Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Aug 1927, p. 7

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(i in _ THE OSHAWA BAL MEA, TUE TUESDAY. AVY ) on FRANK Solicitor anecer, m Royal Ban Streets. a 1496. oh Ris UONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Sol Ro Pablie, Bt 37 gp vey og and general he ce Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St, Oshawa. Phone '¢3. 'G. D. 'Cot: B.A, LL.A,; A. F. Annis, 8A, LL.D t N. SINCLATN, ®.C., BANK (1161 y¢.) LA ~--BAR- Ww. 8 of Commaresr Building. OSEPH P, MANGAN, ater, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer. Money to loan, Office 84% King St, east, Oshawa. Phone 145. Nesidence phone 837. GRIERSON & OREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub- le, ete, Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St, Phone 12, J. ¥. Grierson, B.A, T, K, Creighton, SWANSON GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, ete, AN branches of Criminal and Olvil Law, Money to loan. ORice over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east, Phone 940, D. A. J. Swanson, H, N, German, ¥, G, Mackenzie, Hh ™ TOL i itt A 0 , Auto n and simontsing, = Werk Momma Udtore painting gét our Eon (tn, --------I ii. W, GOULDERY WRTISTTO Un: corating, Signs on sdher, wood cot- | wn, brick; aw cards, biice tickets ct every description, 'xhawa. ney Block, (239-10) Window 'Cleantig ME OSHAWA WINDOW OLEAN-' urd--nhouse cleaning, woodwork and floors polished, acreens ahd store widow put cn and removed. Phone 402w Transportation CITY OARTAGE, LOCAL oT long distance, Two trucks, = Cart- age of all kinds, Price $1.76 per hour with two men, Work guaran: teed, Phone 1686W, (July 6-Aug.6) SMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT: ed, Simcoe St, 8, phone 846°, 212 Front git, B, nto, Phone Malin Real Estate for Sele A GOOD SIZED BUHMDING LOT for sale, 40x112 ft, Just off paved Mreet. Apply side. entrance, 47 Felina St. (3'%-c) WO 5 ROOMBD HOUSES WITH | sunrooms. Double steel garage. | Lot 80x193 with 13 fruit trees. | Will sell spparate or all together, Apply 79 John St. near Centre #t.' 'vchool, (212) FOR SALE--7 ROOM BRICK (he. quiet street, five minutes from G.M.C., Fittings and pubs ptrict, Mollern and first class condition. Apply 114 Athol Bast. (801) A REAL BUY AND BARGAIN TN Oshawa, a frame cottage for sale, ac- tual value $1600. Will sell at big loss it I can get a good down payment on sane. Dimension--3 rooms and sum- mer kitchen, 'garden with large chicken house, lot 9 x33 with factories all with- in 10 mivurés watk. For particulars anply John Hawkins, Box 188, Post Offiffce, Walkerville, Ontario, 20f FOR SALE--BLACKSMITH SHOP, 'wood shop, coniplete with tools and a wood paying business, also an cight roam house. Locdted in the village 7637, Superior neportitin Nor vice, ; (42.40) Machine Floor Sanding A J PARKHILL, | BARRISTER, 8O- lieltor, Notary Public, Oonveyancer, money to loan. Disney BIdg., oppo- site Past Ofiece, Phones, office 1814; rasidenen, 2280). 6210) FLOORS WINIBAKD OOM Ine hy Fen mgehamies, Screen windows and screen doors, Fstimatgs free. 1B, Ww, Haynes, io Kink it "iv Phone 481. Res, 180 r 2, (tf) LOUIS 8, HYMAN rar 'h,, BARRIN- tern, Conveywneers, Notaries, ete. Over Kngel's store, 164 Simene St, North. Money to loan. Phones --- nWiee 87, Residence 2101 nn Voswrirmnior DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st, wou, Oshawa, The oldest Fire Agepcy In Oshawa, #0 Re- putahle #4 Companies. (118'tf) DR, PT BRYANS or 160 BLOOR Btrest West, Tosonto, will be at bis ofce over "Tory & Lovell's Drug Btore each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made pt drug store Phone 97. (40-t1) Medical PR, MeKAY, FnYSICIAN, BUR- EPon, Aeeouncher, Office snd rosi- denen, King St. Past, corner Victoria BL., Oshaws. Phone 