Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1927, p. 7

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| WOM ------------ a ------ --Mr, Herbert Ganyore, recent visitor at Deseronto, --Miss Wilma Gordon is spend- ing her vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. A, Gordon, Deser- onto, --Mr, and Mrs, Fred Thrasher and Master Charles, Stacey avenue, have returned after visiting in Sudbury dur- ing the past month, Mp, John Grant of the Standard 011 Company at Shanghai, China, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. James O'Connor 36 Colhourne Street, Kast. Mr, and Mrs, ©, Morris and Mr, and Mrs, C. Sampson motored from Ottawa and are visiting their broth- er, Mr, Fred Morris, 170 Albert St, --Cantroller Davis of the water rights section of the Department of Lands and [IPorest, Ontario, is a guest today of City Engineer W, C, Smith, Re Miss Ruby Crouse, Queen St. has returned home after spending an enjoyable three wecks' visit among friends and relatives in Belle- vile, Deseronto, and Napanee, EAST WHITBY IS DENIED WATEN (Continued from page 1) cision made hy the Water Commis- sioners at their meeting yesterday at to the extension of water mains into he Township, Mr, G, D, Conant, the Chalrman of the Board sald; "The question of extension of Water Mains outside the City limits has engaged the attention and ser- ious consgideraion of the Board ol Water Commissioners for some time past, Several applicatins have come belore the Board for such exten- sions in different directions, As with most municipalities, it has always been the policy of the Board to exercise great care in extending ser- vices beyond the Municipality which 4 has created and has paid or is re- sponsible for 'the expenditures in- volved, A departure from this policy | | was made a few years ago when the new cshool was built in Westmount and it was the desire of the Schoo! Section to obtain city water. At that time a main was laid into the Town- ship supplying this school but at the entire expense of the Township and i the School Section. The Board of Water Commissioners regarded this ps a special circumstance and de- sirable from every standpoint that a school of the size then being erected should have an adequate and proper water supply. About a year ago the Township asked for a short extension of this main on Montrave Ave., and the Water Commissioners agreed to this proposal. Since these applications were made and so dealt with, however, an enormous expan- sion has taken place in the City of Oshawa resulting in a very great in- crease in the volume of water used | and consequently the burden upon our pumping plant. At the present time we are pumping about one and | a half million gallons of water per day, with a maximum pumpage of about twenty-two hours out of twenty-four. It is felt by the Board that this condition leaves very little margin and if the present increase and demand continue large capital expenditures to increase [filtering | and pumping equipment will be I pecessary." These ' expenditures will |; involve between $875,000.00 and | $100,000.00 and the Board felt that | inasmuch as the extension of mains Mot the Township would increase | the demands upon our plant there- | by necessitating or hastening large capital expenditures, they cannot in | " justice to the ratepayers of Oshawa | on whose responsibility such large | was a | | A capital expenditures would be umer- |4¥e a number of intelligent girls in [ihe neighborhood." taken and in justice to the indus- trial and domestic water users. of The Canada Bread (Co, Total wn. vere JOUNg, at down on the grass and enjoyed a winning. in, sam Snowden tw brother, Jean *ottage Is tie and. pepper. zus may be cut into inch pieces. this case " the it. by tered toast sa lig my direet opposite." IFT RED CROSS WORK Cash Contributions and: Gifts of Supplies and Provisions chnowledged Splendid additional, contributions to the Red Oross Cottage Fund, acknowledged by the executive of the Oshawa Red Cross, are as fol- lows: Previously acknowledged 1301, Ri] Mrs, J, D, Stories ,....... 