Fractured Leg--Tourlst « | Arvested at Whitby | ' . H Joh Wesley James of Harmony fs in the Oshawa General hospital as a vesult of having been struck By a passing motorist while cross- ing the Kingston Highway just be- yond the eastern limits of the eity shortly after six o'clock yesterday evening. The injured man has both Bones of the right leg fractured bad- ly just above the ankle and is suf- fering from minor bruising and McGraw Will Quit . Baseball in 1928 New York, Aug 4.--John J. McGraw, manager of the New York Giants, today spiked re- newed reports that he would retire from baseball at the end of the present seasom by declaring he would not quit until 1928. "It is mot true that 1 will resign at the end of this seas- on," MeGraw sald, "The fact is 1 will remain until my econ- tract expires, in 1928, After that 1 wil give up the job and try to take it easy for the re- mainder of my days." WEST OSHAWA'S general shock, His condition is not tegarded as serious, Peter Gonterio | of Weedville, Pa:, an American towr- | ist, is sald: to have through' after hitting James, it is al- leged. Fast work on the part of J. Siebert of Bowmanville who obtain: ed the motoMst's license number and efficient action on the part of the provineial police were responsi- ble for thy apprehension of Gon- He was brought to Oshawa, charged with having departed fram the scene of an aecident without stop- ping and leaving his name and ad- dress and was lodged in the police cells avernight, This morning un additional charge of reckless driving was laid, Gonteglo 'appeared before Magis- trate Hipd :this afternoon, The injured man's home is in Sim- coe but recently he has heen em- ployed in Oshawa and has been boarding. with Mrs, William Peter- son at Harmony, James in company with William Grifin, another of Mrs. Peterson's hoarders,: and Robert Cowie ware riding home from work in Mr, Cow- 'fe's wagon just prior to the accident, When opposite the Edward's Service station' they stopped on the south side of the road at the request of Mr. James who wished to purchase Mgrs 86 of tobacco at the store, e jumped from the wagon and, having noticed a car approaching, hurried aeross the road. He had one foot off the pavement when struck by the cdr which eye witnesses nl- Jege was travelling at an excessive rate of speed. Messrs. Griffin, Cowie and Siebert carried James to the serviee statinn and summoned aid. The police at Oshawa were notified and thie num- ber of the ear which struck the man given, Dr. B. J. Hazzlewood was called and after examining the man had him removed in the ambulance (0 the Oshawa Hospital, NECKWEAR 7V=0One of the - Finest Assortments i, of Men's Neckwear Available f COL DIE 4 driven right Quebec whifeets west of the oreelk | and all of the section in the town-! hae beaten Welamullen 'ship of Bast Whitby, out water comprises a district a half [mite in length and breadth and it is estimated that there are at least terio while passing through Whithy, [five hundred water connections in- volved, district makes it necessary to make WATER SERVICE (Continued from page' 1) The area which will be left with- Inadequacy of valves in the the shut-off cover such a large area. Were the distriet properly supplied with valves it would be possible to make the connections and install the new valve at Warren and Xing streets without inconveniencing more than a few residents in the district, At the present time the whole district is regulated by a soli- tary valve, situated at King and they will be installed In the near Nassau streeis and the Installation of a second valve on Sunday will greatly facilitate matters. Addition- al valves wll still be needed and future, it Is stated, Watch Fires, With water shut off in so large an area the fire risk is greatly in- creased and residents in the western section are asked to ohserve even greater than ordinary fire precau- tions, Should fire break out while the water is off the situation would ba one of grave danger and unless the blaze were on the outskirts of the district close to an unaffected water supply the firemen would have tn rely entirely upon their chemical apparatus, In the event of a fire breaking nut the hreaks in the main will he repaired as hastily as pos- sible and the time which this would take would vary with the stage which the work had reached when the fire oédurred. At least half an hoor wonld be required and in that time n» building might be raged. Sunday has been chosen for the work since residents will be least in- convgnienced on that day. Present plans are that the water shall be shut off hefore dawn and the mains psmped dry It is hoped to have all the water out of the malns hy dawn so that a gang of men may commence operations as soon as is suMcient light, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PRIVAPE SALE---DINING ' 'ROOM suite, consisting of Buffet, China Cabinet, Table, chairs; Hall Rack, mirror to match; Carpets, two dress sers, linoleums, kitchen cabinet, ets, 111 Colborne street east. (28+h) WANTED -- QUALIFIED DRIVER for fire truck, also two young men as firemen. Application to be made to Fire Chief Cameron at fire sta- tion in person. (28-b) TO LET -- TWO UNFURNISHED or partly furnished rooms. Suitable for couple without children. 