Oshawa Daily Reformer, 15 Dec 1926, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA A DALY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1926 p-------- m- 1 Oshawa and District Madame Nevada---ncied phrenol- ogist and palmist, will be at 20 Maple street and open for eengagc- ments, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. 216-c " Chimney Fire A chimney fire at the home of | Mr. Harry Fallis, 141 street east, about eight o'clock this morning gave the fire brigade a run. No damage 'resulted from the fire. Millinery Sale i All mid-winter styles on sale. | Rrices ranging from $2.50. to $5.00. Miss V. Caldwell, 45 King street west, (216-a) | Your Below At Seven : Sad news again this morning. Four below at seven o'clock and | to add insult to injury and all that | | sort of thing there was a bit of a wind. It's pretty cold all over the ' country and will be for a day or two more, so Old Man Probs gave out, i Sweaters For Children Contributions to the 'Children's | Aid are beginning to come in ac- cording to Inspector Elliott and one that came as a most pleasant sur- prise today was from St. Catharines. Miss Henderson, the Matr{n, was made a present by Warren Bros. of that city makers of woollen. goods of eighteen sweaters, one for each ehild in the Shelter. This gift is gratefully acknowledged by Miss Henderson, Child Struck By Track As little Gladys Keys, 205 Nas- | . san street, alighted from her uneclé's motor .car on Centre street at Avenue street about 6 o'clock last | evening, a truck driven by Clar- | ence Galt, and owned by the Fox Hardware Company, struck the girl, knocking her down and breaking a hand sleigh which she was pull- ing. One of the ¢hild's ankles was injured, and she received a bad shaking up, though she was not ser- jously hurt. The truck driver was not to blame, it was said. LIANE DE POUGY'S DIVORCE Paris -- Lian De Pougy, once the idol of the threatrical world who thrilled millions with her ro- mances, has come out of retirement to get a divorce. She is the Princess Georges Ghik4 but she wants to be Liane again. She left the stage to be princess eighteen years ago but her husband fell in love with her best friend and left her. Liane de Pougy fired the imaginu- tion of many when she was youn. The then Prince of Wales was among her admirers. She was, married temporarily---to a French naval of- ficer at sixteen. She: was carrisd off and kept prisoner in a Russian palace by another worshipper. Lai~r she left broken hearts in a trail through 'many cduntnies, Then she became a staid wife and for years only a small group of friends have known the unhappiness of her nob'e marriage. Slips from Charter Oak, under which King John signed the charter giving English people parliamentary rights, and from the Oak in Sher- wood Forest where Robin Hood ad- ministered the unbroken oath of al- legiance, have grown to sturdy trees in Pleasanton, Calif. They were planted 25 years ago. omelris EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Know the true condition of ycur eyes, Do you care for them as their delicacy demands? Don't neglect them. 19 10--=Fhone--1516 Naney Block - Opposite Post Office DENNER, The Drug Store for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING oo BUY EARLY Karn's Drug Store Next to P.O. Phone 378 fom | Boy's Rubbers All Sizes Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St., W. Phone 2141 ---- ------ 7 Colborne | | Lee stole | death resulting from a stroke. | For Christmas Cheer The contribution announced to- wards the Chritmas Cheer Fund in Tuesday's paper should have read from Mrs. Roy Fleming and Mrs. J. i H. Connor, re sale of quilt, $120.50. Falls Off Auto. At noon today, just as a motor- ist stopped his touring car at Mary street, the right rear wheel oblig- ingly fell off the car, allowing it to sag gently to the street,, rendering the machine hors de combat. | Wheel {Oshawa Girls Fined. Dorothy Roberts and Elizabeth themselves a dress, a purse, and a pearl necklace each in Toronto. Caught, they pleaded | guilty in women's police court. They | came from Oshawa. 