Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Aug 1927, p. 6

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FOREIGN PRLICIES | Head of. Office's News Depart. ment, Speaks Before U.S, | Audience , 't how an: Tokio, Aug. 4.--The gay night s 2 T -- ) : live 1n our trench, Fritzie |life of Shanghai, deadened by a cruel COMPARISONS a -- i ol iy it 5 Then a fel curtow law and ater exigoncics of sb ; ! : vob gato A : J [a ¥ blow mn the crool oft | warfare, is slowly but surely ng ' " : : -- ; By Ban he, vay he 3 n, which unde it, "Gui i " rred to Tokio, says. the Japan | : Rubber Restriction v J T am glag ; "Joe" laughed an jer No longer may ng: 3 : Cotton 01. in sad that 3b 0 mush B io fme hand the periscope to Thorne. {hal call aL "Pdris of the : Prices--Free Trade vs. ood of, VAryiug, sorts was "al 1 did, ang rubbed my arm. Very scon , Qrient"--wicked: siiful old Tokio ; High ish. : Thorne said, "Here th "» Tus itl i ) ea said, ey come, boys," {has robbed her of her trous title, to maintain a hold on it, in the nd we. mounted the firing step and ; and the say, spirited Jaughton d, = It i§ curious and a little disap. rustle of the silken shirts that y ) | i ointing at first to. find wi target hear in the late night hours of 9.30 Wath Se a dal 2 ; Nam a TR isappear, directly. yon have fired, and sometimes as late as 10 o'clock styles fo choose Yeu ! "sometimes. seems meddlesome" without credit to themselves on Ap: Our bay was hardly threatened at{ls nothing more thun the sly sen- |W ur" 0 0 CRRARR J it is only that "we may throw.owr 2 vil 26, 1916, x "7 J «=but qver and anon "Joe" or Tom- |suous simper of a great queen city om Cows. In weight as often. as possible. upon 3 Rupprecht was continually taking wy Johngon would come running down |of the Orient, which has rightfully Takk et or colors - ln gu a pu ! d 4 & bites at, the Salient in. "them days, jk 4 man or two to help dig out {come into its own. of white, blue, yellow, : Arter, Wilke Toad of the For : mo an en ; FTO V withopt 'getting much to chew. He ["irst Battalion men (just a few First; Six months ago Tokio was the chid. eign Office's news department, told Biaf I I AHanti weit, after the Coldstreamis--on. ous Jglen. Wee engaged), or help bomb Orient's leading . candidate for 3 1 the members of the Institute of Pol Ic Loast lo 1C right. flank--three times in fone even 'ritzie opt of Number One Company's heaven, Vague longings that stir- | 3 | Yio pi Ld Sn ing with a lack of, success. that - way, tench. The rest of us kept potting red within her were repressed. Per- ; \ y obyiatis And VEX delighttu) to us [¢ herever we saw a Fritae, haps Tokio's feeling ran high at We have never, since the war, Ha pening, some months later, to be |' At about ten o'ciock Fritzie decid- [times but 'she was a carefully nur- gone so far in the direction of pat- spital with a sergeant tha [3 | to call it a day, He sent up a.turéd city and her conscience was \ ernalism as your State Depart- 1 1 asked him if an; ritaies. «d and, a green light, and his ar- well corseted. We who have Tokio's [ |i ment," he declared, "when it in- { ot inte his trench. "Yes, two, [. lery turned off like a tap. Qurs 'best interests always at heart graz- : timated to American banking : d make out | lidn't seem to understand the. signal, ed at our product and were pleased. : houses that it would prefer them a | ut. went on all night, providing us We looked in awe at the wickednéss |, - not to lend money abroad without : nthe ; Trenches ..