Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1927, p. 11

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EBBS, . Bir Convey Solieit Notary Public, an hone Ei loan, Ra Rf Simez0e and Bon ies Ray SSise. rhe) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Bulle, He Con yeyaneing and gen Jorn Offices 7% Simcoe a sould, 'Oshawa, Phone 63, G. D. B.A, LLB; AP FRANK 8, "(astt) Real Extate for Seis N-------- 0. G, REYNOLMS, 38 BLOUR ST. East, Phoua 693.' Auto painting and simonizing, Work guaranteed. Before paintiag get our prices, (tf Ba] Signe A ------------------------ of |H, R, COULDERY. ARTISTIC Dk- Juriing, . figs on paper, hig. got tom, br show ce of every ia, Block, Oshawa, (229-tt) W. B. N, SINCLAIW, ®.0, RANK of Commerce Building, (116-1 yr.) ¥ Window Cleaning JOSEPH P. MANGAN, H.A.,,--BAR- mater; Solicitor, Notary Publie, Con- Yevancer. Money to loan, Office King Bt, east, Oshawa, Phone HH Residence phone 837, THE OSHAWA WINDOW OLEAN: ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put on and removed, Phone 1302w.' GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- visters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- He, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 13, J, F. Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Transportation ed, Simeoe St, 8, phone 846-7, 212 vice, (42-tf) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- Front 8t, B, Toronto, Phone Main an Superior Transportation ser- FOR' SALE-- SIX ROOM FRAME house, conveniences, light, furnace, cte. Apply Frank Robinson, 297 V dun Road, (5 FOR SALE--PORTABLE GARAGE, nearly new. easonable price. Call or phone 2283, 10 Prince streqt. (59¢) FOR SALE -- FIVE ROOMED brick all conveniences, north end, price thirty-eight hundred, three hundred down, monthly. Phone 1297, (68¢) HOUSE FOR SALE--FOUR ROOM brick cottage hartwooed floors, all conveniences $2,300. Small cash yment, Apply 90 Eldon Ave. hone 790M, (58¢) SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALR, brick veneer, very desirable home, large bathroom, summer kitchen, fireplace, garage, lot 130 feet deep, 100 feet fromt, modern conveni- ences, Westmount, Twelve minutes walk from Post Office. Good invest- ment, Moderate price. Apply Box "L'" Times or phone 1373W, (Mon. Thurs-tf). balance Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyan Notary Publie, ete, QOriminal and Civil Law, loan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St, east, Phone 940, D, A, J. Swanson, H, N, German, ¥F, G, Mackenszie, All branches of Money to 85 Bond St, West, 6 trucks for prompt service, age, 82, equipment, and from all trains, (64-t1) COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- Phone Moving van and storage warehouse Baggage transferred to QUICK SALE--SIX ROOMED house an King St. West; over 80 ft. frontage; conveniences; $4,200, Will accept payment. Apply 204 Montrave Ave, (69-0) 3 ROOMED HOUSE ON KINGSTON A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- leltoy, Notary Publie, Conveyaneer, money to loan, Disney Bldg, oppo- site Post Office, Phones, office 1614; residence, 223907, (631) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co,, BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete, Over Engel's store, 16 Simeoe St, North, Money to loan, Phones-- oftiee 67, Residence 21901, (tn Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE hy expert mechanics, and screen doors. Estimates free, B. 481, Res, 180 r 2 (tf) Screen windows W. Haynes, 161 King St. W., Phone Building Supplies Insurance SEND FOR MURDOCH, HE WILL Phone 139 Agnes St, Motor Car, Fire, Siekness Life, Plate Glass, ete, (Sept, 3-1 mo.) insure it. 1932M, and Accident, lath, shingles, FP, lumber, and interior trim. awa, phone 324. (69-1) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED sash, doors L. Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh-/ Rd, W, Woodshed and garage. Apply R. Cutts, 148 Simcoe St, 8. (68-c) ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM, third concession of Hillier, Prince Edward County, good buildings, well watered, clay loam, good state of cultivation, will exchange for house in Oshawa, For particulars, apply to Wm, D. Peebles, § Bond street east, or to the owner, Wil- liam J. Closson, R.R. No. 1, Hillier, Ont, (57-c) For Rent Money to Loan ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO young men. 74 Fisher St. (h9-a) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st, west, Oshawa, The oldest 30 Re- Fire Agency in Oshawa, putable Fire Companies, (118-tf) PRIVATE first mortgages, Lowest interest rate, & Co, Barristers, Phone 67. City or farm lands. 