Oshawa Daily Reformer, 27 Dec 1926, p. 1

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WITH WHICH 1IS8 INCORPORATED THE OSHAWA TELEGRAM VOL. 55----NO. 225 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, Yearly Subscription $5.00 Single Copies, 3 Cents 1926 EIGHT PAGES -----= --_-- IC NOMINATIO fl ig 3 For Mayor, 40 For Council, 'CELEBRATE DIAMOND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wigg Were Wed 60 Years Ago Christmas Day PIONEERS OF DISTRICT Mr. Wigg Was in Business in Oshawa 43 Years--Born Near Kedron from a host of friends were on Christmas Day showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam H. Wigg, 75 Elgin street east, the occasion being the sixtieth an- niversary of their wedding. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wigg who have seen Oshawa grow from a hamlet to one of the Dominion's "most thriving cities, are enjoying good health. They received a number of beauti- ful bouquets and telegrams of con- gratulations and best wishes for many more years of health and hap- piness. Mr. Wigg, who will celebrate his 86th birthday next March was born near Kedron about four or five miles north of Oshawa. He remembers when Oshawa was known as Skeye's Corners. He with his brothers had the distinction of building the first sidewalks in Oshawa. Probably no one of the older residents can re- call more clearly than Mr. Wigg the changes that have transpired in this city's history. He was in business here for 43 years having conducted a furniture and undertaking busi- ness. For the past few years Mr. Wigg has carried on a furniture re- pair shop adjoining his home. The occasion was celebrated quietly at their home at Elgin and Mary streets. The'r many friends join in extending best wishes for future health and happiness. TOKIO IN MOURNING FOR LATE EMPEROR Prepare to Receive the Body Congratulations ACCIDENTS, ARRESTS, AND THEFTS, GIVE CITY POLICE BUSY WEEK-END Two Men Arrested Early This Morning at Whitby, Charg- ed With Stealing Local Mo- tor Car--Third Man Al- lowed to Go FORD COUPE IS REPORTED STOLEN Articles Reported Missing -- Woman Loses Purse in Store--Five Accidents Oc- cur on City Streets -- One Drunk Charge Accidents, arrests, thefts, pick- pockets and other business kept Osh- awa police very busy since Christmas morning. The treacher- ous condition of highways and city streets, with the added Christmas traffic, added greatly to the number of accidents though no serious in- juries were sustained except in one case. Probably the most sensational ar- rest over the week-end and holiday, occurred this morning about six o'clock at Whitby, when Oshawa police officers with Gordon Arm- strong, 146 Division street, Oshawa, effected the arrest of two Oshawa men who are alleged to have stolen' one of the Armstrong cars last aight. About 11.30 last night, Arm- strong left his Overland car parked on Brassey street. Later he found that it was missing. . Then a motor- ist reported that a car had struck his car on the highway east of Whitby, and though damaging his car, it had not stopped. He got the number of the car which is al- leged to have beea the number of the stolen car. Armstrong notified the police and they set out for Whit- by with him, where they caught the pair filling up at a gasoline Stave, {Continued on. on page SPAN ST. LAWRENCE NEAR BROCKVILLE Ottawa, Ont., Dc --A new in- ternational bridge to cost in the vi- , 27. Which Will Be Taken to Imperial Palace i! = (Cable Service to The Reformer byd Canadian Press) Tokio, Dec. 27.