WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, Li FRANK BBS, Solicitor, Notary butte ancer, Bide Royal Bauk Bids MN ea and = streets. Phone 1496, (121+ CONANT &' 18, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Natariea Publiecile, gal veyancing and general Pp Law. Offices 7% Simede Bt Oshawa. Phone 63. G. D, Conant, B.A, LLB; A. F. Annis, BA, LL.B, (38t1) | , REYNOLDS, 38 BLOO " -Phone 693. Auto painting 3 odd simo Work' guaranteed. Before palnting.get our. prices, (tf) Signa® FOR SALE--§ ROOMED FRAME house on Ann barn wy chicken house. Apply 154 Annis 8 (741) HOUSE FOR SALB--93 BUCKING- ham Ave, 'between 6 and 7 o'clock. (3) H.'R, COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Siete on paper, wood cot- ton, brick cards, price tickets ao iyery fon, Disney Block, Oshawa. (229-t0) i deter W. B. N, SINCLAIR, K.C,, BANK of Commerge Building. dior yr.) JOSEPH P, MANGA} a ~~BAR- rister, Salicitor, id SA offion. veyancer, Money to. loan, 34% Ki , east, 'Oshawa. Phone 146. R ce phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- | risters, Conveyancers, Notaries "- lie, ete, ables over Standard Entrapce Simeoe St. Phone va F. Gfierson, B.A, T. K, Creighton, BA, sw pNeoR GERMAN & MAC- Kenzie, Barristers, Ji boogie] Ne y,- Public, o! ranches 0 hed Adi a) Ciyil Law, Maney to a Oftice hy Lables, store, 3 King , .... Phone , DA, J. A] a H, , German, F, G. Mackensie., A. J PARKHILL, BARRISTER, 80- leltor, Notary. Public, Conveyancer, loap, Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 22397. (6821) LOUIS 8, HYMAN & Co., BARRIS- ters, Conveyancers, Notaries, ete, Over Engel's store, 16 Simcoe St. North, Money to loan, -Phones-- office 67, Residence 2191, (tt) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King st. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa, 30... Re- putable Fire Companies, (118-tf) Ear, N 04 TH ¢ Ss Sp clalist DR. F, T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office , oyer "Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till & p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. (498-if) D MeEAY, PnYSICIAN, BUR- , [CITY CARTAGE, él "Window Cleatiing WA. . WINDOW OLEAN: THR 08 THR OSHA cleaning, woodwork floors polished, screens .and ina windows put on and removed. Phone THE OBHA FOR SALE-- FOUR ROOMED house, new, electric light and water. Large chicken shed. and; lot, Near Ritson school. $900. Apply 305 Gourcellette Ave. (2¢) ONE, 6 ROOM AND ONE 7 ROOM bungalow, SEVEN ROOMED BRICK BUNGA- low; in. north end, Oak French doors, built-in = cupboards, large lot, Four hundred down, bal- ance = monthly payments. 1851 (3+ ve) 1803w. Transportation LOCAL AND Two trucks. ..Cart- age of al kinds. Price $1.75. per hour with two men. Work guaran- teed. Phone 1586W.. (July 6-Aug.6) ps Bika A J SMITH, TRANSPORTATION, LIMIT- , Simeoe St., 8., phone 34¢--, 212 'ront St, B., Torouto, Phone Malin 7637. Superior Transportation Ser- vice, (42-t1) long distance, COLEMAN CARTAGE AND STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West, = Phone 82, . 