207 Court St. (28¢) 2 GENTLEMEN BOARDERS wanted. Apply 300 Haig St. (28¢c) FOR SALE--ALL BUILDING MA- terial including furnaces, plumbing fix. tures, bricks, lumber, doors, lath, stairs, verandas, hardwood flooring, etc, from houses being wrecked at 68 to 84 Division St. Must be sold at once. Salesman on premises during day. Dom. Wrecking Co. (28¢) Stock Amer. Can. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1927 (By Associated Press) Detroit, Aug. 5.--Records fell as swimmerg from east amd middle west splashed in Detroit Boat Club's first outdoor meet to be held unde rlectric lights last night, Johnny Weismuller of Illinois, A. C., accomplished his aim of several years, crashing the world's record for 220 yard free style long course event covering the distance in 2.01 1-5 lowering the record of 2.13 3-5 held for. thirteen years by Duke Kahanamoku of Honolulu, George Joyee of New York who in back strke swimming, knocked 23 sec- {onds from the national junior ree- ord in three hundred yards Medley. His time was 4.34, SALR OF MILLINERY Balance of stock of summer hats at 1.60 each. See our wnew Fall Welt Hats, Misa V. Caldwell, 45 King St, West, (28h) STOCK MARKETS (Svipplied yb Stoble. Forlong & Co.) TORONTO STOOKS STOCK Abitibl Paper. Bell Telephone. B. C. Fishing, Burt, F. N. Can. Bread. ... Can, Ind, Alcohol, Qity Dairy. ... Hiram Walker, Int, Petroleum, Imperial Oil, . Int, 'Nickel, Massey Harris, Seagram. .y Shredded Wheat. Mines, ASK 102% 160 18 60% 119 36 142 17% 38 49% 66% 80% 28% Argonaut, Ares. ... Amulet, ... Bunker Hill, aird Central Manitoba. .. Barry Hollinger, ... Beaver, ... us a Castle Trethewey. Dome. Rg Keeley Silver, Kirkland Lake, Hollinger. Take Shore. havi), - = Maedssa, .. ,.. Melntyre, .. Noranda. .. Mining Corpn. Nipissing. .. . Potterdoal, .. . Premier. .. ... Pioneer. .. Teck Hughes, Tough Oakes, Powagmae, .. Vipond. Wright Hargraves. Mining Sales at Noon. 644,383, Sliver, 56% CHICAGO GRAIN Open High Low Close Wheat | Sept, 138% 138% 138 . Dec. 342% 142% 142 Corn Sept. 107% 108% Dec. 108% 111% § . Rye Sept. 92% 955 Dee. Oats In Sept. 45% 47% 45% 4 48% 50% 48% BO WINNIPEG GRAIN Dee. 145%, 144% 13754 1415 107 109% 91% 95% 1s » 108" 111% 9% 92% 96% 96% Oct. 145% 144% Dec. 141% 142 141% _141% ---- sin" 68 C61 erm 53 53% 52% 63% NEW YORK STOCKS High Low Amer T & T 171% 169 Atchigon. 198% 196%! 61 * 59 Balt & Oho. 121% ~ 119% Baldwin Lo. 246% 248 Oct. Dee. Close 169% 196% i 59 119% 243 1 - » A] . ] 3 "* bi i INEHES d fis hi stel Can. Pae. Chrysler. ' Gen. Asphalt. 77% " 76% Gold Dust. {Missouri Pad, 57% 190% 188% 189 54% 53% 521% 296 28745289% Dodge "A" 17% W 11% mi Erie. 655% * 63 63 Lamous Pirs. 94% ¥ 94% M% 5% 224% » 86% 49% 196% 64 511 108 126 3 55% 68% 17% "i 59% 112 53 113% 50 Dupont. Gen. Motors. 230% ~ 224% 59 56% 89% ¥V 86% } 9% 193% 62% Manhatt. El. 131 n26% 55% 68% fF A% y o435 ' 9% mz i Mont. Ward. 70% 18 46 113 59: 226% 226% 133% A 183% 163 1263 33% 1.38% " Died W | ARGUE--Suddenly. at his residence, 402 Masson St, Friday, August 5th, Ira E. Argue. Funeral notice later. (28a) --br. G. E. Dougal of Schienect- ady, NY. is mow a guest of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Dougall. at Simcoe Street parsonage. , ~r As. L - dl T dress. WITH BEAM RADIO (By Associated Press) New York, N.X., Hit ; Hi £ i} 3 al i 5 £ hii i gifs fon i # en -- UKRAINIANS HONOR DEACONESS KEITH Glowingly Graceful Tributes Expressions of appreciation of the work which has heen done in the Oshawa Ukrainian Mission of the United Church of Canada by Miss Anna M. Keith, deaconness, who has left to take a post graduate course in Detroit were made at a meeting of the Ukrainian congregation held recently, Miss Keith has accomp- lished wark of real value in Oshawa during the past few years and news of her approaching departure was received with keen regret hy those interested In the mission wark. Tan- gible proof of the appreciation of her work was given Miss Keith In the form of a beautiful gift with which she was presented, By special