0.00 10.00 5.00 Mrs, Webster vee 8776.50 Mrs, W, A. 100 lbs, of sugar, Luke, 1 pair of woollen blankets, Order of the Hastern Star, | Provisions--Mrs, Fred Balles Scottish Rite Masons' Club, Jam and plckles--Mrs, clough, Mrs, Wilson, Mrs, delly--Mps, KE. Bradley. W.M.S. ENTERTAINED BY MRS, RICHARDSON vg of the United chyreh, | Whithy, was' entertained at the home if Mrs, A, W. Richardson on Wed- wesday afternoon, August 5, I was a eautiful day and the ladies thoroughly njoyed the social intercourse on the wn, also the delicious and abundant eireshments, A hearty vote Irs, Richardson leeision that she ' There were ers and friends MAPLE GROVE Barrow- Hinds, The W.M.S. of thanks was given with. the unanimous is "a jolly qgood fel- about seventy mem present, The Mission Band meeting for this nonth was held on Tuesday on Mrs, 1, Stevens' lawn, One of the ehief catures of the programme was an ad- Iress by Mrs, (Dr) Norman Found, nissionary from Korea. She, having essed herself and her little son in sorean costume, spoke to the children thout the children Korea, which | wroved extremely interesting, When programme was over the young olk indulged in a game of ball after vhich a light lunch was served hy the i ol | he adies, On Wednesday the joint Maple Grove and Base chools was held on the t Maple Grove, a number picnic Line i school grounds | About 4 o'clock there of races for old and Prizes were given to the win- ers, The ladies baschall team then | layed the boys' baseball team. Fol- wing this the married ladies played we married men, About 6 o'clock we cll-prepared supper, The pienie clos. d with a baseball game between Base ine and Maple Grove, the former Masters Harold and Gordon Mack- Cobourg, visited their aunt, Mrs and attended the picnic n Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs, o children, Mr. R. D Miss Beatrice ending fundy. Mr. and are' at William Mclean and Toronto, are visiting her Trimble, Cryderman, a few days with Mrs. ]. D. holidaying at Jobeaygeon, Shaws, is Miss Greta Stevens and her brother's Ont, ASPARAGUS ------ | to uniform length, with soft string. Cook until tender, keep- Trim stalks ash and tic 1 boiling water ing the tips above the water for the Qa rst ten minutes. Just before cooking completed, salt and water. Drainun and scason with melted butter, salt Ii preferred, the aspara- In put into the more before the stalks are ten minutes or tips are added. Asparagus may be rved with medium white sauce or ic Handaise sauce may be poured over A delicious supper dish is made putting the asparaguson hot but- and pouring the white | ater uce over it. ad | shall never marry, eclared, "until I meet " Reginald { a woman who "Well Reggie," said Rene, "there the City, undertake to supply water outside the boundaries of our own Municipality. Due consideration was given to the sanitary and humari- tarian aspects of the matter and the desirability generally of the people in outlying disiricts having available a supply of pure water which the Commission could fur- mish. It was felt by the Commission- ers, however, that the solution of this lies in the direction of Munici- pal re-arrangements which are un- der the control of the City Council and are not matters within the scope of the Commissioners' au- thority." rt ORY cm, IF'RUSSES RA KING--KIRBY The parsonage of Simcoe street United Chureh was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding when, on Thursday, August 11, Verna Kvelyn daughter of Mrs, KE, Kirby, of Osh- awa was united in marriage to An- gus Wesley King, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas King of Beaverton, The wedding ceremony was conducted by Rev. Dr, McDougall, The bride and groom were attended by Mr. and Mrs, James Pigden also of Osh- awa, HOSPITAL GROUNDS -- Whitby, Aug.* 13,--The Civil Ser- vice from Toronto are holding their picnie today on the grounds of the Ontarlo Hospital here! The party will travel by bus from Toronto. A good programme of sports 1s being jarranged. The Whitby girls' base- ball team is playing the visitors team this afternoon, Whitby U United Church Whitby, Aug. 13--Services will be held in the United Church tomorrow at the usual hours, divine worship at 11 a. m, and 7 p, m, and Bune | School at 8 p. m. Rev, Dr. Had- of morning and evening services, attraction coming to the Regent sion prices, dow of Toronto will be in iv COMING ATTRACTIONS | --AT THE-- C Marit heautiful wife of of the former marriage Gordon, The ! Porot hy | Geofrrey Marsh, Esq., wealthy man i dollar deal of several years back, ! literally sold | | "The Love of Sunya' the big screen | at no advance over regular admis- | Theatre Monday night for a limited | , from her, Coming wh ND-- TUESDAY 'How Much is A Beautiful 'Girl Worth in Actual Cash? "A Million J | about town, residence now unknown, ~to Dr, Robert Brent, celebrated young surgeon, recalls the million in Gordon, now deceased, her daughter to the higheet bidder. Some details of the strangely tangled web of circum- stance which followed are bared hy a former gervant in the Gordon which Mrs. household, Mother Intercepts Letters "I was in Paris with the Gordons the winter Dorothy to marriage with Mr. Marsh, ; mother was a cold, | { | | | | | { | was forced in- Her hard woman and stopped all the letters that came Bob Brent, and all She houn- til, at Marsh she from young Dr, that Dorothy wrote him, ded Dorothy early and late, last, she