94, DR. GRANT BBRRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to of infants and children, Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east, Building Svipphes WE HAVE ROG AND DRESSED mbar, Nth. alineies whdh, dinre nd Interlor trim; 1. Ty Reneroft, Whithy, IWmher aul waondyard, Osh, wa, phone 424 (ADI) POR BALK CEMENT RICKS, rey and ren abio Poment hincks. R. Muleonduies Vh Alhany BL. sonth, whaws (7-tn) Money to Lolin of Norland in Victoria Cointy, Apply Box "U," Daily Times Office, Oshawa. (27¢) BRICK HOUSE FOR C M.. Larmer, 'G4 (19-1) NEW DUFF sale, Apply Park Rd. N. FOR SALE--SIX-ROUOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street, Call after six ut ahove address or phone 833). (731) SHAWA HOUSE & LAND COM- 'pany, See our window for real bar- g@ins In houses and lots, We have them too numerous to mehtion. 38 fiimeoe street north. Open pvenings. Phones 464 1330W, (26-1) Wanted 10 Buy Wi. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS 'und all kinds of metals. | am pay: Ing tor scrap hatterfes §1 and he 'Buying old cars. Phone 784. 16R8:1T MONEY TO TOAN--8W% GITY and farm loaus, he Soiimlon; hullding | , " sister, Royal Hanh By Wirt, ol 0 1 i UITY AND FARM LOANS, in commission, Bullding loans, 1.e- 'al work done st this offer. A. J. 'srkhill, Barrister, Disney Rdg, Phone 1614, 1760 Undertaking DALTON FUNERAL SERVICE, Sedan Ambulance, 199 Simcoe Street South. Phone 47. A6-56 LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT. East, Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St. 69 Kipg Street east, "hone 210J. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clap and Surgeon, special stteption veh to X-ray work and Bleetro- Office, Disney Block. py. Phone 20560, nn Dental DR. D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's store, Simcoe street south. Nitrous oxide oxygen gaa pdmin- istered for extraction, purse at- tendant, Phone 231, Residence, 2087. (te) oR one oh over ne Residence 306. 41 oh oa. | H. M. COOKB, 9 BIMCOB ST. Roms. ir reo hols Drug Store. VR, 8. J, P Watch Repairing F. A. Yop GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop st ronage Is solicited. (39-10) Floor Surfacing NBW METHOD FLOOR BURPFAC- ing (Including sanding, ry an- ing and polishing), Old floors made pew. Edmondson, 261 Simeoe St. South, phone #440, (tr) Corsetier MRS. ANNIE PENTLAND, Pao: FESSIONAL Spirella Corsetiere, 2 Dearborn Ave. Phone 1988W, ben ngs by spoointment 1 DR. L. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice, Royal Bank Bug. Phone 4443 a Archies baie A) STENHOUSE OF ps L architectural work. Royal Bank Building. 1496. Res. Phone 9027. = H. GIFFORD iy LA, / DR. RUNDLE Res. 669. DR. R. B. ADAMS, Block, 107 Simece Street 8. X-rsy, 1124W, ons : Auctioneer E = 7 POMERY, o% SG ST | , Oshawa, Opt., east, ase |e Veterinary Surgeon C. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES 5% Al _someptle animals selentific- Dominion Government Ystormary, 34 Brock St. E. Phone (31-t£) for Coniios od of Northumberiand, Ontario 'Clty of Oshawa. Solicits your patrotiage, All phone calls receive prompt at- tention, Phone "113M. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. (June 21-f) Tire Repairing i Music ARTHUR W. LYNDB (HAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto). Teacher of Sisging. Puplls 4 tor opera. ww Simcoe Oshawa, Fridays. (7241) MRS. G. A. STANTON, ALCM., teacher of piano. Pupils for examinations. Studio, coe St. N. Phoae 371J. DURRANT MACHINE CO.--WE DO all kinds of machinery Excelsior starter ring gears od; connecting rods pe-babbited, arews geats or pinions supplied for aM makes of cams. 161 King ®t. » Prone S19 Arr) 92 Sim- ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at ldeal Tires for Shop: Jamieson Phone 438 o) Contracting THREADGOLD BROS. GENERAL bui contracors. Let us give you our s. Write) or phone (Whit hv) Sen 736) Veterinary E. J. SHIRLEY, V.S., SPECIALIST | discases domestic animals, cat and dog hoapital 'Long experience. 