Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jul 1927, p. 3

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Tre HARA 2TAY * THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1927 n Ontario street dt Notice to Poultrymen N The Oshawa Poultry Association will discontinue holding their regular monthly meetings till October next. Chas. Law, secretary. i (3a) Plan Excursion - Employees of Goodyear Tire and Rubber- Company, have arranged tc run an excursion to Rochester, N, Y,, on Saturday, July 9. A special train will leave the Canadian National sid- ing in front of the Goodyear Factory at Bowmanville at 7 am. daylight sav- ing time. The fare for the return trip is $3.00 for adults and $1.55 for child- ren. Dining service and buffet lunch will be provided on the boat as well Too Late to Classify LOST---EADIES' * RROWN SILK amber handled umbrella, in grand- stand at Alexandra Park, Sunday ev- ening last, Finder please return to The Times office, (3c) WANTED-EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Apply by a as hot water for those who wish to bring baskets, Special music and danc- ing, everybody welcome, Blaze in Garage A small blaze of uncertain origin broke out at 11.30 this morning in J actory otton Mill TAG AAT HIT Popular Novels. Reprints by famous authors. Reg. $1.50 to $2.00 books. July Sale. 39¢ each or Popular Novels "Simcoe street south, '| B.C. Fishing ..,..... 15% Simcoe St, N. Phone 1037. OOM HOUSE FOR SALE--SIX« brick veneer house, all' conveniences, Centrally located, "For 'information apply 251 Bruce St. Phone ral, ) c WANTED--A SMALL UPRIGHT piano of modern style. Will exchange a 6 tube Surer Neatradsne walnut cabinet "46 ¢s high, built in Bald- win Loud Speaker and all equipment, new. This is a beautiful instrument and the. Pinnacle of Radio perfection, Write Box 353 Bowmanville or tele- phone 105. % '(3th WANTED -- TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Box "P," Times, (3c) LOST--PAIR: OF SPECTACLES, dark fortoise shell rims, Jury and Lavell soft leather case, at Alexandra Park, Tuesday evening. Reward for return to R. A. Hamilton, Times office. i (3tf) _- EE --------------, All members of the Indepen- flent Order of Oddfellows and their families are invited to the Annual Picnic being held at Lakeview Park on Saturday July - 9; Oshawa Rall. way are fi a 15 minute service from 1.80 to 3.00, A monster program of sports has been arranged, including races, novelty events and Soft. ball; 5 teams have entered for competition for the Softball Trophies, one being presented by Bro. BR. N. Bassett, Oshawa, the other by Bro, J. N, Hicks, of Whitby, As these cups are exceptionally, ."good trophies snd highly prized by the Dis- trict, yon can be assured of seeing good ball played, Each of the teams are out to win their respective cups, ' Come snd bring your baskets and fave a real good time with us, KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI» A ---- Many citizens of Eastern Ontario are contemplating a trip to Roches- ter, Industrial Day, Saturday, July 9th. Rochester is a city of beauty and is especially considered such, on account of its magnificent homes and its beautiful parks and gardens. Indeed, it has been fittingly named "The Flower City." Ontario Beach and "Sea Breeze" Park are favor- ite resorts for young and old alike; or one may jaunt out to the Ball Stadium and see an International Baseball Game. The palatial steamer "Ontario, No. 2" will carry you across amidst the cool refreshing breezes of Lake Ontario. Dance in the Music Room or. join in the deck games if you wish. You may bring along your basket or one may get meals aboard, as the Buffet Luncheon and Dining Room service camnot