promised to marry ! on condition that she should he his wife in name only. Demands Rights as Husband "lI was with them on Marsh's yacht the night after the wedding. I saw him break in_the door of Dor- , ; --_-----_ __ ' othy's cabin and linge toward her. GLORIA SWANSON 8 h In a scene front her latest production, engagement of three nights only, I sa wthe poor thing in his arms | fighting like mad, An awful storm had come up, and just as Dorothy, with all her strength, pushed him the yacht collided with an- other hoat, Ghost "Then came Past who Rises From a patient had 'heen suffering from loss of memory. { Dr, Bob insisted on taking him as a patient into their own home, Dor- othy came running to me, 'Oh, my God, Wilkins,' she whispered, 'what shall I do? ? It i8 my hushand, Geoffrey Marsh,' She plead with Dr. THEATRE Dollar Bid" He'd bought her. Iso--- He'd paid for her, He demand- ed his rights as a husband. A Real Peppy Comedy If you cap't laugh, don't come, If you come you'll be made laugh at "this comedy. "WHITBY Barnett's Antique | 479 Yeunge St., Toronto BRANCH ME rid be: - opposite fost Oe I + ES Va JTHORS 6&6 COX. Lye HURCH ST. TORONTO Saywell & Son Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIAL FREE On Suit Case or Olub Bag' BOND ST. WEST Antigue Furniture Sheffield Plate Rare Old China Baxter English Brass Prints WATCH FOR THE SIGN ON THE HIGHWAY ndas St. 7 ot, | The Splendid Drama ot Paris oming to the New Martin | the Regent Bob, and at last told Win the rea- son that she did not want him to perform the ceremony, He insisted. Though the legitimacy of their child was at stake and all their happiness, he believed it was his professional duty to perform the op- reation, Operation Successful "The operation proved successful, With horror, hoth Derothy and Dr. Boh awaited consequences, Then the man's memory seemed to go again. He pretended not to recog- nize Dorothy, This picture will he shown at the New Martin Theatre on Monday and Tuesday of next week, . GLORIA SWANSON Who returns to the Regent screen on Monday, after a long absence in her new picture, "The Love of Sunya,"" Gloria Swanson Stars at the Regent on Monday "A photodrama which cannot fail | works with the inspiration which be a masterplece, | Bisel the days when she was This is how Regina Crewe, of the | ¢/imbing upward to fame, N York Mornin Teles Gloria Swanson is one of the sus New York Morning Telegraph, per-women of the screen," the critic fers to "The Love of Sunya," Gloria | continues. "One dogs not predict Swanson's pieture, which comes to | where she Is concerned, Stars have Theatre on Monday. come, and stars have gone, Many "In photographic effeets, in dra-| of them. They will always do so, matic power, in gtrength, sufficiency | But there will remain the few who of cast," Miss Crewe writes, "she are firmly fixed in the firmament has prepared a photodrama which | of fame, They attain the heights cannot fail to he a masterpiece, And | and hold them, They are constant-- she has labored so hard to accom- | true. They live by the light of their plish this purpose." ideals, Success does not spoil them, Writing of Miss Swanson, Miss | It spurs them on to higher ace Crewe says she has heen unpolled | complishment, Gloria Swanson is by her remarkable success and still | one of these," " to re- Oshawa Daily Times 1582F An Attractive Costume Slip The woman or girl who enjoys i ng her own under - garments will "his slip quite smple to fashion. There is an inverted plait at each side ssam to provide for the necessary fulness, and the top may be shaped as in View A, or straight avith shoulder straps like View B. NO. 1582 is in sizes 36, 40 and 44 inches bust. Size 36 is suitable for 34 or 35, and requires 284 yards 36 or 39-inch material for View A, or 234 yards for View B. Price 20 cents the pattern. iow. Price 25 cents the pattern. Many styles of smart apparel may be sund ia our Fashion Bock. Our design- » thin 'the means of the average woman 'ric¢ of the book 10 cents the copy. PATTERN PU COVPON To The Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed fad cents. Please send pattéras listed he- low: Armas ranannsan PrOFIRCe . .opsspncpsnnranrnprsns an ALTE , Ont, cade l CE ---------- Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin savefully. NEW MARTIN THEATRE One Night Only Wed. Aug. 17th Mandolin Orchestra of Winnipeg Ukrainian Girls--Sixteen Celebrated Musicians COME AND HEAR CANADA'S MOST GIFTLD The Program Includes Mandolin Orchestra Selections by World Famous Composers; Choir, Solos, Duets and the Choicest of Russian and Ukrainian Dances. INCLUDING TAX. PRICES: CHILDREN 27c=--ADULTS Bbc, I's A WOMAN'S GREAT HUMAN LOVE STORY Ju. Dazzling Gowns !

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