|pith a, firework show that we greatly of Shanghal, and reflected with consulting it! Fritzie 'had been busy "hating" the, "ppreciated. But, we soon learned pleasure that, after all, Tokio was HB | He defended British restriction British on the Hill for some.days, vithout doubt that Fritzie had defin- 'safe--and now look at our fair city! of rubber production by pointing when we. relieved the Fifth, the Wes- ely called the party off. Officers | Yes our Tokio is slipping slipping to United States efforfs to raise tern Cavalry. The Pifth, needless. to came dowpi- an dtold s that. our lin 'glowly but surely into the mire that the price of cotton, and upheld the say, were, quite pleased; to gee us ~ | tas inagt, Fritzie had managed to was Shanghai's. Sizes, 6 months, 1, 2 and 8 British policy in the near East by ang. quite, willing to give us posses: |¥et into Number One Company Dancing Girl years, Come in fine broad. Fl comparing it with the United i Our, platoon, got. into a tum- [;rench--most of them went no fur-| wypat ghall we call Tokio now? [if €'0thy in pink, peach, mauve, E.#tates policy in Cuba and Panama, blegown trench that had been origin- ther, but a few were taken down OU An ves, "The Dancing Girl of thd white, bine and green, . Had not the British taken action ally. intended for a communication lines under escort, We 'had lost 247 pacific." Gaiety, spending and late to restrict rubber productions, many trengh, but fad 'heen hastily, fitted for men out: of 651 , so the flurry Was ours have become the very life $1 59 d 1 95 Ast ions would have disappeared permanent occupation. Mordpver, the, strelyous enough while. it lasted. We 30 05m "Dancing Girl of the . an . 'Wud' it is highly probable that rub- earned that the Fourth Battalion had | nositic." The curfew has struck | ber\would today stand at a higher f Also Dimity Tops, $1 45 privh. than it does," he said, {J section, at this time numbering eight, ahinq. at i yy found at vite ,dispgsal a, dugopt that. all in behind us, but had not heen ley "airy 'knen for Shanghat, and 3 . called upon, and that help offered | 1 bj Ay ' woul gomodae. R...g yh the Fifteenth had been Bane Sin that same stroke has awakened p CBB ay bottoms, "We have no policy which pre- , Write for lb: Fitzie began to shell ¢imdictive- thanks, This was very satisfactory, 'TOKIS From i beauty feep of years Yents vy trading 80 Such as your / Mis Fre Atoipe. A 7 Lhd : But whén we were told that the com-| .° : pa ey Mig protection,' r ooklet ly Jus. a, sseond or. 50,190 late, to | "ai WOER el ta ahve ow ekiris a flush or rouge has bright- -- Wilbert continued, "and when it "Surprises off fRi finy o Kept his. serap;iron. floats (once, so that we could collect our °med Tokio's cheeks; lithe move- comes to trade discrimination, any- § Toe" i 5. us, continuously, and he scattered nerves, and that this offer thing thal You may do to raise the bai ¥ us all sorts, There was a had been refused, we were far from PK i price of cojton, works out in' prae- Bave | érfer that labored persever pleased. We weren't built of such -- The Dancing Girl of the Pacific evening now In Tokio is one mad |'lCe 88 a moe direct and damaging npnew! anaged to make us very heroic mould that we wanted to stay |D88 come out upon the stage while round of pleasure under the sparkle discrimination against us than any- I And achine uns, one almost in the front line trenches eight days ® bedraggled Shangai fades intp of a" myriad of 'lights to the accom- thing we may have done to restrict mu 1 nw; ZYns, when we could get out in four the tawdry scenery and obscurity of i 4 a temporarily - the amount of rubber ) a y paniment of appealing * native jazz upon the marketsy of, the world Rupprecht's Wurttemburgess--nos in ba hac : he: spid, , "but we couldn't how": RK i eae ments, a bewliching smile and a |[TMAUON, The gltering faces of tinkle as of distant and dainty bells taken on a new brilliance. Every ind us, and' a whizz-bawg battery y bets fog ph oa Cadsgntion--be- : "Well Done, Canadians" !respectability. orchestras--incidentally, jazz was sides other machines of -vARING bw - |i But, when we were relieved and hs Nd perbiaps a late as Jo |invented in Japan--and the mighty does against yoy." er, from varying distances. were marching "out" it was very [0.