Da 8. EBBS, BARRISTER, tof, Notary Public, Dative ney to loan, Room 32, Aa Bank Bldg., Simsoq and Bond Leh Phone 1496, (121-me) UON & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, No ries Public, Wte,- ancing and general ' bird o] 1% Simcoe St, Oshawa, Phone 63, G..D, B.A, LLB; oe ¥. Annis, Ben I w. ™, K.0., mak of EE iiding, (16:19) ut, 3 sould, By Signe vl a VN CETTNR ATE, Bred; I, 2 ~~ ve eA Sr od tate la Lob LE oi NT. \ a op aren Cu . 4 Oras BER 20.1927.» . a La =F Real Estate for Sale oa mmvNoum, Phova a 8 na painting o and almonizin rk guaranteed, Before HE get our prices, (tt, 5 FF « # b: bo GOULDENY ARTISTIO Di per, wood cot- ton, brick; show , price ticket: of every description, Disney Block, Oshawa, (239-t1) Window "Closing : 38° BLOGR 81; ry FARM FOR SALE--100 ACRES OF first cliss clay loam, in Darlington Township, close ta village With creamery, grist mill, ehurchés and school; Good orchard, running creek in pasture, beautiful scenery from house, New hip roof barn, with steél roof, + Good 10° room brick house. $2,000 down will buy this farm, balance arranged, or will ex- change for Oshawa or Bowmanville property. Apply § A, Bickell, 430 Simcoe St." 8. Oshawa, Ont, Phone 1240W or 470 Simcoe St, 8, phone 2880J. :(66e) JOSEP ANQGAN, B.A, ~--BAR- nate,' wo Notary, : hile) Coy eyaneer. You Kl King , Osha one 145, Residence 1 'phony 847. GRIEREON & ORRIGHTON= BAT Hetern, £8 Conyeyancers, Notaries Pub- Me, 'ete.' Oftica over Standard' Bank, Antrance Simcoe St, Phone 17: J. F, Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, BA, SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Fengle, Barristers, Conveyaucers, Notary 'Public, ete, Al branches of Criminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, "ce over Lamblds store, 2 King St, ehst, Phone 940, D. A J. Swanson, H, N. German, F, G. Mackensie, THRE OSHAWA WINDOW TGLRAN. ers--house cleaning; woodwork and floors polished, screens and store via dgve put on and remaved. Phone 18 ps ¥ r. . oo : A PORTABLE - HOUSE, BUILT with hardwood flooring, 6x8, for rale, theéap if soll at once. Also elec tric' weshing machine: Apply Ma- dame Zedda, 15 Lloyd 8t. (66-2) Siu i RE an i Transportation b MITH TRANSIONTATION LIMIT- , Simeog Bt. ",, phune #4\--, 242 Front St, W., Toronto, Phone Main 7637, Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-1) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND Frage age. 85 Bond 8t, West, Phoge 82, 6 trucks for prompt. servid . [Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, "Baggage transtorred to end from: all trains, A. J 'PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- lMeltor, Notary Public, Copveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg, oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 228907. (6210) LOUIS 8, HYMAN .& Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyamcers, Notaries, etc. Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe Bt, North, Money to loan. Phones-- office #7, Residence 2101. (tr) SEND FOR MURDOCH. HE WILL insure it. 139 Agnes St. Phone 1932M. Motor Car, Fire, Sickness and Accident, Life, Plate Glass, ete, (Sept. 3-1 mo,) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics, Screen windows and screen doors. Estimates free, B, W. Haynes, 161 King St, W., Phone 481, Res, 180 r 2, (tf) Building Supplies WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim. ¥, L. Beeecrcft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-11) hb, ls Money to Loan AVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency In Oshawa. 30 ' Re- ptable Fire Companies. (118-tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will be at 'his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm. for consultation and treatment t diseases of ear, nose and throat nly. Appointments may be made st drug store Phone 97. (49-t1) PRIVATE FUNDS FOR LOAN ON first mortgages. City ud farm lands. Lowest interest rate. Louis F Hyman & Co. Barristers, 16 Simcoe St. N. Phone 67. 52tf 63% CITY AND FARM LOANS. No eommission. : Building loans. J.e- gal work dope at this office, A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Dismmey Bldg. Phone 1614. 176th) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT. East, Ambulance. Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King Street east. PR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas sdmin- for extraction, nurse at- Phone 231. Phone 210J. SR hl BG Watch Repairing PF. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at din King Street West. Your pat ropage is solicited, : (29-t1) R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, FAPER- banging, graiping, ete. Twenty years' Prices experience. right. Work guaranteed. 165) Huron Shroot. Phone 2067TW. © (4542) Farpiurs Sloreps FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. 85 Bond St West. Phone 82, Coleman's Cart- (6411) | | Phone 185. POR SALE--§IX ROOM BRICK veneer, Will exchange for a larger property, Owner, 139 Agnes er y 651) 2300 BUYS FIVE ROOM BRICK house, hardwood floors, toilet, electric lights, a fine cellar, small payment down, balance as rent. Harry Salter, 24 Royal St. Phone 185, (65¢) a, $2600 BUYS A 7 ROOM' HOUSE, hardwood floors, 2 piece hath, electric light, small payment down, balance as vent. Harry Salter, 24 Royal St, (65¢c) FOR SALE-- NINE ROOMED brick house, hot water lLeating, divided cellar, three bedrooms, dep, sleeping porch, attic and large sun porch, Also furniture for sale, Apply 402 Masson St, (64c) FOUR ROOM HOUSE, central, cop- veniences, Price $2,400, Cash $200, Eusy terms, 9 Bond St, E, Phone 869, (64e) TEN ROOM HOUSE( VERY CEN- tral, all conveniences. Price $5,000, Smal lcash payment. 9 Bond St. E. Phone 869, (64c) FOR SALE--LARGE HOUSE, 6 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kit- chen, bathroom, boarding house, furniture included. Redecorated, Central, Phone 799W, 20 Maple street, (62-f) For Rent 6 ROOMED Phone 1864W. (66c) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms to rent for light housekeep- ing. All conveniences. Phone 15640J, (662) BEDROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE or two gentlemen. All conveniences and central. Apply 178 Albert St. or phone 731J. (66¢c) FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED bedroom, suit to one or two gentie- men. 165 Simcoe St. S. (66c) FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED room. Would suit two gentlemen. Board if desired. Phone 584J. (65¢) BED- Private, TO RENT--NEW house, All modern. FOR RENT--FURNISHED room, suit two gentlemen. Board if desired. 46 Kenneth Ave. Phone 1393). (65¢c) FOR. RENT---4 ROOMED HOUSE, 2 minutes walk from car line. Will lcase. Phone 289r1-3. (65¢) GARAGE FOR RENT, PER month. Cement floor. 244 Gliddon Aye. (65¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two friends. Breakfast if desired. Cenmral. Phone 548. © (65¢) $5 Apply Minit 'charge 'for ith ond, 00 cents, ©. i [i FOR SALE--MyLARY ELECTRIC range in good condition... Other household articles also for sale, Phone 16402, . (66¢c) Real Estate for Exchange try oF MODERN:8IX ROOM- od house, iw Toronto, good district, cloe to cars; would comsider pur- chase of house in Oshawa, 'like val- ué wheré equity of $1,600 and some opsh would' be accepted. * Comy muni¢ate direct to D. Of Grant, 89 Moberley Avenue, Toronto, (66-bY COTTAGE 'IN NORTH ' PORONTO, to, xchange for 'building lot in Qshawa or bush farm or what have on. J. T. Croutch, 64 Statfard St. 'oronto. Agents Wanted PERBONAL, GREETING CARDS. Agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Can- ada, Regal 'Art Co, Manufacturers, 8410 Spadina Ave, Toronto. (66a) ANYONE CAN EARN $26 WEHEK- ly up, in City or Country, in spare time taking Ordeérg for the best- known, highest-grade, lowest priced line Canadian-made Christmas Greet- ing Cards. Magnificent sample 'honk free, Write Canadian Publishing Co., 61 Wellington W., Toronto, ~ " (Aug. 28-Oct, 8) Second Hand Dealers DEALERS IN SECOND HAND FUR- niture, Buy and sell, Apply 186 Bloor St, B, Phone 1617M, (Aug. 27-Sept, 87) Books SECOND HAND BOARDS, DOORS, windows, sash, lath, stairs, carpets, Must he sold by Friday, Man who bought door, and woman who bought stairs at Division St. must claim goods before Friday else they will be sold, Yard closed from Sept, 24-29. Opposite 81 Ontario St. (86¢c) FOR SALE--CROWN HURON cook stove in good condition. Apply side roor 47 Celina St, (66¢c) JOIN OUR NEW LIBRARY, NEW fall hooks are coming in now. Ro- bertshaw's Book Store, Phone 1472, 37 Simcoe St, N. (Tues.