request of the congre- gation Miss Keith delivered an In- spiring message at the services held Sunday evening, M. Fesenko, a student from the Princetown Theo- logical Seminary congratulated Miss Keith in the name of the congre- gation on the success of her work among the Ukrainian language. W. Annuik, speaking in the Ukrainian tongue dwelt on the love and regard which Miss Keith had won in per- forming her work, Two little girls, Annie Makarehick and Olga Annulk presented Miss Keith with a bou- quet of flowers and a congregation- al remembrance. Mrs, R. McLaugh- lin of the Ladies' Auxiliary, read an address of appreciation of Miss Keith's work and presented her with a gift. Reference to the acti- vity of Miss Keith in the Bociety was made In Mrs. McLaughlin's ad- Rev. R. A. Wihattam, superinten- dent of city missions, asserted that Miss Keith possessed the spirit of a hard worker for Christ which en- abled her to do perfect work not on- ly in her own church in Oshawa hut in others as well, ENGLISH CHANNEL * CONQUERED AGAIN E. H. Temme, Essex Cham- pion, Crosses in 14.27 Hours (Cable Service to The Times by Capadian Press) Dover, Eng., Aug. 5. -- E. H. Temme, English swimmer, succeed- ed today in the first attempt of the season to swim the English channel. Taking off from Cape Griz Neg this morning, Temme landed two miles west of Dover. Temme fs captain of the Cornhill Swimming Club and has thrice won the Essex long distance champion- ship. He is 22 years old, stands six feet, two and a half inches, and weights about 205 pounds. He used the trudge ow stroke for the successful Chapnel swim and was escorted by the tug Assace. The water was warm apc me sea calm when he entered the Channel from Cape Gris Nez. in the darkness. By five o'clock he was five miles out, heading strongly for Dover. At 10.45 he was reported still in good condition and by 1 p.m. (he had ploughted to within two and a half miles south of Admiral Typier at Dover. Am hour later his steady stroke had gained another mile. Temme's time computed by repre- sentatives of Lloyd's, was fourteen hours, twenty-seven minutes. This has been beaten by Ernest Vier- koettgy, George Michel and Norman Leslie Durham, all of whom made their successful attempts last year. "Michel holds the record of eleven hours, five minutes. ------------------ PECIDE PEMBROKE TITLE © Under perfect weather the final of the Pembroke Club championship was brought to a close yesterday when M. J. Mulvihill and J. Mclaren Beatty met the main event of the holes match play. win for Dr. Mulvihill '2 to play, alter a game only closely contested but players showing their wery ONER AT PEMBROKE Some excitement was caused ing the game between Armprior embroke on the Pembroke HY iz "Rishs L -- Save Pet Canary Windsor, Aug. 4.--While firemen fought flames which threatened his home at 307 Pitt Street West at noon to- day, L. A. Drouillard, 58 years old, entered through a dense smoke and rescued the family camary. The incident was witnessed by several hunm- dred persons who had been attracted by the smoke. The rescue was apparemtly ust in time for as Mr. Drouil- ard carried the cage contain- ing the canary into the street the bird was showing signs. of distress from the smoke. SUDDEN DEATH OF I. E. ARGUE (Continued from page 1) ed to the House of Commons as mem- ber for Swift Current as a supporter of the Union Government. ing to Oshawa in 1922 he has refrained from taking an active interest in poli- tical matters and has confined his at- tention to coal and wood business in which he was engaged in partnership with Mr. L. F. McLaughlin. In all his dealings he was respected and hon- oured as one in whom confidence could be placed. Mr. Argue spent much of his life in the western provinces and he was possessed of a keen insight into the problems which confront westerners. At the age of eighteen he left his par- ents home in Victoria county and se- cured a position with the Toronto Street Railway Company which he held until leaving for the west a few years later, In the west Mr. Argue went first to Winnipeg where for many years he was employed in a general store. he experience he gained there fitted him admirably for the position of manager of the Medicine Hat Trad- ing Company to which he yas later appointed, : n 1903 Mr. Argue saw a business opportunity in Swift Current, Sask, and he went into partnership with his brother-in-law W. W. Cooper in a general store in that centre. For eleven years they carried on with con- siderable success, the firm being known as Argue-Cooper Company Ltd. In 1914, the deccased decided to devote his whole attention to farming