Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1927, p. 3

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OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Sells Property Mr. Thomas Quigley, Sr. has sold "his Proper on Simcoe Street North to H Davidson, of Toronto, where, they parpose building an apartment which they will call the "Simcoe Man- sions." Co, Re-Organized The Sawyer-Massey Company Kmited of Hamilton, the history of which dates back to 1836, has re- cently been re-organized with T. A. Russell, President of Willys-Over- land Limited of Canada, as Presi- dent, and R. i Mulch, formerly of Oshawa, as V oe-Fresident. Wrong Addves, An error occurred in the display advertisement of 1. Collis and Sons in yesterday's edition of The Times. "It 1s 'stated that thelr address was G§ King street west and the phone number was 2141, both of which were Incorrect, the right address he- Ing 60-64 King street west and the phone number 733W, i Must Secure Dog Tags Humane Inspector N. 8S. Baird * today issued a warning to all own- ers of canines in Oshawa whe have not as yet secured thein li- + cendes, He states that hoa ing next week, all the owners of dogs 'without licenses will be prosecuted and instead of the three or five dol- | rs which the price of a licen:a, ey will Pe assessed ahout five He that' amount when they ap- pear: before the Magistrate, REGINA PATS | "TONN.TODAY The IR Argos Alene aiFivel in Osh- wd today, unheralded and even the least 'fact of their coming unknown They stopped here at noon today, wine of them. all picked 'into a Willys-Knight six and clad in flam- ing red sweater coats with a white trimming, en route for Kingston and points east, to play the leading teams in all the large cities, includ- ing Quebee, before they will return to play an exhibition game here which 'they stated themselves, when interviewed by the Times, was one of the.main reasons for undertak- ing their trip this year. The great hospitality shown and the entreat- ies for another game from St. An- drew's heing the couses given, Although they were only in town for no more than 20 minutes, they were immediately spotted by two of the St. Andrew's players and it only took them two minutes to arrange for a game with them, on Saturday afternoon, July 23. That day should be a red letter one for every fa in Oshawa, especially if they re- member what happened last year, and want to see revenge taken in a real sporting manner, for such Is what the Saints have sworn to do if ever they give them another chance ever they were given another cance. Father Murray who is in charge of the boys is at present up around the North Bay District with five oth- ers held up by motor trouble, so that at present there are only nine players carrying on apd playing a game a day into the bargain, and witinihig the gréater per cent. of them at that. Although they were here at 1.05 this afternoon, they in- tend to play in Kingston this even- fng and they are quite confident that they will make it at that, pro- viding that the speed cops don't bave too: powerful motorcycles, * From Kingston they go to Ot- tawa and meet the team there that made it so interesting for St. An- drew's in the Provincial play-downs fast year,--the Ottawa Boys' Club with Clair Forster pitching, and that is slated for tomorrow, while for tomorrow while for Saturday they will take a little jaunt down to Montreal, pay the pick of the eity there. n Sunday they go to Quebec, while on Monday they come all the way back to Peterboro to play there on the following day, uesday. Wednesday will see them in Toronto playing the McCormicks and on July 21 they play in London to return here after a day's rest to play St. Andrews on Saturday. It is certainly some jaunt but they State they can stand it and by their appearance they certainly seem cap- COMPLAINANT AND DEFENDANT ARE BOTH CONVICTED Complainant in Assault Case is Charged With Theft. By Accused A case of assault culminated in both the complainant and defend- ant being found guilty of eriminal offenses, in an Interesting case be- fore Magistrate Hind in Police Court yesterday. The tangle hegan when Peter Pawluk charged Sam Ostich, a Jugo-Slav, with having assaulted him on July 2 and of causing bodily harm with no less formidable Instrument of warfare than a hammer. Ostich, the ac- cused, turned around and charged Pawluk with having stolen the sum of $387 from him, which had start- ed the original case of assault, and for which Pawluk was found guilty and remanded In eustody until July 21 when more information con- cerning him Is expected to he on hand.' Ostieh who was found guilty on the original charge, was remand- ed for sentence until he should again appear in conrt for any fur- ther infringement of the law whieh he might make. The affalr occurred, hy the oevi- lence gathered from the witnesses, on the morning of July 2 when Os- tich awoke at ahont 10 o'clock in the morning to find the pockets of his trousers turned out, and the sum of $387 to he missing drom them. He iMmediately awoke his too room mates, Pawluk and one Andrgw Jazlj to see if they knew anything about it, hut his susple- fons