Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Sep 1927, p. 3

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Classes Music classes will be resymed in St. % Josenh's Convent on Tuesday Septem- er 6. Pupils prepared for examina- tions at Toronto Conservatory of Music, Intending pupils should ap; ear la Remanded For Sentence, Brought before Maistrate Hind on a charge of theft yesterday af ternoon, Frank Williams of this city, pleaded guilty and was reman- ded in custody until September for sentence. In the meantime Wil- liams' past record and activities will investigated, The offence Wil- llams pleaded guilty to was having stolen an automobile wheel from his erstwhile employer, Jacob Shoyechit, who operates a junk yard at Elena and Albert streets, Police have re- covered the stolen wheel, German 'Scrambled HEggs--Five eggs, two and a talf tablespoons flour, one and. a fourth cups milk, half teaspoon salt, a little pepper, four thin slices of hacon. Mix flour with part of the. milk to a smooth paste, Add rest of milk gradually, then the slightly beaten eggs, salt and pepper. Dice the bacon and brown in an iron skillet, Remove from fire and cool a little before adding egg mixture, Then place on medium fire and stir constantly till mixture thickens and is cooked, New Applesauce -- Wash apples. Quarter, core and cover with water. Cook till done, Mash through wire sleve, sweeten to taste, Add cinna- mon if desired, Too Late to Classify HOUSE FOR SALE--QUICK SALF desired, Apply Mr, Carr, 81 Pine Ave Sk WANTED--A DRIVER FOR TRUCK one with experience, Steady employ- ment. References, Parker's Dy Works, 22 King St. E. 51 FOR SALE--30 LITTLE CH$CKENS and 3 hens, hen run, Cheap, Apply 18 Whiting Ave. Sle CADILLAC SEDAN CAR IN GOOI order would exchange as part payment on house, Phone 2441W, 51: WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAI housework, Apply Mrs. W. Trew, 126 Park Rd, S. Sle LOST--BETWEEN 5 AND 5.30 YES terday afternoon a Gold Brooch, Lily of the Valley Design, set with Pearls Will finder kindly leave at 208 Cour! St. Liberal reward. 51: LOST LADIES UMBRELLA black, amber tips, fancy gray handle, with cord, probably left in Engel's storc Saturday evening, Reward for return to 24 Elena St. 51h CENTRE ST. SCHOOL READY FOR TERM Fas Undergone a Thorough . Cleaning. from Top to Bottom Centre Street School is all ready to welcome back its 750 happy young faces on Tuesday morning, having un- dergone a most thorough cleaning from top to bottom. Every room is spick and span being cleaned from ceiling to floor. All the woodwork looks fresh and bright and every pane of glass in the school shines like a diamond. The floors have all been waxed with the new machine recently purchased by the Board of Education and present an unusually fine appearance, It is doubtful if there is any finer public school building in Canada. Great cre- dit is due Mr. and Mrs. Dryburgh for the care they take in looking after this institution. With a park in front, a fine war memorial and a heautiful church in close proximity Centre Street School presents a most heautiful and imposing appearance to all visitors 'entering the city from the south, The first question | ih a Bs asked hy many a stranger is, "Is that a public school 2" DIT. 0TH YEAR, On Wednesday, August 31, there passed away at the Wellshoro Man- sions, Taronto, Julia Ann, widow of Hugh Kent and Mother of George E. and William J, Kent, both of To- ronto, Deceased was in her 90th year, Interment will he made at Bewd- ley, Ontario, on Saturday, Septem- her 8, at 2.30 o'clock, The service will be held at the above address on Thursday morning at 8.45 a.m. leaving on the 10 a.m, O.N.R. train. STOCK WARKET TORONTO STOCKS -' ¢¥ am coming to Canada for my fifteenth Moose," annueod Ha Ziegtel, Avan ded N 8 YO Gite of Follies fang as he reach ontrea over the Canadian Niffional Railways, accompanieq oy hie FAMoNS Vite, known on the stage as Billie Burke, and their eleven year old daughte Patricia, Mr, Ziegfeld has spent fourteen consecutive holidays in Canada, making his headquarters at Lake Bdward, a famous fishing and hunting lecality dn the Laurentides National Park, near Quebec, Before the hunting &saion opens, Mr, Ziegfeld hopes to lure many a trout from the lake. OLD QUEBEC'S CHAIN OF FORTS REPELLED INDIAN ------ k om Stirring Scenes of Nearly 3 Centuries Ago Recalled By r & vv BANDS ng by in the summer afternoon, Mr. Justice, Demers, Montreal, gave ; hort and interesting review of the ustorical events that passed in the | Drinkwater: Indian Fairy Tales and Legends; Land and Sea Tales by Kip- ; The Burgess Bird Book for Ch Ss: by Thornton W. Burgess; Tales NEG The old habit of saying grace be- fore meals has very nearly disap- peared, although the other day in a crowded restaurant I saw a man close his eyes and bow his head and devoutly say grace--an example of almost incredible courage. 