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment, Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64-t1) LEE'S TAXI SERVICE -- LONG trips a specialty. Car by day or week, Prices reasonable. Phone 2441W, 398 Mary street, (57-11) Machine Floor Sanding FLOORS FINIRHED COMPLETE by expert mechanics. Screen windows and screen doors. Estimates free. B. "W. Haynes, 161 King St. W., Phone Res, 180 r 2. (tf) Bullding Supplics WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESSED lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interfor trim, F, L, Beecroft, Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324, . (69-1) FOR SALP -- OEMENT BRICKS, grey and red, also cement blocks, R. Duisendstra, 15 Albany St. pout, Oshawa, (7-tf) Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN--6%% CITY and farm loans. No commission; building loans. Frank S. Ebb, bar- rister, Royal Bank Building. (26-tf) letorls | PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN 'geon, Special oer Magli iil 4 tice; residence, 97 Bond east. ,..B, J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- Surgeon, special attention X-ray work snd RElectro- Office, Disney Block. 2060, (te) to loan on first mortgages, Grier- son & Creighton, Barristers, ete. Standard Bank Building. ' (J.14-71y,14) 63% CITY AND FARM LOANS. No commission, Building loans, Je- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister. Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176tf) Undertaking 1X ROOD BRICK BUNGALOW. in. morth end, Oak floors, French doprac. open fireplace, built-in cup- boards. - Small cash payment down and. balance monthly. Phone 1861. Ade). % ACRE, LAND , WITH, . FIVE roomed; house, electric, light, good from Oshawa. Price eighteen hun- dred. Ope Balance arranged. Phone. 1297, (3c) SIX . ROOMED BRICK VENE] house, all conveniénces, Centrally located. For. information apply 261 Bruce St. Phone 180 r 2-1, (2¢) I.LOT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for a car. ' Apply 127 Verdun Rd. 77f FOR SALE--17 ROOM FRAME house, (334, 8imecoe South, $2,000. All conveniences. Apply E. Moore, 23 Athol street west. (7411) St. large lot, good | New. Phone 1851. (3-¢) | floors, | Phone || 1 well, near school and store. One mile || Firat tasertion -- 13' cents per word. Each weir dc per word, Three consecutive insertions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word). Minim for three rr Mg 60 cents, Box number--10¢ additional Prateons), 8 or io Si word or lows 10 Mein per, month ore (0 additional word, REFORMER CLASSIFIED ADS COST. LITTLE; ACCOMP- LISH MUCH ; TELEPHONE 85 Ask For Classified Ad Depart ment, 1 TYE \ 18 Lost and Found per month | Plants. 1 ¢ opposite Pedlaf's South' gate. €2-b) FOR SALE -- STOVE, WRITING, 1baby walker, kitchen [Apply 111 Arlington Ave, 11866W. LOST--LATE LAST WEEK BE- tween Court street and Simcoe St. a wnickeled fitting for holding glass in sport windshieid. Finder kindly phone 1269W or call at 132 Eldon Ave. (3-a) PURSE LOST IN LAKEVIEW PARK by working woman. Reward. Phone 2073F. (3b) FOR SALE--3 LOTS, ON, GLAD- stone Ave,, Owner leaving city, Will sell reasonable for cash or terms. Apply Box "J". Times. (76-2) WHEN BUILDING YOUR NEW house don't forget Rose's Real Ec- tate have one or the best Fire In- surance Cbmpany agencies in Cana- da--aover, 200. years in business apd still flourishing. Call tection, . .Phone (38. 163 Simcoe St., YOU. PEOPLE LOOKING FOR property, don't forget Rose's Real Estate always have bargains for you in houses and lots in all parts of the City, 153 Simcoe street north, -phone 538, (J17-01y17) FOR SALE--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE at 125 Alexandra street. Call after six at-above address or phone 833). (73tf Live Stock for Sale FOR SALE--TEN YOUNG PIGS, 6 weeks old, Phone 1655 r 22. 