OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Car Stolen : Mr, J. Wilson, of Dingman and Mason's, reported-to the police this morning that his Chevrolet tour- ing car, license number 31-998, was stolen last night from in fromt of the garage. Successful In Exams. ; Miss Margaret Gowdy, Simcoe street north, and Miss Hilda Palmer, Albert street, pupils of Miss Marion Hoskin, were successful in passing hott Introductory Piano examina- tions, To Accommodate Orangemen For thd accommodation of the Orangemen who intend to go to Bowmanville tomorrow for the Orange celebration, the downtown ticket office of the C.P.R. will be open this evening until 10 o'clock. All those desiring to avail them- selves of this service are requested by fhe management to secure them early, Remanded to July 10 Roddie McBain, 71 Eldon avenue was remanded hy Magistrate Hind in Police Court this morning, until July 19 on $200 bail on a charge of driving a car while in an intoxicated condition, His arrest was made last night by P.C.'s Parsons and: Terry after a chase of several blocks which ended up on Fisher street, Surety was given by Steven McDonald, 106 Colborne street, Olosed On Sundays Hundreds of people on Sunday were disappointed, when, on going ta Port Perry to see the Kent Gar- dens, they were met by a notice that the gardens are closed to the pub- lic on the Sabbath, Notice to this effect had been published. Mr. F, A. Kent reluctantly has been obliged to take this course, On week days, as usual the grounds are open and free to visitors, Constructed By William Stacey It was stated erroneously in the Daily Times on Saturday that Gale and Trick were builders of the new courts of the Oshawa Tennis Club, The courts were constructed by Wil- liam. Stacey, who has every reason to be proud of the finished product. The courts have brought forth much fay- ourable comment and when they have been subjected to the necessary wea- thering and playing will be the best in this part of th Province, Too Late to Classify LOST--WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- vierX. Answers to name of "Whis- kers," 172 King St. E, (7t1) LARGE PIVE ROOMED NEW COT- tage. ...Three acres of land. Good water. Large henhouse, Ideal spot for duek raising. 3% mile north of city limits on Ritson road. D, Stir- ling, owner, (7-e) GOOD BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. Phone 968M, after 5.30 o'clock. (71) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Phone 1305M, (7-8) COMPETENT GIRL OR WOMAN wanted for general housework, Must do plain cooking. Apply 124 King Bt. B, (7-b) FORD SEDAN, 1924, RECENTLY overhauled, Tires almost new. Must be sold. Owner sick. Bargain, $250. Box "B," Times. (8-a) WANTED TO BUY--A KITCHEN cupboard. Apply Box "L" Times. » (7-b) AID COASTGUARD AND THEN ESCAPE Guardsmen's Boats Runs Into Weeds and Helped Out of Trouble (By Associated Press) Buffalo, July 11.--United States guardsmen in order to comply in the strictest sense of duties last night were obliged to shoot at three men who had only a few minutes before rescued them from the Niag- ara River, The guardsmen had captured a motorboat carrying con- trabrand ale across from Canada to the United States, Just as the rev- enue boat had overtaken the ale boat it became imbedded in weeds and called on the captive boat for aid, The crew of the ale runner had a short conference and acceded to the request by towing the gov- ernment boat to shore, Once on shore, however, the prisoners made a dash for liberty in the darkness. Coastguardsmen opened fire at the fugitives but they later escaped, Tenders Wanted Tenders will be recelved by the undersigned up to 6 p. m, Monday, July 18th, for repairs to the Oshawa Schools including masonry, plaster- ing, painting, carpentry ete. Plans and specifications, Royal Bank Chambers. J. A, McGIBBON, Secretary, Oshawa Board of Education, : (7-¢) In Memoriam STAPLETON--In loving memory of our dear brother, F. Joseph Stapleton who departed this life one year ago today, --Deeply regretted by his sisters Ptta and Rose. ------ Hot Day Dessert Our lce Cream, kept cold by the New Frigidaire Process is just delicious, It's Neilson's, too, in Bulk, Brick, Arctic . Sweethearts and Eskimo Pie, Taste this Ice Cream once You will like it. Kans Drug Store Next to Post Office THE OSHAAW DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1927 ROTARY CLUB HEAR OF DAIRYING (Continued from page 1) inch and they are capable under ade- quate conditions of multiplying many hundred times in a few hours, The