16 Simcoe St. N FUNDS FOR LOAN ON Louis F, Hyman 52tf Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR, P, 7, BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his Drug office over Jury & Lovell's Btore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment )t diseases of ear, nose and throat mly. Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97. (49-tf) Medical PnYSICIAN, BSUR- Office and resi- PR, McKAY, geon, Aceoucher. dence, King St, East, corner Vietoris Bt,, Oshawa. Phone 94, PR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN snd purgeon- Special references to diseases of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond epst, DR. B, J. HAZLEWOOD, cian and Surgeon, special sttention given Theopy, Office, Phone 2060, Block. (tr) Disney PHYSI- to X-ray work snd Blectro- Dental DR. D, R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas sdmin- Istered for extraction, nurse at- tendsnt, Phone 231, Residence, 2087, (tf) first mortgages, Lowest & Creighton, Barristers, ete, dard Bank Chambeps, (Aug. 12-1mo.) PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ON interest rates and favorable terms, Grierson Stan- NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM for two respectable young men, 62 Emma St, (59-¢) FURNISHED RENT. Suitable for two Apply 185 Arthur St. (57¢) NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE room, centre of city, all conveni- emeces, Suit gent with permanent employment in Oshawa, Top floor, 23% Simcoe South! (57-¢) ROOM TO gentlemen, or Minimum charge--a0c. Bach t insertion 1¢ per Three consecutive insertions for the price of two first insertions (three cemts a word), Minimum for three insertions, 60 cents, Hox number--10c additional Business per. month Jor 10 wre or Joti 18 wi iy each ndaiional word, ADS 008 A LISH THLAPHONE 88 Ask For Classified Ad Depart. ment, plain sewing. WANTED--DRESSMAKING AND Apply 169 Frcaane St., or phone 547. (58h) Known, 0) BIG SALE OF FURNITURE--10 iron and brass trimmed heds steel spring and new felt mattresses, regular $18 at $9.50 to $10.50, all sizes, steel] couches, child's cribs, and new mattresses, extension and kitchen tables, sideboards, dressers, washstands, chiffioniers, parlour set rockers and chairs, carpets, rugs, gem jars, pints, and quarts, coal coal range, with water front good as new, gas stove in good order, $5; oak heater one coal and gas range, in good order cost $110; baby hug- gies and gocarts, The People's Fur- niture Store, 17 Prince St. (68¢c) OAK TABLES, ROUND RACKS, tahle desk, cash register and Mirrors for sale at Engels store. (58¢) . sample book free. FOR SALE, CHEAP--KITCHEN linoleum, : nearly new; , size 8x9 Phone 965M, (59-¢) FOR SALE--ANNEX FOR ELEC- tric stove, in good condition, Price $15. Apply 279 Mary St. (57tf) FOR SALE--FOUR BURNER GAS stove with oven. Nearly new. Phong 1662W, (57¢) Building loans, ce, Disney Bldg. (176tf) No eommission, gal work done at this Parkhill, Barrister. Phone 16814. 6§% CITY AND FARM LOANS. ri Undertaking East, Division St, Phone 2107, 69 King Street east. LUKB BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT, Ambulgnce., Regidence, 19 Watch Repairing F, A. Von GUNTEN, Swiss watchmaker, repair 'shop al 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited, (20-t0) EXPERT Painting and Decorating 8, GUTSOLE, PAINTING, bapging, - graining, ete years' experience. Prices right. Work nteed, 1653 Huron street. Phope 2067W. (45-40) FAPER- Twenty Help Wanted--Female MAID WANTED TO ASSIST WITH housework amd care of children. Phone Mrs. Alloway, 1264. (59-tf) SALESLADY WANTED WITH EX- perience; also experience in sewing. Apply to Ideal Shoppe, 15 King St. East. (59-h) WANTED---EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Phone 2036. (58tf) AP- WANTED---COOK GENERAL. ply with references to Mrs. J. B. Pangman, Parkwood, Oshawa. (57tf) GIRL, WANTED FOR HOUSE- work. Apply Mrs. E. 8. Scott, 141 Park Rd, 8. (58-h) Second Hand Dealers DEALERS IN SECOND