. A, Mefiibbon, and supported in person by px- mayor John Gibson, 8. J. Storie Major E. C. Hodgins, W. H. Moyse and others. Mr. MeGibhon, in addressing the Counei!, declared that the citizens concerned were astonished to find, after a by-law being passed some months ago declaring King street cast from Ritson road to the efty limits designatinz it a residential disiri't, that this hy-law had been set aside by the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board in favor of a dairy which it was proposing to erect on the south east cormer of Ritson read. He dec'ared that such a building wonld depreciate' property throngh- out the district, and that one $15,- N00 residence for which initial ma- 'erial had heen purchased, had been halted until a definite ruling were refeived. Jahn Gibson. followed Mr. Gibbon. le was not a resident of King street (Continued on page 2) JUNKERS PLANE READY TO TAKE ATLANTIC FLIGHT Canadian Press) Narderney, Germany, Oct. 4-- « Junkers Hydro-Aervoplane D-1239, which will attempt a flight to the United States by way of the Azores took the air shortly after four o'clock this afternoon and began circling around Norderney The machine then landed in the air and prepared te take: aff, NEW GERMAN ATTEMPT TO FLY ATLANTIC pevviee To The Canadian Press) Meorderney, Germany, Oct, 4, --A pew German attempt to span the Atlantic Ocean by air began today with the departure of D-1230, the three motored Junkers Hydro aceoplane for the United States hy way of the Azores, The plane, in eommand of Froderiek Losse, one of the crew of the junkers plane Bremen during the unsuceessinl transAtlantic attempt in Angnst, took off at 4.46 pm. afer a start of about 150 yards, and headed in a westerly divection with the Abores as its destina- tion, the rreatest secrecy sur- rounded the final preparations for the hop off and it was im- possible to learn whether Lily Dillenz, Viennese actress, was on board, as had been reported, WEATHER Fresh west to porthwest winds, fair. Wednesday--Westerly to southerly winds, mostly fa'r pot much change in temnerature. (Cable Service To The Times By (Cable Times By Council Is Ordered to I. A. Humphries, lpesior oF Legal Offices in Ontario, Declares Much Confusion Exists in County Registry Office at Whitby COST OF MAP TO EXCEED $6,000 Declaring that the registration of Oshawa city property is im the mut- most state of confusion at the Coun- ty Registry office at Whitby, the City Council was last night ordered | by I. A. Humphries. inspector of leg2] offices in Ontario, to proceed forthwith with the preparation of a compiled map showing the 130 sub- divisions into which the city proper is divided, and the ten subdivisions which affect Cedardale. The prob- able cost of the work will range be- tween $6000 and $10.000. The Board of Works was instructed to lake the matter over. Mr. Humphries in a letter accom- panying the order stated: "When in the registry office at Waitby om the occasion of my jim- spection of that office, I found that the plan of the city of Oshawa fis in a deplorable condition. A great part of the city of Oshawa fis sit- uated in the township lot, and the with a very great number of entries | in which land is described by metes and bounds, which makes searching most difficult and the preparation of abstracts a burdensome task Mr. Humphries then pointed out that some titles are 80 involved that a search would impel reference to hundreds of documents. The department, it was stated, is prepared to assist the City Engineer Centre street. Prepare a Map of All Subdivisions i in Oshawa World Series Facts, Figures abstracts are becoming cluttered wp | Contenders--New York Yanks, champions of American league, and Pittsburg Pirates, chawpious of Na- tional League. Scheduje--First two games at Forbes Field, Pitisburg, Oct, 5-6; the next three at the Yankee Sta- Gium, New York, Oct. 7-8-9; the last two, at Forbes Field, Oct. 10- 11. All games scheduled at 1.3v p. w., Eastern Standard time, except on Sunday, at New York, which siarts at 2.10 pm. because of the state law. In the event of postpone- ment because of the weather, the teams remain in either city to play the allotted games, Crowd figures--Capacity ol For- capacity crowds will be about 360,- bes Field, 65.000. If seven are games are play- ed, the probable total attendance based om the capacity crowds, will be about 360,000 and the total re- ceipts about $1.400.000: world se- ries' records: $328,051 and $1,207 ,- 864, set in the 1926 series widaly kmowm cities in Fost MAithy Mowme® tn 8 0 Foams oF ame. Famer) sssamen, in every way in preparing the map. ments ave. not yor completed, Motion Introduced Last Night That Committee Be Em- powered to Enter Into Ne- gotiations With C, N, R. and Street Railway for Im- mediate Construction of Subway ONLY 9 MEMBERS ATTEND SESSION Favorab'e Action Would! Have Been Taken But Full Council is Desired When Matter is Dealt With -- G.! D, Conant Presents Citi- zens' Petitions Time did not permit the City Council to do more than receive pe- titions urging immediate action to wards the building of a snbway un- der the C.N.R. tracks at Simcoe Street South. The aldermen, ae- cordingly, adjonrned the reular session held last night until Thurs- dav evening when the subway pe- tition will eome up as the first or- Aer of business, and consideration will he given to a motion presented and seconded by Alderme Johnston and Marks respectively that the snh- way eommitten. already appointed, he empowered to enter into nego- tiatinns with