593 Masson St. Phone 629. Second Hand Dealer DEALERS IN Shoosh HA oy Ho ro furniture. Puy St AJuly 26-Ang. #5) i4% King Street 'West. Your pat- | 497 stable, +A 520K. WANTED--A SMALL UPRIGHT piano of modern style, Will exchange 4 6 tube Super-Neutrodyne, walnut cabinet 46 inches high, built in Bald- "Rates for Classified Ads: Firm insertion -- 134 cents 'Ive wand, Minimum charge--ate, Bach subsequent tnsertion-- le por word, "Mires consecutive instrtions OF (he pide 'Of two first Insertions (titre ceutn » ward). Mintmum cha for three Inwertlons, cents, Tay Wmtwr==10¢ 'wdditional Professional or sineas Cards, 82.80 per month for 20 words or lope; 10 cents. a word per month far each, a lanal word, TIMES CLASSIFY ADS COST LITTLE; ACCOMP. LISH MUCH TYRLIPHONRE an 'Oldesified Por Ad Departs £ = ent, bl Zion, Aug. 8.--~One of the worst Wtdrms 'in years swept over this dis trict on Sunday, blowing down trees and driving the grain into the ground, and washing out the hor crop. : 4 The last game of tha Durfington | Football league was played at Zion on Saturday night when Selina came down with one goal lead aver Zion in the home and home games of the finals. The game was started 6.30 shavp with Reg. Harding referce. | 'dhe afténdance was the largest of 'the' season and they were well paid for thelr coming; both teams play good foatball, Solina playing more of a lefensive game and Zion was unable to even the score, and Sollna won the silver cup, which [was presented to the team after tho game. Lunch was served hy the Zion le- dfes on R. Stainton's lawn, and the boys had a 'good time for an hour. Mrs, Wm, Flce and sister-in-law, Mrs, Courtney, of Rochester, N. Y., Aiviches For Sale "OR SALE--MILK ROUTE, COWS, horsés, and 1 team wagon. Apply Mrs, L. Farley, Con, 8, Lot 4, Bast Whitby, (80¢) FOR SALE--HOT AIR HAPPY Thought Furance, with pipes and twelve registers, in use two years, suit- able for medium sized house. The James Horn Knitting Co, Ltd, Lind- sy. 29¢ FOR "SAL Ji- MOTORC YCLiE AND silecar, 1922, Electrical equipped, in arst class condition, $1,150 or will con- sder nearest offer. Box "Q," A. HAPPY THOUGHT with water boiler and gas Apply 109 King, St. E. STOVE attached, (31a) GOOD CONDI- Reversible. 49 (29-c) BABY CARRIAGE, tion. Cheap $8.00, Ontarlo St. win Loud Speaker and all equipment, new. This is a beautiful instrument and the Pinnacle of Radio perfection. Write Box 353 Bowmanville or tele- phone 108. (3 WANTED TO BUY----GOOD SEC. ond hand car, either roadster or coupe wanted. 140 Brock St. E. Phone 722w. (30c) -- FULTON REAR Apply Peter Phone Hk FOR SALE wheel in Al condition. Martin & Sons, Bowmanville. 497w, FOR BALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, aise layer Pianos, high grade only. Terms arranged. Used planos on bupd, C. Trull, Phone Work Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO learn registty office work, an active | young man of good ability and char- | acter, accurate in his work, and a good | penman. Apply to Registrar of Deeds, Whitby, Ont. (261) PETER MARTIN & SONS, BUILD- ing contractors, Masonry work of sey description, Bowmanville, phone : th WOOD-WORKING -- MISCHOLLANE mus wood-working shop. Screens. sashes and doors made. also repairs 3. B. Edmondson, 361 Simcoe St., 8. nner) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed. G, A. Cop- 143 Colborne East Phone (7540) Wanted to Rent WANTED AT ONCE, OFFICE space. Must be central and well $9 | iehicea. Will take 4 or § rooms, or 600 8q. feet. Box "K" "Times. (31-2) WANTED AT ONCE TO RENT. will take long lease, 6 or 7 roomed apartment. Centrally located Must