HAND FUR- niture. Buy and sell, Apply 186 Bloor St, BE. Phone 1617M. (Aug. 27-Sept. 27) Furniture Storage DR, 8. J. PHILLIPS, PENTISY, OF- fice over Bassetts', Phone 959; Residence 306, 41 yr. PR, H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOB ST, porth, over Mitchells Drug Stors. Gas for extraction, Prous as, : DR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Pbone 948; residence," 1378M. 86-1 DR. W. H. GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- Bldg. gent Theatre Res. 669. DR. B: B. ADAMS, DR. Block, 107 Simeoe Street 8. Ros. 1114W. fi Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals. Cat and Doz Hospital. 503 Masson | St. Phone 629. (561) ' €. 8. DICKENSON, v.5., DISEASES | of all domestic animals scientific- : ally treated. Dominion Government | Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone | 205). (131-4£) Phone 1780. 56 af bos. 13411 Music 85 Bopd Bt. Coleman's Cart- ate compartments. West. Phope 82. ge and Storage. Architects GC. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. floor, Phone 1496. Royal Bapk Building. Res. Phone 9027. FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- Wanted A BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 97 pieces hest quality china, $40; one dollar deposit, balance $1 weekly, also Rogers' silverware. Ladies' and Gents' watches, Diamond rings etc., payments as low as 50 cents weekly. Order now, 0, H. Dell, 22% Simcoe south, Phone 1656, (Aug, 24-1 mo.) LIBRARY TABLE FOR BSALE-- Fumed Oak. neat design. $12.00. Oshawa Daily Times. (42tf) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al condition. Apoly J Peter Martin & Sons, Bowmanvyi Phone W, t FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Pianos, high grade only, Terms arranged. Used pianos on band, C, Truill. Phone 5537. (960) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $5.50 per load. Also bone ¥ry body wood. Phone 660, Waterogs- Meek Lid, (Mar 26-tf) CEMENT, LUMBER, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphajt roofing, hardwood flooring, gyproe. CAPABLE AND AGGRESSIVE salesman required as district rep- resentative for Oshawa and sur- rounding territory by a large Cana- dian Life Insurance Ce¢.. already well established in the d'strict, At- tractive contract. om salary plus commission basis. Apply with de- tails of present occupation and ex- perience to P.O, Box 1042, Peter- boro. (57-69-61) Position Wanted Auctioneer E. J. POMEROY, 18% KING ST. E., Oshawa, Ontario. All phone calls re- ceive prompt attention Phone 1013M. (Sept. 1-1mo.) Floor Surfacing NBW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (including sanding, waxing, @ll- ing and polishing). Old floors made pew. Edmondson, 261 Simcoe St. South, phope 440. (tf) Wanted to Buy MR. 8. JACOB, pEsLER IN RAGE and aif kinds of metals. I am pay- ng for scrap batteries $1 and $1.59. Ryiag old cars. Phone 764. 155-4F EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER seeks position where girl of 12 will not be objected to. Good home ra- ther than high wages. C-a Mrs. Herkston, Whitby, Ontario. (59-d) Lost and Found LOST--A PEARL SUNBURST Thursday. Apply 40 "ser Phone 24560. LOST--BILACK, SHORT-HAIRED Scotch collie, marked with yellow and white, small ears. Strayed Thursday afternoon. Amswers to the name of "Watch." Expenses will be paid if returned. Mrs. T. Mitchell, 124 Ty- lor Crescent. (58h) LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, spotted fox hound, head scarred with owner's name on collar. Any- one harbouring dog after this notice HERBERT C. TRENEER IS PRE- pared to accept pupils in piano, or- gan, and vocal music. A free book- let ziving full particulars will be furnished upon request. 50 Wil- liam St. East, phone 1957]. (Sept. 10-1 mo.) Machinery Repairing DuREAMY MACHINE CO.--WE DO repairing. Mn ig Md ad; oting rods lsc 408 BEAMISH, TEACHER Conservatory method. Phone 962F. (56-4) LYNDE (HAMBOURG Toronto) . MISS M. F. | of piano. 