Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1927, p. 3

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Minpte Hen's Egg An egg of unusually small sige wad brought fo The Times yesterday by, Mr, C. A. Kinneay, King street weat, It is almost like a bantam ®gg in size and was laid by a robust two-year-old Rhode Island Red. Offering Amounted To $102, The treasurer of the Ministerial Association reports that the offers ing received at laat Synday even- ing's service at Alexandra Park was $102. This amount has been equal ly divided between the Osliawa Gen: eral Hospital and the 'Oshawa Req |! Cross Society, andighecks forward: ed, >: With Assault Hughie Closs, a barber on Athol street west and residing at 1556 Simcoe street -sputh, was arrested yesterday at 3.45 pm. on a charee, of assault and of'doing bodily harm. It is alleged tht Closes had beaten his wife earlier in the day and on warrant hie'was arrested by P. C. Gee, He was remanded in the Whitby. jail for eight days, before being tried... rns Remanded To July 14 Whifwell Hall, of Whitby, was brought before Magistrate Hind in police, nw, 3 8 mornipg on a charge, of rece Ning stolen gofds and with knowing them to be stolen. He waa, further remanded until July 14, the goods are alleged to Stock Bell 'Telephone ..... . B.C. Fishing ..... Burt, FN. ... Cap. Bread Can. Ind. Alcohol ...° City Dairy Hiram Walker Shredded Wheat ... Twin City Argonaut Area Bunker Hill Barry Hollinger Beaver Castle Trethewey ... Central Manitoba ... OIE. + yoiiviinrrnin Keeley Silver ....... Kirkland ake Hollinger Lake Shore Laval |Macassa McIntyre Naranda .. Mining Corpn, Nipissing have been the property of the Na- tional Grocers, which were stolen some time ago. Carpenter's Tools Stolen A petty robbery in a house which i being constructed at 539 King |' styeet east was reported to the police. this morning by Thomas Wray, of Hampton, Ontario, who is working on it. He discovered on setyrning to his work that someone had entered the place during the might and had carried off two panel saws, one crosscut saw, several wood «chisels, one cold chisel, and var- fous ather carpentef's articles, The police are investigating. dost At Lindsay D, A. J. Swanson's howling team which won the silverware last year in the open tournament of the Lindsay Bowling Club were unsuc- cessful in this year's competition held there yesterday, The team which consisted of D.A.J, Swanson, Aki, IL, Stevenson, P.A. Blackburn and J, Allman, only played two) ames, one of which they lost and hen meturned home on account of. e very threatening weather eon- itions, 4 pA #o Wold Picnic 3 An enjoyable picnic is promised] the members and friends of they hamainian. Labour Temple which] & to be held this Saturday at the gorner of Park Road and . Bloor ptreet west, Races and sports of all kinds are to be held in the af- ternoon and an orchestra with wandolins, violing and a piape will fe in attendance in the exeping to play for dancing. If bad weather Bets in, hall at 236 Bloor street qast will be used. 3) Rlan Excursion » Employees of, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, have arranged to ren an exeupsion to Rochester, N.Y., op Saturday, July 9. A special tzain will leave the Canadian Na- tional siding in fropt of the Good- year Factory at. Bowmanyille at 7 aan, daylight saving time, The fare for the return trip, is $3.00 for ad- ujts and $1.55 for children. Dining vice and buffet lunch will be pro- on the boat as well as hot winter for those who(wish to. bring baskets. , Speeial music. and . dane- ' n------a-------------- a GINGERSNAP FILLING » After placing marshmallow fill- ing between two gingersnaps cover the top with more marshmallow cream OF h a halved marsh- mallow, ,place the confection the broiler till the marsh- mallow, turns a delicate brown. Serve At ance, g L -, : to-morrow's good pictures. » Our store js a good place go get your Outfit. Our date and we're 'as willing to #how as we are to sll. a | Potterdoal Premier Pioneer leck Hughes Tough Oakes 82 Wright Hargraves .. 