Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Aug 1927, p. 3

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hat notary Clubs of Canada and the Unitec States should unite eat a permanent memorial of tHeIr recent inteivational conven- on: in Ostend, as a mark of their 1) 1 friendship for gallant Bel- um, was the suggestion of - Ro- 'tarlan Louis Blake Luff, former editor and publisher of the Welland Tribune and Telegraph, who ad- dressed the Oshawa Rotary Club 'at Its noon luncheon today. 'Mr, Duff's address was thorough- ly enjoyed by Oshawa Rotarians. He led them to the great international convention by a humorous by-path Which put new interest into a sub- 'fect with which many thought them- selves familiar, Chaffing the local club's delega- lon, he assured his hearers that he alone was qualified to make a re- ort because he had seen the Osh- "mwa delegation at no time either in Izgium or all Europe. "As a business proposition, he 'dev.ared that the Ostend convention 'was a collossal futility, but in carry- ing on Rotary's Sixth Aim---foster- ing of international good will--it was an unqualified success, As to Belgum, the martyr nation Mr, Duff's speech deepened into Ottawa, Aug. 14.--On his retur: from his Western ranch the Prince of Wales and Prince George will spend two days in Ottawa and one on Montreal, It is believed from Montreal, he will go to New York to visit one or more of the international polo games at the Meadowbrook Club and will sail for England from New York. Official Greetings Edmonton, Alta., Aug, 14.-- Looking bronzed and fit, obviously glad to return to Edmonton, Prince Edward of Wales stepped off his private car at the railway station yesterday, y tema KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 37% NEXT THE POST OFFI» CHIROPRACTIC , E, Steckley, Chiropractor and rapist, wil be in the office, 86 Sim. coe street, north every afternoon and Mon- y, Wednesday and Friday evenings. loreoons by appointment. Residential calls made in town and surrounding dis- trict, Consultation is free at office. Phone 224, Wright Funerals J. A. WRIGHT FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM. BALMER Successor to DISNEY FUNERAL, SERVICE » Unsurpassed Ambulance Service a SIMCOE ST. SOUTH elt Bros. 2 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "Where Satisfaction is o Oortointy Permanent Memorial Of International Rotary Convention Held at Ostend ---- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 135, 1927 "High Points In the Address Delivered By Hon. J. Malcolm that eloquence which is born from sincere admiration, "What spot on earth," he asked, "can have a deeper appeal to Ro- tarians than that gallant little land which has for centuries been the cock-pit of Europe, and in the late war was overwhelmed by living tides of military brutality, moving, marching, destroying in obedience to a theory that might, alone, is right? "I would like to see Rotary do something of a permanent nature to mark this recent peaceful inva- sion of her heroic country. A per- petual reminder of the debt which civilization owes to a country that has suffered so much in the sacred 5 of 'freedom and human jus- tidh."" Another notable feature of the Ostend convention, according to the speaker, was that it answered the charges of the Sinclair Lewis-Men- cken critics as to the great service club's adherence to Main Street ideals, and to the ranks of its mem- "We are indeed fortunate in this Dominion in having the most intelli- gent electorate that I believe Democracy has yet known, and I am firmly of the opinion that the thinking people of this Dominion today are more interested in policies and the results thereof than they are in party alle- giance."" "If 1 had any doubts before I have none today that the British Em- pire as a whole is the greatest collection of complementary units for the development of world trade that could be brought together, and that the olicy of developing world trade between the various parts of the British "mpire will do for Canada and the Empire economically more than any other policy that could be advanced." "May