'They'll be fin- led $25 and costs each," said Mag- istrate Patterson, "or two months." Recent Deaths MARGARET JANE MORRISON In Toronto on Saturday, 'the death occurred of Margaret Jane Morrison, widow of the late Dr. John Connolly, formerly of Whitby. The funeral was held on Tuesday to St. Anne's Chruch, Toronto, when interment was made at Whitby. MRS. LOUISA HOWARD The death of Mrs. Louisa How- ard, aged 84 years, occurred at the residence of her son, Gordon, 1357 Dundas street west, Toronto, where she had been living for the past fourteen years, The late Mrs. How- ard had been ill for two months, She was born in England, and lived in Oshawa for about 50 years; she | was the widow of Benjamin How- {ard of this city. Deceased was a | member of St. Ann's Anglican Church. Surviving are five sons, two of who are in Oshawa, and three daughters. One son, Gordon, served overseas during the late war, in the 75th Battalion. GEORGE LAMBERT MARSHALL | The death occurred in Toronto on Thursday last of Noel George Lambert Marshall, a former 'resi- dent of Oshawa in his 74th year. Deceased was born in England, com- ing here with his parents. Some of the older residents of the city will recall that his parents conducted a private school for French, while his father transformed the old drill | shed which was located on the prop- { erty now occupied by Dr. T. E. Kaiser into Oshawa's first skating rink. The funeral service was held at St. Paul's Church, Bloor street NOEL east, Toronto .on Monday, with in- terment at Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery. POULTRY SHOW HAS BIG ENTRY LIST (Continued from page 1) work about a poultry show. If vou doubt it, ask secretary Carey and other officials. Entries which have heen made, must be checked as they come in, coops placed, and every- thing made "ship shape" for the judges, Then there are the hun- dred and one odd incidentals which are bound to crop up, demanding in- stant attention. Secretary Carey was not too busy however to write a letter to Hon. J. 8. Martin, a guest in the city at the sixth annual banquet of the Oshawa Milk and Cream Producers, inviting him to stay over in the city, for the show. There are several Toronto entries in the show, others being from as far distant as Cobourg, Belleville land Kingston. Birds owned by some 75 different exhibitors had arrived Tuesday evening, and others came in through the night. and today, un- til it is believed that between 600 and 1,000 birds will be at the show. An. inspection of the coops, reveals many breeds of poultry, water fowl {and pigeons. The birds range all the way from the portly, red head Buff Orpingtons, to the more timid and smaller breed of bantams. There is a large exhibit of Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons, and a larger exhibit of pigeons than is seen at most shows this size. There are 74 Pigeons on exhibition, many of which are of the Homer variety. The following is a list of some of the breeds of poultry to be seen: D. White Rocks, Buchan Game birds, Buchan Bantams White Game birds, Buff Cochin Bantams, Black Cochin Bantams, R. C. Bantams, Black Rocks, Black Langshans, Brahamas, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons and White Leghorns. There are ex- cellent exhibits of the stately "Kings of the Barnyard', with thei bright red heads and proud strutting demeanour, These turkey hens an gobblers will not likely adorn any Christmas table either; they are too valuable for even that auspicious sacrifice. Twenty geese and ganders See Our Display of Christmas Goods before , deciding where to buy. KELLY S Drug Store 34 King St. W. Phone 705 §: 'with congole themselves in their rather [usin surroundings, with uninter- rupted "quacks" and "chrotles," {and their cousins, the ducks, neai- !by, join in the chorus that cannot, | he termed musical. There were two fine rabbits among the fancy stock entries last night. More were ex- pected. Secretary Carey announced night, that it would be difficult last to {compile a list of winners until this at the earliest. The Re- will print a list of winners in Thursday's paper, and continue the remained of the list iu Friday's issue, evening former SRE NHS I FREIGHT BUNPS INTO CHAIR CAR Passengers in Observation Section Jolted This Side | of Winnipeg (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Dec. 15.--When the Ca- nadian National Railways' passen- ger train No. 4 was struck at Long Lac, Ont., by a freight train at 10.45 a.m. today, a few passengers ia the observation car were shaker up and some suffered slight injur ies. The passenger train was en route from Winnipeg to Torontc and the rear trucks of the observa tion car were derailed - when : freight eoming up behind at a slow speed struck the coach. INQUIRIES AS TO FIRE DRILL EVENT Parents Are Assured That Nc "Harm Will Come to the Children Following the announcement drill in Oshawa public and separate schools, would be held some time this week, several telephone en- quiries have reached the fire sta- tion from parents. They are anxi- ous to know if the children will be required to march outside during the drill, without their heavy win- ter wraps. Fire Chief Cameron | in conversa- tion with The Reformer this after- noon, gave his assurance that no in jury .would be done any Much of the judging would