FLOLAN [i] SOON \ SOOO LIE RRERRY Mi Cutler & Preston Real Estate -- Insurance -- Mortgages 64 King W. Phone §72 EE ---------- Homes AL] ST A . R. M, KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1663W HTL Homes to be Built JA. Aes Ra In previous articles we have told you how to reduce home building costs by reducing qugntities. There is still an- other way open for you to lessen costs and that is the matter of qualities. It is not wise to cut down the qua- lity of anything that goes into a house to a point where durability is sacrificed or even mildly threaten There are, however, certain sacrifices that can be made within the limits of good build- ing that will still give you a good house. ! Where to Reduce To illustrate in a rather ridiculous way, you could get silver plated bath- room fixtures, where nickel plate would do. You could have quarter sawed white oak flooring, where plain common oak or maple of the second grade or yel- low pine would serve quite as well. {You could have hand wrought light- CARTERS Real Estate 6 King St, East Phone 1380 Hea., 1823W W. J, TRICK CO. Limited REAL FNTATE, CONTRAOT- ING AND BUILDERS SUP- PLIES 25 Albert St. Mi. ne 280 _-- LYCETT Your Real Estate and. Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 25 King St. E.--Corner Celina Phone 205 PLAN BOO th ing fixtures where the stock forms of spun brass would serve every purpose and have fine appearances. You could have a stone or tile roof, but you may have a wooden pocketbook. You can spend $60 or more per thousand for face brick, but your dealer will show you an excellent quality of face brick at about half this price. You can have doors and trim and the woodwork gen- erally throughout the house of hard- wood or of soft wood, and there is a different price for everything of this kind that you use. Plumbing equip- ment, paints, enamels, all come in vari- ous qualities and at various prices. As a matter of fact, absolutely every one of the materials that go into your house may be had in a long array of qualities. The fact we want you to see is that you do not have to have With Lean Purses the highest grade in every case in or- der to secure satisfactory durability, and, as a further- matter of fact, the most pleasing to see. Architect Will Save You Money If you will sit down with ene of your friends who happens to be a technically trained man, or a contractor of long experience in building fine houses, you can learn a whole lot about these dif- ferent qualities of materials that will certainly be entertaining to you-- things which if. you will put into exe- gution will save you many, many dol- ars. The best person you can possibly in- terview in this connection is an archi- tect, because he is the man whose es- pecial problem is to know all about materials. Most architects are as an- xious as youn are to get the lowest pos- sible prices on materials and to build your home within the sum of money you know you can afford.' If, in this series of four articles, we have succeeded in getting you to see how it is possible for you to get your new home by reducing your require- ments, we shall have done all we wish ta do. It is «n absolute fact there are thousands of people living in apart- ments and rented homes with inferior accommodations who might be living 'n their own homes with plenty of oom to spread out, a yard, garden, a place to see their children play and grow, if they are only willing for the present to get along with a little less than they think they must have, The last of four articles on "How to Lower Home Building Costs." Whitby W. C. Reinke, Representative, Phones 22J and 343 WHITBY INTERESTED IN AERODROME Town Council Hear Report-- Mayor Writes to Federal Organizer (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 23.--Following a report from F, H., Annes of the ha- cent Aeronautical Convention in To- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR Oshawa house--this 200 acre farm in Dariington, 150 acres workable g pr tion soil, 50 acres bush, good § room frame house, 2 large barns, hen and lots of A and ry A ich store, rg sale, Price $5500.00 Part cash, balance on easy terms. W. J. Sulley Real Estate, SULLEY & MAW 35 Street East, Phone 2580, Bh Wing See Your Auctioneers FOR SALE i BA Hi a enh Desirable Home, six rooms, Summer Kitchen, Bathroom, Garage 3 Roomed Bungalow at rear. Double and lot. Modern conveniences. 