-8at, tf) Work Wanted YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE WORK of any description a8 helper or la- borer, Apply Box "M'" Times. (66a) GOLDEN SUNBEAM BICYCLE, « 2 speed gear, free wheel, enclosed chain running in oil hath, Brooks filled paddle cyclometer, Lucas gas lamp, rustless steel wheels, Dunlop tires. In perfect condition, $50 cash. 17 Greta St. Phone 2046W. (66-c) FOR SBALE--FUMED OAK LIB- rary table, one Victrola, mahogany, one Pomeranian pup. 495 Simcoe St, B. (65d) FOR SALE--TWENTY THOUSAND feet White Pine Dry. 10 to 16 feet 2 in. Phone E. A. Rutherford, Castle- ton, Ont, (65c) HOT AIR FURNACES AND PIPES complete. Apply Commercial Hotel. (64¢) FOR BALE--TWO WILTON RUGS, 7% x 9, 14 x 9. Small Persian de- sign, 1 small chesterfield and 3 Rat- tan chairs. 226 Arthur St. Phone 13387. (63¢f) ONE OAK LIBRARY TABLE FOR sale, 144 Ritson Rd. S. (64-g) FOR BALE--WOOD AND COAL cook stove in good order. Apply 248 Jaryis St. (64-2) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors. Masonry work of eve ered description, Bowmanville, phone t WOOD-WORKING -- MISCBLLANE- ous wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, &lso repairs. 8. B, Edmondson, 251 Biden £1, A UPHOLSTERING NF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to ordey. Work- pianship guaranteed, G, A, Cop- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 520P, LTB) CARPENTER WORK WANTED, Estimates given. Apply M. Davis, 140 Tylor Crescent, Oshawa. Aug. 22-1 mo) 'Wanted to Borrow WANTED--$3,500 FOR 3 YEARS AT 7 per cent. on a 9 room brick house, on Division street. All conveniences, hardwood floors up and down. Fine garage, cement driveway. House and lot. Good value at $8,000. arry Sal- ter, 24 Royal St. Phone i (65¢) Help Wanted--Male A BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 97 pleces best quality china, $40; ome dollar deposit, balance $1 weekly, also Rogers' silverware. © Ladies' and Gents' watches, Diamond rings ete., payments as low as 50 cents weekly. Order mow. 0. H. Dell, 22% *Simeoe south. Phone 1656. (Aug. 24-1 mo.) | E. J. POMEROY, 18% KING ST. E., Oshawa, Ontario. All phone calls re- ceive prompt attention Phone 1913M. (Sept. L-1mo) FURNISHED HOME TO RENT. ALL conveniences. Centrally located. Ap- ply 30 Centre St. (64e) LIBRARY TABLE FOR SALE-- Fumed Oak. design. $12.00. Oshawa Daily Times. (42t0) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE OR three or four roomed apartment. Box "B" (865) FOUR ROOMED APARTMEXT wanted by two adults, September 30th, all conveniences. Phone 927). (65b) Times. FOR SALE -- FULTON R wheel in Al condition. ry Martin & Sons, itf | som, Rd. south. DELIVERY BOY WITH BICYCLE wanted after school hours. 138 Sim- coe St. 8. (66a) FIRST CLASS MECHANIC WANT- ed at Johmson's Garage, 26 Athol St. W. No others need apply. (65¢) Room and Board ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted in private home. Apply 227 Arthur St. (652) ROOM AND BOARD AT 72 RIT- £662) WANTED Xo NP-ONB _-- PHYLAAS BERGMAN, ALCM. -- LLCLCM., teacher of the piano, also Classical Dancing. 117 Stacey Aw- enue, Oshawa Phone 317F. (64-c) LEPHA N. DONCASTER, ATCM., teacher of piano and theory. Pupils two furnished rd ive lariisned or Whivigicied dy Times. 3 OR 4 ROOMED APARTMENT wanted by Jespatable couple. Ap- ply Box "R" (64c) FARM WANTED TO WORK ON shares or reat. Would buy hail im- terest. Dairy farm > Best of references. Box "N" Times. TR ASA) Help Wanted tt ¢ : He, ke " YOUNG GIRL WOULD LAKE wich housework and minding children, Phone 2073F. As6b) COMPETENT MAID, TO SLEEP out. Phone 463W. ( WOMAN WANTED FOR work. Must be a good cleaner. peri d chamb maid Commercial Hotel. HOUSEKEEPER OR MIDLE AGED girl wanted for gemenal housework. Good home. Box "0" Times. ba (6d) MADD WANTED TO ASSIST WITH housework and cave of children. Phone Mrs. Alloway. 