be done under the roofs of the schools, he said, ly dressed before the drill. The drill must be held at this season af it is a semi-annual competition, and the plan is to hold the first drill before Christmas. Chief Cameron who has three children attending | Mary street school, said he had the {interest of every child in the eity at heart, and would see that nothing iajurious to the health of any child would occur. Of course, the full details of how the competitior would be conducted were not avail: able as that was in the power of the officer from the Fire Marshall's of fice at Toronto. Furthermore, if the details were laid down now, it would not be a fair drill. MRS. MILLER BIG STOC KRAISKE Salt Lake City -- Mra. Minnie W. Miller of this city, has made more than ordinary success of the business of stockraising. In addit- jon to her livestock activities she is a regent of Utah gricultural cailogs. Miller owns the Thousand springs Ranch, an island in Snake river in southern Idaho. Her work with Hampshire Sheep was recog: nized last year by election as presi dent of the American _Hampshir¢ Sheep association. She is the firs woman to head any association of livestock breeders. r Guernse) cows also have won numerous priz es in eastern and western catti shows. lit A ROYAL PHOTOGRAI TER London--The Duchess las taken up photog raphy, ger the instruction of a profes: camera man, has turned out 3 very presentable photography of he baby daughter, the tiny rinces: Hilizabeth. of Yor! and sion soni ur Gift Helps A good Gift to be | Judged by } No higher priced couid be more aad, { or coveted 3 the * thingie Parker Duofold en. To the men, give You know Parker Duo- fold--the beautiful bi, Iacquer-red wit the ashing lack tips and 25-year super- smooth point. Neat dpocket.oHp orfold Ivy ed SH rdle, was $1 extra, now free! 'oday, step up to our pen counter and get your Christmas Duo- folde in time to have b them engraved. Have you seen the new Pastel shade Parker Pen & Pencil Sets $6.50 Name Engraved Free on any Pen or Pencil pur- chased at our stores. ' The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell King St. E. Simcoe St. S.u¥ yesterday that the semi-annual fire | child. | and children would be proper: | At Local Theatres SERIO-COMIC FILM "PRIVATE 1ZZY MURPHY" George Jessel, famous for his por- trayal of "The Jazz Singer," one of 'he spectacular Broadway hits of the past year, is mow starred by the Warners in a serio-comic heart irama of the days of the World War, "Private Izzy Murphy." 1zzy Goldberg, having to leave his jnarters in the Ghetto, adds draw- ng appeal to the customers of the Irish neighborhood [nto (which he noves, by renaming himself '"'Mur- Yhy." His delicatessen business hrives to the point of makiag it yossible for him to bring papa and namma from Russia. They come. Are delighted with their son's sue- 'ess. All goes well. And then-- he World War! "Izzy" Joins up with an Irish regi- nent, [still keeping the Hibernian ame, ' with which he has (also ourted pretty Eileen Cohannigan, nd goes overseas. Word comes that he has been killed in action. But after the armistice, when the »oys are parading up Fifth Avenue among the cheering crowds, when sonfetti drifts like snow, and bugles blare--the Goldbergs go wild with joy to see their boy among the rest. Cocky, helmeted, gun on shoulder, i 'big as life and twice as natural!" | The complicathons which 'follow | (with Eileen's father, Moe Ginsberg, |e marriage broker, dough-boys, qeighbors), are so mirth-provoking, 10 human, that everyone in the aud- | ience forgets 'that such things as ~ancor and prejudice can exist in he world! It is one of those rare ! nlays which have universal appeal. | Tt is a8 American as baseball. As | as inclusive as the circus! | "Private Izzy Murphy" was direet- »d by Lloyd Bacon, son of Frank Baeon, author and star of "Light- win'," and genjus in-hig_own right. Vera Gordon, famous as the mother 'n "Humoresque,'" plays the part of Tzzy's mother. Patsy Ruth Miller is "Eileen Co- hannigan," the pretty Irish sweet- teart, and the supporting company make the play a riot of mirth, a rough-and-tumble of all things American. It is human and tender and fine, the sort of play which makes us want to live and let live! You'll be cheer-leader for "Private 1zzy Murphy." NEW YEAR'S EVE ~~ MIDNIGHT SHOW Leon Osier Promises a Gala Revue of Music, Fun and Song at Regent Leon Osier Promises Gala Revue of Music, Song at Regent Everything is quickly being whip- ved into shape for the Second An- 1ual New Year's Eve Midnight Show vhich will be preseated in the Re- zent theatre on Friday night, Decem- ser 31st, commencing at eleven- hirty o'clock. All preliminary ar- rangements