be surpassed. The attractive fare of $3.00 has been named from Bowmanville to Rochester return and excursion fares will prevail from Newcastle, Port Hope and Cobourg. Special C.N.R. train will leave from Bow- manville Uptown station 7:00 am. Daylight Saving Time. Special boat will leave Cobourg dock 8.45 a.m, Daylight Saving Time. See your loca! €N.R. Agent for further in- formation, the garden owned by F. W, Larke at the rear of his residence on 273 The garage faces north on Elm street and it is at present used to house two of the Larke transport trucks which how- ever, were not in the building when the fire started, Very little damage was done and only the chemical ex- tinguisher was used. STOCK MARKETS TORONTO Bid 147 Ask 148 15% 624 32 235% 483% 29%; 43 Stock Bell Telephone ...... Burt, F.N Can, Cons, Smelters , Hiram Walker . Int, Petroleum ...... Imperial Oil ..... FRE Int. Nickel ..i.vv0s Massey Harris Seagram ...... serviy Shredded Wheat ,... Twin City +vvv0¢ teva Mines Argonaut .,.ieve00s ATeR uvresrsrerons Amulet Bunker Hill Barry Hollinger Beaver Castle Trethewey ... Central Manitoba ... Dome Keeley Silvet Kirkland Lake Hollinger .,... Siviv Lake Shore ....,.... Laval Macassa Mcintyre Nordnda Mining Corpn, ...... Kipissing vseevessess Potterdoal Premier Pioneer ,..,... Teck Hughes Tough Oakes Towagmac 62 31% 235 Wright Hargraves NS Mining sales to noon, 334.755 shares. Silver 564% NEW YORK, (3 p.m.) High Low Amer, Tel, 164% 163% Atchison 181% 18065 Balt, & Ohio 116% Baldwin L, 238 Can, Pac, 179% Chrysler 48% Dupont 242% Dodge "A" 19% Erie bd Famous Plrs, 98 Gen, Asphalt 73% Gen, Motors 2035 Gold Dust 585% Hudson 83% Int, Comb, 47% Int, Harvest, 184% Int, Nickel 63% Kansas City 8, 61% Loews Incor, 651% Lehigh Val, 126% Manhatt., El, = 86 Miss, Pac, ,, 56% Mont Ward 657% Overland .., 17% Phillips Pete, 407% Radio 66% Rock Island 115 Studebaker , 50% St. Louis San 113% U.8. Rubber 46% U.8. C.I. Pipe 237% U.S. Steel ,,122% Woolworth ',143% 142% Yellow; Cab 31% 30% VETERAN MARINER RETIRES. Captain George Batten, who has been in the employ of the Canadian Steamship Lines for the past 50 years, has retired at Prescott. Captain Batten's first duties on the water were as cabin boy on the old steamer, Athenian in 1870, Close 164% 1805 116% 237% 179 Stock 45% 234 121% 1425 31 120% 3-DAY SAL AREAL Tor $1.00 Thursday, This outstanding list of July Sale Bargains is added to the special attractive savings that appear on the monthly sale bill which you will receive through the mail. It's going to be a wonderful sale for everybody. Friday and Saturday ro. "-- ow Ruffled Curtains Ruffled Curtains, fine quality plain scrim or check marquisette, 23% yards long, complete with tie backs, July Sale, Yair. i] c sererrenn see Cretonne Covered Cushions Cretonne Covered Cushions for verandahs, porches, Sum- mer cottages. Reg. 75¢ 49 c Reversible Floor Rugs Reversible Floor Rugs, rich colorings, splendid wearing, Seky Sule. Each, 91.19 July Sale. Gingham Dresses One Hundred Girls' Gingham Dresses, sizes 2 to 14 years, (Small sizes have bloomers to match.) Reg, $1.25 to $1.95 Voile Dresses Women's Pretty Spot Voile Dress:s, sizes 16 to 20, about 25 only, July Sale $1 69 Straw Hats Men's Peanut Straw Hats, well made, good wide brims, Reg. 25¢. July Sale. Gingham House Dresses Continuing the Greatest July Sale} of Silk and Cotton Dress Fabrics) RIGINALLY planned for a special two-day event. This piece goods sale, which has caused such sensational sel . ling, will be extended during the period of our July 3 day Sale. Do not hesitate to buy all the Summer Dress Goods you wre going to need, for we cannot promise you values like them again. First compare q i arices--We win