Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Aug 1927, p. 13

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~ THE'OSMHAWA DAILY TIMFA: SKTURBAY. en Ras o 13,1927 Real Estate for Sale FRANK" 8, EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey~ ancer, money to loan, Room 2, Royal Bank- Bldg, Simzoa and Bond: streets. Phone 1496, (121-ma) CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Publie, Ete, Coun- veyancing and general practice 'of Law, Offices 73% Simcoe St, sow@d, Oshawa, Phone 63. G, D., Conant, B.A, LL.B; A, F, Annis, BA. ULB 0. G; REYNOLIS, 33 BLOOR ST, East, Phone 693. Auto painting and simonizing, Work guaranteed. Before painting gef our prices. (tt ss ------ H, R. COULDERY ARTISTIC Liv corating, Signs on paper; woed cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description; Disney Black, Oshawa, (229-t0) W. B, N. SINCLAIH, K.C,, BANK of Commerce Building. (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P; MANGAN, H.A.--BAR- mater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan, Office 34% King St, east, Oshawa. Phone 145. Residence phone 837, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- visters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- lie, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simeone St, Phone 10. J. ¥, Grierson, B.A,, 'T, K, Creighton, SWANSON GERMAN & MAOC- Fenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary I'ublie, ete, . All branches of Criminal and Civil Law, Money to loan, Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east, Phone 940, D, A, J, Swanson, H, N, German, F, G, Mackenzie, A, J, PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- Heftor, Notary Publie, Conveyancer, money to loan. Disney Bldg., oppo- pite Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 22307, (621) LOUIS 8. HYMAN & Co., BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers;; Notaries, ete, Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St, North, Money to lnan, Phones-- nflice #7, Residence 2101, (tr) Window: Cleaning THE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- ers--house cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and store windows put cn and removed. Phone 1302w; Transportation SMITH TRANSFMORTATION LIMIT: ed, Simcoe St, S,, phone 34¢ -, 212 Front St, BE. Terounto,. Plone Main 7637, Superior Transportation seor- vice, (42-t1) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINISHED COMPLETE REAL BARGAIN -- NEW SIX room brick house, All convenien- ces, Near G, M. C.. Sacrifice at $3,200 , cash $500. Apply 22 Bruce street. (33-¢) HOUSE AND TWO EXTRA LOTS at 167 Olive Ave. Apply 45 John St. (35-d) POULTRY AND SHEEP RANCH for sale. Frame house and, barn. Creek, woods, Would consider house and lot in exchange. Address Box 755, Port Hope, Ont, (34h) 7 ROOMED HOUSE WITH STABLE 4 acre of garden land in Brooklin, Will sacrifice for immediate sale, \V. II. Robson, Brooklin, * (83-0) FOR SALE--LARGK HOUSE, 6 bedrooms, parlour. dining room, | kitchen, hathroom, boarding house, furniture included. Redecorated. Central, Phone 99W: (311) "OR SALE-- ROOM "BUFF BRIOK semi-bungalow, 130° Agnes 8t, Owner. (331) FOR SALE--T7 ROOM BRICK house, quiet street, five minutes walk from G.M.C.,, Fittings and business district, Modern. and first by expert mechanics, Screen windows and screen doors, Estimates free, B. W. Haynes, 161 Pi St, W,, Phone 481, Res, 180: r (tf) Building Supphes WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, 1°, L. Deecrult, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 824 (69-1) Money to Loan Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re. putable Fire: Companies, (118-tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. FP, T, BRYANS ( or 160 BLOOR Btreet West, Toronto, will he at his office over "Jury & Lowell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 til) 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97. (49-t1) Medical PR, McKAY. FnYSICIAN, BUK- geon, Acenucher. Office and resi- dence, King St. East, corner Victoria Bt. Oshawa: Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon Special references to diseases of Infants and children. Of- flee and residence, 97 Bond east. PR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- elzn and Surgeon, special attentlo, given to X-ray work and Eleetro - Pheopy. Ofce, Disney Bloek. Phone 2050 ne) Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas sdmin- istered for extraction, nurse at- PRIVATE FUNDS TO first mortgages, Lowest interest rates and favorable terms, Grierson & Creighton, Barristers, ete, Stan- dard Bank Chambers, (Aug, 12-1mo.) LWOAN--6% % CITY and farm loans. No commission; Lutlding loans. Frank 8, Ebb, bar- rister, Royal Bank Building, (26-tf) 8% CITY AND FARM LOANS, No eommission, Bullding loans, le» al work done st this office. A. J. 