New. York, Aes. S.--Inherent trength of the stock market, based bn present economic conditions, was demonstrated Wednesday when the market withstood one of the most vere attacks In months and acwy- iy developed a firmer undertone ices had dropped as much as J ints In' some Instances, mtn: after the close Wednesday by President Ooolidge hat he did not choose to be a can- idate in 1928, precipitated the break at the opening with General Motors, United States Steel, Dupant nd other leaders suffering heavy losses, Before the end of the first hour the recovery had set in and toward he close the irregularity following ho change was feing eliminated. New high record prices were made by Dupont, Erie, Congoleum, Nairn, Loose Wiles and several other shares while the remainder of the. list stated a substantial come- back, Timken Roller Bearing ad- ministered another heating to shorts viging to a new high at 142 compar. ed with its:low of 182 early in the day. | President, Coolilge's statement that he di dnot choose to he a can- didate for re-election was the all- absorbing tople of Interest in Wall street. Coming without warning after Tuesday's close, this annocncement precipitated sharp breaks in early dealings. However, an abrupt re- covery set in after the initial selling had been absorbed. Traders who went short at the opening quickly found themselves in a precarious position. Prices rebounded so rapid- I¥ that neither hears nor bargain hunters were given opportunity to buy at anything like the initial geo- tations. Almost in every instance the opening transaction in active stocks represented the day's lows. Several volatile industrials ran up sensa- tionally. Timken Rolling Bearing mounted to a new record at 142, up 10 points from the opening, and Dupont at 209, up 19. However, this recovery was not fully sustained through afternoon. In banking circles the view prevall- ed that President Coolidge's state- ment, whether it eliminated him as a candidate or not, hag injected po- Netles into the stock market situa- tion several months earlier than usual. Moreover, it came upon' the geperal list at a time when it had experienced a perpendicular advance over a period of six weeks, naturally reducing its resistance to "unfavor- able developments. The market closed lower. United States Steel 135 off 2%; Geperal Motors, 226%; American, off %;: American Smelting, 170, off 2%; Baldwin off 4%, Dhpont, 291, off 4%; General Electric off 2; Houston 153, off 4; Hudson 88% off 1%; International Nickel 65%, Np %; Loose Wiles up 7%; Mack 101%, off 13%; Nash 76%, up %; Pan American B 556%, up 7%; Sim- mons 585%, up 5% Stwlebaker 52, off B%; Texas Gulf 66, off %; Timken 138%, up 7%; Montgomery Ward 712%, up 2%; Postum 115%, up 6%; Atchison 1965, off 25; Chesapeake and Ohio 195 up 25; New York Central 165%, off 2; New Haven 49%, off 1%; Southern Pacific 122% off 2%; Union Paci- fic 189%, off 2%; Wabash 72%, wp %. . Bond Market Only convertible issues and some of the industrials were affected in the bond maket by President Cool- jdge's statement that he did not choose to be a candidate in 19286. Dealings were of fairly large propor- tions early, put the market settled Gown to a more quiet session later with prices holding well. Brooklyn Union Gas 5%'s drop- ped sharply as the stock into which they are convetiple sold off. Deal- lings in this issue, however, wer, on a small scale. Other utilities held steady. Botany Mills 6%'s were in demand, rising more tham a point whio North American Cement 6%'s declined a point. Convertibe rails were off with D im the sfoe " sourl Pacifl an Sued acifie 43's rose in go dont a at the forelgn government ls: "it a with_Bérli Blots id i} 6%'s leading in activi Goyérnemnt issues were steady and quiet. = Curb Market, The predictions of many in the | financial district that President Cool- idge's statement regarding his caw- didacy would have only a temporary effect on the market today proved in thé case of the curb, where, after an edrly flurry of selling, the gener- al list made a shdrp recovery, In the industrial' trust at least two new highs were recorded. Pitts- purgh Screw and Bolt touched #'new peak on more than a point advante, while Bohn Aluminum gained about 8 point to @ new top for thé yedr. Johns Manville recopeved dbout two points, and was a little off trond' tie prefious close, Ameri¢an Arch. Am- orican Rayon, Celanese new, Fulton Syphon, Metropolitan Chali Stores, and Goodyear, all of which lost coli: iderahly in the early crash, stavted a climb to around the previous lev. ls. Grand Stores slumped three points, but it was a polit apoye Iie low for the previous session. The comeback dlso was nated in utility section, where recoveries ranging from small' fractions to as much as three points were made, Electric 'Bond and. Share Securities was more than a point lower, and previous closing level. seemed unwilling to return to ity Imperial O11 probably was the out- standing feature of strength, the Is: sue resisting all pressure, More than five points were added to Imperial's previous close, and a new high wag made, Tradipg in Standard Oj! of Indiapd was heated, the issile rising more than two polits on unusually heavy demand. Humble Oil and In- ternational Petroleum recovered to above thel pevijous last prices. Carib Syndicate was the weakest spot in the independent oil section, selling off more than a point. Lone Star Gas also was subjected to hea vy selling pressure, losing a point. ALMONDS Almonds, Aug. 4.