1 told that many people prefer to say grace after a meal because by that time they know whether it calls for any thanksgiving. But we ought to be grateful for good food, and when we enjoy it we must, unless we are utterly callous, think of these whose daily diet is precarious, scan- ty and momotonous. Dr, Orchard declards that he never enjoyed his meals so much as during that peri- od of the war when we all had ra- tion books of coupons. For he knew then that we all shared alike. MOTOR CAR MANNERS A great many drivers of automo- biles appear to forget that there is such a thing as motor manners, car courtesy, code of the road, or by whatever name one prefers to term ordinary common sense, There can- not he a law covering every phase of highway traffic and much must necessarily be left to the discretion of the driver, but it should be quite evident even to the novice that fast driving at night and the use of glaring headlights is exceedingly dangerous. More cars today have proper light control; it should be used constantly and it is absolute discourtesy to refuse to dim the lights when the driver of the ap- Ngits Th automobile signals that he is blinded hy the rays, LIBRARY STREET-SEHOOL from Shakespeare, by Charles and Mary Lamb, beautifully illustrated ; Adam Bede, by George Eliot," pro- fusely illustrated with full-tone plates; The Burgess Animal Book for Chil- dren with many paintings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes; The Pied Piper of Hamelin; Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson, with many coloured plates; Pinocchio; Heidi, by Johanna Spyri; the Man from Glengarry, by Ralph Connor; A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, with many artis- tically coloured plates; Aunt Jo's Scrap , by Louisa Alcott, Little Miss Marian Keith; Mother Goose; My Book of Best Stories from History, with 12 illustrations by A. C. Michael; Maria Chapdelaine, by Louis Hemon; Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beech- er Stowe; Through Storm and Stress and Anthony Everton, by J. S. Flet- cher; Tom Brown's Schooldays, by Hughes ; They Who Walk in the Wilds and Children of the Wild, by Charles G. D. Roberts; The Story of Mankind, by Hendrik van Loon; Nobody's Boy, by Hector Malot; Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell; Daniel Boone Wilderness Scout, by Stewart Edward White; A Girl of the Limberlost, by Gene Strat- ton Porter; Historic Sketches of Osh- awa, by Dr. T. E. Kaiser. Each volume has in it a suitably de- signed book-plate bearing these words :--Ex Libris, Centre School; Do- nated by the Pupils and Teacher of Room 8 on Canada's Diamond Jubi- lee, July 1st, 1927; "Could I give one gift to every child, I should choose the love of books," Arthur Slyfield, Centre School, 1925-1927. 1S ARRESTED FOR DRIVING OWN CAR Good Time With Friends Made Him Forget Parked Car To be arrested for driving one's Arthur Slyfield and His the Recent Ceremonies at Chambly Montreal, Aug. 29. -- Two memorial ieighbourhoods of Forts Chambly and ste. Therese since 1665, when sqldiers f the Regiment de Carignan built a hain of forts, These included Cham ly, Ste. Therese, St. John and La Noon Closing Ask 158 | 18314 | 16 63 119 4 154 49% 304 494 6614 Bell Telephone Brazilian B.C, Fishing ..... Burt, BN. ....... Can. Bread Hy! Can, Ind, Aleohol .... City Dairy Hiram Walker .,.. Int. Petroleum Imperial Oil Int. Nickel Massey Harris Scagram Shredded Wheat Twin City AY MINING SALES TO NOON Bid Ask KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» I -- Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son ATEOBABE + 7047s 355155440 35 36 Areca 84 Amulet 512 Barry Hollinger 38 Beaver 160 Castle Trethwey 73 Central Manitoba ,... 195 Dome 840 Keeley Silver 85 Kirkland Lake . 215 Hollinger 1750 Lake Shore ,:.. 