Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1927, p. 6

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RET Tel "14. Premier or his 1d fishing trip ucharistic Con- "up; he learned bert Ta Asin Tasche- randfather after fring [ne life wi Jack "Hoxle, is a py 5 : YE i ™ story tells of the adventures | of "Jack," "Ace" and "Kiug" "Tlired 'Miiketeers af the "whédé pranks and good deeds are | Sonali getting them into trou: "mle! are thrée rollicking dére- devils' Whode feats are th a country where deeds oy "daring 'dre common. The olers feat the Overland Trail of 'the "darly 70's Whe' 'hardy ploneerd éh- "dure ferrfble 'hardships and bat- "fled With bindits' ahd Tndlaps while ' earving 'ont a new 'totintry, The famous Black Hills and the " 'Bad "Lihds 'of the Dakotas with, al thelr biaptiful scenery form a ! toldrful baékgrouna dr this tat: esting photoplay. 'Tn Tact the "Wle- West," | ls tale ot fi | otere 16-mareto mar th tree 4 motion picture Mua 1 he Bed LARGE A 3 train numbering ove sald' ta be ita a plete, 8 screét." CEE "of United Stated gonaty a oh Fan onde, Sout kot#, uring the fiimifg 'ds 'were' oH of more In- dians from the Pine Ridge Agency, Jack ié 'heads a 'splendid who recéitly sf a long term contract with Onere, plays the feminine edd." Mgtin Sits, 1d pv 6 Fret hee iA ol- in 8 ih rare Jo plays tha * ly uking eare Ny the coast in th he eat are lian fe 8: aos, ort B oseph Bennetf, Hert Mua, a and Bert Apling. Warkov, (kat ®, Officials. here dre i {ng the Lithuanian lan! @ prospect o losing Ul Russian formerly Was the atee yal language here but when th vietic Ukrainian Republic . was organized tn 1919 & MOVEMENL was kbegun to adopt as ich was spoken only in the vill and has few written rules. of g ay 8 or spelling, hé moventent wad' not taken seriously until recently, when sev- 1 high government officials were - 1 Ham ased for falling to study Lith- nian Like the cool ¢ of a breeze at t e mountain top You are always sure drink when you order It isn't sickly sweet drinks, but crisp and keen like the cool of a breeze at the mountain top, One of the principal reasons for this is the fact that "Canada Dry" is made from the highest grade Jamaiga ginger. It lifts you up! Refreshes! Invigorates! Helps you to keep fresh and smiling to the end of the hottest day Boy "Canada Dry" not only because of the wonderful flavor, but because you know that you can depend am its unyarying purity and beet served for years in great haspitals throughout Canada and now is also served in leading hospitals in the United States. i 4 Mads iv Canada by J. Toronto and Edmonton. Established 1890. i wagons, vor 'used in dlong the company of Maders 'Ena Grégory, Others | vd '|learned by a somewhat THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927 fe pri Country Flooded 'With For eign Movey And Lira - ©. Serves 1. T™O LESSONS Economic Inter-Dépéndenice of Nations: Demotistrated "ut ly Fascists Romie, July' 14 The economic Inter-dependence of nations and the inadequacy of natural economic law are two lessons that have just, been chastened Fdsclsé government as demonstrated ally atabjlize the lira at 90 to a pepud or 18.60 to a dollar. WJ Bring Lita Back Nearly a year ago, Mussolini hav- 8 |ing spurned alf proposals tor stabil- " [{zatiod; announced the Inalterablée intentiadi to hring 'the lira back to pre-war valué, which méant its 1m- provement over four times its actual purchasing power. Various mandeu- vres towdrd this 'end were resorted to including © measures, sonie of Which 'were ontside Government control, but what at first rébound: ed to Missolinl's gloty. The Immediate reaction after Mussolini's afionnegnent was largely due to heavy purchases of the Tira by foreign avd domestic ex changé dealérs. After the exchange dénlers bid purchased all the lira they could at