€l00 Saturday night when e flow of sparkling vintages. Mature Turning to dgiticism of British Saal tack. Anticipated: += pleasant to hear voices from the dark-|en¢hanting strains of the Imperial | oo, 0,0 gilded youth, with fair | policy in the nea¥sEast, he said that "Joe® Richardson, our platoon com- [ness call out, "Bravo, Second," or Hotel orchestra dled into an echo ung yorching ladies, are abroad in |the British Govekiment had. never Tod a Cobourg farmer, -- one of "Well done, Canadians!" as the case |The brilliant kcintillating ball of the city in the night me lidi 2 done anything "te discriminate mang ust: soldiers 1 ever met--told | might be. And once we lay down at'tiny mirrors. yeflecting the colored |, 0.0" ng there 1p AB against United States ofl interests ahi pl lly that Fritzie would [the side of the ragdito let a party | lights--which, dentally, was In- |, 000 "Jichting the highwa M with there, 4 ol oF. two, Aud Joe Was ga in" angifier, pant of the Tine, ;youteg by 2, ynioy & Japanese i contagious joy and I British policy in pt, he said ) pl iA " se are 'big fellows" quoth one!later so we mitat hy nigh e "The Dane v "ig A ! ' right. The theory among us was that i ha aril e A he Dancing Girl of the Pacific" | is almost entirely condftioned by a ys ae : . at' Junng," . cabarets in New York--slowed down ' Fritzie wanted to 'give us, an anni: |Of us, "what bunch is that "Dunng," . has come into her own. Down | a realization of the ul it t ; ; i ie ; : i t olutions and Qpessity o versary celebration of Langemarck, Sd bis mate, and raised his Jone Bay alizing revolutions and | hrougy, the corridors of Time, her | mantaining the inviolabiljty of the put had 'either made a nustake in| ¥ you, inser?" he t laugh will ring, her smoke rings will | Suez Canal. his dates, or. had: beep held: up by asked, Came a very haughty and cul-j "The crowded floor cleared as |float and her effusive shouts will } volie he British commander, Plgmer. tured voice from the gloom, "This is quickly as the copgestion would al- resound! Let us trell tave Hgyption Polleys the Briti pander, Plumer. | oF Gt this is th fe radien | ¢ et us trell a stave and It is for this reason, " said, At apy. rate, although be, had "hat- | AN--this s the Grenadier low, Men and en', several lift a flowing bowl to the maid of «d" for almost a week, it. was not|Guards," it stated. "Oh, hell!" said young matrons in ddvisg short | Tokio of 1927, dream girl of the that Briain hat surtafied bi treaty » 0 20 (Easter Sunday, we "5 man. kekbtir the & d Jn well in advance of the mpriig |pew era. 4 hae ayers EE TPE Bri . : i-| Some weeks later the Second, an '% fluttered about and b h . that he got, vaFy«pugnac syles of Paris, uttered ou -- -------- ------ wwe | tinued, "mueh as you treat the €u- ' y escapes an | that same unit of Wurtemburgers | b T as i ap- : He began by sending: over an J y ) | sought tables. here was a snap i played a return game in the Somme, rigaret ases. the latest bans with your Platt Amendment * . reconnoitred our ping of cigarette cases, the lates and your: naval se ai Cid that ; : : actopie fh! sitting. on, our para- The, Second was told that the C. O. type of current Japanese cigarettes : pet" But "Joe" and our platoon ser- had a Daiticular, reason for wanting were passed back and forth equally amo. be geant svere very hard-boiled. They that particular German trench. It among the women and men. There We are criticized for certain, ing}. hade us take no notice and keep «. futhed out to be as easy as reliev- [were shouts for boys and as if by vist cidents in our Egyptian policy; yo » : faces down. The First Battalion, on oe. hen hey got there they imagic, soft-footed servitors appear- EYESIGHT SPECIALIST on your side assumed