2475 Laval 43 26 340 2575 2400 599 14; 242 60 920 59 709 Mining Corpn. Mcintyre .... Noranda Nipissing Potterdoal Premier Pioneer Teck Hughes Vipond Wright Hargraves .... Mining sales to noon 632,535. Silver 5434. CHICAGO GRAIN Open High Low Wheat, Sept 132 Dec. 137% Corn, Sept 106% Dee, 109% Bye. Sept. Dec. Oats, Close 133% 138 134% 138% 132% 137% 106% 110 105 108% 94% 96% 44 106% 110% 95% 98% 44 44% 95% 9414 i 91% 98 44 Glasses HNN me | Kooy On Your Eyes | Woolworth ... Sept 48% 49% 48% 48% «| some five or six miles distant, plates, to mark the site of ancient Fort Ste. Therese, on the river bank immediately opposite Ste. Therese Is land, were unveiled recently following celebrations at Chambly Fort, which is 262 years old this summer, Speeches by Mr. Justice Phillippe Demers, I. J. N. Blanchet, conservator of Cham bly Fort; 1. A. Rivet, K.C.; Arthur Geoffrion, K.C., and others recalled the historic happenings of over tw and one-half centuries After the speeches in the shade of Chambly Fort, there was an automo- bile procession to the site of the long- since demolished Fort Ste. Therese, After the unveiling, two young girls placed wreaths under the memorial plates, Mayor Arthur Denault, of the par- ish of St. Joseph du Bassin de Cham- bly, welcomed the visitors, together with Mr, Blachet, The Garde St Philomene de Rosemont, with their bugle band, added to the picturesque scene, Standing beside the historic old fort near the Riechelien River idl- Motte, The speaker expressed his pleasure it such a patriotic demonstration in wnor of such a worthy historical monument as old Fort Chambly, He cierred in glowing terms to the Richelien River, the *"Rioheri' River of the Iroquois, which was their main oute to travel in those parts. It was put to a stop to the sanguinary raids of the savages that the French sold ers huilt the forts, which terrorized the fleets of war canoes, and brought peace and security to settlers of the countryside in those times of strife and trouble, Speaking of the old Ste. Therese Fort, Mr. Justice Demers referred to the excellent description given of that vanished fort-hy a French engineer in 1752, without which the present gen- eration would only have known vague ly where it had been and what it had looked Tike. The attack and capture of the fort by the British in 1760 was described also, GENERAL WOLFE STATUE KIDNAPPED BY MIDDIES NOW IN MUSEUM * o 1. lass Famous Effigy of British Hero, Which Was Carved for a Niche in Quebec Building 150 Years Ago, Now on Ex:- hibit in Montreal museum case, At the time of the conquest a statue f St. John Baptiste occupied the sac- red niche, but the owners, fearing lest he British descerate the sacred figure, cinoved it to the care of a religious house. In 1771, a butcher by the name f George Hipps came into the posses Jo S101 the building and the vacant (By Canadian Press) n'she and jn an expansiycly patriotic Montreal, Aug, 29. Z- General Wolfe | moment ordered a statue of the gen- is in Montreal for a prolonged yaca-|¢¥al from two brothers Chotelle, work- tion visit--in effigy. A wooden statue | €FS In wood. of the! British conqueror of Canada, to which attaches a romantic history coy- ering 'more than 150 years, now stands in all its martial splendor in the Me- Cord National Museum, Sherbrooke street west, having been loaned to that institution for its Wolfe-Montcalm ex- hibit by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. For a century and a quarter this brilliantly colored statue of General Wolfe looked down on the activity of ope of Quebec's busiest street inter- sections from a niche in the wall of a building at the corner of St. John and ot The unique memorial was carved un- der the eyes of James Thompson, who fouzht with Wolfe at the Plains of Abra am; and irom sketches drawn by his hand. It may be remarked that Thompson was far from satisfied with the result. Certainly from an artistic point of view the work would not hope for a place among the classics, So zealous was the British butcher of his acquisition that he had a clause placed in the title deed of the property to the effect that whoever later came into possession of the house must pre- serve the statue. This was not always GRAIN 140% 136% 58% 52% Dee. WINNIPEG Wheat, Sept 141 141% Dee. 137 137% Oats, Sept. 58% 59% Dec. 52% 53% 141% 137% 587% 53% NEW YORK 4], ..l..in ETAS Amer. Tel. & Tel. ... 169% 169 169 Amer, Cam. »psrsirrs/ 6354 62% 631: Atchison ... 1941; 1941; 194; Baldwin Loco. ...... 2585 257 2585 Balt. & Ohio 120%; 11874 1204 184 184 184 Can. Pac. Chrysler . ., 00% 60 601; Dupont 1 30934 305% 308 Dodge "A" 184 1774 18 Erie 61 59 oY, Famous Players .... 