have exceptionally good light. Box "H"" Times. (31-¢) WANTED TO RENT--_SMALL 4 OR 663d. (96L0) | MIXED) HAKD AND SOF, WOOD slubs, $3.60 per load. Also pope dry body wood. Phone 660. Waterovs Meek Ltd, (Mar 26-L0) CEMENT, LUMBER, sush, doors, cedar shingles, ashphalt roofing, bardwood fHoouring, gyproe. Phones 660 snd 1258. Waterous- Meek, Ltd. (84) $1 DEPOSIT WILL SECURE EITH- ar of the following: Roger's Silver- ware complete set, 26 pieces, $20. Fine assortment of Ladies' and ents' guaranteed watches, $20; al- £0 rings and jewelry of all kinds. Pay the balance at fifty cents per week. Order now from O. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe street south. Phone 1656. (July 23-Aug. 23) FOR SALE--ANNEX STOVE WITH hot water pipe attached. Bedroom and dining room furniture. Ladies' bicycle. Hawaiian guitar. Phone 1504). 156 Agnes St. (30c) Lost and Found iLOST--A BLUE SUEDE PURSE, between Elgin St., and the Oshawa Railway, last Wednesday contain- ing a small amount of money. Re- ward. Leave at Dominion Bank. (31-b) LOST--BLACK CLUB BAG CON- taining bathing suit and lunch § roomed house. Modern conyeniences. ARE {iphone 1477]. (30c) WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FIVE roomed house with all convenience: and garage possession about 16th Aug- ust. Will lease for twelve months and if suitable, purchase at end of that time. Box "B" Times. 29¢ WANTED--BY SEPTEMBER IST three or four room apartment cen- trally located. State reat. Reply to Box "C" Times. 29¢ WANTED--BY SEPT. room modern house. Aj St. W.. Phone 483. Rooms Wanted 1, pply 280 King 29¢ 7. OR 8) ena St, brown, boxes at car stop Lakeview Park. Finger please leave at Jubilee Pavi- lion or at 143 Albert St. Reward. (30¢) LOST--WEDDING AND DIAMOND rings on Masson St. north. Reward. 552 Masson St. (30h) FOUND _BLACK BAG CONTAIN- fig two articles. Owner may have same by proving propenty and pay- jag for ad. Ed. Bouckley, 278 Al- bert St. (30b) LOST--STRAYED FROM 737 ROW - one ; Airedale dog, colour, Answers to the flame of Don. Reward. - Phone 2069\W. (30c) WANTED AT 178 (80h) | ROOMERS Centre 'St. Tire Block for Soe Motor Cars FOR SALE--1926 CHEV. lete overhaul. good or avine town. Must Photie 69TF. (30h) FOP SALE--FORD GOUPE, model. Owner leaving tov. Gordon street. Agents Wanted COACH, ires, own. I at oice. 1027 79 (30c) 186 Bloor Money Wanted experience. 5 ork FR. asa Bagp stmt ASAD | FIFTEEN #MUNDRED DOLLARS wanted on three thousand fizst HOUND, COW FOR SALE, CHEAP. 94 Bloor 250-5. FOR SALE -REKBN .. DUCKS tor sale. Lppiy D. . Stirling, Ritson road morth. (30b) FRAMES, | 'who has been visiting there for a week, went to Toronto for a few dnys. Mrs. Evans and little son, Charlie, of Chapleau, are visiting their coun- sin, Mrs, 'Elmer Wilbur, Mr. Anson Balson {8s under the care of Dr, Harold Trick, ol Osha- wa, having developed diphtheria this last week, H, Is doing very nicely at present. ; Miss Marjory Flintoff, Oshawa, (em Miss Allle Wood, of Kedron are sigiting at Mr, Delbert Flintoff's, inf Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and family In company with Mr. Wm Michael an] family of Toronto, spent Junday at Mr. W. N. Hoskin's, of Mc Master and daughter, Jean, and son, James, visitea trienus Wt Kingston this week. Miss Ruth Northeott of Toronto, fs visiting her cousin, Miss Lucy Northcott, Miss Aura Kison, Oshawa, is vis- iting Miss Pearl Leach and Miss Blanche Beckell, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Sulley spent Bunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Glaspel at Taunton.