from the Re- r our left, sent volleys of rifle fire od ntl oRpogents, of Hill 60|eq from behind the rich oriental Neri are ota are ta. public of Papama certain rights (4) in er 4 { o against. the 'plane. and were replied. | IMF, pospesgion, ; hangings bearing more frosted pails | ong on the dollars you earn. Your over the Isthmus In 8 way, which, to with a. machine gun--whereof I | 2228", £72 of ice within which nested hottles | jpcome depends on your ily A HA [emember, Figblly, Toric 0 eri a $2 312 saw some results later--covered with [1 i d ] A |of Hquor. Costly viands covered the Y i ; . : blankels, "Bap. enemy intormation as Fi jy; tables, some scarcely touched or per- Rip OUR est ase righ. " being somewhat, arbitrary. . : 4 "haps here and there dainty fingers "History wills am convinced, 18 goo or you 4 : : to ouy: small sector cannot have been p 2 . 3 ) AT 3 2 : iy lls will be shown later, [] ; h 'idled with a Japanese orange. Disney Block Opposite Post Offwe vindicate. OU BeUSK In. regard. to Fritzy, began. to get, nasty ) 'nN ._: Hours Are Late Egypt just as fully ast will vin- So nasty that |. : Slowly the hands of the clock = | dicate your action in regamd to Pan- L Ne at out 6 ozlock. : . ; moye on toward 10.30. Waiters ama." 5 these sultry our arfillery got an 5.05-of whieh Fe pgiiioninty pb , ' duis 2: itn orl APY : 8 Sabra to oiteial timing. Very | Dolores Costello Started Her|c,ily™ "Vicor manusers novercd |||). 1° . World peace is essential to BHt- ps o work % joe" came to our bay |} y r.Ove: Fe GP sof 'about anxiously ish economic welfare said, Mr. Wil-} ir said: "Boys ,we have orders to]; Career. er Objections. | But "the Dancing Girl of the Pa- : ! beth, explaining that Briain, raising \ : "this b p ts. So the | Once- amous Paren " i hu per cent of her foodstu CO 2 go Hh Bg to take as |: +: F .P A lon with a Borers R sssuture, Yueh 15 Prince St. Phone 2477 ||| 22d with a million unemployed, re- TN J Ummer da J eri as sible with us," .]} amused by th ight] ? lies upon foreign commerce for her A 5 y 4 many 'Lbrmans as pos: a of the or |. New York, August 4.--Two years 3! J ', e sprightly conversa Jise upon lores \\ Even now, our Taceplin We just:|/A80 the two beautifu] daughters of x oa a he compelling tinkle of S. COWELL, Prop. Hing hy IMO \ bor 4 rant, sit," or words to that a. fim. star Whe headed the hig i dn . Baschake, she slates trade does not breed an undesir- § ga 4 Bila Some "n Hollywood's infancy, quietly 'slip- h Beach Ranges : ¢ IYERERE, Eon \ ma. oaton of |[ved away. trom. thelr Long "Island lie Bast 10.30. before she Mhaly || Muriey Washers oH eizams\vem, WHEN. the summer sun beats down and. ber Twas placed in chaigé of the |iestate and went to Chleago to ap: SNTPITREE OB bo, Be Loft the ||| Estimate given on wiring jobs. "After our share in the parti- you're feeling hot and tired and oh, so bay. "Joe" was chatting with, us whep Lg in. a musical prpfuction, smooth dance floor reluctantly, A Radio parts and sets in stock. tion of Africa, which marked the E gi » we were interrupted by. a loud dull Their mother knew ab it apd cock was. crowing. in.the. distance Full line of fixtures in stock. climax of our territorial aggressive- thirsty, these is no beverage that will bring. ld Fritzie had sent our Num. |ifavored a stage career. Ther fath- Truly it has been a magical trans- ness," he said, "the doctrine that 3 > ber Thifteen section up with a mine [[>F making pictures on (he acifie] ddl trade follows the flag and the such. welconge relief as "Canada Dry." ey I attack fis pretty sopn mow, |C0nst had ne ieted that they bend ---- : a ™--_a we --) | sphere of influence theory became EE \ : § AT from. theatre ang films alike. progressively discredited. Its delicate," piquant. flavor is due to the A Ld 2 J x said "fos quletly. pt And sp, one night they skipped | "We are mot acquisitive either S i 4 : n stage in somewhat obscure roles, | territorially or politically, We are purity of its ingredients and the perfection . k a a 2 w i 3 J We sat in a row on the firing step AR y py : 3 i ins ,loing a "sister number. Re mage "hrapnis Tac |, Late that ight H.'L. Warner, of niki ; Bong ing Ag of its blend. : our tin Mats, and mud, dirt Ji'be film producing organization, got i : . d got all the territory we can man- NE : . 