550 555 Mining sales to noon, 341,402 shares, Silver 56 CONSTRUCTION NEW GM. PLANTS (Continhed from page 1) fice building which the same con- Motors on William street east. Rap- id progress is being made on both contracts, and it is expected that the end of September will see all huildings at present in the course of erection completed, It is less than four weeks since work was started on the stamping mill gnd in that time the founda- tions have been put in and the erec- tion of the structural steel has been || started. For the machige shop the excavations have been made, the foundations are in and the forms for the first floor are rdady for concreting, Later structural steel will be placed, The excavations for the enamelling plant extension have also 'been completed and the foun- dations are now under way. The excayating called for in both con- tracts was sub-let to the Armstrong Company of Hamilton. Work on the office building was started several days ago and ex- cavations are almost finished. Sey- enty-five percent. of the footings are in and the basement walls are in formation, Many sub-contracts in connection with the two contracts have been left. The Hamilton Bridge Company is supplying the structural steel while the roofing and sheet metal will be put in by W. A. Moffatt Company of Toronto. The Phinne- more Cleaning and Decorating Com- pany of Toronto has the painting sub-contract. Steel sashes which will be used are being supplied by the Trussed Concrete Steel Com- pany of Walkerville while W. E. Phillips Company will supply the glass. The mechanical trades have pot yet been filled. In connection with the mew office building the roofing, sheet metal, plastering and tile work sub-contracts are still un- let. Too Late to Classify LOST--GOLD WRIST WATCH kept as keepsake, on King St. E,, pear Ritson road, or near King st. Chambers, Finder kindly phone 740 or call at ILeader Dry Goods Store. 32 Simcoe S. Reward. (4-2) FOR SALE--NEW MODERN BUN- galow; large lot. Garage conveni- ence. Near Motors; $2,200. Easy terms. Phone 869. (4-¢) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--NEW modern six room house, all conve- miences, in morth end. Will take small, house in exchange or sell on masy terms. Phone 869, (4-¢) r-------------- ee mn | em ----te WANTED USED PIANO. MUST he cheap for cash. Box "T," Times. - (4b) LOST--LIGHT GRAY OVERCOAT on Athol East or Simeoe street south this morning. Liberal reward. Leave at Oshawa Railway. (4-2) HOUSE FOR SALE NINE ROOM- ©@ house on Division St. Five bhed- rooms. suitable for rooming house. Very reasonable. Possession * at ohce. Phone 829 for particulars. (4-¢) FOR SALE AN OAK BED WITH springs and mattress in good condi- tion, $10. 208 King St. E. . Phone 2414, (4-2) groom, played Mendelsohn's wedding WANTED -- HOUSEKEEPER TO take full charge. Must be able to 200k. 5.20 or at moon hour. . (4 Family of four adults. Sleep out preferned. ' Phone 2356W after THE OSHAAW DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1927 General Motors Score Easy Victory Over Danforths In Jimmy Kervin's Clan Win 9 to 1 and Take Firmer Grip on Leadership -- Davidson Upholds Reputation as Mo- tors' Scoring Ace General 'Motors took a firmer grip on the leadership of the local group of the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association last evening when they defeated Danforths of Toranto 9 to 1 at Alexandra Park, The game was not of a sensational character in view of the fact that the score was somewhat one-sided. However, the play was not quite all one way and conpiderable excitement was pro- vided for the four or five hundred odd spectators who attended the performance, "Chuck" Davidson, Oshawa's scor- ing ace, bulged the twine for four of Oshawa's nine counters, display- ing clever work around the visitor's net in taking passes and elusiveness in dodging the Danforth's defence 'Weddings HOWE--~BONE At the home of her parents, 109 Ontario street, on Wednesday after- noon at four o'clock, Etta Marie, eld- est daughter of Mr, and Mrs, G. It Bone, became the bride of Mr. Her- bert Harry Howe, <ldest son of Mi and Mrs. S. H. Howe, of Lindsay. The bride, who looked very charming in a gown of whate crepe romaine with veil and orange blossoms and carried butterfly roses and baby's breath, was attended by her sister, Miss Dori Bone, who wore Nile green georgette with matching picture hat and carried pale pink carnations. The groom was assisted by Mr. Eugene Rose while Mr. Reginald Howe, brother of th# march, After the ceremony, which was conducted by Rev. Mr, C. W. De- Mille, a sumptuous lunch was served to the numerous guests by Nr. J. Welch, then the happy couple lefl inr points west, the bride travelling in a blue Kasha cloth coat with - hat to match and wearing blonde shoes and hose, carrying the groom's gift, a si ver mesh bag. The bride, who form= erly taught public school here, was well-liked by all who knew her as the many beautiful and useful presents testified, Among the