'arkhili, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1A14 (17600) Undertaking FUNERAL SERVICE. 199 Simcoe Street A656 MONEY TO DALTON Sedan Ambulance, South. Phone 47. LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT. Kast. Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St, Phoge 2104. » Watch Repairing ¥. A. Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repalr shop al 14% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited, 1 (29-0) LOAN ON | TWO 69 Kipg Street oy | class condition, Apply 114 Athol Last, or C. M, Anderson's Clothing Store: (82-1) | | FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street, Call after six at above address or phone 833]. (73tf) Wanted to 'Rent TWO OR THREE LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms, with conveniences, wanted. Reasonable. Box "X" | Times. (35-c) | TWO FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping. Box *D'" Times, (86-¢c) WANTED TO RENT--STORE CEN- trally located, Phone 382r4, (35d) THREE OR FOUR ROOMED COT- tage with water, for two months, wanted. Phone 2344J. (38-¢) ROOMS Apply Classified Ads Firse: Hetion = == 13 cents per word, Hach subsequent insertions: lo per word, Three consecutive insertions for the price of two first insertions (three cemta a word). Minhwum - charge fap three Insertions, G0 cents, Box number----10¢ additional Professional or Cans, $3.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word: TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH TELIPHONE 88 Ask Far Classified Ad Departs ment, Work . Wanted . PETER MARTIN & 'SONS, BUILD- ing - contractors, Masonry work of Sey description, Bowmanville, Phone WOOD-WORKING -- MISOBLLANE- ous woed-working shop, Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. 3, HB. Edmondson, 251 Rimene tL ¥d UPHOLSTERING OW ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed, G., A. Con- stalie, 143 Colborne East Phone 520F. (15¢0) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen or married couple, 112 Celina. St, (33¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO 'gentleen, Phone 774W, (21-tf) .For Sale or Exchange A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE OR exchange for Oshawa property, two acres, a good house and barn, lo- cated at Brighton. Call after six, at 300 Verdun Rd. (36-h) Help Wanted--Male: or Female I ---- Articles For Sale | SECOND HAND NATIONAL CASH Register, Bargain, Box "T" Times. (36-b) FOR SALE--ALL BUILDING MA- terial including hot water systems, windows, bricks, lumber, doors, lath, hardwood flooring, chicken coops, 76 cents up, storm doors $1 each, firewood, back verandas, Must Dominion Wrecking Company. (34c) ises, STORAGE BATTERY Apply 98 Nassau St. FOR SALE, Phone 1864M. (35-c) TWO VIOLINS AS GOOD AS NEW. Apply 41 Oshawa Blvd. 2442F, (36-¢) FOUR OR FIVE ROOMED HOUSE wanted by September 8, Phone 1888J. (33-¢c) For Rent BEDROOMS Phone (36-c) TO "RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. All | conveniences. Also garage to rent. 118 Tylor Crescent, Phone 1241W. (34h) FURNISHED with without board, 994M. or SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, STABLE and two acres of land on Park Road! | north. Apply 13 John street. Phone 112, (38-¢) TWO CHAIR BARBER "SHOP ON Athol street with complete Apply 13 John street, Phone 112, (33-c) Floor Surfacing NDBW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (Including sanding, waxing, fll- ing and polishing), Old floors made new. Edmondson, 261 Simcoe St. South, phone #440, (tf) tendant, Phone 231, Resid h 2087, (te) DR, 5, J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over ', Phone 959; nee 306 4-1 yr. DR, H. M. COOKB, 9 SIMCOB ST. porth, over. Mitehells Drug Store Gas for extraction. Phoae 54, DR, L. B, HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948; , 1378M. 85-4¢ FORD, OFFICE RE- Phone 1780. bout DR, RUNDLE DR. W. H. G Theatre . gent Res. 669. BR. K. B. , 107 Res. 1114W, Veterinary Surgeon C. S. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES AMS, Corsetiere MRS. ANNIE PENTLAND, PRO- FESSIONAL Spirella Corsetiere, 223 Dearborn Ave; Phone 1988W, Even- ips by appointment. ite) Architects STENHOUSE -- GENERAL Second floor, Phone 1496. Cc Cc. architectural work. Royal Bank Building. Res. Phone 9027, - Auctioneer E. J. POMERY, 18% KING fi east, Oshawa, Ont., Licensed A tioneer for Counties of _ Northumberland, Ontario and City Auction Sale AUCTION SALE oF F wv TRNIT TU RE on Thursday, August 18, 1927. at 1.30 p.m., at MeCulloch's store room, 41 Ritson road north, sisting of th, following: 1 mahog- any library table, settee, book case, hall tree, wicker chair, morris chair, fumed oak dining room furniture, 2 bedroom suites, porch chairs, re- frigerator, sewing machine, kitchen utensils. This furniture nearly new and in Al condition. Terms cash, Maw & Sulley, auctioneer. (35-37-38) Painting and Decorating YOUR HOUSE LIKE NEW. GET IT painted. Reéasonable prices. Pure | materials. Apply Box "A" Times. (28-Sept. 4) Boarders Wanted 134 RIT- (34h) BOARDERS WANTED. son Rd. 8." Phone 1234M. of Oshawa. Solieits your patropsge. All phone calls receive prompt at- tention. Phone 1013M. Satiatac. | tion guaranteed. {June 21-f) | of all domestic animals seientific- elly treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St. E. Phone 1057. (131-41) Music ABTHUR | WwW: LINDE ABAMBODES Conservatory, Toronto) ashe of Singing. Pupils al puoi Mig, W ch, oe opers. Studio. 11 Simeoe south: Oshawa, Fridays. (72-1) MRS. G. A. STANTON, ALCM., teacher of piano. Pupils prepared for examinations. Studio, 92 Sim- coe St. N. Phone" 871]. Machinery Renairs ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tire Shop. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. Phone 428 or) Contracting THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you our estimates. Write, or lly (Whit- by) 255. (734) Veterinary E. J. SHIRLEY, V.8. SPECIALIST diseases domestic animals, cat and dog k tal Long experience. 503 Masson Phone 629. 4 DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE Do Second Hand Dealer R. GUTSOLE, PalnyING, FAPER- hanging, Twenty years' en right. Work guaranteed. 351 Huron street. Phone 206TW. (A540) | DEALERS IN SECOND HAND furniture. Buy and sell. Apply 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (July 25-Aug. #5) Yoampariation COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age. B85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse cquipment. Baggage transferred to i nd from all trains. (64-42) Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale there will be offered for sale by pub- lic auction on Wednesday, day of August, 1927, at 2 o'clock pau. on the premises of 199 King street west, Oshawa and bejng. s.n- gular that certain parcel of land in the City of Oshawa and being com- posed of part of Lot number Five (5) on the south side of King street according to Plan 40B having a frontag? of Thirty feet (80°) om King by a depth of One Hund ed and ten feet (110). with and sub-- ject to a mutual side drive Eight (8°) feey im width, which land par- ticularly described in a deed regis- tered as number 23468 for the City of Oshawa. On the lands is said. to stand 2a six-roomed brick-veneered dwelling known as 199 King: street West, with all moderns comveniences. The lands will be offered subj >t to a first registered mortgage for about $2.500.00 bearing interest at 7 per cent. per annum. principal payable $50.00 half-yearly and. bal- ance due in. about three years. And also subject to a reserved bid and an existing monthly tenancy. For additional terms and condi- tions of sale, apply to W. J. Sulley, auctioneer; Conant and Annis. Soli- citors, (35-a) - | Bb1 fixtures. | con | the 17th i" FOR SALE--STEEL SEPTIC TANK complete, (Standard size). Price $35. Also cook stove four lids and reservoir in' good condition. Very cheap. FPor particulars phone 742F. (34c) FOR SALE -- FULTON REAR wheel in Al condition. Apply Peter Martin & Sons, Bowmanville, Phone 497w. 1tk FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH | Pianos, ulso Player Pianos, high { grade only. Terms arranged, Used { Pianos on band, C, Trull, Phope 3d. (96tr) | MiXEw HAKD AND SOF; WoOD | slabs, $3.50 per load. Also pope dry body woud. Phone 660. Wasterocs | Meek Ltd, | Le sold at once. Salesman on prem- |} (Mar 26-1) | ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER WANT- ed one with lumber office experi- ence preferred. State age, salary, experience and references. Box "C" Times. (33-86) Exchange HOUSE WITH SIX ROOMS, EXTRA jot and garage, will exchange for gmall farm near Oshawa, North weferred., Apply Box "I'" Times, (33-c) Lost and Found PUP, AN- A BEAGLE HOUND swers to the name of Gyp. Lost around High School during time of parade. Reward if returned to 352 Leslie street, (35-b) Motor. Cars FOR SALE~--1924 FORD COUPE: splendid condition, Make offer. Brock St. east, phone 1073W. 350 FOR SALE--ONE FORD TON truck 1923 in good order, Also one Model 47 Sedan body, fits K 45 Me- Laughlin. Apply 609 Carnegie Ave. Evenings. (3411) FOR SALE---FORD TOURING, SIDE curtains. Starter, $150. 