® Mr. Harold Fice, Rochester, N. Y., is visiting his uncle, Mr. William Fice. A larga crowd of ladies visited Kedron Ladies' Ald on Wednesday Jast, when they were entertained jet royally. Miss Taylor, a composer of music. bt Toronto, spent a few days at Mr Wesley Mc Master's and - favored | with two solos on our visit to Ked- ron. She has composed a song fo |be sung every day at Toronto ex hibition bv Johnny Canuck, in the woman's building between the hours Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- MAN CAPABLE OF taking charge of shop producing met- al stampings. Application should state experience, age, nationality and salary required. Apply Box "P," Times. (30h) WANTED -- YOUNG MAN FOR clerical position with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Steady position and good opportunity for promotion. Apply Box "J" Times. (29-c) WANTED--MAN WITH CAR FOR canvassing in country. Pleasant and profitable work. Old established busi- ness. Box "G" Times. 29tf Board and Room MIREE GENTLEMEN MAY HAVE oom and board at 131 Albert St. (31-2) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentleen. Phone T74W. (2240) A ROOMER WANTED, WITH OR without board, with a quict family. Gentleman preferred. Apply Box O, Times. ( YOUNG MAN WANTED will share room with another. 2558W (31h) BOARDERS WANTED -- EVERY convenience. 217 Celina St. 31) I = For Rent FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED tooms for light housekeeping. Phone 1249M. (31-0) MOR RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, with young couple, morth and city. Apply 63% Carnegie Ave. (29-¢) TO RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE tp det. 277 Albert street. (3th) . WHO FOR SALE POLICE PUPPIES, also brood female. Phone 2388) af- ter six o'clock. (30c) ALSO HOUND PUPPIES Phone 15673. (30c) APPLY or phone for sale. Street' | west, Help Wanted 1 HELP WANTED. M AND FE- ntale. Apply at Jubilee "Fw mana- wer's office, between 8 and 9 pan_not deer than Thursday. Bic) (29-¢) $4 A DAY PAID CHRISTIAN MAX or woman for distributing celigious' literature, endorsed by Protestant de- nominations. Write for partoulars. mortgage registered against country home, seven acres, stone house. Mr. Parkhill. Phone 1614, (30c) | cation Dept, Painting and Decorating YOUR HOUSE LAKE NEW. GET IT Mr. Conrad, Manager Religions Edu- Spadina Bldg, Toronto. | (3a) painted. Reasonable prices. Pure materials. Apply Box "A" Times. (28-Sept, 4) 3 GLASS BLOWERS' Phone |' District News of 2 and 4 wa she his spent five or sonalfty. 'Other 'numbers 'Were Olanada sung 'by all. Readings, hy Misses Norma 'Glashel dnd Ruth Flee; voedl solo, Mrs, Foster Snowden; guitar solo, Miss Fifa Balson; Piano' finstrumen- tal "duets, Misses Stanley Chant and Annie Me Master, and a chorus Mr. Myson Robbins and Miss Nora and Fred. Robbins visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Langmuid in their new home in Oshawa on Sunday. My. and Mrs, Martin and family 'Bundayed at his sister's, Mrs. Fd- ward Parker's, Kedron. A horse kicked one of Mr, Parker's children on the head recently and had to have several stitches in his scalp, but is doing nicely now. Sorry to hear that a little daugh- tér of Arthur Martin, of Bowman- ville, formerly of Zion, had her eyo put out by a latch on the door; a specialist attended her and she is having a glass eye. Mr. and Mrs. John Balson and family visited thelr sister, Mrs. H. N. Hagerman, who had a baby girl in 'Oshawa Hospital, Apg. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden and family spent Sunday with Miss Cora Cruse, Bewdley, and were ac ompa- nied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearse end family, of Ebenezer. Sorry to report Mr. Henry Scott has lost his mother this last week at Pontypool, She was well over eighty. Master Rosswell is visiting his uncle,' Leach. Leach, Toronto, Mr," Norman alx years in New York on this Kind | of work and has a very pleasing per- | SE BURNS JEWELRY STO! 1--1026 Ford Tudor. 