PACE EIGHT . THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1927 COMMITTED ON CHARGE OF ARSON CONSPIRACY Sault St. Marie, Ont., June 26. -- Alex. Bedore, 620 = Lennox. Avenue, was committed for trial on a charge of conspiracy in connection with the fire which occurred at 617 Lennox Avenue, occupied by Robert Owen. Owen testified at the preliminary hearing in the police court yesterday morning that he rented the house at 617 Lennox Avenue from Bedore on May 7, at the rate of $15 per month. The house was supposed to be fur- nished, "It contained a cook stove, three chairs and a rocker, four tables, two lamps besides other small things. A week later Owen said, Bedore mov- ed the furniture to his own house a- cross the road. 80-YEAR-OLD PASTOR IS. COMING TO CANADA London, June 26--Dr. F. B. Meyer, at the age of 80, is about to cross the Atlantic on his twelfth preaching tour of the United States and Canada, during which he will travel over 15,- 090. miles. This famous Nonconformist preach- er is pastor emeritus of Christ Church in Westminster Bridge Road, London,' which was opened on the centenary of the American Independence. The, son of President Lincoln, who then? was Amer'ran Ambassador to London, laid the memorial stone of the tower, and which: has the Stars and Stripes woven into the structure, PROMINENT CANADIANS VISITING IN PARIS Paris, June 26.--Threc prominent Canadians, Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons; Hon. Ernest Lapointe. Minister of Justice, and Hon. Robert' Forks, Minister of Immigration, were in Paris over the week-end. Mr. Lapointe arrived from -Marseil- les Saturday, and left tonight for Geneva, : He is returning here to cpeak at.a Dominion Day banquet. Mr. Lemieux, who has just re- turned from Brittany, will be guest of honor of the Comite France Am- erique at the inauguration of the Maison des Nations Americaines on July 5. Mr. Forke arrived today from Belgium, .and is going on to London Tuesday. The programs of all three are heavily charged with rocial engagements, I'LY HUNDREDS OF MILES ATTEND TWO WEDDINGS Princeton, N.J., June 26.-- Miss Elizabeth G. Stillman and Miss Bar- bara Schleffelin, of New York, hav- ing the honor of being bridesmaids nt two wedding only three hours tart, But separated by a distance of several hundred miles, nonchal- antly stepped with all their finery nto an airplane Saturday and flew from one ceremony\ to the. other. They arrived at the second wedding 30 minutes late. If sometimes the tea you are using does not taste as good as it used to--just see what kind of a package it is in. If it is in paper that is probab- ly the reason. No chances are taken with Red Rose.' It is packed in clean, bright Aluminum. ~ c Relieves. Pains. in. the BackmdHeadaches Mr. M, Dudar. Now Recom- . mends Dodd's Kidney Pills "Dodd's Kidney Pills are good for all kidney troubles," writes Mr. M. Dudar, who resides at Garland, Man, "I had a severe pain in my back and suffered with ] terrible headaches. I read in Dodd's Almanac that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are helpful for pains in the back, headaches, sleeplessness, etc, so I got a few boxes. They have made me very healthy." The reason Dodd's Kidney Pills are so popular all over Canada is that people have tried them and benefitted. Dodd's Kidney Pills have been in use in Canada for more than a third of a century. RAILWAY TIME TABLES C.N.R, TIME TABLE (X) indicates change in former time tables (Effective May 1) Eastbound Trains 8.23 a.m.