on both counts. FLAT CREPE 38" Pure Silk Flat Crepe. A special dress weight, Regular $1.05 and $2.25. seseresenrneee 88" Imported French Georgette, special dress weight, Reg, $1.95. July Sale, yd, ORGANDIES $1.49 36" Genuine Swiss Spot Organdies, 7 colors, permanent finish, Regular $1.25 quality, July Sale, Yard, I 36 inch Irish Linen NORMANDY VOILES B86" Figured English and American Voliles, dainty patterns, Reg, 75¢ to $1.00, July Yard, SWISS ORGANDY 15" White Swiss Organdy, finest quality, manent finish, Regular 83c. July Sale, "ra Yard, BRO. RTINGS Duro-Dye Mercerised Striped Broadcloths sShirtings, 32 to 88 inches wide, Reg, $1.00 69 and $1.25, July Sale, ,........... Yard, Cc 39c 55¢ BEACH CLOTH SUITING 36" Mercerised Beach Cloth Suiting, all colors, July Sale, ,............... Yard, SUITINGS, 20 49c per. 49c en compare LINGERIE DIMITY 86" Check Lingerie Dimity, white and all colors, July Sale, .......... tees Yard, CREPES 36" English Silk Corona Crepes, 12 colors Reg. $1.50, July Sale ,,.... Yard, 69c BLAZER FLANNELS jest English Striped Blazer Flannels. Note the exceptional quality, Reg, $1.25, July Sale, Yard, July Sale VOILES 68 Genuine Normandy Voiles, spot and figured pat- terns--new Grafton's English Voiles in larger printed designs, Reg. 75¢ to $1.25. July 59 Sale, Yarg, 9JC Pretty Silk Mixture Crepes in. mew neat printed patterns, 36" wide, Reg, 98c to $1.25, July 69¢ COTTON BROADCLOTHS 36" Mercerised Cotton Broadcloths, plain colors and white, July Sale, Yard, 35 pieces new Fugi Silk Broadcloth, 31" wide, All colors and white, Three days only, 55 vard, 99C 19¢ all colors Yard, 32¢ SILK BROADCLOTH Rb a a a a a a a a a a a ad PONGEE, ARTSILK GINGHAMS 32" Artsilk Ginghams, 10 eolors, including some new black and white patterns, July Sale, 44 Cc FUGI SILK Yard, 500 yards White Double Fugi Silk. This price positively for three days only. 89 Yard, Cc RAYCOT SILK 26" Raycot Silk, an imported English artsilk fab- rie, splendid weight for bloomers, slips, etc. Reg. $1.19, July Sale, ........... Yard, 89¢ VOILES NaturalPure Silk Pongee 40 inch Plain English Voiles, 10 colors and white. July Sale. .per yard 33" Wide Ist Quality, su, Sale yd. 48c 86° Waco-Silk, a new artsilk fabric for dresses and slips, 15 colors. July Sale, LINGERIE CREPES 31" Plain Lingerie Crepes 22 .. Yard, &&C Yard, 26¢ LINGERIE RAYON 47¢ 86" Lingerie Rayon, neat spot pattern, 5 ---- colors. Rez, $1.00, July Sale Yard, -- One Hundred Women's Gingham House Dresses, sizes 36 to 43. A brand mew lot, bought specially hin sr res Each, $1.00 Boys' Cotton Jerseys 20 to 32, July Sale Bedspreads Large White Krinkle Bed- spreads. The better quality, that sells regularly $2. 49 at $2.95, July Sale Japanese Crepe Lunch Cloths 150 Japanese Crepe Lunch Cloths, exceptionally attractive patterns and colorings on natural and white ground, Fast washing colors, hemstitching around border, Size 48" x (Napkins to match 15¢ each) Bleached Irish Lunch Cloths Bleached Irish Cotton Da- mask Lunch Cloths, dice pat- (Hemmed Napkins to match 12Y;¢c each) if SAMPLE cov. ottes $29.50, Reg. $25 to On sale for WHITE DOUBLE FUGI DRESSES $8.95 to $13.75 increase in business we have been forced to add another exam- ination room to our DRESS $1 4-% PRINTED SILK CREPE | DRESSES $6.95 to $19.50 NG SRI CR we} a? EFT CASE AGAIN ADJOURNED (Continued from page 1) formed that his car was smashed up and in a Cobourg garage. Courtice further stated that while he knew the accused by sight ne did not at that time know his mame. He next saw Rose op the following Tuesday after he had Jaid information against him. The bill of $129.30 which was due on the car at a Co- bourg garage he himself had to pay. Gordon Rose testifying