the Canadian National Railway System and the Oshawa Street Railway for immediate suh- wav eonstruoetion. And, failing arreement with those corporations, given additional power to appear Yofn nr the Dominion Roord n® Rail Commissioners which meets in Toronto in November to obtain an order and apportionment of costs. Wavorable action wonld have heen taken by the aldermen last nibht it is eonsidered probable, but for Ald. MaeDonald's timely reminder that (Coptinned on paze 3) war 43.000; Yankee Stadium, SUPPER, CONCERT A FINE SUCCESS To Hold "At Home" When Mortgage Notes Will Be Burned and copcert held the Alber: street United church last pight was ap unqualified sue- cess. The attendance was large and ihe supper was served in a plendid way. The copcert which followed the supper was of the highest or- der and was thoroughly enjoyed by all, Rev. W. H. Truscott of West Huntington former pastor of the hurch acted as cairirman. The South Oshawa band rendered mysic tor one hour before the program was started. Mr. J. Ward, rendered a very pleasing soio, Miss June Luke gave a number of her ever popular readings. Mr. Gentry favored the zathering with some violin solos Miss Crawford and Miss Holmes, presented a duet, Miss Louise Court- ice gave two or three readings also. Mr. A. E. Henning pleased ihe an- aGience with the solo that he had sung at the dedication of the church thirteen years ago. Mr. Cecil Bint a former south Oshawa boy, now a res'dent in Detroit gave a few a» minisience and very interesting anecdotes. Ai the c'ose of the pro- gram the pastor of the church spoke briefly expressing the gratitude of the congregation to Rey. Mr. Trust- cott and the artists who so helped to make the evening ithe success it was. He also announced that a com- erecational "At Home" would be held on the twentieth of October when with suitable ceremony the notes stil! pendine on. the property that they had jus: purchased would be burned. This year's annual sup- per was the most successful that ha vet heen held in the South Osh- awa church. PATIFY SALE OF PULP 100. ABy Canadian Press) Montreal. Que, Oct. 4.--At a ne of shareholders of the Que- The hot supper at Me Pulp and Paper Mills Lad. held a Aoal whereby the assets of i Aan' "mon are s0'd to Price Bros. isd, Pte o- Co CANCEL ORDER PLACED FOR NEW CITY BUS Council's Refusal to Grant Permission is Believed Responsible REGRETS ACTION Mayor Believes the Council Should Not Have Taken Stand It Did Ald, D. F. Johuston, chalrman of the General Purpose Committee of the City Counell has informed the muyar that the Oshawa Railway Company has cancelled is order for 4 motor bus to he operated, as fisst proposed, on a belt line whieh woud cover a large section of the city nw served witn any form of publie transportation, The Council's re- fusdl to grant that perwmigsion, and its subsequent restricting of the proposed service to Simcoe street, paralelling the street car line, is he- lieved to have influenged the com- pany in withdrawing from the mat- ter, sayor Preston, in an interview, declares regret that the City Coun- 21] took tne stand it did in the mat- ter. Subsequent investigation has shown that the Oshawa Railway's wranchise leaves it in an independent position as regards fares, and that "he city has lost an opportunity for vetter transit service which, had a broader outlook been used, would now be in operation. 4 Some action towards conciliating the Oshawa Railway Company may be taken at Thursday's adjourned Couneil session. The mayor, however, had nothipg to Say in this regard. TWO FOOD BY-LAWS FOR CITY COUNCIL Wil Be Dealt With at the Meeting on Thursday Night Regulation of food vending in Oshawa brings two -laws before the City Council Thurslay night, Dr. T. W. G. McKay, medical officer of kealth states. The: one is the rest- aurant by-law which is designed to regulate all cafes, lunch rooms and kitchens where food offered for sale may be-prepared; the other, which supplements the. proposed restaur- ant regulations, covers the sale of meat, poultry, flesh; fish and fruit. This by-law will give the city sume mary powers in the administration of grocery stores, butcher shops, fish stores, and fruit stands. Food offered for sale on the public mar- ket vended through the streets will likewise be subject to city regulation and summary enforcement. The restaurant by-law and its companion measure are pow ready for final action by the City Coupn- cil, the medical officer of health pointed out, and unless something unforeseen occurs the new measures will be enforced in the city in the "ming week. The Board of Health, however, plans no drastic action at the out- set. [Educational methods will be used and it is believed that most of the business concerns affected will readily 'fall in with the new order as soon as the city law is passed. CARS COLIIDE George Colson, Oshawa, r fo the police that another hile ran into hig cor last Simeone street "ovth, doing to the rear fender Cem ming } Events RATES 8 Cents per aond sack inser Anion charge for tak imsertion, Rbe. EE ---- TE JADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, A®! 267 French St. Hours 2 to #. (78-81) TONIGHT JUBILEE PAVILION, Old Mime Square Dancing under the direction of G. A. Kemp. Hol- den's Orchestra Admission 36 cents. Cowie and enjoy this fall nit of savas dancing A782) BE GURE AND BIW" R M12 PRARL Newton elo tian' rae FAted Chaneh AY > ==» "i ag Aid Sapper. Tharasday, Coty' o- 8 2430 local talent. (Tic) xa?

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