--Daily except Sunday. 8.58 a.m.--Sunday only. 9.59 a,m.-- Daily. 1.28 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. 2.32 p.m.-- Daily. 5.45 p.m. y except Sunday. 9.42 p.m,-- 11.07 p.m.-- Daily. 12.09 p.m.--Da 11.49 p.m.--Daily. Westbound Trains 4.44 a.m.--Daily. 5.09 a.m.--Daily. 5.28 a.m.--Daily. a.m.-- Daily. 6.2 8.58 1.--~Daily except Sunday. 2.22 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. 8.14 p.m.--Sunday only. 7.27 p.m.-- Daily. 4.37 p.m.--Daily. 8.56 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. C. P. R. TIME TABLE Eastbound Trains 10.07 am.--1 2.05 p.m.--I1 8.03 p.m.--1 11.10 p.m.--Daily. 12.09 a.m.--Daily. Westbound Trains 5.43 a.m.--Daily, 6.23 a.m.--Daily. 2.40 a.m.--Daily except Sunday. except Sunday. 4.47 p.m.--Daily. 7.55 pan.--Daily, 5 SELECT ay FRR) h eT ------------ ELLA CINDERS- Where Are They? [HE SPOOPEND! PEARLS: STILL {fom THE WOMAN WHO FILCHED:A BOX OP CANDIED CHERRIES FROM: BLACKIE - Von? fie? WAS THE (pm / ASAIN £5 4 "Ting i k oi HEREG WHAT HAPPENED: : EFORMER READERS i By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb N Nh Ts a Hil ie T HERI! AND DFULLY OREA THE IT'S DANGE Now ELLA HAS KNOW IT -- BRINGING UP FATHER THIS IS SOME DRINK | OF WATER. WE'VE © ln BEEN FLYIN' OVER- ITS ABOUT TIME WE 'SAW LAND! ISLAND I'D GWE A LOT TO SEE AN 1SLAND- CONEY 3 PREFERR ED! ~~ a) Ly Int'l Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain rights: reserved Bs Geo McManus GREAT HEAVENS! L_ [ IF YOU DRINK WE VE PICKED UP | MILK- YOU'RE THE LIGHT »OUCE {ou OF Luc! || Lol - . es : -- = a? JAP ° -- be. "TELLING TOMMY" ~-- | IT WAS WRITTEN f BY JOHN BUNYAN i | EL3HE AUTHOR OF PIGRIMS PROGRESS | 10 PREACH AROUND LEDFORD AND WAS VAS BORN HEAR BECTORD,ENGLAND, IN 1628 AND LIKE HIS FATHER WAS BROUGHT UP TO THE TRADE OF TINKER,OR MENDER OF SMALL METAL WARES.BECOMING INTERESTED IN RELIGION, BUNYAN BEGAN IMPRISGNED TOR HS Prd Kug OPINIONS. WHILE IN viR01E PILE IMS PROGRESS. THIS BOOK 1aS SINCE BEEN TRANSLATED nl) FEAREYA HRINDRED LAR URES. BEDFORD AL £7 OHCE Bele FAMGHS 4°, a J BUNION? OH, {i | MOTHER HAS LWHAT DO YOU KNOY ABOUT REG'LAR FELLERS-- BROTHER WITH iy 1 CANT Los JERRY COME O 77 of 'CAUSE MY. LI'L WASSAMATTA™ GAVE HIM A By Gene Byrnes ---- reser ove |@ p27. wy Tresunsm in: BETCHA F YOUR UNCLE KNEW No WHAT HE WAS GONNA § 3. DO HED ONEY GIVE \ ™M A . » . TILLIE THE TOILER--He Knows His Onions--Maybe . --By Russ Westover THE TO WORE] FiniSH 'EM FOR ME OLD S08 OUTSIDE OF. GIVING WHIPPLE IA CHANCE, © BE NE AR TTILLIE, I DOESN MEAN | A STRING | TO Him OH. MR WHIPPLE - THE Bony [GOSH, YoU RE BOSS PUT] SAYS THESE STATEMENTS MR. MUST BE FINISHED BEFORE WHIRRLE |! GO. BUT 17'S FIVE O'CLoCic AL READY - \MILL YOU ON MAC'S A Goob SCOUT [SO | CAM LIKE Great Buitain sights reser THAT | COME OUT TO CAN YOUR ALL RIGHT, MR. WHIPPLE. HAT'SA GlRLIE. A Yq STATEMENTS - SEE You >) LATER MAC 1S. A SAR WITH SneE | GIRLS | GOT THE RIGHT DOPE. i : Love 'EM J { LOVE You N2U3§™ TO Stover] ---- so