--Mr, Clarence Ryder was a visi- tor in Montreal last week, --Mr, "Stub" Palmer, of this city, visited with friends in Belle- ville over the week-end. --Mr, Eddie Hughes has heen vis- iting with friends in Belleville, re- cently, --Mrs, A, Brody, of Toronto, at- tended the Fair last week-end while visiting with friends here, --Mrs, Matt Patten, of Elgin Mills, is visiting with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Harman, 740 Cedar street, --Mr, Donald Weeks has return- ed to his home here after spending the weck/end with friends in Belle- ville, --Mr, and Mrs, Fred Carswell at- tended the thirty-fifth anniversary of the wedding of My. and Mrs. C, Goffat, at Toronto, on Monday, --Mr, McDonough, of the Gover. nor General's Guards Band, Ottawa, has heen spending his vacation with Mr, and Mrs, I, Daniei, Warren avenue, MADE TO MADE 10 ORDER JHUER WE MAKE AND FIT ORR TRUSS AND suaRaurEE TO HOLD RUPTURE ECURELY. EXAMINATION FREE, UTHORS & COX,L vp CHURCH ST. TORONTO A I 3-1 Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM- BALMER Successor to DISNEY FUNERAL SERVICE 82 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1082 WOODWORK | Oshawa, Ont. Garage doors, sash, frames, storm sash, combination doors, general mill work. Estimates given. COLLEGE ies J __ Telephone 2053W. Pos Bok 4b 49 14) DOMINION CLOTHING ---Mr, Harley Hayes, been holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Gregory, Bond" street, has returned to his home in the Border Cities. --Miss Veta Stephenson A. T.C.M. and Miss Merle Stephenson spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Stephenson, 28 Ab- erdeen street, i ----Messrs. Allan Williams, Arthur Peacock, Bill Hart, Melville Rom- bough, and John Hare left today to resume their studies in Kingston at Queen's, --Among the out-of-town guests who attended the Sawbey-Johnston nuptials in Toronto on Saturday af- ternoon and evening were Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Millechamp of this eity. --Members of the Local Post of the Canadian Legion who attended the unveiling of the memorial to the fallen soldiers at Brighton, which ceremony was performed by Sir Ar+ thur Currie, were: Sergt -Major Cooper; Mr. R. Armitage; Mr, L. Kellar; Mr, C, Treebell; and Mr: J. Kellar, "Weddings MADDER--BATTIE A very pretty wedding was 'sol- emnized at the St. Matthew's Church, Toronto on Thursday, September fifteenth, hy Canon .Sawers, when Miss Jessie Battie of Oshawa, hecame the bride of Mr, George Madders also of Oshawa, formerly of Toronto, After the ceremony the happy couple: left for a trip to Niagara and Guelph. On their return they will reside in Oshawa, Recent Deaths MARGARET AGNES MACKIN, Citizens in the vicinity of Albert street were grieved today when they learned of the death of Mar- garet Agnes Mackin, the eight months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Mackin, 140 Albert street The sympathy of a wide circle of friends is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Mackin and family in their bereavement. Surviving are the sorrowing parents, three sisters and two bothers, They are Mildred, Marjory, Marie, Francis and Stu- art, The funeral will take place from the parents' residence at the above address Thursday afternoon, A service will be held at 2.30 o'clock and interment will take place in Union cemetery, (Supplied by Stoble Forlong & Co,) NOON CLOSING TORONTO STOCKS Ask 192 Stock 'Brazilian Burt, F.N. Bell Telephone B.C. Fish Br. Amer. Oil .... City Dairy Christie Brown ... C. I. Alcohol Int. Nickel Int, Petroleum Imperial Oil Massey Harris .... Hiram Walker .... Smeltens Barry Hollinger .. Beaver Castle Trethewey . Dome Hollinger Kealey | Kirkland Lake '| Lake Shore i Loews Incor. Lehigh Val. | Miss. Pac. | Mont. | Briggs Mfg, : Baldwin Loc. 255% 1 Chrysler '| Lavas-Quebec Macassa Mcintyre Mining Cor. Teck Hughes Tough Oakes Vipond Wright Hargraves Mining sales to noon 1,490,562 Silver 555 High Amer, Can. 63% Amer ¥ & T. 175% Atchison. 195% Bait. & Ohio 121% 22% Low 62% 174% 193% 120% 22% 255 55% 183% 59%, 336% 17% 603 104% 74 271% 833% 48% 56% 184% 60% 338% Can. Dry. Can, Pac. Dupont Dodge "A." Erie Fam. Plyrs. Gen. Asphalt Gen. Motors 273 Hudson . 83% Int. Comb. .. 48% int. Har. 232 231% Int. Paper 55% 54% Kan. City S. 64% 364 55% 54% 107 104 . 55 53% Ward . 79% 78& Overland . 165 16% Phil. Pete. . 425 424 Radio 661% 66% Rock Island 108% 108% Studebaker . 60 58 St. Louis San 112% 112% U.S. Rubber 464% 55% U.S. CI. Pipe 209% 208% U.S. Steel ..156% 154% Woolworth ..187% 187% Yellow Cap. 35% 33% whe has {OSHAWA DALY TIMES, TUESDAY, rm ---- SIK FIRE CALLS IN 24 1 OURS Oshawa Fire Department under Chief' A, 0. Cameron had a rather busy time during the past twenty four hours when they attended to ne less than six calls, None of the fires was of a serious nature, and while no damage of any amount was SEPTEMBER 20; 1927 I ola SE IN WA RO 1ON ' Woodstock, Sept, 19--A sad ac cident, resulting in the death by. drowning of the 2-year-old som of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Campbell of Bmbro occurred on their farm last: night, when the boy came to his death by falling in a trough of water. The others on the farm were busy milking when the lad wand- ered into the milkhouse and fell into the trough. He had been gune only about four minutes when his absence was discovered, but life was extinet when he was taken out of the water. He was eating a piece of apple at the time, and it is be- leved that it choked him when une fell into the water and hastened his death. APPOINTED CHAIRMAN Kitchener, Sept. 19.