2h GENERAL PURPOSE BAY MARE, 13 years old, sound, Will sell cheap for cash. Apply at MeCullough's booth, Courtice. , (3-¢) FOR SALE--HORSE, BUGGY, TWO sets light driving harness, 293 Vimy Ave. Phone 2447W. Work Wanted WANTED POSITION OF TRUST, i Janitor or handy man, also. experi- | d driver, first class references. Dental DR, D. R. DAVIES, OFFICE OVER Ward's, store, Simcoe street south. ee Poti 9A7E0A gaa admin, d (for extraction, murse at- tendsnt, Phone 231. Residence, 2087, . (te) De, ® Ld PHILLIPS, PENTEL. hi Fred prér Basserts , ne 3 1 yr. DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOB ST. Borth, over Mitchells Drug Store. Gas extraction, Phone 64. B. HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- k Bldg. Phone bia] DR, Phone 1750, bs of _ DR, ROUND Ep 504. A34te LUKB 3 BURIAL Co., 67 RING ST. Apply. Box "M" Times. (3¢) up Rose's Real Estate when in need of pro-| Residence | North, (J18-Jly18) | | LOST--YESTERDAY AFTERNOON between 25 Colborne St. W., and | Ward" s store, spectacles in case. 25 | Colborne St, W. Phone 412M. Re- ward, (3a) ! LOST--WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, on the Kingston Road, hat box in- itialed "F. F: N." containing wearing apparel. Communicate 338 Millwood Road, Phone Kenwood 3432, To- ronto. (3a) | FOUND--GOLD WATCH AND chain. Owner can have same by proy- ing property and paying for this advt, Apply 356 French St, (77¢) FOUND -- ON WESTMORELAND Avenue several days ago, pair of glasses in leather case, Apply Times office. (76-t1) Wanted to Rent TWO PARTLY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. One child. Phone 1739W. (3-c) WANTED TO RENT--TWO UN- furnished rooms 'for August 15, for light housekeeping, young couple, no children, Box "K" Times. c WANTED TO RENT--FARM BY the .end of August for a term of years, containing 100 to 200 acres, within twelve miles of Oshawa, Must have fair buildings and fruit for home use. Also creek preferred. 'Rent must be reasonable, Can supply references. Write box 63, Oshawa Post Office, (2-b) WANTED: TO RENT - THREE room apartment, near G.M.C, Modern conveniences. Box "D," Times. (77¢) Egst. Ambulance, 19 Division St. 69 King aA onst, Phone 210J, ; WOODWORKING -- MISCBLLANE- ous = wood-working shop. Screens, sashes and doors made, also repairs. 3. B. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St., 8. . » (17-41) PF. A, Von GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- ronage is solicited. (29-t1) WANTED--ELECTRICAL WORK. If you have any electrical jobs you want installed or repaired, Prompt serviee given. Work guranteed, |7 Walter J. Best. Box 308, Oshawa. (Jane 10-3ly 10) Room to Let ONE FURNISHED ROOM, DOUBLE or._gingle.. Breakfast if desired. 185 Arthur street. (3-¢) ROOM TO LET--WITH BOARD Apply 140 Tylor Cresc. or phone T74W. (77-¢) TO LET~FURNISHED ROOM. 168 NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing (Including sanding, waxing, fill- ing and new. mo son, 'made 261 Simcoe St. (48) UPHOLSTERING OF ALL KINDS, chesterfields made to order. Work- manship guaranteed, G. A. Con- stable, 143 Colborne East Phone 520F, (7511) Centre-st T-c) Contracting THREADGOLD BROS, GENERAL building contracors. Let us give you South, phone -440 MRS. a » PRO-- FESSIONAL Spirella Corsetiere, 223 Dearborn Ave. Phone 1986W. Even- bo avs. rd oy a '5 : SECT CL) Kechilodts | CASS » C. S. DICKENSON, V.S., DISEASES of all do animals seientific- ally treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Broek St. E. Phone 1057. (131-0) . Music ARTHUR W, LYSDE (FAMBOURG Toro, . Teacher Binging. prepared for ai C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second - floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res, Phone 202]. . a Eo E. J. POMERY,. 