102% 102% 1024 Gen. Asphalt 093% 067%: 693% Gen. Motors , 245, 249%; Gold Dust ¥% 58. 6034 Hudson 814 82; 65, 192 Atchison int, Comb. ....:---, Int. Nickel 066Y2 Int. Harvest 194 Int. Paper 5534 Kansas Cit. S. 64 Loews Incorp. 5534 Manhatt. Flec. 5212 Missouri Pac. 53 Mont. Ward 75% Overland 17% Radio 625 Rock Island 10934 Phillips Pete. 43 Studebaker .... 51v St. Louis San, 112; US. Rubber 4934 196 US. C1. Pipe 200 . 1464 14354 14534 Palace streets. Its vigil was inter- rupted by an adventurous sea voyage, taken at the wanton request of a party of midshipmen. It was placed in its niche in 1771 and only removed at the first of the present century when the assaults of weather made it desirable that it he given the protection of a Whois Your Skinny Friend, Ethel Tell him to take McCoys Cod Idy- er Exttact Tablets for a couple of months and get enough good healthy flesh op his bones to look like a real man. Tell him, it's the only way to take those grave-like hollows from his cheeks and neck. Tell him that thousands of thin, puny, peaked, scrawny men all over America have improved their physi- cal health and appearance and bless the day they first heard of these wonderful sugar coated tablets so full of weight producing vitamines. Ask for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets. Jury & Lovell, Lid., and every druggist worthy of the name sells them--60 tablets---60¢ ets. Any thin man or. woman can put on five pounds of healthy flesh in 20 days or your druggist will willingly refund the purciiise price. One woman put on 15 pounds fim six weeks. ° Children grow robust and strong--{feecble old people feel casy. Several times disgruntled citi- zens threw the statue from its miche, causing serious damage to its facial lincaments. Its crowning indignity he- fell it when, in 1836, a party of light- minded midshipment from the H.M.S. "Inconstant" kidnapped it and smug- gled it aboard their vessel. For Several months the general sail- ed the se visiting Halifax, Bermuda and finally Portsmouth. At last the middics wearied of his company, gave him a new coat of paint and shipped him home to the Mayer of Quebec with their compliments. The good burghers were so delighted &t his re- turn that they staged a fete in his honor. The succeeding 60 years were peace- ful ones for the now aging wooden soldier. A more ambitious building re- placed that upon the wall of which he had so long stood guard and he was elevated to a new niche farther above the street level. Gradually he began to show his years. Winter winds and summer suns worked havoc in his sin- ews. In order to preserve him from complete disintegration he was given into the custody of the Quebec Liter- ary and Historical Society. Weddings GAMBLE~TRULL Very. quietly at the King street United church parsonage on Thurs- day, September 1st, the marriage of Miss Lorraine Trull of East Whitby, and Mr. Jarvis Thomas Gamble of Simcoe street south, Oshawa, was U.S. Steel in .A71% 169% 17134 Yellow Cab 3474 33Y: 34% younger in a few weeks. kell officiating. o Pupils ' The following are the titles of some of the hooks which have heen placed in the library of Centre Street Schoo! | hy Arthur Slyfield and the pupils of Room 8. This donation was made pos sible hy the expenditure of funds rais- | ed by Mr, Slyfield and his pupils when they put on a program and lantern lecture on the school auditorium last June. : 23 | The Water Babies, hy ( harles King | slev: Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel De foe: Good Wives, by Louisa M. Alcott; [ Fhe Arabian Nights; What Shall We | ho Now? (A book of over 500 chil- | dren's games and pastimes), by Doro- [thy Canfield and others; Little Lord Fauntleroy, by Frances Hodgson Bur- nett: Jo's Boys, by Louisa M. Alcott: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, hy Lewis Carroll; Tales from Scott; Jimmy | Kirkland and the Plot for a Pennant, Fullerton: The Cascade College Jack Miner and the Birds, by | Miner; Gullivers' Travels; Nur- serv Rhymes: Famous Canadian Stor- ies, by Leslie Horner; More Famous Canadian Stories, by French: Cons- table With Reproductions of his Mas- Sir Joshua Reynolds and hic paintings; Beautiful Joe, by Marsha! Saunders ; Under the Lilacs, by Alcott A Hero of the Mutiny, by Escott Lynn: The Child's Book of Verse (Three vi I- umes for different ages), by Skinner and Wickes; Wild Flowers East of the Rockies, by Chester. Reed; The Hollow Tree (2 copies), hy