I say that the economic barometer at the moment points with scarcely an exception to the continuance on a gradually mounting scale to the favorable reaction noted when the country first emerged from the economic sethack of the war. Still more important are the indications of the recommencement of capital development of our natural resources on which the future of Canada so largely depends." "Forty per cent of Canada's exports are fully manufactured whereas even in the United States with its enormous industrial development the percentage is only 47." " 1 believe as surely as we are assembled here today that were it not for the policy of inter-Empire trade, the spectacular development of C an- ada during the last quarter of a century would not have taken place, "There will be submitted to the Conference of Provincial Premiers, which is to take place in Ottawa in November, a plan for the assistance of every Province in the Dominion and every industry in the Dominion, bers being filled with Babbitts, He found the architecture of Bel- gium a revelation in civic beauty, ind declared that even the water anks of the land bear the imprint of genius, Ostend, he found, was a city about twice the size of Oshawa; but instead of being an industrial city, it was a city of hotels, This accounted for {its ability to enter- tain such a large gathering which was held under the auspices of Al- bert I, hero King of the Belgians. Visitors welcomed at today's Ro- tary Club session included Rev, J. R. Webb, Kitchener; Rotarian Max Ballard, Moose Jaw; and R. J, Kid- eney of Buffalo, Reports were made to the club by Rotarians working on the street fair to be held August 238, The fair's proceeds will be de- voted to the development of Rotary Park, the Club's playground on Centre street. Rotarian Marks, chairman of the Rotary Fair Committee, reported that plans are going ahead for the higgest and best fair in the history of the club, He suggested that the C'nb would need help from live- | wires not members of the club for the efficient operation of booths and other features, President Storie declared that the coming fair will be marked by great bers loan two baseball team, night defeated Peterboro Kiwanians by a score of 12-11 inning game, was stated, ball all gate receipts amouned o only $1.40, It was felt should president gave assurance that the matter would be attended to, street east, announce ment of their eldest daughter, Lena Margaret, youngest son of Mrs, and the late Mr. Sills, wedding to take place in the early part of September, MINERAL EXHIBIT ADDED tions are being made at the Vie- toria Museum to make room for a permanent mineral collection of the National Museum of Canada, To the right of the main entrance a portion of the space formerly used for of- fices has been taken for the begin- ning of a Mineralogical Hall, This hall will be opened on Au- gust 24, on the occasion of the second triennial Empire Mining and i Metallurgical Congress, cars to transport puth Oghawa's elated juvenile which on Saturday in an eleven These youngsters, it had played wonderful the year and their total ---- ---- KERVIN'S CLAN LOSE 8.7 IN RETURN GAME SATURDAY IN BUFFALO transportation for them, The that be found Engagements Jimmy Kervin's G.M.C., Pontiacs played the Curtiss Aeroplane Com- pany to a two goal margin in Buffalo on Saturday, losing out by an 8 to 6 score in the first of the home and home series of the play offs for the O.A.L.A. Intermediate championship. The return game is scheduled for Alexandra Park next Saturday afternoon, and since goals are to count on the round, Mr. and Mrs, D, Cook, 185 Athol the engage- to Mr. Harry Lee Sills, of Prince Edward, the (36-a) MUSEUM TO NATIONAL SIX PEOPLE ARE MULCTED OF $130 (Continued from page 1) in the evening while the nreworks at- tracted the crowd's attention. At that time people, their heads turned up- wards, were thinking but little of their pocketbooks. Two men who were robbed remember being in tight crowds and feeling a hand against their hip. At the time the incident did not give concern, William Hepburn of North Oshawa, one of the victims