a comparatively low jgure thigir 'Ipvoblem was to unload them at a 'Tebrns. profit, hence the heavy fdrelgn loans In dolar and pounds I favor of the Italian Government dd other Ttalian private und semi-private eon- After these two' operations Italy became 6 cotntry flooded with foreign money, but there was an obvious seareity of Mra. There were two 'ways sto make 'lira plentiful agnin. One was th repurchase lira 'with dollars and pounds and the other was to priit more paper, but the latter altérnative was unthink- able in the fae of the announced deflation program, so the former "Iifethbd was largely resorted to. ¥3 9 of a cool, refreshing "Canada Dry." like so many summer | in summer, therefore, high quality. kt has Important Factor Thut his pethaps been the most mportant factor in the upward ten- dency in the ynlue of the lira, al- though until a few days ago there was 4 pretense thet the upward tendency was evactly what the Gov- ronment wanted. But to the general ItaMan husi- ness world this "victory" was of doubtful value. The more *victori- ons'" the deflation program became the more stagnant grew commercial and ihdubtrial streams of the na- tion. Everybody stopped buying anything except bare necessities, Business men argued heavy purchases now when in a few months prices may be cut one-third or one-half?" The nation is now in the midst of réadjusting itself to mew price levels Bis d adjustment much "morning after the night be- fore" headithe and tightening of belts on the part of Mr. Consumer, that ubiquitous individu- al who alwavs suffers the most in such cases. Summer Time Splendor of Pacific Coast Attracts Host of Tourists Summer tours to the West are the vogue. More people are plan- ning a trip for this timé of the year than ever before and the Pa- cific Coast and Alaska seem the avorite destinations, The Coast ities--Vanecouver and Viétoria are at their finest; the 'boat trips hrough the Scenic Seas from Van- couver to Prince Rupert and Alas- ka were never more enjoyable. From the ships the view of moun- tains, of cliffs, of glaciers and for- @sts prove an unending Source of novel entertainment. You will never forget Alaska 'land of the Midnight Sun" with ts vivid scemery, its sparkling days nd majestic nights. On the way to the coast, or re- turning, 'wonderful Jasper National Park will hold your attention for a few dpys--a pleasing interlude in the unforgettable journey to the Coast. Any Canadian National Railways Agent will gladly give all the in- '|ing to arrange your itinerary, res- J eryations, ete. SERVICE" Princeton, N. J., July 14.--The medical profession; where he can "be of some service," is the aim of James #("Bud"') Stillman, son Jot James A. Stillman, millionaire J. Mclaughlin Limited New York banker, who was elected to the: Princton chapter of Phi Betta Kappa. honorary academic Society. Young Stillman recently received his degree of Bachelor of Arts, with high homors in Biology. On a day in July nat yet de-: cided upon, young Stillman will be married to Miss Lena Wilson, the daughter of a Canmalian farmer. whose home adjoins the Stillman | summer home in Quebec. the youth says, he |' After that, will "loaf in Euro, with his bride, pe. 4 for a year returning to the ds U.S. 4, Canadg Dry Ginger Ale, Incorpordted, Ness York United States to 10Al Soho, enter Harvard by the professed Inteation to virtu- 4 "why make |; meaning |! Ultimate |} | formation you desire besides help- | [J¥ FIRE REPORTED ON NER EN ROUTE TO DENMARK Jondon, July 13.---A Lloyds des- patch from Cherbourg reports the Danish steamer Estonia, with pas+ sengers from New York for Copens hagen, has radioed that fire an water has damaged the mail and the baggage of some of the passén- gers. The Estonia, which left New York, July 5, is expected to arrive at Cherbourg tomorrow. FAMILY AFFAIR Grand Rapids, Mich., July 13.