451 Sim- coe 8S. Phone 78, (33¢c) Live Stock '1 WORKING HORSE FOR SALE. | [Apply 45 Albany St (34-c) | SOW WITH 12 SMALL PIGS FOR sale, Thomas Melnyk, Lakevinw Gar- dens, after five o'clock. (33c) | CEMENT, LUMBER, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphalt | roofing, hardwood Mooring; gyproc. | Phones 660° apd 1288, Waterous- | Meek; Ltd. (84-10) I§1 DEPOSIT WILL SECURE EITH- xr of the following: vare complete set, 26 pieces, $20. i ine assortment of Ladies' and ients' guaranteed watches, 33h; 8 al- 0 rings and jewelry of all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per week. Order now from O, H. Dell, |22% Simcoe street south, Phone [159% (July 23-Augi 23) | Help Wanted--Male WE HAVE AN EXTRA GOOD proposition for men to represent us (in the sale of fruit trees, berry bushes, shrubs, perennials, ete.; {free kit, weekly pay, open territory. Write for particulars. - Brookdale { Nurseries, Bowmanville. (35-a) NIGHT: ). WATCHMAN FOR PRI- [vate premises. Apply Box "N" Times. (34-c) | WANTED--MAN WITH CAR FOR | canvassing in country. Pleasant and ! profitable worl Old established busi- ness. Box * Times. * 2915 pe BOARD AND ROOM WANTED. Private and central. Young Jlady. Apply Box "J" Times. (35-2) Furniture Storage FURNITURE STORED IN SEPAR- ate compartments. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. Coleman's €art- age and Storage. Agents Wanted' DISTRICT MANAGERS--1 YEAR and one half ago we introduced our + onderful root coating in Canada. Today we have many satisf cus- tomers. We need a few [7 cover unoecupied territory, capable of handling territory and hiring salesmen. This. is an exceptional opportunity: Write at once. Rovl coating 'shipped from Canadian fac- tory asd branches. The American Oil &- Paint: Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 17.8.A. (35-2) $4 A DAY PAID CHRISTIAN MAN jor. woman for distributing religious {literature endorsed by Protestant denominations. Write for panticu- [lars, stating age and chureh com- nation. Mr. Conrad, Manager Re- ligious Education Dept., Spadina Bidz, Toronto. (35-2) FRAMES, | Roger's Silver- | ad 25th, 1927. Wanted to Buy | MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS 14nd sl} kinds of metals. I am pay- | ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. | Buygiug old cars. Pboue 764. 166-Lf NEW SOUTH WALES RECORD WOOL CLIP Sydney, New South Wales, Aug. 13.--New South Wales' wool clip for the year ended June 30 last amount- ed to 495820000 pounds greasy ac- cording to the estimates of a Govern- ment statistican. This quantity is 22 per cent greater than the previous record total, reach- ed wm 1911. Treasurer's Adjourned Sale of Lands for Taxes CORPOBATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA COUNTY OF ONTARIO To Wit. By virtue of a warrant issued by -- overseas Dominions. | Catterick i Antwerp, rtd IN: CAM Hom Robert' | Forke Says: Britain and Scandinavia Are Impressed. Ottawa, Aug. 13.--Threughout the British Isles and the Scandina- vian countries there is evidence of keen interest in Canada and the op- portunities the Dominion offérs to desirable settlers, according to Hon. Robert Forke, Minister of Immi- gration and Colonization, whe has just returned from a tour of those countries. Mr. Forke left Canada early in May. From the time he arrived in London, Eng. until he sailed for home at the end of July, his time was taken up with the work of his department except for a few: days' visit to his old home at Gordon, Berwickshire, Scotland, whioh he left 45 years ago for Canada. The Minister had numerous con- ferences with representatives of various organizations who are in- terested in' immigration to Canada. The most important business, however, was with the Overseas Settlement Department, or that branch of the British Government directly responsible for the admini- stration of the Empire Settlement Act, Several schemes, it is stated, were negotiated and particulars of two of these have already been pub- lished. The hoss settlement agree ment which provides for the co- operation of provincial governments and which also involves an expendi- ture of $5,000,000 covering a period of 10 years; also a scheme provid- ing for the settlement of 500 Brit- igh' families in the province of New Brunswick within the next six years. The details of other schemes ne- gotiated are not being made public, pending ratification by the .pro- vineial govirnments conqrned. Mr. Forke also visited the British Government training