out-of-town guests was Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Howe, and Re- ginald Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Same! Howe, junior, Mr. and Mrs. B, John- son. all of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs, J. Richards, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Whitby, of Sault Ste. Marie, and Mrs. Burnam and son John, of Port Perry AYERS----SAMPSON On Wednesday afternoon, June 29, the Albert Street Church was the scene of a pretty wedding when Alice, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sampson, became the bride of Mr, Fred Ayers, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ayers, 336 Simcoe street south. The bride looked lovely in a white georgette dress with orange blogsoms and veil earrying a bouque: of Ophelia roses. She was attended by Miss Elsie Ayers, sister of the groom, who wore Mais silk and carried sweet peas, The groom was sup- ported by his brother, Mr. Bob Ayers. After the ceremony which was conducted by the Rev. R. A. Whattam a sumptuous luncheon was served to about thirty-five guests at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple left for Toronto, later going on a motor trip to Ottawa. On their return they will reside on Gibbons street, ; WALKER--COX On Thursday morning, July 7, with Rey. F. J. Maxwell officiating, a guiel wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Isabel Cox, 'when her eldest daughter, Alma Margaret, became the bride of Mr. Fred Collins Walker, of Peterboro. The bride, dressed in pale blue geor- gette with silver shoes and hose, carrying butterfly roses, and wearing the groom's gift, a platinum brooch set with diamonds, was given away by her brother, Mr. Cameron ToX After a wedding breakfast the happy couple left for a honeymoon at Hunts: ville, the bride travelling in a black and white costume. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Walker will reside in Peterboro. DAVIS--LAWRENCE Yesterday at the home of the groom's parents, 205 Bruce street the marriage of Violet May Lawr- ence, 14% Simcoe street morth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lawrence and Percy Ashley Davis was solemnized. The Place to Go Dancing Tonight 8.30to0 12 I [The Jubilee Pavilion] at Lakeview Park | Come and enjoy yourself Intermediate O. A. L.A. Game players. Jimmy Kervin's clan was somewhat weakened through the ab- sence of Orville Ganton and Norman Irwin, the former suffering from an injured ankle received in the game with Buffalo on the holiday, while Irwin' sustained a wrenched back. Donald, the one-armed artist of the Danforths, shaped up with the best players on the visitor's rooster and led his clan in a number of at- tacks. The Toronto squad were much inferior to the locals in cheek- ng and could not maintain the same speed as the Kervin clan which is composed chiefly of young blood ahle to stand a terrific pace for the full sixty minutes. At times lapt evening some of the local players were inclined to hold the ball a lit- tle too long and quite often lost it on account of not pagsing sooner. Garrison continued his steady play- ing in goal. Only once was he beat- en and that one was practically im- possible to handle, The Danforth's goalie did mot add much strength to his team and some of the shots that went past him should have been saved, . The Mators started out in the | first quarter to blank the visityrs 2-0. while in the second they added another, In the third quarter Kp- worth secured Danforth's only coun- ter of the game, Oshawa also added one, making the count 4-1 in favor of the locals. In the last fifteen minutes Kervin's clan ran in five goals at the same time holding their opponents scoreless, "Danny" McDonald played for a greater giart of the game and turned ereditable pec- formances, All mefhers of the Osh awa team showed up equally well but it was apparent that they did not exert themselves, The teams lined up as follows: Danforths--=Goal, Major; point, Lough; cover point, Irwin; 1st de- fence, Lambert; 2nd defence, John- ston; centre, Brown; 1st home, Fin- layson; 2nd 'home, Morris; outside, Donald; inside, Smith; spares, C Smith, Ketchum, Epworth, Oshawa--goal, Garrison; Huhbell; cover point, Lott; 1st de- fence, Irwin; 2nd defence, Walsh; centre, Whitten; outside, McDonald; inside, Davidson; spares, D. Irwin, pnd Sarles point, Motorists are complaining of a! detour located on the Whithy-Port Perry road about six miles north from Whithy. A quarter mile of the detour is wet, ungravelled elay made