centered on Pawluk who, he had heen informed hy Jaij had previ- ously done something of a like shady character with Jazij being the suffarer. Ostich accordingly asked Pawluk in more partienlar language if he knew anything about his money, to whieh, noth Ostich and Jaz) confirming in the evidence, Pawluk swore that he knew nothing, although Pawluk de nied it in his evidence, stating that he did not know what Ostich weanl when he used a Jngo-Slavakian word which he was not certain of in meaning. Whether he confessed ig norance or not at first, mattered little at the time, for, however, he finally told Ostich with the persia sion of a brandished butcher knife along with the afore hammer, that the money was hid- den under the mattress in an ad- joining room which was unoccupied. The money was located where Pawluk had indicated bunt instead of there being three tens, a five, and two ones, there was only two tens, a five and two ones, and for the remaining ten dollars, Ostich continued his gentle means of per- suasion at which time Pawluk stat- ed that he had received a blow from the hammer in the vicinity of the kidneys. The ten spot, however, was not found. Pawluk's explanation for his ae- tion in taking the money was given by him "in a flimsy manner" as His Worship pointed out, when he told of being accosted by a robber on the evening previous who had relieved him of gil his worldly goods with the exception of 20 cents, Fearing that the robber would fol- low him and reap another harvest off his erstwhile friend Osgich, Paw- Juk told the court that on return- ing to his roony which was also Ostich's, he took the money from Ostich's pockets and hid it first in the bathroom and then in the room adjoining, intending, as he explained to the court, to tell Ostich about it in the morning when he woke up. Although his intentions may have been good, they were never given the chance to materialize, and on the evidence of Ostich and 'Jazij against him, about denying know- ledge of the money at first, their sincerity was questionable. On the evidence given, Magistrate Hind found him guilty and the ex- tent of his punishment will depend upon his former record.. The case against Ostich occupied only a few minutes since he pleaded guilty and had nothing to say, but His Worship warned him that in this country he couldn't seek redress by taking the law in his own hands, but that he must bring his case be- fore the proper authorities, im or- der to have justice done. Auction Sale The undersigned has received in- structions from Miss Marie Abel to sell by public auction jt the Rose Marie Hat Shoppe, No. 1, Felt Block, upstairs, on Saturday, Vals 16, 1927, at 2 pan. ladies' hats. These hats com- prise all the newest colors and styles Anyone purchasing a hat may have same altered at the lowest cost on the premises. J. R. Bullied ,Auctioneer 10b Auction Sale July auction sale of 37 stock, imple Monday, 18, acre farm, standing hay, | ments and furniture. The | the Estate of the late James S. Lynde, lot 28, Con. 3, Whitby. Sale at one o'clock Standard Time. See bills fos terms, etc. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer, mentioned |, propefty of City Dairy. Castle THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927 Miss Oshawa Qualifies For Final t 1 ( He 1 } ( ABANDON SEARCH Newfoundl'd Gives Up Hope --Charge Made in Connection Sites Cotton, pilot m charge of the airplane and Coli, missing French trans-Aelan- York as soon as weather permits in' an attempt to reorganize the work of chanician, ago POE... ine $4.95 A Collection of Pretty Summer Dresses, Greatly For Friday "l Saturday Selling, Reg. $7.95 to $10. DE RPP PE PPP PPP PY seers ensannaeanttatanarananedel a1 from our own selections, About twenty-five of the latest arrivals in neatly silk mixture crepes, Fugi silks and Silk Rayons, sizes 16, 18 and 20. Some of them samples, a Tr Special .... .... . ER PE TR LLP RRR LE $2.95 MISSES' WHITE FUGEEN TENNIS DRESSES--Made in V-neck, with no sleeves, Sizes 15, 17 and 19 years, aati LALT] [REIN IA 0) 11 don »Mnn FOR FRENCH FLIER With Expedition John's, Nfld, July 13--Major F search for Captain Nungesser ic fliers, plans to hop off for New he hunt which has been halted by lissension- in his party here, James McPhail, Major Cotton's me- left him nearly two weeks and came to this city where he harged that the flier in reality was ising the expedition as a means of hotographing large sections of forest ountry mm Newfoundland for possible < use by lumber companies, Al r than a hunt for the two fliers Whe have been missing ever since they. hopped off from Paris for New York, peafly two months ago. Cotton's friends met his 1 icharges with the declaration that Daniel; ug- genheim, who sponsored the e i tion, gave Cotton a valuabi@! ththera for the express purpose of making re- liable photographs of the reBigs £ov- cred. ' A. a BOY DEFIES ROBBER: IS BADLY WOUNDED now Winnipeg, Man., July 13; ~Defy- ing a robber who had ies his way into his home, ar-old Julian Elliott of ame Wirold Man., was shot and seriously wound- ed today, while the thug Halibabxed trunks and drawers for Naigables: He left the boy bleeding wounds in the cheek an apt THis loot amounted to only a dew dol- lars. The boy was alopge in the house and was forced td wa a long distance for medical 'attention. . Who as Miss Oshawa in the on _____on Friday night. STOCK MARKETS TORONTO STOCKS 148 18 31 120 19 281% A234 Bell Telephone B. C. Fishing. Cap. Ind. Alcohol. 