Oshawa Daily Reformer, 30 Dec 1926, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1926 PAGE THREE dom 4 Oshawa and District I could not be present. As well as from the 30 guests who showered them with good wishes. Among the out of town relatives present were » | two sisters of Mrs, Woodcock, Mrs. . | a } " D. D. Hartwick, of Arden, Ont., anid Th A Mrs. S Mill f Newb i 3 rs Surah Miler 3 Nowisis, sie ¢ Assuance Mrs. J. J. Brown and daughter Lucy, E j that Every LJ Garment is Correct and The bride's parents were also the recipients of many fine silver gifts, up to the ® minute, costs For the Fund Another subscription, the announ- cement of which has been unavoid- ably belated, to the Christmas Cheer fund was that of two dollars by Mr. Warner Brown. Weddings MARTYN--WOODCOCK A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Dec. 25th at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Woodcock, 251 John street west, Oshawa, Ont. Their only daughter Lauretta Mae. was united in marriage to Charles Andrew, oldest .son of Mr. and Mry Wm. Martyn of Brook street, Whit- by, Ont,, The Rev. J. T. Ball, Pas- as they were highly esteemed by 'their numerous friends. MAYORALTY FIGH IS WARMING UP (Continued from page 1) lisher of 'The Oshawa Telegram, Notice. To person who picked up a purse eontaining a large sum of money on Ceatre street at noon yesterday. If this purse is not returned to the Pominion Clothing Company forth- with, this party will be prosecuted [Look at the Low Price We're Featuring on These Handsome New as they were seen picking it up by one who is willing to ideatify them. Passed Standing Street Car Everett Pipher, bus driver, paid $10 and costs in court today for passing a standing street car, and Henry Short paid $5 and costs for speeding along a city street, 2. erie, J bir ROR A new system of memory training was being taught in the village school, and the teacher was enthusiastic. "For example," he said, "supposc you want to remember the name of a poet--Bobby Burns. Fix in your mind's eye a picture of a policeman in flames. Bobby Burns. See?" "Yes I see," said the bright pupil, "but how is one to know it doesn't mean Robert Browning?" EE -- x - Your 4 AUCTIONEER Specializing hofisehold furni- ture and live stock sales. A.C.LYCETT 25 King St. E. Phone 295 . FINE WATCH REPAIRING D. J. BROWN JEWELLER King St. W. Phone 189 For Better Values BURNS JEWELLERY STORE where they will reside, tor of the Pentecostal Church offi- ciating. more brilliant bride's parents. As Miss Reva Ball played the wedding march, the bride entered the parlors leaning on her father's arm, following the flower girl strewing petals in her pathway. The bride looked very charming in a orchid georgette dress trimmed in silver, with hose to match and black satin shoes and carried a bouquet of white roses and carnations, The bride was attended by Miss Gladys Tomlinson in Apple blossom green and carried a bouquet of pink car- nations, Vernon Woodcock, brother of the bride, supported the groom Grace Martyn acted as flower girl. The bride's mother was dressed in a gown of black duchess satin with white trimmings. The groom's mother wore a navy blue satin dress with gold trimming. After the ceremony an elaborate dinner was served. In the centre of the table was the four tier wedding cake with silver decorations, the top ornament being a nest with two Doves and rib- bons from ceiling to cake, All the decorations and canopy were silve and white, The happy young couple left for Toronto under a shower of confetti, On their return they will leave for Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. The bride was the recipient of many very beau- tiful gifts, messages, cards and let- ters of congratulations were receiv. ed from friends and relatives who Lr or ROMANS CH 2 Gy olostoslodoofontontocfactafactontontecfectonfonteatontocfacfortostocts CABBAGE, Lb., 3c Greenly Grocery Corner Mary & Colborne Sts. Phone 104 We Deliver omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST "Where accuracy is vital *Tis folly to neglect your eyes. Don't neglect your eyes. 1616--Fnone--1516 Maney