36 Park Rd. S. Phone 1373W ronto, given before the Town Coun- cil on Tuesday night, the Clerk was instructed to write to Major-G:aneral MacBrien, who has been organizing civil aviation for 'ss Federal Gov- ernment, it is understood, inviting him to visit Whitby, snd inspect a site for an aerodrome. The following letter was sent. Mai.-Gen. J.H. MacBrien, C.B.; M.G.; D.S.0., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Dear sir:+-- At a meeting of the Council of the Town of Whitby held on Tues- day last, Mr. F. Howard Annes ad- dressed the Council and acquainted them with the fact that you were considerably interested in the devel- opment of cemmercial aviation and the locating of areodrome sites. We in Whithy, b:lieve that we have a most favorable location on our lake front. During the war, Col. Hoare. who is now Air Minis- ter in the British Government 109k- ed over this location and believed it to be splendidly conditioned for the establishment of an aerodrome. The Council authorized me to write you and find out whether or not you are interested sufficiently in the matter to visit Whitby. Our Coun- cil will be particularly pleased to meet vou at any time at your conve- nience and discuss this matter more fully. Trusting to have the honour of an early replv I am Sir, Yours very truly (signed) J W. BATEMAN, Mayor of Whitby, Weddings BROWN--WARD. By Staff ) Whitby, Sept. 23--Warner B. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wing Brown, Pickering Township, and Madeline Ward, daughter of Mr. TT for Lots to speculators when we have the choicest Lots and the closest in to the G.M.C. for $10 per fi.7 Small payment down--Restricted Property. See us before buying and save money, HORTON & FRENCH A NRT | ana Mrs, Frank Ward, 152 Brock street east, Oshawa, were married in Oshawa ycsterday at the bride's home, The ceremony was perform- .ed hy Rev. A, Mansell Irwin, Whit- by. HALL--RIJHARDS, | (By Staff Reporter) | Whitby, Sept. 23---Siebert Hall, Oshawa, and Evelyne Richards, daughter of Everett Richards, 110 Alma street, Oshawa, were married in the Whith United Church parson- | age yesterday afternoon.by Rev, A, ' Mansell Irwin, Miss Helen Gibson and Mr, Oliver Gay attended the bride and groom, MISSION EIRCLE BIRTHDAY PARTY Held in United Church -- Pleasing Program and Lunch Whitby, Sept. 24--The Mission Circle of the United Church, Whit- by, held a very pretty little "birth- da party' last evening in the Sun- day School room. Three score or more of the members and their friends were presnet to enjoy the program and lunch. Rev. A, M. Irwin, Chairman of the gathering, in his opening remarks expressed regret that nothing was being dbbe for the boys in the Church about the same age as the girls of the Mission Circle, and that the fathers left so much® to the mothers of the children, both boys and girls. A very enjoyable pro- gram , given consisting of the following numbers: . Piano solo, Miss Kisby; Vocal Du- et, Mrs. MacDougall and Mrs. French; Reading, Miss Barbara Boothe; Male Quartette, Messrs. Lynde, Patterson, Evans and Thomp- son, Song, Miss Marjorie Ross; Duet, Mr. Lynde and Mr, Thompson; Piano solo, Miss Marion Osbourne; Vocal Duet, rs. Maundrell and Mrs, K.an; Reading by Miss Bettie Od- lum; and a Duet by Misses Vera Richardson and Madge Heard. The birthday idea was carried out in the arrangement of the tables for lupeh, * There were twelve tables, one for each month of the year and the members and guests seated themselves according to the month of their birth. Two girls were re- sponsible for the arrangement of each table and the spirit of the dif- out in the table decoraions. St. & Oshawa Blvd. large, deep lots--A jinvestment for home- Horton & French highest grade is not necessarily the K ferent months was cleverly brought ! « J Series Genny arlicas PLANNING . BUILDING . FINANCING DECORATING . FURNISHING . GAR DENING Copyright 1326. w nad + GH MacDonarn ¢ HAS Agoon- Avowreep ALssere Esmenton A Cosy Stucco Bungalow ' By G. H. MacDonald & H. A, Magoon, Architects | Every dollar spent by the owner on this comfortable bungalow, would be a hundred cents spent on comfort and utility. The house having a total width of 22 feet, it could be built on a 35 | foot or slightly narrower lot, and still leave ample space for a side drive. tA study of the plans shows that one side of the house is occupied by the kitchen and living room, and the other by the batiroom and two bedrooms, both of which have good clothes clos ets. Access to these latter rooms may be had only through an inner hall, hav- iing a door into the living room, This arrangement gives as much privacy to the bedrooms as is possible in a bun- galow. The living room is entered directly from the vestibule and is a fine well lighted room, having a well designed brick' mantel. 