--Tokio took on ad- ded shade of mourning today to re- ceive the body of Emperor Yoshihito. Making up the cortege at Hayama was commenced this morning, the body to arrive here this evening and be taken to the Imperial Palace. Empress Do- wager Sadako will accompany the cor- tege, the new Emperor Hirohito pre- ceding her into Tokio. The entire route of the procession will be lighted by electricity and guarded by thousands of troops, while the Emperor's body is borne through Tokio streets. Three thousand coolies have already commenced building a road to the burying ground, working day and night. ROTARY DEBATES BUSINESS ETHICS Was Cattle Dealer Justified in Buying at the Best Price? There was a Gebate of the most interesting character in the Rotary Club today at noon for which the members are indebted to Dr. Doug- all, chairman of the Business Ethics committee who prepared the basis for the whole argument. Perhaps a disappointing part of , the whole husiness in some respects " was that the result of it all was "reserved judgment." But there was good. action while the debate was on and a good deal of information passed around. The debaters were: For the af- firmative, Rotarians Arthur Garbutt and George Edmunds. For the nega- tive, Rotarians A. R. Alloway, Owen D. Friend and G. D. Conant. Here is the statement on which the debate was based: In a certain town in Ontario, a buyer of cattle received one night (Continued o~ page 3) WEATHER Fair to cloudy today and cinity of a million dollars and said to be a "purely: private enterprise" is to be constructed across the St. Lawrence River Mear Brockville, Ont., according to an announcement here today by the Ottawa Board of Trade. It was stated that a hotel owner of New York state who is the chief promoter of the enterprise has declared the scheme is sufficiently far advanced to the point where work could be started shortly in the new link between the two coun- tries. "MAY ENTER THE MAYORALTY FIGHT EX-MAYOR W. J. TRICK Who may oppose Mayor R. D. ton and Ex-Alderman O. M. for the Mayor's chair. Pres- Alger QUALIFIES FOR CITY COUNCIL IN WARD 5 SCHELL field as an al- in. Ward 5. EX-MAYOR H. P. Who has eatered the dermanie candidate Sm -------------- NO DAMAGE CAUSED BY MILD EARTHQUAKE (By Associated Press) Fresno, Calif., Dec. 27.--An earthquake was felt here and in the surrounding districts today but ap- parently no damage was done. Mr. Fine Token of Esteem -- Secretary and Assistant Factory Manager Also Hon- ored -- Pleasant Incident at Factory Friday 'W. A. Coad, Factory Mapager at General Motors of 'Canada Limited, was surprised by the Factory Sup- erintendents- when. he entered his office Friday morning. Mr. Coad was presented with a beautiful piece of silver plate, suitably engraved. Miss Gladys Westaway, secretary to Mr. Coad, was presented with a beautiful bouquet of roses, and Lieut.-Col. F. Chappell, Assistant Factory Manager, was present- ed with a fine automobile rug. First intimation of the presenta- tions was received when Lieut.-Col. Frank Chappell, Assistant Factory Manager, introduced a delegation, and John Gibson, Dean of the fac- Superintendents at G. M. C. Honor Factory Manager W. A. Coad Receives | tory executive told of his years of assoc!ation with Mr. Coad and of the kind relationship which had al- ways existed between them. Mr. Gib- son also spoke of the co-operative spirit which had always been shown by Mr. Coad, and of the high esteem 'n which he was held in the factory. The presentation was then made by Mr. Gibson, Mr. Bulmer made the presentation to Miss Westaway, who expressed her thanks very neatly, In expressing his appreciation, Mr. Coad spoke very feelingly of the kindly spirit which prevailed, and hoped that all might be spared for many years to continue to work to- gether, Mr. Coad expressed: great appreciation for the handsome gift. On behalf of the Superintendents, Samuel Gummow presented the automobile rug to Lieut.-Col. Chap- pell. In a happy reply of thanks, Lieut.-Col. Chappell * expressed h's thanks and commented on the splen- did co-operation which existed, and would continue to exist, in the G. M.C. family as co-workers and friends. Rush, N Hamilton, Ont., Dec, 27.