135 Brock St. East. » sewn gears or pinions supplied for aM makes of cars. 161 King St, > Phone $19 are) Contracting of THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL contr: Let oi BS Wie Ak TE { tings. will be pr ted. A. Jones. Phone 1664 r 2-3. (561) Room and Board Phones 660 spd 1288. aterous- Meek, Lid. (34-10) Wanted to Rent ROOM WANTED BY TWO GEN- tlemen. Must be central. Apply Box "N," Times. (58tf) TT TTT TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED rooms before Sept. 15. Central Phone 215W. (58-b) 5 OR 6 ROOMED HOUSE WITH conveniences, by September 21. Vicinity of Geperal Motors prefer- red. Apply Box "D" Times, (57-¢) Motor Cars CHEY TOURING IN GOOD CON- dition. Come and make an offer. 79 Burk "t. Phone 2040W. u58-c) FOR SALE--GRAY DORT TOUR- ing in first class condition. Apply 227 Arthur St. (57¢) FOR SALE--A 1925 FORD TULOR Sedan, 5 balloon tires and many ex- tras. Car jis in perfect condition. Ap- ply 99 Church or phone 2494W. Cheap. (57¢c) SUPERIOR condition. for quick FOR SALE--1924 touring car jin good Newly painted. Cheap sale. Phone 1128]. (56-4) FOR SALE--ONE FORD TON truck 1923 insgood order. Also one Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Mec- Laughlin. Apply 609 Carnegie Ave. Evenings. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen willing to share Led- room. Apply 272 Jarvis St. (59-b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen, close to Pedlars and Fit- Phone 1752). (57c) Tice Repeiring A (34480) Boarders Wantes: WANTED--GENTLEMEN BOARD- ers in private home. 640 Carnegie Ave. (59h) BOARD FOR RESPECTABLE young man at 195 Boad St. E. A58-¢c) i ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS RESPECTABLE BOARDE RS IN private home. Office men preferred. at ideal Mire Shop. Pires for sale Jsmisson Begs. Phone 438 (40) Apply 227 Ascthur St. (57¢) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors, Masonry work sYoLY description, Bowmanville, phone WOOD-WORKING -- MISOMLLANE- ous wood-working shop, Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. B. Edmondson, 251 Simone £5, * UPHQ RING 0% ALL KINDS, chester 1elds Made ¢ to ides, Wat. mans nara: A 3 state, ? ad Harbor a." Hast Fhote CARPENTER WORK ral Estimates given, Apply M. Davis, 140 Tylor Crescent, Oshawa. Aug. 22-1 mo) Agents Wanted ANYONE CAN EARN §25 WEEKLY up, in City or Country, in spare time taking Orders for the Best- Highest-Grade, Lowest- Priced line Canadian-made Christ- mas Greeting Cards, Magnificent Write Canadian Publishing Co,, 51 Wellington W., Toronto, (Aug, 23--Sept. 17) Help Wanted--Male SURVEY Bradley (69h) SAM- (69-a) BOYS WANTED FOR work, Apply apartment 8, Block, after 7, evenings. DELIVERY BOY WANTED. ut Grocery, 264 King St, KE. of | the time of Cromwell, a famous tf | the fompléte extermination of every- CARETAKER WANTED -- GOOD reliahle handy man for work around building. Apply Alger Press. (59-h) BRICKLAYERS, WATCHMAN OF- fice assistant. Apply new houses General Motors Corp, Mary and Ed- na Sts. W. H. Martin & Co. tractors. Phone 2607, (58-h) Con- OPTIMISM AND DETERMINATION (Continued from page 7) were two things which gave him cour- age, first that although we live in a world of change it is not one of chaos and second that the things that hap- pen are for our good. "Thank God for men of religion," said Dr. Oliver, "for the world can only be modified by the work of the Holy Spirit." Very cloquently, the speaker sketch- ed the historical background of Can- ada, which had left us as a heritage, a love of freedom and a genius for working together. This heritage, said the Doctor, is shared hy the church and gives us a feeling for the spirit- ual needs of the whole country. The religious history of Canada has from the days of Cartier and Champlain heen one of thought for the frontiers. The thrilling and -almost unknown story of Christian pioneering in the West was told, a by-product of which is the present vast wheat-growing in- dustry. "We are feeding the world today, because a missionary taught the Indians to grow wheat." Dr. Oliver told of the pitifully in- adequate efforts which are being put forth in the West, stating that the work among the non-English people was altogether negligible. Our first contribution to these people is to un- derstand them, the second, to be neighbourly, and the third to trust them. William Carey's words that "Extension or extinction is the ultima- tum of Christ," were quoted as being particularly applicable to the West. By giving merely "two chocolate bars a week" we cannot save even ourselves. The crying need is for men who are wiling to go and work on the fron- tiers, young men especially. Many men hesitate