farm at Clay- don, Suffolk, and was impressed not only by the keen interest taken by those undergoing training, but also by th, efficient, practical methods adopted by those in charge of the farm. The course of training com- prises the handling of horses, the operation of various agriculinral im- plements, clearing land and dairy work. At the training farm at Catterick, Yorkshire, he saw ex-soldiers being trained for farming in the different The course at includes the ordinary ag- ricultural operations, the care of live stock, dairying and hog and poultry farming. From Britain teh Minister went to Belgium, where he saw the methods adopted for handling the emigrants from Continental Eu- rope. His visit to the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, convinced him that there is now a very decidedly favorable opinion among the authorities of the governments of those countries in regard .to emigration to Canada. NOVA SCOTIA GIRL KILLED IN MAINE Biddeford, Me., Aug. 13.--Miss Margaret F. Richardson, of Nova Scotia, was killed when the automo- bile in which she was a passenger col lided with a machine driven by Dr, Myron J. Hahn, of Boston, and was knocked over on its side by another car, driven by Frank J. Griffin, of West Sommerville, Mass. Miss Rich- ardson was rushed to the Webber, Hospital, where she was a student nurse, but died shortly after her ar- rival there. William Curtis, of this city, who was driving with the victim, was held with Dr. Hahn and Griffin pending investigation. the Mayor of the City of Oshawa bearing date the 12th day of Ap- ril, 1927, a sale of lands in ar- rears for taxes in th, City of Osh- awa, was held at the Centre Street Public School, Oshawa, on Monday the 18th day of July, 1927; and at which sale a num- ber of parcels in the list of lands advertised was not disposed of. Notice is hereby given that in ae- cordance with the public an- nouncement made by me at the clos: of the original sale adjourn- ing the same for four weeks, a sale by public auction of the par- cels of lands in arrears remain- ing unsold will be held in the Assembly Hall, Centre Street Pub- lic School at the hour of tem o'- clock in the morning on Monday, the 15th day 'of August, 1927. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at such adjourned sale.' and in obedience to a resolution pass- ed by the Municipal Council of the City of Oshawa at their regu- lar meeting held on Monday, July 18th, 1927, I will sell the lands or so much of the lands for the taxes and costs against them, or for whatever lesser sum may he offered, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that, if the price offered be less than the taxes and costs, or if no price jis offerde; the Corporation reserves the right to purchase the me for the amount due. Dated at Oshawa P. A. Blackburn ONTARIO TEACHERS VIEWED QUEBEC Quebec, Aug. "13--The 90 Ontario wachers who have been tollowinge French courses in the Sillery Convent during the past month, were given a farewell glimpse of Quebec when the party were taken for an automobile drive throughout the city and dist- ich They were shown all the his- toric houses and spots of interest, and were entertained at tea by His Hon- or the Lieutenant-Governor at Spen- cerwood. Premier Taschereau was presen tand stated that Ontario and Quebec, working hand in hand, could accom- plish big things in the interest of the, whole of Canada. w [as i ; GETS THREE MONTHS Toronto, Aug. 13.--Pleading guilty in the police court here to a charge of keeping liquor for sale, contrary to the Ontario Liquor Control Act, Mrs. Bella Linzden, of Toronto, was sent- enced to three months in jail The prisoner was attest on July 10 last, and subsequently charged with manslaughter in connection with the death on July 9, of Stephen Cannell, a seaman on the steamship Kingston, who, it was claimed, died as the re- sult of drinking alcohol sold by Mrs. Linzden. The manslaughter charge City Treasurer. against the woman was withdrawn. | 1, 1985 Ford Tudor Sedan, balloon tires and many extras. 1, 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan, Chadburn: Motor Sales. PRINCE '87; PHONE 1160 METAL, HUMING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY: WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REPAIR King St, W, Oshawa EE 'WE LEAD IN RADIO HENDERSONS New Wallpapers: -- and = Window Shades 25 doz, Fine Shirts, Shirts, $2.50 to $3.00 C.W, DETENBECK KING 'SREET EAST WIESON & LEE MUSIC STORE 71 Simcoe St. N, Phone 2388 Everything in Music people who spend thoughtfully. i heen

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