--If Mrs. | E. W, Dartnall, Rymal Stati one for Christmas when she foun in its crop. It is believed the b Tuesday with somewhat higher temperature, Mrs. Dartnall, who keeps a large flock of geese, Goose May Be Responsible for Gold ugget is Found in Its Crop (By Canadian Press) there is a gold rush in this district, credit for discovering the first nugget may go to a goose owned by on, was preparing d a gold nugget the size of a bean irgl picked up the gold in the bed of a creek which flows through the Spring Valley Farm. CHARGELAID AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT Ernest Dison is Facing a Charge of Criminal Negligence OUT ON $2,000 BAIL Robert Bull, Highland Creek;- in Hospital, in La Snion Conditio Highland Creek, is in St. Michael's Hosp tal, Toronto, in an unconscious dondition, suf- fering from a severe concussion as a result of being knocked from load of hay near the eastern end of Highland Creek bridge Fr day even- ing about seven o'clock by a car driven by Ernest Dixon of Oshawa. Mr. Dixon appeared in York County Police Court this morning on a charge of criminal negligence and was allowed out on $2,000 bail. He was remanded for eight days. Interviewed by The Reformer Mr. Dixon said he was returning home Robert Bull, from Toronto Friday evening when he overtook a load of hay being driven by Mr. Bull. The latter was about to turn off the h'ghway on to a sideroad at the eastern end of the bride. Mr. Dixon turned out to pass but could not do so on.account of a car coming from the east. The driver of the wagon could not turn for the same reason and stopped. Mr. Dixon's car ran into the wagon, striking the end of the reach which broke. The sudden shogk threw Mr. Bull from the top of the load. He struck the pavement with cons'der- able impact and was rendered un- conscious. Mr. Dixon brought his car into Oshawa in a badly damaged condi- tion, the bumper being broken and the radiator smashed. The injured man was rushed to St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto where he is still unconscious. Chief of Police Harry Smith, of Scarboro, told The Reformer today that hopes were held out for his recovery. The local police were given description of the car as nearly possible clues being provided in the finding of the radiator cap and the name plate by the Scarboro police. The car wag located at the Ontario Motor Sales here. Hughes and Agar, Toronto, were retained by Mr. Dixon and guaranteed Mr. Dixon's ap- pearance in court this morning, ac- cording to the Scarboro Chief of Police. The only charge against Dixon is criminal negligence, The case will likely proceed un- til the condition of the injured man inproves. The wagon on which Mr, Bull was riding, was not damaged beyond a broken reach. The load of hav was not upset, WIFE ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF MURDER (By Canadian Press) Vancouver, Dec. 27.--Mrs. McIntyre, wife of J. E. McIntyre, automobile dealer found shot in his room at a hotel last Thursday, is under arrest. 'A formal charge of murder has been laid against her by the authorities. The police say she was the last person to see her husband alive. She gave her- self up to police Friday, then in hos- pital under police guard. MOUNTIE VICTIM AS SHACK BURNS Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 27.--In a fire which destroyed their quarters at Rae, a remote post in the northwest territories on Dec. 6, Constable I". Rhodes of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was burned to death while another constable was severely hurt, according to a report reaching police headquarters here today. De- tails of the origination of the blaze were not given. TAKES A "FLING" AT THE CAMBRIDGE UNDERGRADUATES London, Dec. 27.--Lord Darling, speaking at the annual dinner of Gray's Inn Debating Society took a fling at Cambridge undergraduates who recently offered the resolution that women ought to be '"abol'sh- ed". "It is a pity the resolution was not passed before they were born," a as he said. a | 20 For Schoo Candidates Must Qualify By Tuesday Night; Trick May Be In Fight For the | CIVIC NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR proposed by W. ROBT. Hewson. Ww. J. OM D. PRESTON, J. Trick, seconded by J. A. Miller. Bell. TRICK, proposed by Ernie Marks, seconded by R. M. . ALGER, proposed by J. H. R. Luke, seconded by Alex. W. WATER COMMISSION GEORGE McLAUGHLIN, proposed