-- Two sisters and a brother were prin-, cipals in a ariple wedding ceremony hére today, at which another broth- er officiated and the father assisted. They were: Miss Janet Vande- kieft, who became the bride of Ar: thur Lanning of Holland; Joseph Vandekieft, whose bride was Miss Alice Wyma, and Miss Mina Vande- kieft, who married Dr. Cornelius (Geenan. Rev. R. Vandekieft, former pas- tor of that church, Assisted his son. Men's Canvas Boys' Running 68 King Street West FRIDAY SPECIALS Dominion Clothing Company 50 pair only. Men's [BOO ES and Oxfords $2.89 Shoes and Oxfords 1 Shoes All Sizes. Special 79¢ DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 1.39 Phone 2141 I -- Choosing Fe or Yourself- The Very Things You Need Showing Loblaw Shopper choosing biscuits from a very choice selection. - AY Pe BISCUITS i Biscuits are appetizing only when fresh, and they are "always fresh" when bought at our busy Groceterias. Have you ever bought biscuits and found to your great disappoint- ment that the goods had apparently been in stock a long time and had lost, that crispness and rich flavor which are the chief qualities of a real, high-grade article? Contrast this with the biscuits you buy from our attractive department. Note the white uniformed attendant and the surroundings; everything clean and sanitary; your choice of various lines selected and packed specially for you by the biscuit girl in a neat package. bh srecial Lynn Valley wp CUTTIN Choice Quality No. 2 2 1 Cc 4 PRODUCE Canadian Cheese, Mild® June. Ingersoll Cream Cheese, Spree. like butter. Medium Size Pkg. Ingersoll Cream Cheese. Spreads like butter, Small. Size Pkg., Chat Loaf Cheese, 14 Ib, Pack- Pkg. A itond Cheese, French Imported. Bacon, Arrow Brand, Fancy Bac 5. 14c hae . : 53¢ Id Tin Bacon, Arrpw Brand, Fancy Backs. 1% 27¢ Bacon, Arrow Brand, Selected Size. i. 41c Bacon, Arrow Brand, Selected Size. 1% mW. 21¢ PRESERVING REQUIREMENTS Zine Jar Rings Red and White, 12 Pkg., da abber Rings, 'Rin 0 a Package. Crown Brand, he b 3 } No one to interfere--no offers of something just as good--no need to fear trying some new brand when you see it at Lob- law's--You pick and choose either hurriedly or as leisurely as you please--But 'Loblaw Shop- pers do know that whatever they choose the quality will be right and the price the lowest. SPECIALS are on Sale at'these Low Prices July 14 to July 20 SPECIAL PUFFED WHEAT The Ideal 1 1c freskian CHRISTIE'S Mixe ruit BISCUITS 90¢ You can always depend on . 2 Pkgs., 27¢ re Mufiets, ~ these being real fresh, Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, i Corn n ¥ In and Crisp. ; J shredded Krumbles, Kellogg's, : 2 Pkgs., 25¢ Tomatoes, Aylmer Brand, Choice Quality, No. 21% Tin. .... 2 Tins, 25¢ Peas, Aylmer Brand, Choice Quality, No. 4 Seive, No, 2 Tin. .. 2 Tins, 25¢ Asparagus Tips, Aylmer or Lincoln Brand, No, 2 Tin. 39¢ Small Green Beans, Haricot Verts, French Imported. Tin, 21c Lima Beans, B, & M. Brand, No. 2 17 Cc 25¢ HOT 24c 's, Quaker and Uno, Fresh 9 Pkg. Tin. Tin, Spinach, Booth's Choice Quality, No. 2 Tin, 2 Tins, REFRESHING DRINKS FOR WEATHER Orangeade and Lemonade, Dalton's Btl., Brand, Orange Cup and Lemon Cup, Crosse & Blackwell's. Large Bil, Orangeade and Lemonade Powder, Kkovah, Large Tin. ........ Tin, Orangeade and Lemonade Powder, Kkovah, Small Size, ...... 2 Tins, Montserrat Lime Juice, Medium Size Bottle, Bel. Grape Juice, Welch's, The National Drink, Large Bottle, Btl., Grape Juice, Welch's, The National Drink, Medium Bottle. Bu. Toddy, The Health Drink, Size Tin, Toddy, The Health Drink, Medium Tin, 69c 22¢ 25¢ 35¢ 59¢ 32¢ 33¢ Imported Golden ESYRUP 21b. tin 21c Bonny Rigg OATCAKES 12 Cakes to 1 1c a Panes 6 Tins to a Customer EAGLE BRAND Condensed

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