have been taken care of ind rehearsals will commence this week end. The Revue this year will be even bigger and better than 'he one last season, due to the fact hat the Canadian Producing Com- any will stage the production, ringing to Oshawa many new and wovel scenic effects, gorgeous eo0s- umes and dazzling electrical dis- slays. Although the show will be yrofessionally directed, the cast will sumber in the neighborhood of sev- mty-five of Oshawa's most talented rtists, pretty girls and handsome yoys. It will be fast, syacopated, 'ance-mad entertainment, intersper- ed with flashes of clever comedy. The Revue will introduee to Oshawa he famous Black Bottom dance, vhich is at present madly sweeping hrough the North 'American cpn- 'nent. Among the many song hits the show will be found 'No wooling" the sensational success of this year's Ziegfeld's Follies and "Lucky Day" from the 1926 edition +f George White's Scandals. The arice of adhission to the Midnight Jhow will Le seventy-five cents, which includes the amusement tax. All seats will be reserved and the alan will be open at the Regent box- sffice on Monday, December 27th, and will be on sale until sold out. Patrons are requested to secure their tickets early and mot wait until the last few moments, 'to find disap- nointment ia not being able to gain admittance to the theatre. Fun And Theatrical Notes Seigmann, now Plapiag De Milles' "The King »f Kings," will be seen in an im- sortant role in "White Gold," Jetta Joudal's next starring picture which will be directed by William K. How- ard. The exteriors of the story, which deals with the sheep country, will be shot in a remote Arizena stock-camp. George Barabbas ia Harry Meyers has joined the cast 5f "No Control," the Frank Condon tory which McGrew Willis adapted from the story by Frank Condon. Zelda Sears is preparing the scen- ario for this Metropolitan feature. Jeott Sydney will direct it with Har- vison Ford and Phyllis Haver in leading roles. CONW AY, Eve Johnston, Evelyn Engers, Teddy Alexander, Mary and Kathleen Ho- gan and Mildred Wiedlandt (have been placed with the dancing chorus in the .touring Ziegfeld Follies to break in for their appearance in the forthcoming new edition which will ee Ned Wayburn back at his old post as stage director for Ziegfeld. MARIE Dolly Gilbert, TEAGH MUSIC IN AUSTRALIA SCHOOL) King St. Home and School Havé Busy Meeting--Miss Hawkes Speaks The King street Home and School Club met for its regular monthly meeting last evening in the school, with the president, Mrs. George Nor- ris, presiding. The meeting was opened with the Lord's prayer, after which usual business meeting was held. Several items of interest were discussed. The Club have donated $5.00 to the Christmas Cheer Fund, and in doing this have shown, that they are tak- ing an active interest in the wel- fare of all children in Oshawa. It was decided to remew the subserip- tion to the National Geographic Magazine, to which the Club have been subscribers for some time. These books are for the pupils to be used in the school. Nine books containing the Supplementary of the Canadian History will be pur- chased by the Club at a cost of $7. These books are also for use in the school. Sewing classes have been organized, and these will commence in January. The members of the Club have gathered together a number of songs which will be printed and used at the Home and Sekool Club meetings, where com- munity singing will be held. 'When the business was completed, an excellent program was given. Several boys and girls from Miss Mitchell's room gave a number of selections which were "very clever, for the small kiddies that Miss Mit- chell teaches. They were trained most carefully and the smallest de- tail in this training was given care- ful attention. Great praise is given to Miss Mitchell for the splendid nfimbers given. A pleasing piano solo was given by a former pupil of King street school, Miss 'Morris. Two selections were given by the King street Church Ladies' Quar- tette which were very much enjoyed. Last night's meeting was to have heen a Dietetic meeting but owing to the Hospital being in quarantine the Dietition was unable to attend. This was postponed till a later date. Miss Rose Hawkes of Adelaide, | Australia, a former teacher at King street school, gave a most interest- ng talk on the Australian customs and their schools. "In the Austral- ian schools, - there 1s no religion taught. It is forbidden by the du- thorities," the speaker said. Con- tinuing, Miss Hawkes told how music was taught to a great extent in the schools. The pupils are taught how to play, sing and are taught various methods of dancing. A great majority of the schools are