1264. "U50AEN Dressmaking the amde: signed, am poepaved to Pe se) ad shi Tals of abil. Oat AY Leshe street, or phone 1842]. Miss J 4 Flossic Boyd. (650) i (630) | Meek Lad ROOM AND BOARD. GOOD COOK- ing. 314 vision St. (8%¢) ROOM AND BOARD AT 75 COL- borne St. W. a tc FY ) ROOM SU ITABL E FOR TWO GEX- themen with board. Five minutes from General Motors. $00 Haig St. (65¢) - rely 83" 1 (Continued trom page 7) ehowers out of the hotel. Mr, Faw- cett 'explained that peaple unacous- tomed tb showers, stand underneath the spray, and looking at the two faucets, "hot" and "cold," turn on the "hot" one, without tempering ft with the "cald" one, and are scalded 'by the holling hot water. "People do not think of hot water in terms of water at the boiling point," continued the Chi- cago hotel holder, "and so the Ho- tel Sherman is obviating further risk by getting rid of their shower bath equipment, The new bathrooms, connected privately with tem rooms, are really dressing rooms. They are as large =»« the average guest room in ihe ordinary hotels, "The floors have been laid with hardwood, and a cov- ering of inlaid linoleum is over this The walls in all the bathrooms, as well as the rest of the rooms, have heen newly papered, and the wood- work repainted. Some af the rooms with hath attached have twin beds while others have single beds, and there is a: thick new axminster carpet Iaid in every room of the hotel. Hach of the 44 rooms of the three 'storey hotel, has, in addition, a rommodious clothes closet, The repapering and redecorating throughout the hotel acepunts for some of the $45,000 which is he- ing efpended hy Capt. Dickinson, Carpets will be laid 'on the new hardwood floors which are being laid in the halls, but will he nar- row enough to show a horder of the woodwork on the cides. The wooden porch at the entrance is to be 'torn down, to be replaced by a eanopy, while the whole front will be stuccoed. The window frames of the first storey will he taken ont and replaced by steel ones, which will have allowances for smaller window panes. - Although the three storey brick building is practically fireproof, Captain Dick- inson has placed hand fire extin- guishers at strategic points through- cut the hotel, so as to be at hand it need should arise. Capt. E. C. Dickinson was in Oshawa in 1923 trying to interest capital in that city for the eree- tion of an hotel there, but was not able to raise the full amount peces- cary for the work. Captain Dickin- son is a veteran of the Imperial Army; serving from 1901 'to 1909. in East "Imdia; Africa, Egypt, China, Malay Peninsula, and Ceylon, as well as serving in the late war from 1914 till" April 192%, when he was ue- charged at'Hounslow Barracks, Lon- don, England. Enpnfisting with the Canadian Expeditionary [fortes in Northern British Columbia at the outbreak of 'the war; Captain Dickin- son sécured"a transfer to his own regiment, The Royal Engineers, when she AHIved gn, 4 gn Frgland. ee FAIR A -------- Date Changed So As Not to Conflict With the Orono Fair Aya y STRE (By Staff Reporter Bowmanville, Sept. 19.--The Ro- tary Club Street Fair, which, it was announced, would be held om Octo- ber 5, will be held on Wednesday, October 12, in order mot to comn- flict with the Orono Fair, which will be held on the former date. It is expected that the fair will be held on King street, between Temperance and Division streets and will block the highway for traffic. Eastbound cars, however, will likely be direet- ed along Queen street, and west- bound trafic will also make a right hand turn, and Rioceed along FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER, 1923., jin excellent condition condition, priv- | av ately owned. Swall mileage." New oversize cord tires. Terms if desired. Phone 1473F. AS%e) $200 CASH OR TERMS, CHEY- rolet four passemger Coupe. Com- pletely overhauled. Call after five clock. 