150 19 31% or 20 EA ; 1 liram Walker. .. nt. Petroleum. . Imperial Oil. Int, Nickel. Massey Harris, 28 3 14 (| uh Seagram. Twin City. Mines, Argonaut. ... . Area. Amulet. . Barry Hollinger. Beaper Trethewey, Manitoba = Central Dome, Keeley Silyer. Kirkland Lake. Hollinger. Lake Shore. Laval. Macassa. .. Mcintyre. .. Noranda, Nipissing. ... . Potterdoal, . Premier. .. .. Pioneer. .. Teck Hughes. Topgh Oakes. 590 2205 580 16 210 80 840 29 KARN THE DRUGGIST| FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIC» | Silver. sSereen peted successfully against other I: rds i" (theory), S=-- Radio Electric 15 Prince St. Phone 247 S. COWELL, Prop. Beach Ranges Hurley Washers Estimate given on wiring jobs. Radio parts and sets in stock. Full line of fixtures in stock. | | 0s SIMCOE ST. SOUTH { lady's w | i ! Times. MISS SUSETTE KOSAL Opportunity Contest at the Uplown Ontario entries and was chosen as one 348 Ji 76 H80 290,928 | Powas mae. . | vipond, Wright | Mining Hargraves, Sales at Noon, oh reriLs the pupils of ful in the recent Iheory ex held md Bowmanville: Prim- prano Muriel Edwards ifarl Luke, (honors), Beamer; clementary Morphy ; mtroductory Ruchottom (honors), Marion SUCCESSFUL following Miss rench und I'he Olive | ia in Oshawa ary - Grade thonors), I Cectl onan are uece 10 wnnations piss, rade, grade, prunary Hoskin, honors) frst cla Too Late to Classify MORN ind- ON WEDNESDAY ollege Hill, return to St. 8 a ramcoat. F H. A. Sud lard, (10¢) AN Ans- al proceedings al- A. E, Foster, (10h) BLACK, WHITE AND 1 und, in Lakeview Park. i] leg Reward ON TUESDAY EVENING: A uel street or K.P. Plone (10a) BETWEEN store and Celina St, a Finder kindly at phone 2190. FINNISH where LOST on S 18: COC Hall. HOE H N'. S sum of money. 19 Elm St. LOST leave Wn ANTS WORK, Box *"()," (10h) LADY man may live also. | A GOOD INVESTMENT, $100 UP, 7 "K," Times. (10¢) FOR SALE SIX Re OME D HOU SE, conveniences, central. $250 down, bal- $2,106, 425 a month. Phone 809. (10¢) BUNGA- Lonvemoences, bal- (10c) per cent Apply Box ance SIX ROOM factory, all £4,500, small payment, Phone 809. FOR SALE lew, near furnace ance as rent. _ | tricken with the or | (10a) | Bebe Daniels in 'SENORITA- CARAMBA! You Must Mect Her in Ahis Clever with the Dash of Topped with th Condy, Spiced Ldveat ure / Clarm of mance! Starting Toni ot : "fh 6 | paired and kept in Theatre in Toronto last night com- of three to compete in the finals Photo by Campbell NO SMALLPOX IN THIS CITY CASES CURED Quarantine oi posed on Three Cases Has Been Raised DANGER AT MINIMUM "| Children Who Were Stricken Were in Same Room at School "There is now no smallpox in Osh- The children who were have fully awa. three disease eccovered and yesterday the last of [the quarantines imposed: was raised. Residents of may the danger of small- a minimum. three the city now feel that | pox is again at That there was no spread of the disease despite the fact that all three childi'en who were stricken were in the same room at one of the publie schools, is mainly due to the work jor the local health department which saw to it that every precaution was {taken to render other children in the | room immune to the disease. The original source of the three cases whieh appeared in Oshawa has not been been traced through every effort to do so has been made. In all probability the first case was con- tracted from contact with some per- son passing through the city or here for a short time. Smallpox is ome {of the infectious diseases the eausa- {tive organism of which has never been isolated and this fact makes [tee task of those who combat it {more difficult. FIND WATCH ON ROAD LOST EIGHT YEARS Montreal, Que., | for eight years, a to Carlos McKeves, Milton street, has been returned to its owner. The timepiece, which was presented to Mr. McKeyes by school class- { mates, was stolen from his sister by a pickpocket. A few days ists found the the road at July 13.--Lost watch belonging a parity of motor- middle ago watch in the Saint Rose, about | fifteen miles from Montreal. Mr. MeKerves' name and the presenta- tion inscription engraved om the | case identified it. and it was return- of slg mie sri ab vio tr ant fro HA JIE A youu * his aT yi tm ort au a zi » Pit / Ls Sumalre wrapper osiery 0 half price, made to They go on sale " guaralecd perias ed 160 the owner. It had been re- good condition, ow For A Real WING to the cool weather early in the season one of the best makers of Silk Hosiery in Canada found themselves dd with a big over-production for May and June. They offered us 50 dozen at about Bargain. gant PR sr | basal iBT 8h be {18 oo 08 sell at $1.00 pair. / viol ss Friday and Saturday at 55c pair All the wanted shades and every pair We do not handle > - / NELSON & BELL * ® Simcoe Si. 5

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