18% - KING ST. east, Oshawa, Ont., Licensed Aue- tioneer for Counties of Durham | Northumberland, Ontario and City of Oshawa. Solieits your patro All hone calls receive ;prom ge: ten Phone" 1013M, Satistac-. tion oy (June 21-tf) . State qualifications HELP WANTED --FEMALE A_MAID OVER 18 YEARS FOR housework and plain' cooking. Ref- erences, Avily Mrs, McKibbin, 481 Simeoe St. (2¢) GIRL WANTED--FOR SWITCH- board and to assist with office work. and references. "N" Times. 2tf le GIRL WANTED for general housework. Apply 2906 | Athol E. vw (I3LL) WANTED--EXPERIENCED. - STEN- edge .of general office moutine. pre- ferred. Apply at once to 1h Phillips Co. Ltd. Re ographer and typist, one with knowl- J our est Write, or phone (Whit- by) 255. (73) "Sec id snd Dealers SECOND HAND -FURNITU bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. Ti Harry Loss. Phone 1617M. . (3.14-3. 16) Motor Cars Te HEL dard six sedan, 1927 model. Apply AN E-45 McLAUGHLIN CAR FOR. sale, cheap. Call after five at 275 arvis street. (3 FOR SALE---ONX TON FORD 1928 truck in Al condition. 609 Car YOUNG LADY WANTED KOR OF | fice work. State reference and iy perieneer Box "L" Times. (76-Af) Wanted to Buy Avenue. =. AB) FOR SALE--McLAUGHLIN STAN- | "Rowden's Garage, phone 133 1 (2-e).| FOR SALE -- WINTER CABBAGE Dozen, 10c¢; hundred, 76ec. Evans, 562 Simcoe St, South, Desk and Book Case combined. Apply 74 Gladstone Ave. 2h rockers, window blinds, , kitchen tonsils dishes, sealers, ete. Phone 1061]. (2-b) FOR SALE--1 SECOND HAND double harness in first class condition Geo. 77¢ 500; also 7 weeks' old pigs. eynolds, Caurtice, BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE IN good condition, 496 Mary St. Phone 19017, (3c) 'HIGH ,K BACK cabinet, din- ing table and chairs, kitchen cup- hoard, chiffonier, dresser and stand, two burner; oil stove, \Overland wire wheel," and Ford touring car. Phone (8-¢) KITCHEN STOVE, : MASSEY HARRIS MOWER, PRAC- Apply to H. Kime, tically new. (3-¢c) Kingston road, west, Wihithy, FOR SALE -- MASON AND RISCH Pianos, also Player Planos, high grade only, Terms arranged, Used pianos on hand. C, Trull, Phone 65563J. (96tr) FIFTEEN JEWEL LADIES' OR gents' guaranteed watches, price $20, Each gent receives free gift of knife and chain with order, One dollar deposit, and the balance pay- able at 50 cents per week. Order now. O, H, Dell, Over Nut-Krust Bakery. Phone 16566, (J.21J1y21) SET IN green gold GENUINE DIAMONDS latest style white or mountings, Amazing values, $30, $35, $40. Easy payments, only one dollar weekly, Also fine assort- ment of Birthstone, Emblem and Signet rings. Every article guaran- teed, Order now. O. H. Dell, 22% Simcoe south, Phone 1656, (J17-J1y17) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3,60 per load. Also bone dry body. wood, Phone 660, Waterous- Meek Ltd, (Mar 26-tf) CEMENT, LUMBER, FRAMES, sash, doors, cedar shingles, ashphalt rooting, hardwood flooring, gyproc. Phones 660 and 1288, Waterous- Meek, Ltd, (34-t1) WARDRORE, _CHIFFONIER, TWO, Owing to Mr. Armour selling his share of the butcher business, to Mr. Ferguson, all accounts can be paid at the butcher ghop as usual up to Aug. 1st. All accounts remaining unpaid after that date, will be plac- ed in thelr solicitor's hands fof col- lection, Anyone having an account against the firm are requested to present same for payment at once. " ARMOUR & BARWELL. Oshawa, July 5th, 1927, (77-1) ~ Board and Room BOARD FOR, we GENTLEMEN or married couple in private home, Algo garage space Phone 90813, (3-b) free. Wanted to Buy BUNGALOW, BRICK, fIVE ROOM- ed, all conveniences, good locality, reasonable. Phone 67. (3th) Kelly's EE yp rug Store "King St. WwW. PRED Delivery Eo ary 3 pre 'DIAMONDS , BURNS JEWELRY STORE 23 Siiiieoe St. S. HAS. SIX ATLANTIC Paris, July 6.