by H. M. Miller. W. J. TRICK, ton. W. H. ROSS, proposed by J. C. Fowlds, seconded by R. M. Miller. FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION B. C. COLPUS, proposed by H. S. Smith, seconded by R. M. Miller. E. W. DREW, prosposed by H. S. 2a, seconded by R., M. Miller. ROY F. BENNETT, proposed by S. Smith, seconded by R. M. Miller. T. K. CREIGHTON, proposed by R. Si Miller, seconded by H. S. Smith; « af H. HUTCHISON, proposed by R. M. Miller, seconded by H. S. Smith. E. L. VICKERY, proposed by H. ALEX BROWNE, proposed by H. GEO. B. MORRIS, proposed by H. S. Smith, seconded by R. M. T. B. MITCHELL, proposed by H. S. Smith, seconded by R. M. THOS. STAPLETON, proposed by R. M. Miller, seconded by H. Smith. ALLAN F. Macdonald. W. J. TRICK, proposed by Jas. A. Hewson, FRED J. DONEVAN, M.D., prosposed by J. C. A. MacDonald. D. R. Cameron, Bradley. H. S. SMITH, proposed by G. ALEX. W. BELL, proposed Chappell. D. B. Mitchell. GEO, Garbutt. ARTHUR E. GARBUTT, proposed by C. A. Macdonald, A. F. Annis, ALEX. G. STORIE, proposed by E. A. Lovell, seconded by a FOR ALDERMEN Ward 2 F. I.. Mason, proposed by Ernie Marks, seconded by R. Clark. ERNIE MARKS, proposed by F. L. Mason, sceonded by R. Clark. RCSSELL CLARK, proposed by F. L. Mason, seconded by Ernie Marks. JOHN STACEY, proposed by A. Preston. T. J. LOWRY, WILLIAM LAW, Preston. 0. R, DA, Law. R. M. 5 Ww. S. Smith, seconded by proposed by C. D. Pres- A. Macdonald, seconded by R. Miller. Miller. Miller. Miller. S. S. Smith, seconded by R. M, S. Smith} seconded by R. M. ANNIS, proposed by R. M., Miller, seconded by C. A. seconded by E. Brown. C. Fowlds, seconded by M.D., proposed by G. W. Hart, seconded by Ed. Ww. by Hart, Ww. seconded by Ed. Bradley. A. Coad, seconded by Frank CARLYLE, proposed by R. N. Johns, seconded by T. B. lj L. E. EDMUNDS, prosposed by E. A. Lovell, seconded by A. Sevonded by oF hd . Hart, L. McLeese, seconded by Robert D. ronded by R. Clark. Robert D. proposed by Robert D. Preston, sec proposed by John Stacey, seconded by John Stacey, L. seconded by McLeese, seconded by W. BURNS, proposed by Robt. D. Preston, J. SWANSON, proposed by A. L. MILLER, proposed by W. H, Ward 1 by R. D. Preston, Ross, seconded by John Gibson. GEO. Peter Dry- burgh. S. H. Preston, WM. Dryburgh, GEO. Dryburgh, PERCY CANNING, proposed by R. D. Preston, seconded hy Drybrugh. ' Ward 3 : A. GROOMS, proposed by A. HART, proposed seconded by JACKSON, proposed by Peter Dryburgh, seconded by Robt, D. GOODCHILD, proposed R. D. Preston, seconded by Peter Co VER seconded by Peter by SOUTHWELL, proposed by R, D. Preston, Peter WM. seconded by H. P. Bull. HARRY Morris. GEORGE T. MORRIS, L.. Bouckley, P. BULL, proposed by A. L. Bouckley, seconded by G. T.. proposed by H. P. Bull, seconded by W. J. ne. AUBREY L. Bull, seconded by W. J. Bone. WM. JAMES D. FRANK JOHNSTON, proposed by W. Bradley. EDGAR Bone. D. B. CARLYLE, proposed by D, F. Johnston, seconded by A. L. Bouckley. LESLIE M. McLAUGHLIN, proposed by D. F. Johnston, seconded by G. T. Morris. ALBERT GOYNE, proposed by D. F. Johnston, seconded by G. T. Morris, BOUCKLEY, proposed by H. P. BONE, proposed by Ed. Bradley, seconded by C. L. Lott, J. Bone, seconded by Ed. J. H. BRADLEY, proposed by G. T. Morris, seconded by W. Ward 4 S. G. CARNELL, proposed by J. F. Tamblyn, seconded by W. J.Werry. T. B. MITCHELL, proposed by P. A. MacDonald, seconded by T. J. Sheridan. P. A. McDONALD, proposed by Sheridan. WM. EMPEY, proposed by . G. C. R. McIntosh, seconded by T. J. Holden, seconded by M. J. Werry. W. J. WERRY, proposed by T. G. Holden, secondedby J. P. Tuttle. JOS. HOULDEN, proposed by J. P. Tuttle, seconded by W. J. Werry. W. J. HOLLAND, proposed by H. P. Schell, seconded by L. C. James. ROBT. STERLING, proposed by P. A. MacDonald, seconded by C. R. McIntosh. ACS, McLEESE, proposed by R. D. Preston, seconded by P. A. Mac- Donald. JOHN PERRY, proposed by Robt. Brooks, seconded by Harry Shilley. Ward 5 H. P. SCHELL, proposed by L. C. James, seconded by H. J. Pankhurst. ERNEST PARSONS, proposed by