--The City done at any of the pl id able time was taken up. At 5.05 yesterday afternoon the first call came. in from the City Dump. Again at 10.60 the same place sent in an alarm, There was no damage done. A call from the hydro people was registered at 7.30 last night, and shertly after 10 o'clogk this morn- ing the department was again called to J. Goodman's residence at King and Union streels where a chimney fire was in progress. The hrigade had. no sooner returned than at 11 05 another ring from W, Coder's at 15 Elwood avenue. Here a small fire had RQroken out in the roof, Chemicals were used and the dam. aga was small. At 11.15 this morn- ing, the last call came in from 8. Harker's at 144 William street East where a pot of wax on a stove caus- ed a slight blaze. Council at the regular meeting this evening appointed Ald. Fred Dreger as Chairman of the Sewer Commit- tee, a successor to the late Charles Richardson, who passed away re- cently. The appointment was made on. the recommendation of the Sewr er Committee, HYDRO POWER OFF The Oshawa Daily Timey "Was sert- ousy inconvenienced yesterday due to a misunderstanding on the part of Hydro employees working on Bruce | street. The line was cut at 8.30 and the power was off for three-quarters on an hour at a time when it seri- ously inconvenienced the mechanical department of The Times, resulting in the paper being delayed. The men were moving a pole carrying a trans- former and cut the line without notifying The Times Office. B.Y.PU. REELECTS. LEADERS AND: GROUPS, PLAN CORN ROAST The B.Y.P.U. regular meeting in "the Sunday, School rpom last night, had three important matters of busi- ness to discuss, The first, whether they would change their group lead- they should do with the meetings which have to be cancelled, and last of all where and when they would item of business was disposed of on a motion that they re-elect leaders and members of all the groups, the second point was decided on by a motion to hold such meeting that must be cancelled on the Sunday previous to the regular meeting night, but this was left over for the executive to decide among themsel- ves. It was decided to hold a corn roast either next Tues- day 27 or Fri, the 30th, at the lake and invited the Whitby society over to join them on that night, Miss Doreen Keenan then favored them with a solo and Rev. Galt took the topic "What Does a Missionary Do?" As an example he told of one whom he had asked for a program of his day's work, but after the Mis- slefnary, who was principle of a boys' school had written seven pages of i foolscap and had only detailed the day's work up until noon, and could find ne more time to epend on it, averyone believed that the Mission- ary had the higgest job in the world and the ment fpuitful one. The.meet- ing was closed with a hymn and prayer by Mr, E. Johnson, --_------ ers, and groups, the second, what have the annual corp roast. The first, BOWLING TOURNEY FOR SINCLAIR CLP Open to Rinks in Riding of South Ontario--Also Play for GMC, Cup Wednesday afternoon promises to be a busy day in Oshawa ha Bowling Club circles as there will be two main events on the card for lovers of the trundling game. The feature will be the doubles tournament in competition for. the W. B. N. Sinclair, K.C. trophy. This is open to all bowlers in the elec- toral district of South Ontario, The Sinclair trophy is one of the most beautiful cups that bowlers of this dis- trict have the honor of competing for and for that reason bowlers as can Pure teg of finest quality, free A An a - RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is ------------ possibly get away from 'business are asked' to turn ouy and c \ first. game will start sharp at 2 o'clock. In addition ta the Sinclair trophy s:aitable prizes will be awarded' the cunners-up. . : . The second feature of the afternoon is the doubles competition for the GMC. Cup, another very beautiful cup. This competition is open to all bowlers in Oshawa, Port Perry, Whit- Vy and Claremont. Special prizes will t!so be awarded to the winners and .unners-up in this series. Competition in this will also take place at 2 o'clock sharp. The greens are in the best of condi- 'tion and while post entries are accept- alle, indications are that a record en- try will be made. GETTING AROUND IT (Chicago Daily News) A sort girl gets around it by mak- ing the stripes on her skirt run in the opposite direction. of dust um. [ - t 'Bamby : Hundreds of wagons Hundreds of wagons are needed to serve those who like Bamby Bread, 1} More people take it than any other single bread, There must be a reason for it. It is the higher quality ingredients, the more skilful baking, that make Bamby Bread the "best-liked Bread," DATE AND NUT SANDWICHES White Bread. Butter j Dates Walnuts 3 Every T 1 Pure Creamery Butter is the only shortening used. ---- [ t+. Salad Dressing chopper well with slices of ith an equal quantity of walnuts. read ~the rich butter loaf ingredient that goes into Bamby Bread is just what you would choose to make bread yourself--if we didn't do it for you, Real milk, white granulated sugar, pure creamery butter for shortening, "pick-o'-the-wheat" Maple Leaf flour, fine table salt. ¥ And baking skill that few housewives could equal," : hii "ie rdgaih. Ask the Canada Bread man who serves your neighbors to leave a loaf for you. If you prefer to telephone <all Oshawa 2420 hd bv food buttered