on his own behalf. outlined how he had visited at the garage on the morning of the 26th and asked him how much it would eost to rent his car to go to Toronto that afternoon. Rose stated that later he came back and on see- ing that the car was mot back yet asked Ronald Courtice if his $5 would be safe with Leonard Cour- tice, should the car not get back in time for him to use it. However, ithe car did get back and Rose says took it with Courtice looking on. Instead of going to Toronto he head- 'ed for Cobourg. Just west of that town he encountered an accident in 'which he took the ditch with dire results to the car, He called a ga- rage in Cobourg and had the car and the bill sent to him. Returning to Oshawa the same night he did not see Courtice then or on Sunday. On Monday he was stopped by Cour- itice on the street and the upshot of thair conversation, Rose swore, was that arrangements to go to Cobourg together on Tuesday night to bring yJback the car were made, On Tues- [has morning hearing that the police station to inquire why and was ar- rested by the police on a warrant. Under cross-examination Rose stat- ed that he was nineteen years old, bad never been in trouble before and that ke came to Oshawa from Toronto having gone there from Belleville. As a lad of eleven he came from England. Ronald Courtice, no relation to the owner of the car, called by the Crown, was unable to recall having had any conversation with Rose con- cerning the safety of his $5. Nor with him at any time om the 25th. @ross-examined by Mr. Kennedy, Courtice stated that Leonard Cour- towed in, ordered that it be repaired | wanted him, Rose went to the police |g could he mecall having conversed Over 10,000 people availed them-- salves of the street car facilities of the Oshawa Railway Company on Saturday, July 2, when the monster crowd attended Lakeview Park for the County Day of the Jubilee Cele- bration held there. Seven street cars were used, while ten conductors and ten motormen worked in shifts to render the service which was giv- n. : On the day. previous, over 6,000 Oshawa Railwa vy Transported 10,000 Passengers on Saturday patronized the street cars, and yet on neither day was there a single accident experienced. The assistance rendered by the public through their consideration during these heavy rush hours was greatly appreciated by Mr. Callaghan, superintendent, and the conductors and 'motormen. Mr Callaghan states that Saturday's crowd was greater and yet just well handled as that on the G. M. C. pie- nic day last year, for which they are deserving a good deal of credit. tice in talking to him after the car had been taken mever suggested that it had been stolen but had said he intended getting after Rose for taking the car. Born COOK--AT THE OSHAWA GEN- @ral hospital, Sunday, July 3, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A Cook, (mee Lena Palmer), a son, Francis Alvin. (2-a) Cards of Thanks Mrs. James Richards and family wish to thank their friends and rela- tives, also the fellow employees of the plating and polishing Dept. G.M.C., the Association of Employees of GMC, for kindness shown through the beau- tiful floral tributes, also the Ontario Motor Sales and employees for flow- ers and cars during their recent ber- cavement, (3a The Place to Go EXTRA SPECIAL TONIGHT SOMETHING NEW Coffee and Sandwich Dance - JUBILEE PAVILION Lakeview Park Dancing from 8.30 to 12 Come and enjoy yourself where good music is assured is # spasious hall with u. fine TONIGHT 8.30 TO 12 10c Each Dance Most of us would like to get out of debt, but we really need a new car and the radio is a bit squaky. ) | Brandon Sua.

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