"FORCED FEEDING MAY BE ORDERED T0 SAVE SIGE Appeal for Drastic Treatment Formally Lodged With Bay State Officials HEARING ON TUESDAY Fate of Men Under Death Sentence to Be Determined By Supreme Court Bench Boston, Mass, Aug. 12.--The centre of Interest Im the Sacco-Van- gettit case shifted today from speculation regarding the final state court action next Tuesday when the full bench of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will hear arguments on appeals by the de- fence, to speculation regarding the condition of Nicola Sacco, now In the twenty-seventh day of his hun- ger strike in the State Prison at Charlestown, Aldino Felicanio, for the Sacco- Vanzettl defence committee, sald tonight he would call on Warden Willlam Hendry tomorrow morning and demand that Sacco be fed for- cibly, Tt is believed that the con- demned man will eat rather than undergo forcible feeding and in fact, It 1s stated, that Sacco has admitted this, Only four of the seven Supreme Court justices are to hear the argu- ments of counsel on Tuesday morn- ing, Five justices usually sit in proceedings hefore the full bench but Chief Justice Arthur P. Ruge is 111 in a hospital in Worcester and Justice John C, Crosby is in Europe. Justice Henry K. Braley will pre- side, and his associates will be Jus- tices Edward P, Plerce, James B, Carroll and William Cushing Waite, Review Case Justice George A. Sanderson, who dismissed the petition for a writ of error, from which he allowed one of the appeals to be argued Tues- day, will be called upon to go over the situation and at with the others in reaching a final recision in the event that the four are equally div- ided in opinion, The other appeal to be argued Tuesday is from "rul- ings of Judge Webster Thayer of the Superior Court, who a few days ago dismissed motions for a new trial, or revocation of sentence and for a stay of executioni, If the appeals to the State Su- preme Court are denied, defence counsel will apply to the United States Supreme Court for a writ of certiroari, which would enable that tribunal to review the whole case, This appeal would be made to the full bench, which does not meet until October, The filing of such an appeal, it | is stated, would not automatically |t act as a stay of execution, and if it is ever to be heard by the Federal Supreme Court, Governor Alvin T. |, Fuller would have to grant Sacco | and Vangzetti a reprieve until Octo- ber > Whether Gov. Fuller and his executive counsel would grant a | third respite to the prisoners is a | matter on which everyone has an opinion and none can forecast. The |V fact that they argued on Wednes- |¢ day evening from 8.30 to 11.30, all scant half-hour before the first |t execution was scheduled to place, indicates that there was a |. bitter fight over the granting of the second reprieve. ENLIGHTEN POLICE Papers Seized in Chinese So- t ( occurred among engers of two Second Avenue faim after a rear-end the sons were injured. Government of the Dominion Bureau of based on conditions of all field crops on of the crops throughout Canada is ex- cellent, The condition of sprin is numerical cént of the 10-year average, represent- ing an anticipated yield of i per acre an wheat of remain favorable until the actual harvesting, there pear to he grounds for the expecta- tion that the wheat crop may turn out to be more abundant than cast of 357,367,000 bushels now indi- cated by the condition at the end of July," the report states, Canadians. It speed officers arrest all those who arrests unless drivers exceed NEW YORK ELEVATED TRAINS COLLIDE New York, Aug. 13--A mild panic "So work bound pas collision near Hanover Square station. Two per- The prompt arrival of the police averted serious trouble, as the occu- pants of the trans were escorted up the tracks to the station platform, WHEAT CONDITION MARKED OVER PAR Report Puts Ratio at 108 Per Cent of Average Ottawa, Aug. 13--The crop report tatistics, uly 31, states that the condition wheat expressed at 105 per 5.6 bushels a total forecast for all 357,367,000 bushels from 22,335,777 acres, t year at the corresponding date, the condition of spring wheat was reported at 92 senting an average yield per acre of 13.6 hushels, and the total forecast for all wheat was then 316,960,000 bushels The final estimate of yield for 1 turned out to be 409,811,000 bushels, er cent, repre- "Assuming that conditions