discoveries of Pasteur, applied to the dairying industry have made it a con- test battle between bacteria and the dairymen, Ayy milk contains bacteria, some beneficial, some of no benefit but harmless and in and at times bacteria, or germs, which are harmful are pre- sent, "hTe only means a dairyman has of telling whether a given sample of milk is what it should be is to determine the number of bacteria it contains," asserted Mr, Hart, Com- menting on the advent of modern me- thods, the speaker pointed out that in the old days the people did not have to depend on the dairymen to supply a clean pure article, They looked out the back window and noted the con- dition of the cow from which their milk was supply and if the animal look- ed emanciated they changed their mlik- man, Or if it was observed that Mrs, Jones, the milkman's wife puttered around the milkhouse with dirty hands some one else was given the patronage. But nowadayspeople congregate in large cities and do not see the source of the supply and consequently are de- pendent on the dealer, hows Difficulty To show the difficulties which may arise and to show the differena stages where infacetion of the milk may occur, the speaker traced the phases through which a given sample of milk must pass from the time it leaves the pro- ducer until it reaches the consumer, Provided the cow in the case is healthy the milk leaves the animal containing very few bacteria, But the minute it leaves there is the danger of infection from the hands of the milker on which are millions of bacteria always or from the body of the animal itself, The milk must then be stored and cooled and the temperature must be proper- ly regulated. Soon it is take nto the dairy where it is poured from the cans into vats thus involving passage through another set of containers with additional danger of infection, From the vats the milk is pumped to the pasteurizing apparatus before reaching which it is filtered at a temperature of 100 degrees. - Any sediment which it may contain is thus eliminated, In pasteurization, the name being given after Louis Pasteur, the milk is raised to a temperature of 142 degrees, at which it is maintained for half an hour, This kills all the harmful bac- teria and in so doing there is the pos- sibility than some of those which are beneficial may be destroyed. Ordin- arily the number so removed does not affect the quality of the milk though in some cases where the milk is being fed to frail children the value so lost acn be made up by feeding orange juice. As a result of being pasteurized the mil kis brought as nearly as pos- sible to the condition in which it was on leavng the cow. After leaving the pasteurizing vat the milk is cooled to 120 degrees which is known as the safe temperature for milk can he maintained at that heat for several hours without any danger of infection or growth of bacteria which may remain. In most dairies the milk is kept at this temperature until all is in readiness to proceed with the cool- ing, bottling and storing. In the cool- ing process the milk is run over a cool- ing machine in which brine is circulat- ing at a given temperature and when it is brought to 45 degrees after be- (Supplied by Stoble, Forlong & Co.) NOON CLOSING STOCK BID Bell Telephone '..... 147 B. C. Fishing. yoy 18. . Buit, F. N.» -- B9Y Can, Bread ....... 107 Can, Ind, Alcohol... 31 City Dalry, ...... 120 Hiram Walker, .... Int. Petroledm. ... 28 Imperial Oil, .... 43% Int. Nickel, ..... 61% Massey Harris, .. 36% Seagram, 22% Shredded Wheat, .. 64 Twin City, evcese 60 MINING SALES TO NOON Argonaut, ee we 27% 28% ATOR, vem vm ween | $804 "My Amulet, .... 244 246 Bunker Hill, ..... 91% 98 Barry Hollinger, ... 27% 28 BEAVEP: wee mumees = 106 Castle Tretheway, . 76% Central Manitoba, .. 149 OMB. ons carrion 130 Keeley Silver, ..... 101 Kirkland Lake, ... 140 Hollinger, ... ......1861 Lake Shore, ® Laval, .. Macassd, "wwe Mcintyre, . Noranda, ... Mining Corpn, Nipissing. .... . (Potterdoal, we we Premler, ... . - Ploneer, .. . Teck Hughes. Tough Oakes, .. Towagmae. Yipongd, ve ro Wright Hargraves, Mining Sales at Noon, . Biver, wo. we NEW YORK STOCKS Stock High Low Close Amer, "Bel. v163% 163% 163% Atchison ,..182 180% 181 Balt, & Ohio 116 116% 116% Bald, Loco. 241% 237% 240% Chrysler ,.. 