lost about $60 and he fixes the time at which he was rob- bed as nine o'clock Saturday evening, He was in a crowd and noticed that he was being jostled, Later he found that he had also been robbed. Much the same story is told by Wil. liam Codling, 69 Eldon Avenue, who lost a pocket book containing $11.38. He has no idea who robbed him, Jack Ludlow, Burk street, was more fortunate than some of the other vic- tims. He was relieved of only $2 and a number of keys, When Taylor McVittie, $60 William street, went to the Lake to enjoy the picnic he had a small brown purse which contained $3. In the crowd he lost the purse and the money, A. M. Broady, whose home it at 440 Centre street, before going to the picnic on Saturday took out his roll cof bills and removed a $20 bill and two tens which he hid in the house, The remainder of the roll, $28, he took with him. His hunch was a lucky one because pickpockets removed the roll from his side pocket while he was in a dense crowd, J. Brown, of Lloyd street, had his pocket picked but he does not know exactly how much was taken, Charlie Sturgess, of Simcoe street south, had a roll of $25 in bills in his pocket but it too fell prey to the poc- ket pickers, not hage his pockets picked but his yellow $licker which he left in a car, was stolen the picnic was in progress. : This series of thefts should serve as an adequate warning to the people of Oshawa and the district. Persons whe I King street cast, did while carry money loosely in an unbuttongd the local men are fident that they will pull out victorious despite the fact that they have to show a three goal lead a the end of the game. The t of the test in Buffalo wil appear in tomor- row's paper. Ont., Aug. 14.--Altera- Ottawa, public interest than ever before. Those having booths are preparing notable exhibits, and everything in- dicates a marked success, Rotarian Gordon Conant present- ed the Rotary Club cottage at Lake- view Park with a 40 foot flag pole complete with equipment and flag, and was warmly thanked by Presi- dent Storie in behalf of the club. The speaker of the day was Mr. Conant's guest, Rotarian Lovell asked that mem- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK house at 151 Colborne street east, hardwood floors throughout, all con- veniences, garage, Phone 1244J. : (36-c) GIRL WANTED--STORE EXPERI- ence preferred, Apply 18 King St. »phone 1550. West. (36-¢c) MEALS WANTED--DINNER AND supper every day. Must be clean and in private family. Central, Ap- ply Box "Q" Times. (36-2) HOUSE TO RENT--FOUR MONTHS six ro , modern, all conveniences. $43 »p month. Apply Disney, (36-b) McLAUGHLIN CLOSED CAR TO exchange for lot or house. Phone Tiel (sterimoor BUILT FOR SLEEP SIMMONS Costs less in the end than inferior For sale by Luke Furniture Co. Adams}Furniture Co. C. T. Oke D. Coull 1550. (36-b) WANTED -- MALE STENOGRA- pher, competent and experienced. Alger Press Limited. (36-¢) BIFOCAL BLACK-RIMMED GLASS- es lost between 64 Brock street east and St. Gregory's school, Satur- day. Finder please phone 910F. (36-b) TENT TO RENT--337 EULALIE Avenue. (36-a) FIFTY OR ONE HUNDRED ACRE farm wanted to rent. Must have good buildings and good fences. Box | "P" Times, (36-c) FOR SALE--FORD SEDAN, FORD Coupe, 1926 model, electric washer, refrigerator and iron bed. E. J. Shirley, Veterinary Surgeon, 503 Masson steet. Phone 629. (36-¢) BARGAINS IN PRIVATE PROP- erty for quick sale, Claremont Hos- pital, Belleville, about 25 rooms, a moneymaker; Arthur McKnight 200 acre farm; late Geo. J. Perry, farm about 100 acres, Frederick Bay sta- tion; 5 other splendid farms; a pool room and splendid buildings in good town. Will rent by month or sell or trade. John Wilson, Phone 26, Napanee, Ont. (36-b) FOR SALE -- 1924 HUPMOBILE, mechanically perfect. Very easy terms. Universal Motors, Bond street Oshawa. (36-¢) LOST--A ROYAL BANK BOOK and Liquor Permit, also G.M.C. em- ployee"s card. Reward. Phone 2038W. : (36¢) LOST -- A GOLD LOCKET BE- tween the Lake and uptown, Satur- day. Valued as keepsake. Return to 109 Park Road south. Phone 1087TW. (36) LOST--A DARK ROSE COAT, size § years Saturday