this year time of would ap- the fore- The other salient feature of the re- port is the preliminary estimate of the yield of hay and clover, which amounts to 16,648,000 tons. total yield on record for Canada, the previous record having been 16,348,000 tons in 1919, (UEBEC NOT HARD This is the largest ON U.5. MOTORISTS Hon. J. L. Perron Replies to Criticism in American Paper Quebee, Aug. 13--American auto- sts are not discriminated against n connection with speeding, de- lured Hon. J. L. Perron, Minister of Highways, following criticism In un American paper relative to the reatment of motorists from the other side of the line. "American motorists are not only reated with justice, but receive more favorable treatment than is not true that ravel from 20 to 25 miles an hour. )n the contrary they never make 35 niles' an hour. A Canadian who is aught speeding is not only fined, ut loses his license as well in cer- ain cases. This is not so with take | visiting Americans for their license cannot be Minister, cancelled, stated the Little May had been listening to some conversation between her en- tomologist father and mother. subject was black fleas. The "What about the white fleas, dad- y?" she asked. "White fleas? I don't think there are any in this country." "Oh, yes, there are white fleas," nsisted May. "Don't you remember ciety's Rooms at Vancou- [!TEMed WAY. HONE vou remember ver Need Translating Vancouver, Aug. 13.--Factions of the Kuomintang, Chinese Nation- were white as snow' " " Ta FOREST FIRES ARE RAGING IN OREGON Calls For Help Sent Out From Several Service Camps . Portland, Ore., Aug. 13.--Sweep- ing forward with increased intens- ity, forest fires on several fronts in the northwest today broken bounds, and calls for help were heard from several forest service camps. Fires speeding on the Columbia national forest lines were the most menac- ing, it was reported. Volunteers were sent to rein- force the 700 men now attempting to check the Columbia section fires. Reports said 87 lightning fires and six man-caused fires had burned over a large area, -- "How do you play hookey from the correspondence school?" "I send them an empty envelope." OSHAWA, LIMITED THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, SATURDAY BRITISH EMPIRE STERNLY CHECKS OPM TRAFFIC Methods in Use By England Being Adopted By World British iis ig 3, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927 re Control League Any TRAFFIC WORLD WIDE Turkey, China and Persia Grow Drug Plant Without Restrictions (By Canadian Press) London, Aug. 13.--That the illi- cit traffic in opium and other drugs continues on a large scale all over the world is shown in the report on the control of the trafic by the Government, @ Office this year has for the first time made public. proves, however, which the The report that the revenue and police officials of the British Empire are alert in direction and PARLIAMENT COMING London, Aug. 13.--Members of the Empire Parllamentary Assocla- tion next year will make their first official visit glo Canada. All 4he nine provinces will be visited dur- ing the five or six weeks of their stay in the Dominon in September and October, 1928. The Canadian branch in extending the Iimvitation expressed a desire to afford an op- portunity for the delegates to in- vestigate the resources and insti- titutions of the Dominion; to pro- mote mutual personal acquaintance and friendship among the members of the various Parliaments, and to interchange views at informal con- fereno . SHOP HERE Save Money Walk around the store, you will find money saving spe- cials in every corner. BOSTON BAGS we mo 11 Shopping Bags, black glazed leather finish, Monday, DOUBLE CREPE id ancy Double Ettoras Tor nrsy Jat ay git . C JAPANESE NAPKINS Fancy Rordered Japanese Nap. ho 12¢ ASRS SSN LEATHER AUTO CUSHIONS Wedge shaped well Wiles ani mr £90 day. RUBBER PANTS Babies' Strongly Made Rubber Pants. Monday, 20c Get It At The Arcade -- Dry Goods -- Ladies' Ready-to-Wear alist Society, seek to have rep tatives present when the police have translations made of all documents seized in the Society's rooms here following the killing of three Chin- ese on Monday might. After a brief scanning of the papers th, police had no amnounce- ment to make other them it would be necessary to make a complete and careful translation before it would be known whether the documents would throw any light on the shoot- ing. Considerable difficulty is being experienced in securing competent translators. An inquest into the death of three victims of Monday nisht"s shooting opened yesterday. day. PEOPLE.