Block - Opposite Post Office = A WIDE RANGE OF CHRIST- MAS NOVELTIES HENDERSON'S King St. E. Phone 142 Mother Who has used it and she will tell you that for the hard, hacking cough which the children so of- ten get at this time of year, you will find an in- valuable remedy in Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Why take chances? Al- ways keep a bottle handy in your medicine. cabinet. For Sale only at The REXALL Stores JURY & LOVELL King St. E. Simcoe St. S. The accasion was made the 256th being the Silver wedding anniversary of the served on the Board of Health, and for two terms in Council. He is at present the head of a job printing business, the Alger Press, Ltd., and is prominent in Church and frater- nal organizations. He lives at 135 Simcoe street north. For the Council Ward Two Alderman Russell R. Clarke, who has been in the council for two years is a foreman of the Hydro Electric Power Commission. . He lives at 230 Bruce street. Alderman Ernie Marks, who i: seeking re-election after being onc year in the Council, conducts The New Martin Theatre and formerly wag known throughout Ontario as one of the famous Marks Bros., en- tertainers, He lives at 111 Colborne street east. Alderman Murray Miller has seen one year in council. He is the sen- ior partner in the well known frm of Miller and Libby, plumbers anc steamfitters. He lives at 178 Athol East, Donald Andrew Joseph Swanson who is this year offering his ser- vices for the first time as alderman for Ward Three is a well known eriminal lawyer with a province- wide reputation. He served for scv- eral years on the Board of Educa- tion, his service there ending when Le proceeded overseas. He lives at 17 Ritson road north. Ward Four Alderman Peter Alexander Mace donald has served one year in the city council. He is office manager for the Pedlar People Ltd., and lives at 283 Richmond street east. Alderman Alexander S, McLeese also has served one year as Alder- man. He is an insurance and realty agent and lives at 391% Simcoe street north, John W. Perry is a well known contractor and has been a resident of Oshawa for about ten years, dur- | ing which he has built quite a num- MR. W. H. ROSS Who has been re-elected to the Board of Water Commissioner: by acclamation. GETTING READY FOR FIREMEN'S DANCE Firemen who are members or ithe committee in charge of arrange- ments for the thirtieth annual Supper and Ball, to be. given by Oshawa Fire Department, New Year's Eve, will be busy this even- ing, decorating the Armouries and the City Hall for the occasion, Round danging is to be enjoyed at the armouries while square dancing will be in vogue at the city hall, above the Fire Hall, and both places will be tastefully decorated with flags and bunting, The firemen every effort to gest and most are putting forth make this the hig- successful ball ever held, and are arranging a sp~cial entertainment for those who pat- ronize the event, The firemen are specially anxious that this ball be an outstanding success, as it is the first one held since the Oshawa Fi Department was elevated into a sition of permancy about one ago, Irwin's seven piece orchestra wili disperse music at the Armouries for the round dancing, at the same (im that Mr. and Mrs. Holdén are =up plying the music for the square dan- cing in the City Hall," Fred Towns- hend will preside as caller-off, The committee in charge event is made up of the men: Milton Oster, chairman: William Culling, secretary; Ray Hobbs, treas- of the following ber of houses and other buildings. He lives at 91 Ritson Road north. Robert J. H. Stirling is an ficial in the plant of General Motors | and has been instrumental in fos- | tering several musical and dramatic urer; George Wilson, Fred Luke, Jim Morrison, Frank Hastings and of- | George Salter. organizations among the employees. He lives at 25 Greta street. Sydney G. Garnell came to Osh- | awa from England some years ago | and for a short time was employed ! in the office of the City Treasure: | as poll tax collector. He is a sur- veyor by profession. He lives at 515 Ritson Road north. Ward Five Ex-Mayor H. P. Schell