THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, Li VEN AI ENFIELD 10.--Mr. and Mrs. at Wilbert Fer- nfield, Aig 10 enwood,~ Buffalo, hn's. r. and Mrs. A, Page, Mr. Frank e and son, Max, Toronto, with and Mrs. S. Page. iss Nellie Moore, Toronto, at H. Forrest's, Ir, and Mrs. [I'rank MeCulloch, awa, at John McCulloch's, fr. and Mrs. Wm. Scully ightier, Eleanor, Mt. Dennis, J. Ormiston"s, lr, and Mrs. Harry Stinson and ily and Mrs, John Stinson mo- bd _to Nestleton recently, r. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert visit- at Port Perry. r, and Mrs, George Ormiston Frank, motored to Toronto last and at much de- prosperous over this A storm which caused ction to what was a king harvest passed pe last Sunday. "he rain, assisted by a high wind, peeeded in flattening all the grain ieh was soon threshed out and in pieces by the hail which fol- ed. Hail stones were found ieh measuyed mora than an inch diameter, ' All the farmers in the ar neighborhood suffered severe ses, Mr, George Cochrane having B douhle misforthine of having two / Mi (3) rses killed and one injured fatal- it Is feared, by lightning. It is considered the most destrue- e storm to visit this place in many ars TAUNTON 10.--With the finished, harvest- hi#ve already com- enced in our community. The rain crop is a very promising one nd we hope the weatherman will hvour us with fine weather untii is safely garnered. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Short and urray and Mrs. Cornish accom- anied Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Gifford n a visit to Orono on Sunday. Mrs, G. L. Scott, Grace and Ray ith Mr. and Mrs. A, R Scott were unday visitors at Mr. James cott, Columbus. Mrs. Ceeil Crossman, wa, visited her mother, "rank Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott at- ended a family picnic at French- pan's Bay on Tuesday and report good fime, The ladies of Zion Ladies' Aid pent the afternoon of last Wednes- ay with the Kedron ladies and Taunton, Aug. aying Acarcely Ig operations North Osh- Mrs. AVON were royally eatertained. Mrs, Trevail and 'daughters Florence and Jane of Centre street, Oshawa, visited her son Garfield, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. A. K. Osborne and Mrs. J. Osborne spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Arnott. Jack Arnott made a visit Oshawa Hospital on Saturday to |, have his tonsils removed. The operation was successful and Jack is recovering Mr, Roy Lavis was a visitor at his brother Alan's recently. Messrs Richard and Walter spent Sunday with Mrs. John Pascoe, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon cently visited Mr. Harmony. A severe gtorm to ! 1 nicely, ¥ 1 Murton |f Mr. and Short re- Oliver Lawder, | passed over this neighborhood on Sunday, How- ever, very little damage is report- ed as compared with other sur-| rounding distriets. | We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Hazel Van Dyke has fully passed her probation evam- inations and has heen accepted a nurse-in-training in hospital Concord, N.H. as | | Readers' Views To Editor of Daily Times: Dear Sir: In your report of th the City Council held Augpst the question of exceedn: the ap- propriation of $2,560 Yor the pur- pose of celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation was the subjeet of a verbal dual hetween Mis Worship, Mayor Preston and Alderman Swanson, in whieh Hig Worship suggests that any rate payer objecting to the extra ap- propriation should quietly' shuffle off several feet of maortal enil. While not agreeing with His Wor- ship in the matier cf voting the extra money, I have not acted on his suggestion. As a small tax- payer, I would like to ask where the Council gets authority for the voting of even $2,500 for such pur- pose, and how the Council recon- cile such expenditure with See. 427 of the Municipal Act which limits eities with a population of not less than 20,000 to a sum of 2,500 for the purpose of celerating events or matters of national in- terest or importance? Oshawa, | not having the required population, would only be entitled to vote] $1,000, The Council could be held | personally = responsible for the | amount voted in excess of $1,000. Than iaz »:4. Vr Bunm, lr your valuable space, I am, Yours truly, ard, TF, J, Lowry CANADA 10 SHOW Demonstration Plant Being ¢ for another year Alfred, Ont. way hetween Montreal and Ottawa, and Government will announce gslt of its plant tere peat meeting of | UTILITY OF PEAT Operated at Alfred, Ontario Th, Dominion Government will onduet a peat distribution business at the bogs near on the south shore ine of the Canadian Pacific Rail- I'his course has been decided upon o demonstrate to private industry capital that preparation and etail distribution of peat at a com- nereial profit is entirely practie- thle, At the end of the year tne the re- its operation and dispose of and eqlipment to prWate This, it to he hoped, the final in bringing | StS. ha is in step in the coalless central f Canada, Peat has long been considered as | pogiibhle auxiliary source in Ontario and Quebec and has oc- success. upied the attention of Canadian lovernments, GEORGE YOUNG 10 SWIM IN CHICAGO George Young will leave his training quarters near Picton, where he is preparing for the great Canadian National Exhibition swim, for a short period, to test his prowess in Chicago. He and his party will leave Belleville on the Inter-City Limit- ed on Saturday, August 134, to com- pete in swimming contests being held at Lincoln Park Lagoon eon Sunday, August 14, et eet Peking.--A training school has been estabished for training women detec- tives, who are expected to be used in the fight of the authorities gambling houses and opium smoking establish- ments said to be operated by women. . | to be sone 37,00v square miles of peat bogs in the Dominion from five to ten feet deep, the greater supply Leing in the extensive coalless re- elon of central Canada. In many of these areas it has long heen con- nhout the commercial production of sidered that the peat industry might areas arvantageously be introduced, the peat heing peculiarly suited for manufacture into fuel for domestic of fue! and power purposes and convenient: situated as regards facilities and ly tion transporta- contiguous in- There are estimated dustrial communities, room bright and fresh, and heat proof. Write for free booklet--'*My Home,' Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and 20 to 40 per cent, THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., For Waterous-Meek, Ltd, F, Flintoff & Sons Cleve Fox Hardware Gale & Trick L. A, Koch W. J. Trick & Co,, Lt Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard, Gyproc wallsand ce itings will make every Takes any decoration, The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Incu Fireproo Sale By Make Old Rooms New AKFE your attic into extra Mr sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play-room. Gyproc will give you bright, comfortable extra rooms at small cost, Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Fireproof, cold proof It will tell you how Gyproe, Rochoard lex will reduce your fuel bill from LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 155 C allboard Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont, d. sh Aad gun ¥ PALE SEVEN, ., IS. RETAILERS DECLARE WAR ON TOURIST FAVORS Seek to Revoke $100 Duty F ree Allowance on Travel- ers' _ Imports WOULD HURT ONTARIO Cancellation - of Privilege or Reciprocity in Customs Demanded Ottawa, Aug. 11.--Retail merch- ants throughout Canada are alarm- ed over the inception of a move- ment in the United States to se- cure, on the eye of a presidential battle, withdrawal of the regula- tion whieh permits United States visitors to Canada. to take $100 worth of Canadian goods back for personal use or for presents, The argument is heing presented in the United States that the ar- rangement works to the disadvan- tage of merchants there to the ex- tent of some $100,000,000 a year, as there is no reciprocal arrange- ment in the Canadian customs regu- lations. to whieh Every Canadian city tourists are attracted prominently, through its merch- ants, the United States regulations This spring organized merchants in the United States have insisted that unless reciprocal rights were allowed Canadian tourists returning to Canada the United States regu- lations should be amended. Thus far few complaints ahout extending corresponding privileges to Canadians returning from the United States have heen received from the larger centres, but a very concrete protest has been made on hehalf of merchants who operate along the Canadian side of the in- ternational houndary line. Tt is their argument that they would he ruined if similar legislation were to be adopted in Canada. The United States regulations do not stipulate how many times a year tourists may enter Canada and return with one hundred dollars' worth of goods duty free, The claim is ad- vanced here that insofar as hound- ary residents are concerned the whole fabrie of the protective tar- iff would he the only outlet for merchants serving border com- munities in Canada. advertises Freddie "had just Millie, "No, Freddie," she said, "I ecan- not marry you. The man who gets me must he a grand man, upright and square." "My dear. girl," "you don't want a a piano." "proposed to Freddie, You need said man. AI - TO START SWIM Toronto, Aug, 11.--In view of Wales will be back in Toronto on Aug. 30th, it is understood that William Wrigley, Jr., will use his influence to have his Royal High- ness to be the official starter of the big marathon swim on Aug. 31st, Mr, Wrigley entertained his Royal Highness on the occasion of his last visit 'to the United States @at his homg on Catalina Island, and if His Royal Highness does not accept the invitation. Mr. Wrigley himself or Lis Toronto manager will he official starter. |MAY ASK PRINCE ~~ | | the fact that H.R.H. the Prince of | S---- FOR THE CHILDREN _ Why is a stupid boy like a thick wood ?--Because he is so dense, What is the best tree for a school- master?--The Birch. /When is a sheep like a sheet?-- When it is put into a fold. Why 1s a boy who has eaten green apples liké a big window?--He is. full of pains (panes). What is it that cannot run or walk, although it has three feet?-- A yard measure, If a burglar entered the cellar, would the coal shoot?--No, but the fire wood (would). Of all tradesmen, which is always needing something? -- The baker; he is always kneading dough. is = A MAKE YOU FI Just what on earth the firm would do Viere | not there -- | leave to you!! The Boss, of course he does his bit ! But in the office, | am it !! And even, after hours, | see He takes a hint or two from me For since | took to NUGGET shine He gets his shoes done just like mine! Sm -- dia "The Ce Princess' RE ------ Summer Romance of a Girl Who Thought She Had No Time For Love O BEGIN with, she was just an everyday private secretary. one, too, but not the kind of a girl that made men look twice. Too severe in her dress. Long hair, business suits, specs, no rouge. wasn't interested in men at all. Sensible people didn't have time for it. Then Vee-Vee fell madly in love with a man she had never seen before. Now she's ready to go on her vacation. three weeks at a gorgeous summer hotel. clothes, had her hair bobbed, been through a course of beauty Ee now she's going to try to win the man that turned her heart up ide down. Read Vee-Vee's adventures in ""The Penny Princess," Ar Austin's new- est and greatest serial. THE Just the story for vacation time. -ltstarts = P SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, IN O > | A mighty good Too plain. She Why, that was a lot of foolishness. She's got enough pennies saved up for She has bought a lot of wonderful treatments, and 2 AWA DAILY TIMES A