private institutions. This seems to_be encouraged in Australia. Very few nublic schools are open there. The 'Australians think that Canada. is a land of perpetual winter and that we are a very queer people in our way of thinking. Australia is as large as Canada, and the city of Adelaide where Mise Hawkes resides, has a population of 250,000. It 1s the smallest of three large cities. Melbourne has a population of 1,- 000,000, while Sydney has a popula- tion of 500,000. When this very excellent talk was finished, the members of the Club and Miss Hawkes, inspected the teachers' room. Miss Hawkes was delighted with the very fine up-to- date appearance of this room, which is proof of the success of the club. Twenty-five copies of the maga- zine 'The Canadian Child" "swere sold by the Club. These are 10 cents the copy, 5c of which goes to the publishers and the remaining 5c is kept by the club Other clubs might benefit by the use of these excellent magazines. STREET CAR DAMAGED While endeavoring to pass a street car as it proceeded along Simcoe street early this afternoon, the motor car struck the rear end of the street car, tearing off a step. VINCENT LOPEZ and his Orches- tra have been signed to assist Will Rogers in the program which will dedicate the new Ziegfeld Theatre on the afternoon of December 9. Arrangements are now being made for several other features to be ad- ded to the bill. w : : : E ARE BUSY{PLANNING THE GREATEST _ CHRISTMAS DOLLAN DAY SALE The people of this city have ever shared in. SEE THE WINDOWS Read the Bargain List mn Tomorrow's Reformer HB BBB BH BOBS HIBS "fore BROWN--To Mr. and Mrs. Maynard A. Brown, Dec. 8th at Los An- zeles, Cal., a daughter, (216-a) Card of Thanks Mr.-H. Champion apion and Mr. and Mrs. Marks and family, 323 Albert St., wish to thank their many kind friends and neighbors for their kindness and flowers in their sad bereavement and desire to make special mention of the following names: --Toronto employees of Laid- law Lumber Co., Mr, and Mrs. S. Garland, Mr. and Mrs. L. Garland, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Champion, Mr. and Mrs. P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fitz- gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gunn, Bowmanville; Family Pillow, employees oi Machine Shop, G.M.C., Knights of Pythias, Mr. ana Mrs. J. F. Northey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. M. Oster, Mr. and Mrs, J. Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kay, Mr. W. Miners, Mrs. and Miss P. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Bint, Mr. and Mrs. W. Drew, Mrs. Brimacombe, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tonkin. "Don't vou think she is older than she makes out?" "Well, anyhow, she's not so young as she makes up." | FORMER KAISER ILL WITH INFLUENZA (Cable Service to The Reformer by Canadian Press) Doorn, Holland, Dec. 15.--For- mer Kaiser Willlam, of Germany, was confined to his bed today with what was described as an "influen- za cold." Experiments in canning reindeer meat are being conducted by the Alaska goverament railroad. The canned product, which is said to taste like veal, retains the original flavor because' it is cooked in the can. Too Late to Classify AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, FRI- day, December 17th, 1.30 p.m., at 37 Ritson Road North, consisting of 1 solid oak dining room suite (8 pieces, almost new); 1 brass bed, springs and mattress; 2 white en- amelled beds, springs and mat- tresses; 2 dressers; 2 wicker chairs and table; 1 mahogany Whatnot; 1 Columbia Graphanolo; 1 automatice Ash Sifter; dishes, etc. J. E. Rolfe, auctioneer. (216-b) - BIRRDEH DNOLS ROO NODES TORE Are YOU taking AD YANTA GE Second of Jewelry. gardless of cost. ARTHUR. FELT'S CHRISTMAS SALE Sensational Reductions in all lines Your Christmas Gift can be purchased at a price set re- Annual SURED NV IVMPPLV WRK VRE OC REBM QBIBI LIEB LI OFFIC IEIE LIB UISIRNISIH URI IR d Jackson Folks hid LE i a aia aol RUMIBBAID < W. H. Karn to suit every pocket. Next the Post Office CC EE ERE ERE ERS YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED, You BIG BABY, KEEPING THE healthier and happier. You'll get a laugh out of these "funnies" we're going to publish each week. A laugh and a lot of information ' about how to Don't miss any of them. Christmas is only 9 Shopping Days away you'll find Gifts for every member of the family among our large and varied stock, at prices No trouble to show you suggested Gifts. KARN"S DRUG STORE IH AHIR OB BS INQ BRIN Sn A BR QI YOU'RE JUST DYING TO GET AT 'EM YOURSELF, KORIGR ARE GOING To Phone 378 LEE UFBIROUFIBROISIIM EIEN OI IR

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