1--Studebaker Sedan class shape. Chadbura Motor Sales PRINCE S87. "HONE 1160 in fist Davidson & Samells "For Better Shoe Values" hn METAL BUMPING AND ALL KINDS OF BODY WORK MERRITT AUTO AND REVAIK King St, W, Oshuwn ENMISKILLEN Mrs. (Rev. a. Ww. Sparling who with her hushand, has heen a mis- slonary in China for twenty years, addressed the congregation in the United Chu¥Ych here last cvening under the auspices of the W.M.S. Mrs. Sparling gave 8 very inter- esting and Informative talk on pres- ent conditions in China based upon pérsonal experience and upon let- ters received regularly from Mr. Sparling since she left the country. Mr. Sparling is one of five United Church missionaries, who, although urged by the British Consuls to ieave stayed at the request of Chinese Christians to carry on the work of West China Union University. Thus far the decision to stay has fylly justified itself. The enrolment of students in the university--165--- Is equal to that of a year ago. The Chinese themselves, in the absence of the foreigners, have been more 'oyal and undertaken larger respon- sibilfties, Of fine medical graduates hree have taken full charge of hospitals. The crigis, Mr. Sparling says, has worked out for the good of the Mission. The propects we.e never better. There is a friendlier feeling between Chinese and foi- eigner largely because of shared responsibility. There is greater re- spect apd more co-operation be- tween the Mission and Government schools. Even the daily press has altered its attitude. A leading editorial in one of the Chinese Dailies recently said: "Imperialism js an attitude of government and has nothing to do with ordinary citizens." In view of the conflicting reports and the widened interest in China at the present time jt was cheering to hear a direct message from that country. Of 8000 missionaries recently in China over half were from the U. S.A. and Canada. ship of Mrs. H. J, Werry rendered Spesial music at the évening ser- A deluge of rai and hail passed over here yesterday afternoon, the worst of it being a little to the west. Hailstones like ragged icicles covered the ground and did consid- erable damage to crops. The road running west from Burketon to En- eld was endered almost unsafe or motor traffic & through deep Enormous Increase in Manu- facture of Bottles For Beverages Atlantic City, NJ., Aug. 9.-- Wage per cent. were granted glass blowers ére at a conference of the Glass Blowers' Association of the United States and Canada and the Nationa: | Glass Manufacturers' Association. The raise. the first in seven vezrs was granted to bottle workers in 'gemeral, although the increase will be given to workmen who make hotties for whisky, brindy, beer and wind. it was announced that because the Province of Ontario . defeated »oohibition there would be an an- nual increase of business this year of a million gross of bottles for holding heverages. : This, it was pointed out. was a Me factor in determining the wage if\crease, especially the maximum scale for workmen supplying wns- ky. brandy beer and wine bottles, ™h> matimum scale effocts about 5000 workmen, A ladies' choir under the leader-, Adams Furniture Co For Your PHONE 22 7 vei: | Thompson's Drug Store 0 shocoe M1. 8. We Deliv _---- Ly A. G. BROOMFIELD Hauseries, Electric Repairs and Supplies Auto Recessories Oshawa Battery Service 87 King st. W. Thone 1184 Fine "Shite Sl 65 Reg. $2.50 to $3.00 C.W. DETENBECK. KING SBEET EAST eid Peon Boys' Salligan. pt pm 3c 88 Ring 86. W. Phone 2141 ~ WILSON & LEE MUSIC STORE 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2388 # COLOCY SEZ A SET OF FALSE TEED" Don't deceive pourself about one thing. Every sunsaer pre- sents you with an opportunity to sare money. Buy coal mow for less than you'll pay Maer. W. 3 Sormont COAL, COKE Bloor St. FE.

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