--- of Th a a the distinction of a refined best, and at a sensible cost. 82 Simcoe Street South WRIGHT FUNERALS AT A SENSIBLE COST It is human to want that which is recognized to be the best Wright Funeral arrangements reflect service, which is of the very == we Feature This Funeral $100 Complele Other funerals at $85, $100, $125. $145. $175 with equally as great a saving. Wright Funerals Successor to Disney Funeral Service AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 1082 quick to confiscate. It demonstrates, also, that relevant Information is {Instantly conveyed to any foreign jcountry that may he concerned, and |to the League of Nations, while it. testifies to the efficiency of the methods always advocated by the British delegates at Geneva. It is not possible at present to control the growth of a plant which in cultivatet freely in China, Persia (and Turkey, and In restricted quan- titles In India, but it is possible to "strictly regulate its preparation for medicinal use and the complicated | process hy which raw- opium Is! {transmuted into morphine, heroin land other derivatives, and to super- vise its distribution, Firm Control The British Government has con- | trotted the traffic sine 1920, and' ,aithough a new International in- strument was signed In 19256 the | Intervationul central hoard whieh in future Is to supervise the traffie, | has not yet heen established. The |1eport is interesting as showing how [the British [Government's methods (have largely been embodied in the "new instrument, which is not yet fully ratified, Half-seen beneath the surface of official reticence in this report lies the romance of criminal stealth folled by the alertness of revenue detectives, A certain box on board a 'steamship plying between Am- sterdam and Bluefields, Nicaragua,' was, for instapce, held up at Kipg- ston, Jamaica. After communica- tion with the Government of Niear- agua, it was found that the consig- nee was not the owner of a legally inscribed establishement for the sale of durgs, and that the consignment addressed to him contained more opium than the medical practition- ers of Nicaragua would have con- Leumed in th ordinary course in 15 years. Criminal Cunning A particularly interesting seizure was made at Southampton. A ship- ment of a mixture labelled *"lubri- nole" excited suspicion. On apaly- sis this was found to be morphia mixed with some unctuous suv- stnace, from which it could later easily be recovered by chemical pro- cess. A new artifice of the drug traffickers was thus revealed. The shipment was from France to the Far East through Canada. Full particulars were communi- cated to the League, which already has records of many ingenious tricks--of the drug being passed from place to place in the lining of hats ,in hollow walking-sticks, in the stuffing of chairs, in chocolates, and 80 on. The Advisory Commi- ttee on Opium should, indeed, in time collect a record of crime to which Dr. Watson might turn for, material now that Sherloch Holmes has really made his final bow. DOLE FLIGHT I$ OFF FOR PRESENT Postponement of Sen Fran- cisco to Honolulu Event Announced San Francisco, Aung. 13.--Post- ponement of Friday's $35.000 Dole flight from Sam Francisco Bay wo Honolulu because the entries who have thus far presented themselves are "mot mow properly equipped or qualified" was ordered by the flight committee and the Department of Commerce subject to the approval the stant of the flight for a peniod not exceeding two weeks. mo additional entries be accepted for the proposed race. The postponement closaly follow- od the crash of one of the emtries mear Sam Diese in which lienten- ants Georze W. Covell and R. sf Wagener. of the mavy weve killed when their monoplane plvwaesed into a WF im a for fell to the bottom spd harmed. A¥hanrh the dinent oomse of the seorifent was pot Ae termined, defective equipment was | suspected. A VERY IMPORTANT °° ANNOUNCEMENT TO BE MADE WITHIN THE NEXT FOUR DAYS Wait and Watch for Ite Study today's Chevrolet. Mark well the aristor beauty of its lines--the superbly executed details of its Fisher-built bodies. OSHAWA, ONT PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED