Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Sep 1927, p. 9

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w fe _ John's en F. Glover Makes Eaest] - Appeal for Greater Sincer- ity in Religious Life -- . Musical Entertainment Fol- i+ lowed By Lunch (By Staff Reporter "Whitby, Sept, 80.--The dwelite Student Regime Reunion Socfal was 'held: last night at St, John' tw can Chureh, Port Whithy, A de- (lightful time was enjoyed by all who wer. privileged to attend. ¥n the early part of the evening, Rev, PF, Glover, who preached in St, John's on Sunday, led in several group games, The. rector, who acted as chair- man, read messages expressing re- &ret. at not beihg able to attend trom Rev. J. H., Pogson, former rector; and the following ex.stu- dents of Wycliffe: Arch-Deacon N. I. Perry; Rev, A C, MacCallum; Rev, W, Simpson, Field See, of the G.BR.E.; Rev, J. 8. Harrington, Fleld See, of the. Bible Society; Rev, Canon McKim, who wrote that {he would not be able to preach in St, John's next Sunday; Rev. A, F. Traverse of 'Lucknow, Ont, and Bishop Mowell, former Dean of Wy- clice and now Bishop of China In. land Mission, BE. R, Blow, who has long heen #& member of the church gave a splendid address telling of old times, | |and outstanding events in the life |of St, John's, Rev, I, Glover was then called on and responded with a very ear- nest and sympathetic appeal for greater earnestness and sincerity in (religious life. The speaker touched jon his former connection with the church at Port Whitby and spoke of his great sorrow on learning of the death of the late John Howden whom he had regarded as his best friend while labouring here. The former rector then went on to speak of more serious things and characteriz- ed as the greatest tragedy mm Chris- tian life today the lack of Bible reading and family prayer in Chris- iin homes. It is no wonder that the children go wrong, because young people today are faced with greater problems and dangers than itheir elders ever had to face, They must have a strong and syre foun- dation for life which can omly be based on the Word of God, E. R, CARRIED "| Court Stadont Regime Church r Happy Event Jicholson was called on at this time for an organ selection. Miss M. Sleep next contributed a fumourous recitation, putting forth 3 novel method of dealing with 'higher culture." A. W, Jackson, reeve of Whitby ind warden of the county, was pres- ent and spoke briefly, congratulat- ing the people of St, John's on the 300d work that has been accom- plished there, Miss Eva Bell sang a solo, fol- 'owing which Rev. Alf, Goldring, sraduate of Wyclife and former member of St, John's, and Mr, prowl, Wycliffe student, who has een working in the parism with Rev. Mr. Langford, addressed the zathering. Miss Sleep, was again called on wnd, summoning Miss Fox and Mrs, Langford to the front with her, read an address of appreciation of the s00d works and kindly offices of Mrs, Langford, and informed her hat she had heen made a life mem- 'ber of the W. A. by the other local nembers, The recipient of the pres. tation expressed her happiness wd gratitude to the givers, Dr. and Mrs. John Moore of Brooklyn were present, Dr, Moore was asked to speak and In a faw words told something of his love for the old church and his joy at being present at spch a gathering, At the conclusion of the program, the ladies served a bountiful lunch and the gathering dispersed, RECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE DISMISSED Frank Hughson Motors Half Way Across Continent Safely --Has Collision (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Sept. 20.--Frank Hugh- son, Whitby old boy, now of North Dakota, motored safely half way across the continent and met disas- ter in his pative town. Hughson, who returned to visit his mother in Myrtle, was driving west on Dun. das street with a friend Sunday night, and in the attempt to turn south on Kent street was struck. hy a car in the hands of Harold Har- ris, Whitby, Hughson said he stop- ped before trying to turn. Harris said he did not see Hughson until the cars were so close together that it was impossible to avert a colli. sion . A charge of reckless driving was laid against Hughson and the' case was tried in Whitby Police this morning. Magistrate Willis decided that the defendant hss one everything that be should have done and dismissed the case, OSHAWA MAN ACTS AS HIS OWN LAWYER Charge Against A. Robinson of Having One Headlight Dismissed (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Sept. 20.--Charged with driving through Whitby with one headlight and no rear light A. Rob- inson, Oshawa, app:ared in Whitby Police Court after an adjournment of one week, with seven witnesses and a lawyer. Robinson conducted his own defense and at times the going became s0 stormy that the Magistrate had difficulty in regain- ing order, characterizing the pro- ceedings once as ap attempt to turn the court into a bear garden. The defense built up a strong case, wit- MYSTERY IS SOLV. | New THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1927 OF BOSWELL'S CABINET London, Sept. 19.--The mystery sabia nd Boswell's famous ebony its contents, created by of its sale to Col, Isham of ork, which was first an- nounced and then denied, seems cleared up today by the explanation that only the contents were acquired €ol, Isham, while the box remains |: n the possession of the owner. STILL UNCONSOIOUS St. Catharines, Sept. 19.--Eigin Stone of Aurora, who sustained a fractured skull yesterday while rid- ing his motorcycle near Merritton, when a collision occurred hetween his machine and the auto of Gordon Cyr of Thorold, was reported still unconscious at the General Hospital tonight, rr FARMER GIVES TIP T0 POLICE (Continued from Page 7) ington, He was to have been charged today with a murdeiuvus assault on Frank White, a CONGR, construction «ang 'ook, who was 'slugged In his car hy a thief sve days ago, Police are also probing what they reported as the probabil. ity that -Martron is wanted at Boonville, N.Y., near Syracuse, for the murder on September 8 of a man stabbed to death in a drunken brawl. When Martron was taken to Victoria Hospital to be identified "For several years 1 fulered severe Con tbat a 3 + bad sercitle SET one ats tive hat Rnd El $c ot al deaegits, bald with as EE by White, a high diver from a Weat- ern Fair carnival show recognized him and told White that Martror was wanted in Boonville as a mur der suspect, The chief of police at Syracuse by long distance phone this afternoon stated that the mai wanted for that erime is in his twenties and that he spoke with a southern drawl, This fits the de- scription of Martron, wha appear: to have come into Canada with the Bernardi Shows. Will Investigate Jail Delivery Preparations are being made here for a complete investigation of the Jail delivery to be made by Inspector of Prisons A. L. McPherson, acting under instructions from Attorney: General Price. Thé recurrence of Jail deliveries here is regarded as pointing to the probability that the old jail has outlived its usefulness, Sheriff Donald M. Graham stated last evening that London hus grown into a larger category in which prisoners of a more danger- ous big city type must he handled The old jail is obsolete in its equip- ment, In a modern prison it is not | | wathman Hall. that these officers did not carry a necessary to enter the ward to lock the individual cell doore and if this arrangement had been installed in the London jail last night's escape could hardly have been attempted. Information brought to light to day makes it appear certain that Martron picked the lock of the steel age imprisoning Harlton to bring the alleged slayer of Policeman Waddell into the ward before the arrival of Turnkey Last and Night- It 1s now claimed kéy to the murderer's 'cage and that no key was used .to include Harlton in the get-away. This is a point to be made the subject of further investigation when Inspect: or McPherson holds h's probe. Tunocent Man Arrested Palmerston, Ont. Sept. 19.--An innocent. farm hand working on a farm about six niles west of here was Tounded un by a [Palmerston ware In a swamp at dusk ' today 'uspt- ted ol being Frank Martron American desperado who wag one of the flve men who broke jail ir London last night. He was released whan identification was estabilshed "ww his employer who stated that he "ad hired the man Saturday. MAY OLAIM DAMAGES Kitchener, Sept, 19.--The first definite intimation of legal action against the city for alleged damages arising out of the heavy flood of July 28 on David Street, was re- ceived by the City Council this even- ing. A, C. Quickfall, through ecoun- sel, informed the City Council that, unless a definite decision was ar- rived at this evening, steps toward legal action would be taken immedi- ately by himself. The Council de- ferred + making deqision 'until the next finance meeting. PAGE NINE SPIRIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Neuralgia Colds Pain Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART "Bayer" package ich contains proven directions. Accept onl w Tan Ex i 00 a of al eat | flow 1 ut, A ., acture, to assist the y will be stamped with thels he rot that Aspirin means Bayer man Oompan; of Bayer Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER! Betablished 1886 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH iy 'boxes of 12 tablets are of A"), While It gd EL Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FRER On Suit Ouse or Club Bag Saywell & Son BOND ST, WEST - -- EE or -- ay -- 4 wy ivy "Making # Canadian Dofl Go Farther #.- Ever Before N the purchase of the common com- modities of life, the Canadian dol- purchasing power of the Canadian car-buyer's dollar . ness testifying that the lights were burping when the car entered the town limits, and the charge was dis- missed. RUBBISH IN CHIMNEY CAUSES SMALL BLAZE Whitby, Sept. 20.--Tae house on 'he Lynde homestead, now occupied by W. H. Baiston, about a mile west of the Four Corners in Whitby, and just inside the town limits, was threatened with fire early yesterday morning. During the day a fire was built in the kitchen stove, the chim. mey of which enters the chimney of an old boarded-up fireplace. Am ac- cumulation of rubbish in this fire place caught fire evidently by sparks from the stove falling down _ The Whitby Fire De- ing the blaze before it did any great damage. lar has decreased in value during the past decade. But, in the purchase of an automolile, the dollar is now worth one hundred to two hundred percent more than it was seven to ten years ago--is worth more, in fact, than ever before in history. While constantly raising the quality standard of its products, General Motors of Canada has increased the v ++ D7 thie economics of vole pars chasing and production, » » » by the close co-ordination of resources and facilities, . » » by improved labor- and time- saving methods of manufacture, » » » by sharing with Canada the say- ings effected by increased production. 1 quality and in value, the Canadian dollar farther than ever before in the CHEVROLET PONTIAC MELAUGHLIN-BUICK LA SALLE GENERAL" MOTORS of CANADA mises Home Office and Factories: OSHAWA, ONTARIO OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND We tuve 2 cor of good merchantable Spruce: con- 10,000 feet 2x6 2,000 feet 2x8 6,000 feet, V Joint 1x 6 Tel. 2053w College Woodwork

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