3 ; We are acquisitive commer- Only the hi grade Jamaica ginger fled it bd ta '2 phone call from one of his scouts. oo "Say, therée's a team called the SATs a Ho the fat oll EomER. i ) : cially but no is used: in "Can : Dry" and that ginger 2 es ep. Costello sisters you want to grab." i me ; ? : | "We aim not at monopoly but at 4 y@ 'Jithe scout advised. "They've got : Las 2 \'4 i - BBL a large enough share In the 2 : : aE . . Pile Sufferers everything, You won't need a For FRIDA ; and SATURDAY a Jite SHOUGh Shale nk oN is. mildly stimulating, benign, and friendly 'sereen test. Grab 'em quick!" ww = 4 2 P ; 5 dense and highly industrialized pop- i Con You Avsweér 'These' Questions? 1 Almost two, feats pi , the Jax. | RO Rs Tithe Toland. Weslo to the stomach. : later. Dolores Costello came back f | not want to secure spheres of im- You will find it an" s ially ¢ Do you kmow why ointments do J i per oud in ef FE SEELEY CANVAS, SHOES and BOOTS - $1.35 | i soni £5 7 fg a alld ' part of the world." treat at luncheon and digger on a hot day ef? =. : ~ fifor the first time in the world pre- a. EEE a EEE RNG SHOES - $135 [poy NGEOES | Seti Thas 'there "5s a stagnation otf 20E 0% OF (05 SIT vo (I nDDCE D . even the simplest meal, | Hood oS Sehlation in the Mower imap dor. John, Barrymore. Bat Je OXFORDS, Brown and Black $2.95 10 refresh you in mid-after sari inn mit arene ot pops 2 he is (HEAVY WORK SHIRTS ~~ - $245 | ab soll foutiain. ight 4 known: ba ; ; will be glad to discover it snu {Maurice Costello--of: happy mem- . on as in ands akon: suis a MEN'S: BLUE SERGE SUITS $14.95 : the ice as you start foraging in PPR Of . ator for 2 bedtime snack. | lot. 48 a.youngster, though my fath- er tried to discourage us from the . L 0) stage," she recalled. "Once in 2 ] t - 10.95 4 : . : blood || LY Bachar. Pama. pg fc Here, indeed, is one beverage while they let me play boy pants « .| and. since they said I looked a lot f Princess Mother Helen, who fis very can dri in summer without ; A him, they filmed me 7s - the HEAVY BLUE WORK SHIRTS 95 religious, took her sovereigm som, drink frecly " d {chill "he grew up-to be in the film King Michael, to communion Tues- story. But we 'réally didn't get day morning in the local church. < | much training or "encouragement : = {%When the priest was about to offer from He was keen for having * ; ¥ E . 4 consecrated wine to the boy king | 'us stay at home and eventually get UY KHAKI P ; fas he knelt before the altar, Michael u_{'married and just be domestic. Of : 1. {said simply: "I don't drink wine in . A > i {the morning." k og a f Surprised, but amused, the priest Helene. sister--as dark as A 2 3 assured the royal child that holy Dolores is blond--feels that she is G5 : k { wine was not the same as other wine {mow doubly handicapped; : {and that he must take at least a sip : if he wanted to be a good boy and | receive the blessing. : ., E. oe ww Er RT re WL ay, SORE POT . ' Looking, oyer at his mother, whe . : oe a . chairs : "Maurice Bi aad Skreet! Sol' 4/4 Se y "Mi wore an expression of mingled pain Mede in Canada by J. J. Mclavghlin Limited Toronto and Edmonton. Established 1899. i Costello's daughters" and "Dolores and amusement, Michael finally took Costello's sister,' y | i ter, : the sacrament, I» U.S. 4., Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Incorporated, New Work

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