--A dollar bill which he probably could swap for considerably more than 100 cents, is owned by Ab- bott Bueelesien, 11, of New York. It has the signatures of six of the seven men who have flown across the Atlantic this summer. When Abbott returns to the United States he will try to get Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's signature, WEST INDIES SHIPS FOUND TOO COSTLY FLIERS' SIGNATURES| 68 King St, W.--Phone 2141 Ottawa, July 6.--No action has yet been taken by the government on the | tenders received for the construction | of five ships for the West Indies ser-! vice. t It is reported that they are some- what disappointed as to price, the es-! timates in every case being exceeded and the Canadian tenders being much in excess of the British. PIERRE HALLE, OF LORETTEVILLE, DIES Quebec, July 6--One of the oldest residents of Quebec county, and a pi- oneer in industrial activities of this sec- tion of the province, died Friday morn- ing in the person of Pierre Halle, of Loretteville, a prominent shoe manu- facturer, who succumbed after a lengthy illness, at the age of 87 years. FOR SALE--LLOYD CREAM BABY In good condition, 131 Alma (77-c) gear, street, For Rent FOR RENT OR SALE--TWO COT- tages with water and light, six and seven rooms. Low rental. Apply M. W. Collins, Whithy. (3e) GARAGE TO RENT. APPLY 208 Athol St, E. (3-¢) TO RENT -- FURNISHED BED- room. Centrally located. Board if de- sired, Apply 184 Burk St. Phone 781W 2c FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. Suitable for ome or two. 122 Park Rd. South. Phone 2422f, (2-c) ROOM TO RENT---BREAKFAST IF desired, central. Apply 144 Athol Street East. (2-¢) Carriage with windshield. Reversible | For Your PHONE 22 po: wees: Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver Get YourMade-to-Measure --SUIT-- _ut LEDGER'S E. Steckle ropractor and Cy Pirie el ) 5 in the office, 86 coe street, fii every afternoon and day, Wednesday and Friday perenne Help Wanted--Male WANTED -- EXPERIENCED 'GAR- dener. Apply R. B. Reed, 163 Bloor St. W. 2tf STONE MASONS WANTED AT once. Apply on job. North west cor- ner Simcoe and Louisa streets. (3a) Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED until moon Saturday, July 9th, 1027, for the exclusive rights for, games or refreshments in Alexandra Park on, Friday, August the twelfth, 1927. on the occasion of the celebration of the Relief of Derry by the Royal Blagk Preceptories of York, n- tarig,. Durham and Peterborough Counties. Tenders addressed to E. N. GOODELL, 126 Burk St. : 'Tea'Rooms FODSE THAT JACK BUILT, BUSL. ness men's lunch, broiled steak and Ehicken dinpérs to order, afternoon Oshawa, (750) ing accomodation _ 6 gusts. Tele- hope 2209. Mrs. L. M. Prior, FoR SALE _ONE OLDSMOBILE Foug,,in Al condition, also Belzian~ | Police Dog, 4 months old. Apply 169 Alma St. LA, TT 1918W. (3¢) i 7 jonoprietzges. add be J7-5iyT) by calls made in town and surrounding dis trict, Consultation is free at ¢ flee. Phone 224, » | REFRESHMENTS Soft Drinks, Ice Cream, | Light Lanches LAKAS 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2264 Coal, Coke and Wood HARD AND SOFTWOOD © SEABS A. F. McCULLOCH 41 Ritson Rd. 8, Phone 1002 ---- Cottonade Trousers, Special $1.39 Leader Dry Goods Store 32 Simcoe St, 8, Phone 740 eT A. G. BROOMFIELD Uatteries, Electric Repairs and Supplies Auto Accessories Oshawa Battery Service 8% King St. W. Phone 1184 WE LEAD IN RADIO Adams Forniture Co FeltBros. 