215 Frances St. PONTIAC SPORT COUPE FOR sale. Just a new car: Spe aatily FOR SALE FOUR ANGORA KIT- tens. Apply 319 Albent St., between ¢ and 8 evenings. ; AB5c) PU; A5sc) i LOST--PUR RSE, CONT cvening. Rewagd at Times $1,000 TO LoANON FikSr MORT- Kin Se % Phone LL ash) egy osT_stw ¢ OF MONEY ON rr , "mesterddy 'at moon. Finder ig 2429. RBeward. in Victoria Park. Tag number 592. Finder please phone 1032M. LOST--SMALL LEATHER PURSE containing Sum of - money at fair grounds Saturday evening. Finder vicate phone 927). (65h) NING SE Su nda moncy, at during the past week end rr) noele- brate the 200th anniversary of Uheir town 'sPhirth. The ftestivitios. which Br ot BED AR sale. Apply 66 Lioyd St. last might, either from Oshawa or Toronto, and ws |? JOST--BOSTON BULLDOG LOST | (B60) | FU¥ there will he booths for selling. "All the momey will be given to . Jury, of the local Aruggist fiom. & Lovell, has heed Wttelari® A special representative will be at' our Oshawa Ooder Office with illustrations and specifications of EATON Built- Garages, an both meta and wood, on Tuesday, - Thursday and Saturday during the week of Septeniber Wh to 24th. if yop ack in thie mivicer for a Garage it will he you to sep these. ol TEATRN © the, convention . of whiblesale drug- gists, , which, just. completed its ses- sion dt t. Louis, Mo. Mrs. dvr accompanied Bi: 4: 2, "1 3 ng BYLIGIR RUSHES 10 DEATH (Continued from Page 7) to. Toronto for an "analysis. 81 Cents out of $10 Mystery surrounds' young Vaughn's tragic act, The evidence today showed that he left his home after 7 o'clock last @évening in a perfectly sober condition and with about $10 in his possession, When the body was recovered only 51 cents was found in his pockets, Two youths testified that they were with him in an ice cream parlor at ten minutes to eight and all three had ice cream and soft drinks. Vaughn left them there, they deposed, and returned in about half an hour and thep was obviously under the influ- ence of liquor, They swore that he did not tell them nor did they learn where he had obtained the intoxi- cants, Mr, Marshall - and Mr, Brads found the unfortunate youth in the main part of the town about 9 o'- clock and persuaded him to start home with them. He was making suicidal threats, witnesses testified. As the two men and Vaughn reach- ed the bridge, Vaughn suddenly dar- ted from them toward the side of the bridge, eluding Mr. Marshall r. Brady ran in front of Vaughn and the latter ran over to the oth- er side of the hridge and proceeded to climb over. Mr. Marshall reached him just in time to clutch the sleeve of his coat hut too late to pull him back, Vaughn dropped into the dark waters of the creek before the eyes of the horrified men, neither'of whom Tan swim. Struggling to Get Away, They testified that Vaughn was struggling to get away from them as they approached the bridge, Vaughn was an attendant at the continuation school and wasa gen- eral favorite in the village. He was described as being a boy of temper- ate habits. He had heen working this summer with his father in Van Order's Fish Refrigerator. The tragedy is all the more shock- ing through the fact that it is the third in about a year's time. About a year ago a young girl of the vil- age, drowned herself after attending church ope Sunday evening, while in January of this year a hotel pro- prietor of Port Burwell, believed to have been driven temporarily insane from drinking moonshine, killed himself by slashing his throat with safety razor blades on the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks near Lon- don. At the probe that followed his death, the authorities learned about very powerful moonshine known as "Pine Knot Whiskey" being manu- factured in the southern part of Norfolk County and brought into Elgin County, Provincial Officer J. A. Darrach ; and Provincial Constable H. 0. Tay- lor of this city are in charge of the police investigations into Vaughn's Septh. ; GERMAN POLICE DOG Bayonne, N.J., Sept. 19.--Within an hour this evening a large grey German police dog, believed to be suffering from rabies, attacked apd bit eight persoms. Five were child- dren. Late tomight virtually the en- tire police force, aided by armed citizens, are patrolling the streets on the lookout for the amimal. All the imjured were taken to the Bayonne Hospital, tomorrow will receive the Pasteur treatment. Schools will be closed tomorrow on account of the special election, and consequently 'many children were playing on the streets later than their uspal hour. Five of these youngsters were mmong the victimg of the. doz's ERIpPage- 34