CANADA'S TOURIST TRAFFIC ASSUMES BIG PROPORTIONS Estimates of the Money Spent Here Reach a Huge Figure ENORMOUS REVENUE Ontario Leads All Canada With Quebec Second and B, C, Third Canada will be richer by $300,- 000,000 through the huge influx of tourists from the United States dur- ing the current year, The total for 1926 was $208,000,000, nearly half as much as the value set on the Dominion's wheat crop for that year, The current season, however, will show startling gains, it is believed, and nowhere mare strikingly in evi- dence than in Ontario, What this enormous sum means to Canada at large can be best illus- trated by saying that tourists from the neighboring republic will this year have put over $30 in circula- tion in the Dominion for each Ca- _ hadian man, woman and child, Representing over half as much ag the Canadian wheat crop's value, the tourist trafic in Canada totals 60 per cent more than the annual customs revenue; equals the com- bined output of Canadian mines, represents a larger. money return than from .the Dominion's forests; and is five times as great as the year's gross from fisheries, Referring to the known totals for the past year, the highways branch of the Department of Railways and Canals reported: '"The motor tour- ist trafic has gradually increased un- til today it is ope of Canada's im- portant sources of revenne. While yet in its infancy, it is estimated that the motor-tourist brought into Canada slightly over a fifth of a bil- hon dollars in 1926," The tourist dollar turns over many times after it leaves the or- iginal owner, Heavy purchases are made of food, cinfectionary, soft drinks, tobacco, toilet aufessories, drugs, men's and women's furnish- ings, especially light wooleps, and amusement, This, however, is only the first effect of the tourist money upon the market, It is turped over many times in wages, rent, and other ways. In other words, to quote dis- tinguished authorities, the tourist dollar is 8 worker; it goes into po- body's private savings bank to be bidden and idle. The effect of outside streams of gold flowing in at the rate of $4, 000,000 to $100,000,000 for each province annually, is to give Capadi- aps in urban and suburban territor- jes a buying power that cannot fail to be higher than normal. And the pormal buying power: of Canada ranks with the highest three nations of the world. : Higher buying power in the more closely populated areas has signi- ficent weight on the national prob- lem of steady employment. The con- tipual decrease jin unemployment owes much to the growth of tourist trafic. Ontario leads all Canada in tour- fst trafic. In 1926, over 1,050,000 tourist motor cars were admitted for periods not exceeding 24 hours; and the same period saw 263,114 tour- ist cars admitted for periods mot ex- ceeding one month. Quebec, second in tourist trafic rank, admitted 164,000 motoring parties for periods not exceeding one month. : Estimate of tourist outlay by provinces for 1926 gave Alberta $1.- 032.520, British Columbia $29,666, 500; Manitoba : $5.607.000; New Brunswick $499,000; Ontanio $108,- 524.049; Prince Edward Island $38.- 100; Quebec $51,827.000; and Sas- katchewan $2.851,180. "The best advertising to the tour- ist trade," o business review states, "has been found to be the Daily Newspapers. In nine cases out of ten the needs of the tourist is very definite and immediate. The local daily newspaper in every city they visit is their Labitual reference for finding out where they can get what they want at once. "The largest retail business in Canada deliberately advances cer- tain fall and winter lines a month because of the tourist trade and reaches thes, tourists through the newspapers." Grimsby Merchants Duped By Swindlers Grimsby, Aug, 1--During the last few days a smooth forger has been working in Grimsby and dis- trict. Registered at a local hotel, the man in question tendered a cheque on the Bank of Toronto in payment of his account. The cheque was returned noted "Drawee un- known," In the meantime the same party went to a local garage and pur- chased a car, tendering another cheque, drawn on a Hamilton firm and for about double the amount of the down-payment on the car. As 'the garage owner could mot give him the balance in cash, the swind- ler suggested that he drive the car to the nearest bank and cash the cheque, The garage owner is still waiting for his money, In the meantime several local and Beamsville merchants are com- plaining that some one has passed ten-dollar bills on them for small purchases, and that the local bank will not accept them, claiming that they are clever forgeries. Although local and Provincial Police have been furnished with a good descrip- tion of the man, they have, so far, been unable to apprehend them, $30,000 FIRE LOSS AT WINNIPEG Winnipeg, Man, Aug, 1--Two fires took a property toll of $30,000 in Winnipeg and St, Boniface over the week-end, St. Boniface firemen fought a spectacular blaze for two hours, when a shed of the Barrett Tar Company, containing 500 barrels of tar-pitech, was destroyed, Great sheets of flame leaped from the burning shed and for a time threat- ened seven 80,000 gallon storage tanks of tar. The loss was estimated at $16,000, Last night 152 horses were safe- ly removed from the Canadian Na- tional Railways stables, when fire swept the north wing of the struc- ture, cauping a loss of $15,000, A clergyman who was broadcast- ing an address concluded his im- pressive discourse with these words: "It we obey our finer impulses I have no doubt we shall all of us meet in a better land," Turnipg to he official in charge of the pro- gram he said, "I don't think I spoke too long, did 1?" Unfortun- ately the operator did not switch off the microphone at quite the right moment, and part of the cler- gyman's query - was transmitted. J isteners therefore heard the con- Husion thus." , .we shall all of 1s meet in a better lapnd--I don't hink." STOUFFVILLENON FIGURES IN PROBE Provinial Police Are Active There in the Beeton Case Beeton, Aug. 1.