Mockler; Stories to tell to Children, by Sara | Cone Bryant; Marjory's White Rat, | hv Leslie, Spark and I, by Armstrong; Champlain, by Flenley, and Sir John A. MacDonald, by Wallace, (Canadian Statesmen); Canada at, War, 1914- 1917, 'by Hopkins and Renison; Moni, the Great Boy, bh yJohanna Spyri; Ad- ventures in Contentment, by David Gravson: My Boyhood, by John Bur- {rouhs: Squirrels and Other Fur-Bear- ers, Sharp Eyes, Birds and Bees, apd other papers by John Burroughs: Lit- tle Mother Bunch, by. Mrs. Moles- worth: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving: A Wonder- hook and Tanglewood Tales, by Nath- anicl Hawthorne; The Rebellion of Nel Carrington, by 1. T. Meade; A | Rim of Flanders, by Louise de la { hy Boys: | Jack terpieces ; Rame: Canadian Singers and their Songs, by Edward S. Baswell; Betty | of the Rectory, by Meade; Canadian Cities of Romance, by Katherine Hale; The Wonderbook of Bible Stories; David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens illustrated with beautiful full-tone plates; Lorna Doone, by Blackmore with exquisite illustrations; The Book of Beautiful Legends with illustrations by A. C. Michael; Later Poems, by Bliss Carman; Listen Children, by Southword with a foreword by John Made Possible By Efforts' of own car is an experience which is I .+ often met with, yet such a hap- NW-.e took place quite recently. Panik. vo js how it occurred. And heh go that a certain resident It seefld; pis car outside the had parkets niown hotel and after curh of an hotel to meet a ed by the arm of the law at the first intedsecting street he came to by the traffic policeman on duty. The white gloved hand of the of- ficor was solemnly raised and the car came to an abrupt halt, The policeman walked over to the driv- er and told him he was driving a' stolen car. It took much explaining to clear matters up, but the traffic policeman would not take any chances and he was ordered to drive down to headquarters, When the driver's license and the owner's card and other proof were laid before the captain in charge, the matter was cleared up and the owner proceeded on his way, but not before another broadcast was issued to the police on duty in the city that the car had been recover- ed. On leaving the station the own- er of the car stated that if he were going to do any more entertaining, he would leave his car at home, A -- } NewYork stay at the ABERDEEN HOTEL 3h pen 22nd St, near Sth Ave, to , Stal - accessible to ing | Every modern hotel | ce and service, Y entering the yp, olutely forgot that few friends, abs.y " he had done so. a few hours in the comp for the first time ,and wy, ing the hospitality It refused to function. the morning via street efY: the morning when he notified the police from that his car had been s later left for the office starting his day's won trickle of intelligence see his befogged mind re occurrence of the night He grabbed his hat jumped on a street car tel. Sure enough, wher J) there, his car was par the hotel. He jumped i ed the motor intending t police when he arrived office that the car had In the meantime the police department to work, and the men the uptown district of t notified to watch out car bearing the lie which the owner had g] police. The owner of Ha driving down to the Mis to uf SroBiE MONTREAL HAMILTON BRANTFORD 8. F, Everson, Aug, 31,-- After remaining at the op 5 mang the Niag- friends whe were visitingn J ewiston is of ting part of the Montrealer's memory)wer portion loating near He left the hotel and T, Saturday, town. found ing the wee sm home during He said indicate HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts,, Toronto | Private Wire J System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Aboye C,P.R. Office, Phone 144 py Xr DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE 23 Simeoe St, 8, Off the Face Hats Skull Caps Feather Trims NE B® KITCHENER OSHAWA ST, CATHARINES Local Manager PARKER'S DYE WORKS Odorless The entire manag over by MAJOR ~Oshawa~ Dry Cleaners sement has Dyers taken 3 H., E. SMITH, who has associated with him MR, ROBT, FULLER, late of King Edward Valet Service. This assures the public of prompt and efficient solemnized with the Rev. J. E. Bee-' { {I Yox it RETR ford dain IS ITRI RF] TI] ETT TE ERE 'oheatt Palria el 18 ny 17 Bw Alsd MUOTe ait 1n "a heal vheY ¥ oiisd MT RET) H af vig} 998 ad Yuh aid wrung LIER wi!

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