about going to the isolated communities of the west but said Dr. Oliver, "It is better to be marooned in the west than to be macarooned in the east." Offers Preaching from the text, "Thy King- dom come, Thy will be done mn-earth as it is in Heaven," Rey. James Endi- cott, Moderator of the United Church of Canada, who delievered the sermon in the Tabernacle, yesterday morning brought a message of encouragement and light, that the will of God can be done in all the carth. "Me text goes to the very roots of things and em- bodies the great priciple of life that God's will be done in each of us as completely as it is dome in Heaven. It is the ideal behind the maintenance and extension fund which represents not an enterprise of the church but an effort to do the will of God Dr. Eadicott, who was for years a missionary in China, going to that field fist thirty-four years ago, spoke mainly on the aspects of the work in the foreign fields. The winning of the world is a stu- pendous task but it can be and is be- ing won by men who believe in a gos- . WANTED PESTER DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE many pel for the whele world. "Notable vic tories have already been won. Dr. Endicott recalled listening to a sermon preached in a church in India built on a spot which forty years before had been the haunt of the most vio- lently wicked men in all India. About ap- anese emperor decreed and oss J out thing Christian in his empire. Dr, Endicott preached his last sermon in Japan in a church built in a corner of the palace grounds of that same Emperor. New Birth of Great Nation The present upheavals in China, said Dr. Endicott, may be regarded ¢ither as the death struggles or as a new birth of a great nation. He pre- fers the latter interpretation. The Chinese are a wonderful people of four hundred million souls who built up a wonderful system of government, art and literature. Now they have fal- len on evil days and are threatened with destruction, The present disorder is an attempt fo regain their national integrity. They are trying to adjust themselves to a world of science, struggliing and failing but still strug- gling. Contrary to the general belief, there is na strong anti-Christian spirit in China. Dr. Endicott spoke to many Chinese Christian leaders and while they loathed what is going on not oie voiced pessimism over the final out- come, Chinese Christians are not de- serting Christianity and carrying on in the churches, and hospitals. Never was there more reason for hope. "If I were young, I'd go hack to China," said Dr. Endicott, "and I'm not sure that I'll not go yet. They can't get along without Christ and they don't think they can. We should he getting ready for great victories but they will not be won in a hurry." The missionaries have won converts from all classes, the Brahmins of In- dia, the Confucianists of China, and the Samurai of Japan. Christianity will vet he carried everywhere through the same power of God who is still able to save to the uttermost, Closing Session The closing session of the Laymen's Conference was held on Sunday af- ternoon. Russell Treleaven, Mayor of Hamilton, spoke first on "How to re- lease the Jatent power of the chureh." No church, said Mr. Treleaven, is fully effective. The task of bringing out the latent power will not he done hy organization alone," The hest organ- ization is like a well oiled machine, it needs power. A great body of the church think that a revival is neces- sary and that deeper spiritual life would solve the problem. Even this is not sufficient till we have a more in- telligent understanding of the task confronting the church. The problem 18 one of education, said Mr, Trelea- ven, G. W. Mason, following Mr. Tre- leaven, said that it was easy to get people to die for the church. It was still easier to get people to fight for the church, but it was very hard to get them to live for the church. A great part of the difficulty arose from our failure to put into action the things we know. Laymen are leay- ing the spiritual work to the minis- ters and the church will not get where it should be until they shoulder their individual responsibilities. The special committee brought in and read their report which was un- apimously adopted. A further re- commendation was added that a copy