well nigh impassable by the recent rains, Motorists who have been stuck on this section have heen resorting to the aid of old Dobbin to get going again sented as below: -- Tregtmentfl,: ... sper Far ARE Defective Breathing. . Abnormal Defective Enlarged Glands. Skin Diseages, ... "|Orthopedie Defects Malnutrition, ( a Nervous Disesses, Chorea HEALTH IN CITY SCHOOS INPROVED (Continyed from page 1 Contagion. .. .. ..... Birth Registrations, Prenatal, .. - Tuberculosis, .. .. . Bedside Care, Dressings, Treatment. .. .. .ov Social Welfare, .. Miscellaneous, .. .. ... its 2 School reports for June were pre- and No. of visits to schools. . Children Inspected, Re-admisslons, Pedieulosis, .... ... .. Vision, ee Disease. ... Tonsils, Appearance, Teeth, oun Anaemic Pulmonary Disease, 'ardiac Disease. ...... WIFE DIED OF SHOCK HUSBAND WAITED IN CELL FOR A VISIT New York N.Y. July 7--Facing a long term of imprisonment for embez- Zlement, William S. Bennett, waited in a cell in the tombs today for a visit from his wife who never appeared. Mrs. Bennett died of the shock of his arrest Monday and the husband was not informed of her death. Six Percent of Cattle Killed In Local Sla In Dr, H, Vanzant Presents Re- port to Regular Meeting of Board of Health -- Made 32 Visits to Slaughter Houses Last- Month -- Six- tee» Cows Given Tuber cular Test Six percent of the cattle killed in loéal slaughter houses during the month of June were infected with tuberculosis according to Dr. Vanzant, V.8., veterinary inspector for the city of Oshawa who present- ed his monthly report at the regu- lar meeting of the Board of Health. This percentage, Dr, Vanzant point- ed out, closely coincides with the results obtained by the Government ipspection of abbatoirs and tuber- culosis testing. Sixteen cows were given the tuberculin test during June and the results taken with these obtained in the slaughter house inspection indicates that ap- proximately six percent of the cattle are infected. In his capacity as inspector, Dr. Vanzant made a total of 32 visits to slaughter houses where 259 ani- mals, made up of 138 cattle, 61 calves, 52 rogs, and 8 lambs were killed. In eight of the cattle slaughtered tuberculosis was found which represented all the disease or ill health of the entire lot. The qual- ity of the animals of the animals slaughtered was generally very good. Amon gthe 35 dairy farms visit; ed during the month conditions were found very satisfactory. Some ughter Houses In June ected With Tuberculosis few cases, of dirt getting into the' milk cans during the night through, an open window in the cooling house, Covering the cans with '&' clean cloth or with the can cover after the animal heat had beep driven off the milk was the rem- edy recommended. The regular apy: plication of the sediment is an in- fallible guide to the care exercised' in the handling of milk, Dr. Van-, zant stated, LA SALLE PLANT NEARS COMPLETION i (Continuef 'from ppge 1) men are employed, : Interesting facts in connection with the building are that it will add 120,000 square feet of space to the factory area of General Mot- ors of Canada Limited and in its erection over eight tons of steel, habe been used. In the building 5000 'cubic yards of concrete have been poured and 175,000 bricks have been used. In the building there are 73,000 hoard feet or Brit ish Columbia fir. The architects who designed the plant were Hut- ton and Souter of Toronto. Various sub-contracts in connec: tion with the general contract which they held were let to local concerns by the W. H. Yates Copip- any. The electrical work is being done by Charles Bowra, the steam fitting by Fred Gerrard and the plumbing by Miller and Libby. The contract for glazing was ser cured by the W. E. Phillips Comp- little trouble was experienced in a any Limited. al = teen Men's Broadcloth foe'. Take Advantage ofthe Re eieieielenle eieieleleied Balbriggan UNDERWEAR ~ Wonderful Value to Sell Friday and Saturday 48cC h-Fnd J; markable Price y and Saturday VALUES! VALUES! VALUES! IT A I i a i Pink, - Mave, and; 39¢. White PEE ubognapphle ic Kodaks $6.75 pot ey low Boe Finishing that's right where good music is assured | in a spacious hall with a fine FOUND--GENT'S. GOLD WATCH. Owner may haxe same by proving propenty and payee for adventise- ment. Apply 140 Division St. (4-b) | CARPENTER, ALTERATIONS AND repairs. . First class tradesman. Con-| tract or by hour. Tenms woderate. | Box A, Times. (4-32) ENGE SIMCOE ST., N. L's

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