--Provinelal Po- lice activity, which has centred around the attack on Alexander Hodge for the past week or more, was shifted today to Stouffville, where Inspectors Stringer and Rae and Sergeant Creasy of the Ontario Provinelal Police went in search of information regarding the dead ma- rander's past, The rohber was born god throught up in Stouffville and elonged to ane of the best-known families there, but left the district nearly a quarter of a century ago. Most of the present residents never heard of him, but some of the older families recalled the man. He is sald to have two sisters here and a brother in the West, Inspector Stringer expects to get all the Information regarding the dead man at the Inquest from George Forsythe, but if it is not Sages You Own Your Own Carpentering of all Kinds OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone 806-M 17 Llovd §t. J. H, R, LUKE Real Kstate and Insurance Money to Loan on Kirst ortgnges Regent Theatre Block Phone 871 or 6G87W, forthcoming from this source will have others on hand to give the history about the dead man, The inquest promises to last all day Wednesday, and may not he concluded, hecause "the Provincial Police are not yet through with their Inquiries, Wednesday's ses- gion promises to he most interest- ng, FORMER OSHAWA AND WHITBY PASTOR DEAD Ottawa, July 31. -- Rev. W. B. Tighe, fustor of McPhail = Baptist Church ere, and president of the Ottawa [)is- trict Baptist Association, dropped dead at his home here from heart discase just before the morning service today He was 57 years old, and was formerly stationed at Winnipeg, Oshawa, Parry Sound, Whitby and Yorkton, Sask. He was a native of Peterboro County, and leaves, besides his wife, one son and one daughter, both of Ottawa. His mother, Mrs. John Tighe, of Peter- boro, is still living. He was to have started a month's vacation tomorrow. It was in between dances. were sitting in a dim corner. "You have wonderful eyes," he murmured, "Yes?" y. "They are like stars" he went on. Her lips brushed his as he mur- mured. "They are so very bright." His hand fumbled in his pocket and be drew forth a glittering ob- ject. "They are so very bright," he repeated. He thrust his watch be- fore her. "See If you can see the | time in the dark." They she enquired, expectanpt- Fallowfield, England, July 31. = C. Ellis, British one-mile ehampion, Saturday made wsat is claimed to be | #8 world's record for rupning 1,000 | metres. He covered the distance In| 2 miputes 27 4.3 seconds. - | 76lee rd [NT :~ Fletcher's Castonia is especially pre- pared to relieve Infants in Children Cry for anus and Children all ages of Constipation; Flatulency, Wind Colle and Diarrhea; allaying everishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. has ad S108 GLASS AND GLAZING Every Description of Glass for Builders - LOWEST FREE PRICES ~ Comer Sire From wok a socioy DELIVERY PROMPT SERVICE WE PHILLIPS, Rn MPANY" and estimate yowr job without obligation. Telephones 12101211 Ce. OSHAMA. d. REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers, R. M, KELLY 10 Simcoe St, N, Phone 1668W V. A, Henry, Insur- ance and Loans 11} SIMCOE NT, 8. Phones: 1108W--0Office 1858) --Residence W. J, TRICK CO, Limited REAL. ESTATE, CONTRACT. ING AND BUILDERS sUP. Phy. ae $200 cash buys a nice 5 room- od brick cottage, low taxes, wesg end, $25 monthly will carry, DISNEY ipm---- CARTER'S Real Estate Phone 1350 6 King St, East : List Your REAL on this Page 'Radio Electric 15 Prince St. Phone 2477 S, COWELL, Prop, Hent Estate Houses in Every Part of the City--Apply-- BREAKS WORLD'S RECORD, Hamilton, July, 81.--Harbesters did not have a battery or a complete team for Saturday's City League en- gagement at Victoria Park, and the Bedverg loaned enough players to start an exhibition game, The Har- hesters won, 4 to 1, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs, Radio parts and sets in stock, Full line of fixtures in stock, LOTS FOR SALE Grooms Avenue, . $500.00 Frederick St, Water and Sewer Houses for sale, $4,000 to $5, 000 op Frederick street, Easy "terms if desired, These prop- LYCETT Your Real Estate and Insurance Broker AUCTIONEER 25 King St, E.~--Cornep Celina Phone 205 erties are only five inutes walk from the business dis. trict, SEE Williams Piano Co. Phone 763, or H. P. Bull, Pnone 626 ~=buys 4 room cots tage on good $300 down, balance rent, A bargain, Act 319 street, like Quick. W. J. SULLEY, SULLEY & MAW Auctioneers 346 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 7164 PHONE 262 DIX All fuel orders weighed ---------- ETRY JEDDO--Premium Coal SOLVAY--COKE The best fuel products that it is ssible to purchase, Bins at present low Summer prices, General Motors Wood Best Wood Value in this City Fill your ONS 540 UND 540 » Leading Business Men of Oshawa ENDORSE HIGH PARK By buying LOT after LOT. THEIR JUDGMENT is sound because jt is the most beautiful, best located and carefully restricted Park for BEAUTIFUL HOMES in our city. Located on the main ever INVESTING MiDon LYCETT are, offered our ERS, PUBLIC. East, makes it the most attrac- ORS, HOME SEEK- Corner of King and Celina Sts. Oshawa PHONE 295