Ed. Power, seconded by Thos. Stapelton, EDMUND JACKSON, J. Pankhurst, CLIFFORD HARMAN, proposed by H. Branton, seconded by H. J. Pankhurst. D. J. RIORDAN, proposed by Ed. Power, seconded by Thos. Stapleton. WALTER HUDSON, proposed by C. Harman, seconded by Ed. Jackson, proposed by Thos. Stapleton, seconded by H. ) Up to three o'clock this af- p-usion rocked the refinery of the | General Petrolium Company, two | and a half miles from here today. The explosion occurred in the iy sorption un't of the plant. The flames broke out uncontrolled and threatened a mearby gasoline stor- TWO KILLED IN A | REFINERY EXPLOSION (By Associated Press) Ventura, Calif., Dec. 27,--Two men were reported killed and sev- age tank which was expected to eral others injured when dn ex- | Llow up any minute. Mayoralty > as Ex-Mayor H. P. Schell Qual- ifies as Aldermanic Candi- date in Ward Five--Thos. Stapleton and B. C. Colpus in Field for School Board MAY BE SOME ACCLAMATIONS Alderman W. J. Holland Re tires on Account of Ill health -- Public Meeting to Be Held in Old City Hall Tonight ternoon three gentlemen had qualified for various contests to be decided by ballot next Monday, if enough otherwise qualify. They are: For Alderman Ward 5--H. I. Schell. For Board of Education-- Messrs. Barram C. Colpus and Thomas Stapleton. The Reformer was notified today that Alderman W. J. Hol- land owing to illness would not be a candidate next Monday. He was nominated today in Ward Four. Three nominated for the position of Mayor of Oshawa for the year 1927; three for positions as Water Commissioners, two to be elected; and twenty for Board of Education with nine vacancies--these were the results of the momination proceed- ings this. morning at the City Hall. Names were officially received by City Clerk F. E. Hare, Returning Officer, between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock. ~A ripple of surprise was caused by the nomination of Ex-Mayor W. J. Trick for the Mayoralty, along with the nominations of the present occupant of the office Robert Dun- can Preston and Ex-Ald. 0. M. Al- ger, the latter two being éxpected since they had both announced themselves. There is the outside possibility that. Ex-Mayor W. J. Trick may be a contender for the Mayoralty. This afternoon he was, to quote himself "undecided." "I shall have something to say tomorrow," he told The Reformer, "and for the preesnt if you want to say anything, say that I am consid- ering the matter." \ Mr. Trick has the distinction of having been the first Mayor of the City of Oshawa. He was Mayor for two terms. Mr. Trick is also expected to make a statement at tonight's public meeting in the City Hall. Proceedings were very tame un- til about fifteen minutes to eleven when gentlemen crowded in around the Returning Officer to present their nomination papers signed by themselves as either proposer or seconder. Mayor Preston was there for per- haps half an hour and a little later Mr. Alger came in and approaching the Mayor said: "Good morning Bob." Maggzor Preston shook hands and said/ "Compliments of the season." Mr. Trick was also nominated for Water Commissioner and for the Board of Education and endured smilingly a quantity of good natured chaffing from his many friends as to how he was going to run for all of them at once. Mr. Trick advised everyone to wait until they saw fwhethed he qualified for any one of them; sev- eral of his friends immediately en- gaged in a guessing contest as to which he would prefer to stand for and so the matter rests until nine o'clock tomorrow evening. With little indication in advance as to what might eventuate in the Board of Education affairs there (Continued on page 3) OO0O0000RLC-0000000000000F, Coming Events RATES 8 Cents per word each inser- tion. Minimum charge for each insertion, 35c. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE THIR- ty Club will be held this evening at 8 o'clock. This is an import- ant business meeting, All mem- bers are requested to attend.

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