inter- ests which he had acquired and this he did until 1917 when he yielded to pres- sure hrought to hear hy a large group of friends and accepted a nomination to run as Unionist candidate in Swift Current, At the time of his death Mr. Argue was a member of the Simcoe street United church and prior to Union he was a staunch member of the Metho- dist church, having been a member of the official hoard of the Swift Current and Simcoe street churches. Deceased was a member of the LO.OF. While in the west Mr. Argue was married to Miss Mary Hornibrooke «f Brandon, who survives. They had no children. Four brothers, William, cir- culation manager of the Toronto Daily Star; James of Swift Current, Sask., Richary of Saskatoon and Robert also in Saskatchewan, with one. sister Mrs. W. W. Cooper of Swift Current, arc left. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. Weddings HALL--FRENCH iis Very quietly at the King street Uni- ted church parsonage this morning the marriage was solemnized of Miss Eva Vivian Theo French, of this city, and Mr. George Melyille Hall, of Windsor, the Rev. J. E. Beckell officiating. --Rey. Dr. Dougall, Mrs. Dougall and Miss Marjorie F., returned home Thursday frof their summer home at Muskoka Assembly, Musko- ka. Dr. Dougall will be in charge of the united services of St. An- dgew's and Simcoe St. congregar tions in Simeoe Street om the com- ing Sunday and each of the follow- ing Sundays during August. Rev. Mr. Maxwell, minister of St. An- drew's is now upon his holidays. ------------------------ | Since com-] AUGUST SPECIALS! oe] second hole, which is 169 calls for a wery accurate tee gy the fairway being very narvow ap to the green. --_-- The fourth day in Gananoque's big new era celebration was favored with fine weather and as a result 'there were a very large crowd of | people in town to see the different events staged during the day. | In the oratorical contest om the 'subject: "Changes in Rural Life in {the Counties of Leeds aud Grenville Since Confederation," which took place in the foremoon, the winners jwere: Miss Justine McMartin, Stew- ards Convent, Westport; 2nd, Miss Florence McDonald, Consolidated School, Mallorytown; 3rd, Miss lo- lene Chisamore, Lansdowne. The county baby contesy was won by Maurice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt, of Mallorytown in boys and in the girls" contest, Jewel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pelow of Delta. FALLING FOR PIERCES HEART William Scanlon, son of Thomas Scanlon, Mving mearrdlubfwypfi % ff Scanlon, a farmer living near Enter- prise, Napanee, was killed yesterday while fixing a horsefork in the barn, piercing his heart, causing his death the fork falling on his chest and in a few minutes. --Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mayhee enjoyed a very pleasant holiday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Thompson. blue, etc, be equalled there, J GE THRE : A iD BY WT TE Williams Piano Crew Had a Fine Lead But Lost "' "A 11.10 And i - Y§ AY A home run in the eighth with three men on bases gave Whitby a win .* over the Williams Piano team by 112 '» 10 last night at Alexandra Park. * Williams had piled up a seven rua'! lead by the fourth and things looked" good for an easy victory, but Whithy got five in the next four innings and Joynt's circuit clout, which scored Tucker, Brown and Colley, put them , in the lead 9-8. Each got two runs in the ninth, but Willams couldn't tie it up. Colley was high man in the scoring column with four runs, while Fanr was runner-np with three. There were only three Williams men at bat in the 4th and 5th, while Whitby met the same fate in the 2nd and 6th. The score by innings : RM Williams 13300001 2--19ql: Whitby 0001103431 The teams were: hb ih Williams--Service, Naylor, Hurst 0} Timmins, Hobbs, Fair, Roughly, Al- kinson, Prescott, Carlyle. noauy Whithy--Tucker, - Brown, Colley, Bowman, Hawes, Moore, Flannigan, , Quinton, Forrester. er -- od $2.76 Hundreds of Felt Hats--all | of the crushable "Hanky" felts cape lines -- flop brims--off the face models--hand draped crowns "appleque felts' every variation of the pre- vailing mode--in white, black, sand, tan, giley, 8l|n, These felts are $5.00 values elsewhere, town -- see the styles -- feel the quality of the felt--price them--then come to us and you'll buy! When we placed these Felts on sale in our Toronto store the values couldn't Equal these values in Oshawa at | $2.75 LIMITED 3 King St. Eas ] tanw i) Shon around Ladies' Silk Hose ALL SHADES PER PAIR Oxfords *2° Something New ! LINDY SWEAT Shirts 2" yn Bm ] C ii ' Oils Phone 733w & Sons" Oshawa aORer