should be sent to every church in Canada. W. Shiao, of Cheng-tu, a graduate in Arts and Theology of the West China University, spoke briefly during the afternoon session, on conditions in China. Mr. Shiao is at present tak- ing a two-year post-graduate course at Toronto University. Miss Taka Masuda, a kindergarten teacher of Tokyo, Japan, was also present for part of the afternoon. Miss Masuda will spend the coming year studying at the Ontario Ladies Col- lege, Whitby, to fit herself for fuller service in her own land. At the conclusion of the session, Dr, Endicott was asked to speak again, In a few words, he expressed ys pleasure at having been present, and how deeply he appreciated as a min- iister the laymen's interest and sym- pathy in matters which the minister too often thinks of as his sole re- sponsibility. More like Pentecost than we think, was the Moderator's way of summing up the gathering of men all sincerely concerned in the Kingdom. s The report of the special committee they are schools re the maintenance and extension fund was a follows: Your committee recommend that this Conference of laymen heartily endorse the financial program of the United church for this fiscal nine months end- ing December 31, 1927. As a method of organization for the development of this program im the local church we recommend re Publicity and Educa- tion. (a) That it is desirable to place in every home regularly a copy of the United Church Record and Mission- ary Review. (b) That the activities of the yari- ous departments of the church be pre- sented from the pulpit once a year for purposes of information and inspira- tion. (¢) That meetings of congregations be held to discuss the wonderful op- portunities before the church and the spiritual and financial responsibilities pertaining thereto. (d) While recognizing the great value and high place of the New Out- look as a medium for disseminating information it is the opinion of this Conference that its usefulness could be greatly enlarged by the very fullest co- operation of all the departments with the publishing interests to give our a even more and fuller informa- tion with regard to the activities of the church. Re Organization (a) We recommend for each con- gregation the adoption of the duplex eneviope system because of its sim= plicity and effectiveness. (b) We recommend a thoroughly EVEry-person canvass. (¢) We recommend that the cane vass be made similtaneously for cur- rent expenses and for the Maintenance and Extension Fund, and that it cover the present nine months' period and at least the next full fiscal year, (d) We recommend that where possible and deemed advisable separate treasurers he appointed. (e) Having in mind the great a- mount of unnecessary expense occa- sioned by deferred remittances to headquarters this Conference urges that every treasurer remit all M, dnd IL. funds on hand monthly. General Recommendations (a) This conference emphasizes the value and importance of whole-heart- ed and energetic effort and the adop- tion of business methods in the af- fairs of the church. (hb) Slovenly methods and hali- hearted effort are unworthy of these great causes which call for the con- secration of our finest powers and highest service, The Committee which brought in the above resolutions was David Wil- liams, Collingwood, chairman; W. B. Sparling, Toronto; H. W. Ackerman, Belleville, and Dr. R. J. Wilson, To- ronto, REPROACH AND SCANDAL (Brantford Expositor) A dispatch from Paris, France, an- nounces that the authorities have de- cided to take action to restriet 'the granting of divorces to foreigners. The decision has not heen made any too soon, for the granting of divorces to foreigners has become a reproach and a scandal. The fact of the matter is that applicants for divorce ought to be compelled 'by international law to ap- ply to the courts of their own country, appointed to make recommendations | BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS At Special Prices C. W. DETENBECK KING ST. EAST 23 Simcoe St. 5. |W LEAD IN RADIO ming of coal buying. Get yours fn mow. Phone while you are thinking about it. Well screen Adams Furniture Co od fmel, properly graded and fairly priced. W. J. Sargant COAL, COKE and WOOD Blgor St. E. Phone 293

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