47% 47 Dupont .,..240% 240 Dodge "A" , 17% Erie 63% Fam, Gen. Asphalt 74 Gen, Motors 202 Gold Dust ,, 68% Hudson ,,,, 83%. Int. Comb. , 46% Int. Har, ,.183% Int. Nickel , 62% Kan, City 8 69 Loews Incor., 50% Lehigh Val. 130% Manhatt, El. 93% Miss. Pac. ,, 56 Mont. Ward 6 Overland .,,.17% Phillips Pete, 39% Radio 55% Rock Island 115% ASK 148 18% 63" 108 1% 126 61 28% 44 62 2% 67 67 61 arma snmp dies 54% 65% 17% 38% 64% 114 ing subjected to the cooling influence for about ten seconds. it is bottled at a temperature of 45 degrees and imme- diately placed in a refrigerator where it remains until removed for delivery the following morning. Mr. Hart stated that other problems which the dairymen has to face are those connected with distribution, The exact nature of these was not detailed. (By Canadian Press) Toronto, July 11.--Lijeut.-Col. Wilson, American military officer, who with his wife is registered at a local hotel, was awakened at an early hour today when a man broke into their apartment, and it is al- OFFICER CATCHES BURGLAR AFTER CHASE OF SEVERAL BLOCKS; BROKE INTO HIS APARTMENT leged, stole the bfficer's wallet. Lieut.-Col. Wilson gave chase, clad only in pyjamas, and after follow- ing the thief for several blocks, cap- tured him. The man, who is said to be William Strong, of Raeine, Wis., is under arrest. FC. P. R. President Donates Gymnasium ER] SEEPERE B eo qi SHEER E ; E : hi | | 2 F {a of & \ i The the hote. or Studebaker . 50 St. Louis San 113% U.S. Rubber 43% U.S. C.I. Pipe 237% U.S. Steel ,.122% Woolworth 144% Yellow Cab 30% 30% CHICAGO GRAI en High Low 14756 147% 145% 1455 14534 1435 148) 1485% 14654 9%: 101 99. 1055 10774 106}4 110 Hs 1093 my: 12% My 10435 - 105% 10454 46 463% 45% 8% BY VY 505% 50% 50 WINNIPEG GRAIN Wheat Open High Low July ... 163%; 163% 161%; Oct. ... 149% 149% 14734 Dec. ... 14635 14656 144); rr -- CELEBRATE 12TH AT BOWMANVILLE (Continued from page 1) mentioned. At the same time there will be lodges arriving by motor bus from the mearer localities and it is expected that everything will be in readiness for the grand parade at ten o'clock. Following the Parade there will be speeches at the Agricultural Park commencing at 3 o'clock, of a suit- able mature for the occasion and by such prominent men as A. H. Grabam, LP.G.M., Fred Bowen, M.P. for Durham; Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P. for Ontario, and W. J. Bragg, M. P.P. for Durbam; T. 8. A Mayor of Bowmanville, Warden Mil- ton Elliott of Bowmanville and other well known speakers The speech making will give way to a gala program of sports which include races of all kinds and a soft- ball tournament, the prizes for which have been donated by the lo- cal merchants. A display of acro- batic stunts and pyramid building will also add to proceedings, it be- ing put on by the boys from the Industrial School. : . Durham County regimental band Wheat July Sept. .., Det. ... Corn July ... Sept. ... Dee. ... Rye ny Dec. ... Oats July ... Sept. ,.. Dee. .., hy head the morning parade and it is expected that about fifteen fife 384 drum and Kity bands will take part. SOFTBALL EXHIBITION GAME The softball fans will have an opportunity of seeing a repetition of the Chevrolet Eastern Baracus game which was played in 45 min- utes at Kew Beach on Saturday om Tuesday evening at Alexandra Park when these two teams will meet again in th return contest to that played in Toromto. That the game will be worth seeing, fis assured, and a good crowd should be on hand. - Vacation Time Is the "Open Season' Sor First Impressions veranda, the ones you run across on the golf links, the ones you meet on the beach as well as the new faces you see in the dining room at pressions of them? And as you decide which of these people you might enjoy knowing aren't you partially influenced by their clothes? Of course at the same time they are forming first impressions of you. That's why one's vacation wardrobe is so important. But remember, we know what is correct for every type of vacation and we offer delightfully wide assortments, PAGE THREEIOA 1 you get into a game of bridge with on ht afterward -- don't you form first better, wt Mr, and Mrs, Edward Buckler, 232 Athol street east, wish to ane nounce the engagement of thelr daughter, Greta Irene, to Mr, Orland Orr, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Orr, 1010 King street east, Kitch. gner, Ontario, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of July, (7-a)] Mr. and Mrs, J. P, Service, 72 Brock street west, agnounce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mar- jorie June, to Mr. Lloyd Hendrick Slack, of Detroit, Mich., the Wed- ding to take place quietly in Jui; (7-a) (Thatswhat foe been looking for ee ot a with lots of' flavour Winches Mild Blended Cigarett