1 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 'Where Batistaction is a Certainty" ¥ ist® EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. The exclusion of the unfit, the survival of the fit depends largely on the eyes. Have yours corrected ~ PHONE ~ teas, tea garden service. Also sleep- | Agents Wanted | P, also church, opera,' Andd Simcoe south, Oshawa, W. (72t1) M OLIY HARPE, ALCM., Miss O1 Spake prepared for Leaches 1 v3 Phone 1561). Tire Repaifing ALL KINDS OF 1 TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for, Jamieson Bros. Phone 438 (f) | (55¢f) DU MACHINE CO.--WE DO all | of machinery repairing. Excelsior starter ring gears install- ed; connecting rods re-babbited, erown or pinions supplied for all tes ot ears. 161 King St, W. Phone £19. (af) Auction Sale E. J. POMERY WILL HOLD A combination sale at the corner of Ontario and Bond streets, on Sat- urday afterncomn, July 9. at 1:30 o'clock. articles ih ne at 18% King St. East. 1013F. this sale please notify Phone (3-5) All parties wishing to put | 4 MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN BAGS | | 2nd al} kinds of metals. I am-pay- ing for scrap batteries $1 and $1.50. Buyiug old cars. Phone 764. 1556-1 anited to Bent | yodr TT CONVENL | Apply Box! (3c) ROOMED FLAT, 2 adults. i ences, central. "R™ Times. § > PRR ~ Painling and Decorating i GuTsoLE. RAINTING, PAPER- hanging, + BF ning, experience. pt No sad 4 .161 Huron street. (45-1 Work guaranteed, Phone Z067W THOMPSON, PAINTER, paper hanger Decorator, ete. Work epananteed. 85 Phillips $t., .Cedar- dale. 40 years experience. (3-¢) FOR SALE--SMALL WHOLRBSALE business in confectionery line. A snap. at. $200. quire at 285 Division St., p.m. after six | (2-b) |E. Phone 254]. A REXL GOOD JOB, PAINTING and decorating in all its branches. Phone 1719i or en- First class workmanship at reason- Davis & Co., 264 Athol (3b) able rates. AGENTS EARNING daily selling .new. book, "Life-story Lindbetgh and New York to Paris Flight," including complete story of aviation; wonderful reception in Paris and London; President of y , Franee decorated him with Legion |] of Honor; King George with Air Korce Cross; National Cglebration on return to United States. Lind- bergh a World Hero, mot rican only, making universal demand for iis great book, low price; full page lustrations; lineral commissions; freight paid; credit given; outfit free; don't delay; be first in field and earn big profits. Winston Co., Toronto. (52-54-56-56-60) $10 10 $20.4 MEAL BUMPING AND ALL INDS, OF BODY WORK MERRITT REPAIR King St. W. Oshawa eT - TRAIT Ep 3 1--1926 Ford Coupe, 1 Studebaker Sedan fn first class shape. Chadburn Motor. Sales PRINCE ST. PHONE 1160 each | "MITA 50 MANY DAYS - THE YEAR -IT u WE COULD pid yg Ly THAN JUST ONE OF THEM TO DEVOTE 10 MOTHER/™. / | -- Making Mother comfortable is first a matter of heating the we fit int othe plan. . Each ton aome properly. That's where of our coal is a full ton of real heat. W. J. Bargaut