who is again offering his experience to the city and running in Ward Five, Cedardale, is well and favorably known throughout tie city. He is president of the Children's Aid So- ciety and has been active: in many organizations. Mr. Schell is Vice- President and Secretary-Treasurer of The Robson Leather Co. Ltd. He lives at 377 Simcoe street north. Alderman Edmund Jacksd) employed with the Robson Leather Co. and has been an alderman ol Ward Five since Cedardale became is The Christmas spirit in the air Is radiated everywhere It comes to you by radio Bringing in a wholesome show. A Radio belongs in the home Christmas, It is the one gift that is always acceptable. Within the means of everyone and supplying an entertain- ment that all delight to listen in to. part of the city. He lives at 767 Simcoe street south. Alderman Clifford Harman is an inspector in the General Motors plants. He is offering his services for the second time. He lives at 745 Cedar street. | Walter Hudson is well known in | Cedardale where he has taken an | interest in municipal affairs for many years. He lives at 739 Gifford street. A Welsh professor declares that it is our weather that has made us the nation we are. But surely we can't be as bad as that. -- The Pass- ing Show (London). ; Oshawa Luggage YOUR INITIALS FREE On Suit Case or Club Bag Saywell & Son 9 BOND ST. WEST Goods called for and Delivered New Method Cleaners and Dyers Prompt Service Guaranteed 21 BOND ST. E. - Phone 1020 W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST ; 3 KING ST. W.-PHONEs3$ "Correct Glassess Correctly Fitted" CHR Ne et sal SAR AS 7 * Smiles 'n KARN'SD PHONE 378 NOOOOOOOCO0OO0000000000LO000000000000000000000000 CHOCOLATES for NEW YEAR'S @ Rowntree's Moir's, Neilson's & ' Chuckles rug STORE NEXT P.O. FOLLOW THE ADVENTURES - or Tne RADIO BUG RADIO ELECTRIC 5. Cowell-Frop. 15 PRINCE ST PHONE 94.2 OSHAWA,ONT. | Your Choice COATS Velours, neatly and made in everv size. miss, show you these selling at E-Z Terms On Tomorrow! Just Say Charge It! LADIES' FUR TRIMMED Needle Point, Pin Point and designed value you cannot afford to Come in and let us specials 17.50 up ' Models! MENS BLUE OVERCOATS Chinchillas, Meltons and Tweeds, made of the very best quality. A wonderful value upward from A You Nothing Extra in this shop We have an assortment of stylish new creations for every occasion. Dance Frocks, Party Frocks, Semi-Formal and Formal Gowns, After- noan Dresses in great variety, style, color and sizes. Prices to suit all pockets. DRESS IN SMART NEW APPAREL THIS NEW YEAR. Style in dress is an es- sential and is part of the joy of living. The style you want -- the value you want -- the terms you want -- pay next year. o Use Our Credit Plan!! SS BROS. BOND ST. WEST UNLIMITED HUSKY DOG CARRIES AN S.0.S. MESSAGE; SAVES TWO MINERS Little Squaw, Auaska, Der Carrying a scribbled note trom two miners crippled by an explosion, one of them blinded, a malemute dog cros- sed a 3,000-foot pass in the Brooks Mountain. Range at night, with the 'mercury 40 degrees below zero, to his master's cabin here. The injured men arrived here today on a sled. Oscar Ottersoniz, a Little Squaw miner, was awakened at 2.30 o'clock vesterday morning by his dog, "Nig- ger," whining and scratching at the door. A note on the husky's neck read: "Come. Both seriously injured. Explosion." Ottersoniz had lent the dog to J. S. Shaw and C. Dunlap, who were mining off Tobin Creek, beyond the pass. Two men hurrying over the pass with a sled and a team of dogs found Shaw and Dunlap badly injured by the ex- plosion of a box of detonators. Dun- lap was blinded. From the Little Squaw Radio Sta- tion, established December 13 by the United States Signal Corps, ninety miles north of the Arctic Circle, word was sent to Fairbanks, Alaska, to rush an aeroplane to take the patients to a hospital, REFORMER WANT ADS PAY - COOOOU DEAR) E) 5 3 8 53 estes JEMRROMMMN 3 22 Festaetect sete ada eed Tost. Coa at forse tos] '. A ot SR too} oe! 3 8 $e? eeteutast: O55 aay = = 2 " toe! 2, 5 ', + Jools '. + A 2, DERE s VOTE. 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