--Miss Oneta Wood, of Oshawa is holidaying at the home of her uncle, Mr. Norman Wood. A number of friends and relatives from Bowmanville, Orono, Acton and Oshawa gathered at the home | of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Oshorne on Monday and held a family picnic. A very enjoyable time. was spent together, Mr. John Bale, of Oshawa, visited on Supday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Balsdon. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGregor and family, of Toronto were recent visi- tors with the former's sisters, Misses Blanche and Edna McGregor. Miss Leo Garrow of Oshawa as- sisted in Almonds choir on Sunday afternoon and rendered a beauti- ful solo. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Stafford, Al- monds, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown of Toronto, motored to Balsam Lake over the holiday and enjoyed a day's sport fishing. Mr. Ross McGregor is holidaying with relatives in Grimsby. Mr. apd Mrs. Jenkins of King- ston visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Morcombe on Monday enroute home from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davy of Ot- tawa were recemt visitors with Mrs. Mackey. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wray spent Sunday with relatives in Greenbank. Mrs. Ruby Gilerest is out again after an attack of the Summer Flu. BIG NAVY FOR THE U. §. The U.S. ecretary of the nary is a "big navy" man. Mr. Wilbur would have the United States mis- tress of the seas, with the biggest navy afloat. Not that his country needs the biggest navy; but at to feel that if and when it wanted to, the great American repuppic could destroy the naval defences of other powers and place the mations of the world at its w..s,. 2aat a the motive back of the "big mavy" movement. So Mr. Waubur Mw. pul little patience with this disarma- ment policy which his chief seems. to favor. g AB fant sxdess weighed on City Bests i And: CT would be a grand thing to be able | THE OSIAWA DALY THES: FRIDAY. AUGUST 8-492 nn By Bank of Monwres 4-- w An a Prairie treal, Au hadi excellent i ors grow ie eYpled rine. , feports Hs a Pecty on are that i wil hi A eral August 22. bye | Bors \e By ther has i al . Juving the past week, a we Siam. Tl made fwither pra- gress. In Ontario harvesting of. good frog crops have commenced. In Maritime Provinces excellent growing conditions previ and' a craps are doing well, Tn British Col- ynbia hot - yeuthet continued and Ee Trey lor grein $ - Prairie Pravinces--j Alberta condi. tions continue favori®ie and crops are maturing rapidly, Scattered hail dam- age has bBéen. reported from many points an § 8 in} ome Sane. bea: A --Con- ditions continue favord A oe al grains are filling well, and making food, progress. , Cutting will be about ten RH ate han st year, crops are Bright, cool weather has lessended the risk. of damage from rust. Southern Ares An phos 4 satisfactorily. oll fh ay hx nha 1 hs Siu Sh oat ah W, selk . oh of of a tree and achoa ar for maka a i Th A was ph Eh 1 © crew. escap ) wl thed, ot, of the maghing a ing r_Barker, a 9 -- Argon, een, apd, H., Handa ) Linton nL i La Ro" Rome, Aug. J --Swinging his pick on the eastern, outskirts of Rome, a Workman digging the foundations for arage recently. was showered with uit den coins as he drew back his ims plement. At 4 blow he had pierced not only the shell of an imperial tomb of the second century, but also the burial vase of terra cotta," which loosed the golden shower about his head. 3, Manitoba--(irains continue to make sislastory progress and cool weather resting 1 Tus development. voyinge of tarie--A heavy yield of hay has been gathered. Numerous ' showers have retarded growth of corn and' heahs. Fall wheat cutting is prac. vically over, and will Be a better than dvernge yield. Harvesting of barley |} has commenced, and should be heneral | next week, oats are turning. These spring grains are well filled; with véry | little lodging, but in some localities rust is reported. Root crops are pro- | gressing well. Apples, peaches and cherries are only an average crop, | while small fruits are plentiful. To- bacco is earlier than last year. PRINCES CUMING 10 EXBBATION Réyal Guests of ts of 'Canada will Review Veterans at C.N.E, Warriors' Day Ottawa, Aug. 4.--Lieut.-Col. L.' R. Laflech, D.S.0, Acting National | President of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service Lea- gue during the absence in Great Britain of the National President, Lieut.-Gen. Sir. Percy lake, K.C.B, | K.C.M.G., announced tonight that! | His Royal 'Higbness, the Prince of Wales has been graciously pleas- ed to accept the inyitation of the National Executive of the Capadiap ex-service men of Capada, veterans Legion of the B.E.S.L. to review the oi all the wars of the Empire, op Warrior's Day of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition in Toronto. The date of the review will be announe- ed shortly. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will be accompanied by his Royal Highness, Prince George. | At the National Headquarters of | the Canadian Legion here tonight it was stated that the review would be of national scope, with ex-service The district in which he was dig- ging is known to contain a great ex- panse of unexplored catacombs ad pagan tombs. The coins found in tomh--250 of them--didte from i To of the Roman Emperors Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius and Marcus Aure- ius. The find is now in the hands of the police, and cannot be catalogued until the treasure trove for. 'malities are complete. Brief examina- tion, however, has already shown the icoins, whigh. are untarnished and in | perfect condition, complete a gap in ome's great collection, King Victor Emanuel, one of Europe's recognized authorities on old coins, of which he makes a hobby, is keenly interested in this admittedly one of the most important of modern numismatic discoveries. He and other scholars are eagerly awaiting closer inspection of the coins. | GERMANY WOULD BE AIR CROSS-WAYS B.--TransAltlantic air passengers will probably find themselves touching German soil first at Travemunde, airport of the ancient Hanseatic city of Lubeck. The Federal Govenment and the Free State of Hamburg and Lubegk are spending 1,1000,000 marks an- |nually on a scheme for making 'I'ra- vémunde the international cross roads of Ecrope. Berlin, Aug. The sop of an Aberdeen chemist took two shillings from a till and swallowed them. The father is get- = on as well as cap be expected. veryhody's Weekly. SR Rea Bane 5 King St, East howe Ao. Nes. oupW rb Aris A Rr men from all parts of the Dominion in attendance. It was also point- | ed out that the date of Warrior's | Day at 'the Exhibition was being held open until the date of the visit of his Royal Highnéss was definitely | known. cohol, killed the poet, Robert Burns. This is the century late ver- dict of the medical profession, as enumerated' by Dr. H.B. Anderson, before the Toronto Burn's Literary Society. He urges every lover of Burns and especially every doctor to study the facts about the Secot- tish writer and remoy, the "evil tradition" which says be drank him- self to death. The somewhat belated diagnosis will delight the sticklers for form love his works or what they are, the yerdict wom't matter two pips. As a matter of fact, the probable | reason for his early death, all dical testimony aside was the as its rich story upom the world. tell being. Tradition treats them carelessly. who omit to live to old age. talks of a gepius lost because sell indulgence or denial. themselves to death. | likely a sign that gesiuk is | let they feel tHemselyes being | "worked out" more to stimulants to keep up the illusions of younger ut which a poet simply isn't. . when death comes their gift 4 already been bestowed. world is prong to lament The past. a mythical figupe. quests were extraordindry: his life. aside from his poetic leanings, could be duplicated as often as you like. Pe Rhuematie infection and not al- | to whom the reverapce for Burps | is a habjt because it is the correct | thing to do. To those who really | with many others of his kind. | an excess of dreaming which pourgd. : An extreme uncopcerm. for physical | J these artistic beings, | | As & matter of fact, geniuses rarely drink: if If they im- | bibe heavily and often it is very and resort more apd | I days || she passi : | | | | | | | i on 1 { | | HYDROPLANE OF . | R. C. A F. CRASHED Operations. of | ipe i the exception 2) a slight a . scientifically |, Do You Own hor Own on Roxhorough Ave. Large, dats, the closest in subs ivi lan being sold in Oshawa A, Only 5 minutes walk {i GMO, Get in on these. lots, nvest, = Sacrifice price only Cash, $40 -- Balance, $5 per month | HORTON & FRENCH = Bride Rb mPhohe iw No 1 mere man ould serve tea and ohh up with three conversations at onc! -Vancouver Bun, buys 4 room cots $1900 tage on good street. $300 down, balahce lke went, A bargain, Act haa ™ J, SULLEY, pelo & MAW Auctioneers 846 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 7167 : EE ris | Grooms Avenue, .... $500.00 Frederick St, ...... $360.00 Water and Sewer Houbes for sale, $4,000 to' $0,. 000 on' Frederick street, Hasy terms if desired, These prop. erties are only fivé minutes walle from' the business dis. rict, SER Williams Pisno Co, Phone 7608, or CYY wl | wf 7S \ LYCETT Your Real Estate and Iisurance Broker AUCTIONEER . 85 King St, E--~--~Cornes Celina SNE A oe) AS A 2 Prince ST TIN "Oshawa Ont. $2300 cpsh buys a nice § rooms led brick cottage, low taxes, West end. $25 monthly will carry, DISNEY Phone 1580 LR, P, Bull, Phone de' i of all descriptions, ho aki there wif eter be wa again to ori with High Pack, with its high, &%F, large and level lots CAREFULLY RESTRICTED for BEAUTIFUL HOMES: A féw lots Jeft on Athol St. Don't delay--See 2 CLAN AND Every Description of Glass for Builders Telephones 1210-1211 nF Sash called for--glazed and delivered Copper Store Front work a specialty DELIVERY PROMPT SERVICE Mirrors, Medicine Cabi- nets, Special Woodwork WE. PHILLY PS _ COMPANY LM _ ONTARIO. LAZING Our estimator will call and estimate your job without obligation, Telephones 1210-1211 FREE = That is what we offered one of our clients the other day Hl OW to1.¢ bought from vi 1p \ A A wl ou EB Hi P BE igh ark Hi wioiild pot sell as he intended building. We canvassed other lof holders and they all tumed us down. weblion choice L ycett Phos 295, Corser of King and Celina Streets, Oshawa. ft | ------ ------ -- nn -- av ---- a -- ve A