3 Meals bgfore an dpeg/ fire are luxu- rious moments, for most. of us, oppor- tunities for which too seldom arise, but to those whe ehoose this delightful lit- tle home for their own the opportun- ity will always be present, for here the dining room has been banished, and the living room made to perform two functions. The kitchen is bright and convenient- ly compact, with the cupboard, sink, table, refrigerator, and range so ar- ranged as to reduce the housewife's "mileage per meal" to its absolute min- imum. Having windows at. two oppo- site corners, cross breezes may be re- lied upon to keep this room gool and well ventilated. A roomy basement extends under the | entire house and is amply lighted by the grade line and brick from there to the floor level. Above this the walls are stucco on a frame base. As the rural cottages of the old world appear so delightful through their simple good proportions and ab- solute lack of artifice, Here is a typi- cal small Canadian home which far ex- actly the same reasons, would alwavs appear at case, and tend to make its occupants the same, Readers desiring further information regarding the plans and specifications of this house should communicate with the architects direct. Address Messrs. G. H, MacDonald & H. A. Magoon, Tegler Building, Edmonton, Alberta. Lwving Room 14°§ | four good sized windows, none of which will ever fall into the mmsightly state that so many do, far here a coal chute into the bin has bgen provided, | The basement walls are concrete to Vesanoan | cooump Fiooe Pia Copyright, 1927, MacLean Building Reports, Ltd. FY A Matter of Choice Question: Docs it pay to use plaster board to save the cost of lathing and plastering? Which one shall | use? This is purely a matter of market conditions. We are informed by man- ufacturers producing both wallboard and plaster that prices vary as between localities due to variations in the fac- tors that affect all markets. The dif- ference in cost will not great, Do not be afraid of a wood"ldth job if it is put on by and properly 'reinforced with metal lath: But if you cannot get a good job, use the wallboard, my EAS A pAsEMENT PLAN . & n MYRTLE ---- [ Myrtle, Sept. 22.--It is reported that the C.N.R. are about to cancel all their trains now running between Whitby and Lindsay except one service each If this goes into effect it will be a great inconvenience to the public, especially to the school children. Special requests for the con- tinuance of the present service have been sent in. from many parts but what | the result may be is hard to say. The | reason the company are making this change is because of the trucks which | handle such a lot of freight that was | originally moved by rail, then the bus | service with its reasonable rates and i good service is a great drawing card for people to travel by motor, very | often getting on and off at one's own gate. Quite different to going some miles to a depot.. In the winter, how- ever, it is impossible very often for these services to continue, then it is that the railroads are more greatly patronized, The following is a list of prizes which Mr. George W. Rood and Sons | {way a der, were successful in winnig at Oshawa Fair last week. On Mickie, a pretty chestnut, driven by a lady they re-| ceived first and the silver tea service | donated by the Agricultural Society. In the 15% hands and over this horse won second and second in gents' turn- out. A yearfing carriage colt received second, a yearling roadster second, pony foal of 1927 second, carriage mare and foal third, foal of 1927, carriage, third, and a two year old percheron, second. This is a splendid showing to have such a number of prizes come ; to this neighbourhood and the Rodds are receiving many compliments on their success. A heavy thunder storm' passed over here on Tuesday. Those who claim to be good weather prophets say this is 2» splendid sien of a long oven' fall, . Mr. Frank Hughson of North Da- kota visited his mother, Mrs. Johnson Hughson, last week and off returning by motor on Sunday he had the mis- fortune of havine his car run into and awa is talking of starting mp a branch east of Columbus near Mackenzie's school which he will run at night. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Sept, 21.--A social evening will mark the firs" meeting of the Home and School Club this Friday evening. A cordiak invitation is extended to all to be present. An authority on tomatees states that - this year's' tomatoe" are less than half of the erop there has been other years. He states that the .blosgoms have not set as good JEWS CELEBRATE NEW YEAR NEXT MONDAY LONDON PROTESTS WEST END ARRESTS Convictions on Police Evi- dence Alone Afterward Quashed London, Sept. 24--The loudest out- cry "is beng made by the ng...papers against police arrests in the Wes: ind of London, and convictions by magis- trates who accept the umcorroborated evidence of the policemen, It is recalled that 'Miss Pacaud, Canadian High Commissioner's office ago owing to her being mistaken for somebody else, and now the appeal courts have wiped out two convictions by a magistrate--one against Major Graham Bell Murray, who was charg- women, and the other against Francis Champain, an Oxford double blue and ed with being a rogue and a vagabond and importuning in the Strand. In both cases the men were con~ victed on police evidence alone. Sir Henry Curtis Bennett, who apr peared for Champain, declares that "there appears to be nothing more dangerous than for an unsuspecting person to go for a wal kin London. Demands are being made by the press that Frederick Mead, magistrate in Marlborough street, whose convic+ tions in similar cases have been quashed on appeal and who is 80 years old, should resign, and that present police methods must be changed and the scandal of unauthorized arrests ended. y It cost Major Murray £130 to clear his character, and a man who appeals in similar circumstances must he pre- pared to spend £300 if he employs counsel. It is argued, however, that poor men who are convicted have little redress, and that there must he many whose lives have been blasted 'by such con- victions and who, though could not afford to prove it. : It is likely that the whole question will be brought before the House of Commons when it reassembles. V. A. Henry, Insur- ance and Loans. 113% SIMCOE BT, 8, Ld Phones; 11908W--Office 1858) --Residence ------ Better Houses URIAH JONES 461 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 1947w Real Estate and Insurance DISNEY PHONE 1550 Services for the 'Jewish New Year which will or in the He- 8 other years. The time to. can dowh # tomatoes is now. The seasen will be short, It has been learned that Wilfred Hare, grandson of Mr." Solomon, who is in Western Hospital, Toron- to, as the result of an unknown ae- cident is slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pogson and baby and Mrs. George Allin, motor- ed to Wiarton to visit Mrs. Allin's sister and brother, Mr. and Miss Watts. Mr. Pogson returned Monday and Mrs, Allin end Mrs. Pogson will remain for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Giéver, Mr. 4" and Mrs. Bruce Glover and baby Kathleen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blight at Brooklin lately. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Fice-and chil- Aren of Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fice's Sunday, &F Mr. Ted Boynton is getting his house into shape and will soon pe living in it. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blight and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rlight Mr. Jack Blight Jr., and aze! Piight. #211 of Brooklin. r. and Mrs. Archie Blight, Oshawa, Mr. <4 Mrz. Rov Britton, Smith's Falls. Miss Dorothy Shortridge, Burketon. Mrs, 'W. Blight, Smith's Falls, all were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Glover. 23 Bruce St. -- Phone 1207W y. Mr. Carman Rodd whe js a successfud barber business in damaged while driving through Whit- It is said American women spend LOTS FOR SALE Grooms Ave,, $500 to $600. . WILLIAMS PIANO ©O,, LTD, --F H. P. BULL, PHONE 626 daughter of Lucien Pacaud, of .the . in London, was arrested some « time ed with being drunk and molesting / well known cricketer, who was charg=.:, innocent, ---------- Bl | lag : IM PT Jnistz toa "ds an } ast dim in 2H (HP a hag 'nbn Yim MN Lina qr bas loog 7 1i/ ea lf rofl Ty ansid qd anv 1990 aLw Inuooas mosiyg UTE gf orl'L i3asndo se | IAB + 1had a1M bh roali'Ww "1s 010T 19lliM pI Jd 11 1 vy Liton ren hii id L191D Tay E14 nate vidas yisr oul realy ap $n gn Ho 1omod 3] 1 ize] 859 HY gi 3 i 1119 His Ars ailmo') ay 2 pas 1199718) yA (4 ] urs atv