at the Lake. Return to 371 Verdun road. (36-t1) FOR SALE--ACME THREE-BUR-! mer gas stove and baby's high chair, | also double- barrelled twelve gauge shot gun. Phone 558F asa | * What is more appropriate than a fine Wrist Watch, OTTAWA! EXHIBITION ROUND TRIP FARES Going Aug. 22 to 26 inc, Re. turn limit, Aug, 30. FROM OSHAWA wHITBY .. .. .. BOWMANVILLE Proportionately low fares from other points, Ask M. R. Johns. son, 113% King St, Kast, or any Ticket Agent, Canadian Pacific ,» $10.00 10,10 0.50 NOW PLAYING at the New MARTIN THEATRE & "A Million Dollar Bid" Tonight and Tuesday Only NE of the snappiest pie tures shown at this thea tre for some time, Don't" miss it either tonight or Tues. either for a lady or gentleman? Our $25 Special This is a 14K Solid Gold Case with fine 15 Jewel Movement. Guaranteed, of course. D. J. Brown 10 King St. W. Phone 189 J SWANSON 5. fo pocket other than an inside coat or vest pocket are in great danger of be ing robbed if they get in a large crowd. The happenings on Friday and Saturday show that whether the money is placed in a hip or side poc- ket does not matter much. The crooks get to it just the same, The two seen at work on a prospective victim on Friday had the purse almost out of a hip pocket when interrupted. While one crowded the victim closely, the other slipped his hand, partly hidden from view by the body of his accom- plice, into the victim's pocket, Interviewed by The Times this morning, Chief Friend stated that the proper thing for a person who sees such a thing being done is to shout "Pickpocket" and point out the cul- prit to the crowd, It is not necessarq, the Chief said, for a witness actually to 'see money removed. "Any person who sees someone with his hand in an- other man's pocket should raise a cry immediately," declared Chief Friend, Born McLARTY--ALt Oshawa General Hospital, Friday, August ©Bth, 1927, to Mr, and Mrs, William J. McLarty, 482 Simcoe streeg north, a daughter, (36G-a) Card of Thanks The local Preceptory of Black Knights wish to express their appre- clation of the hearty co-operation received from the City Council, Fire Brigade, Police Force,, Ladies of the Churches and all others who as- sisted In making the Derry Day cele- bration a success, (36-a) 2 ELBERT H. GARY CALLED BY DEATH Was Chairman of Board of United States Steel Corporation (By Associated Press) New York, Aug, 15.--Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the Board of the United States Steel corporation, died at his home at four d'clock this morning, It was stated that cause of Mr. Gary's death was chronic mio-carditis, He had been in ill health for about a month, On the 25th of July Mr, Garry, who at that time had been ill for about a week was reported '"'on the mend," and it was expected at that time that he would return to his office within a few days. Died CRAIG--At rest in Oshawa, Mon- day, August 15, 1927, Joseph Craig, beloved husband of Etta Blanche McCabe in his 71st year. Funeral from the family resi- dence, 16 Bond street west, on' Wed- nesday, August 17th, 1927, Service at 8 p.m, Daylight Saving Time, In- terment in Union Cemetery. Phoenix and Corinthian Lodges will meet at their lodge rooms at 2.30 to attend the funeral of their de- ceased brother, vim. hn 168 King Repairs Oil Storage 168 King Street West The New--- EST END GARAGE (Formerly Rowden's Garage) Full Garage Service The Repair Shop will be in charge of MR. FRED BALL (Late of the firm of Stephenson & Ball) and he promises the same excellent work that hes built his reputation as a mechanic, West End Garage BOND BROS., PROPRIETORS ] Street W. Gasoline Grease Accessories " Phone 2561 te STOCKS f MONTREAL | BRANTFORD Sys Stobie Foriong & Co. BONDS HEAD OFFICE: REFORD BUILDING Bay and Wellington Sts,, Toronto HAMILTON Private Wire 11 King Street East, Oshawa Above C_P.R. Office, Phone 144 8. F, Everson, Local Manager GRAIN KITCHENER OSHAWA ST, CATHARINES ! One Night Only The by W, Selections Famous Composers; Choir, and the Choicest of Russian and Neer shew, Ducts NEW MARTIN THEATRE Wed. Aug. 17th AE

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