WN THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1926 PAGE ELEVEN rs > 1 . as 33 FW 15 oy " pF) 2 ANY NO a AU UULED A BIG JOB ¥ alu 4% pun For Rent Work Wanted Real Estate For Sale FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Jublic, Conveyancer, money tq loan. = Room 2, Royal Bank Bldg., Simcoe and Bond streets. Phone 1496. WL .(121-mo) A. G. BROWNING, K.C, ANNES Block; immediately west of Post Office, Whitby. House phone 386. Office phone 392, (148-6m) H. BE. MORPHY, B.A.--BARRISTER Policitor, Notary Public, ete. Office} 113% Simcoe street south, Oshawa. 0, G. REYNOLDA, 3 LUKE BURIAL c0.,- 67 KIN east, ¢ 6-19 Division Phoue £103. Residen Watch Repiriig Phones: Office 1198M; resid 160. CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Con- veyancing and general practice of Law. Offices 7% .Simcoe St. south, Oshawa, Phone 63. G. D. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. F. Annis, BA, LLB W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C.,, BANK of Commerce Building. (116-1yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, BIA.--BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Money to loan. Office 24% King St. east, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- risters, Conyeyancers, Notaries Pub- lic, etc. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, B.A., T. K. Creighton, B.A. BWANSON, GERMAN & MAC- kenzie, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notary Public, etc. All branches of Criminal and Civil Law. Money to loan. Office over Lamble's store, 2 King St. east. Phone 940. D. A. J. Swanson, H. N. German, F. G. Mackenzie. A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER, SO- fecitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, money to oan. Disney Bldg., oppo- site Post Office. Phones, office 1614; residence, 1106J. (62tr) LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, 16 Simcoe north. Money to loan. Phones, office 67, residence 1170. Evening appointments by arrange- ment. Medical DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, BUR- Keon, Accoucner. Office and resi- dence, King St. Hast, corner Victoria Bt., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR GRANT BEKRY, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Special references to diseases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence, 97 Bond east. DR. B. J, BAZLEWOOD, Physician and Surgeon, special at- tention given t0 X-ray work and . Blectro-Theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050. (tf) ulance. 89 King St, east. Fe A. Vou GUNTEN, EXPER aT ss , watchmaker «shop. af 44% King Streét West, Your pat- ronage is solicited. ... : 29-tf Building Supplies BRICK FOR SALE, FOR PRICES etc. apply to Hircoek Bros. Many- facturers of Red Stock Brick, 'Phone 28r2. Box 83, Bowmanville, Ont.* WB HAVE ROUGH AND. DRESSED lumber,. lath, shingles, saih, doors and interfor trim. F. L. Béecrals, awa phone 324. 69 tf J. A. SYKES, 80 ATHOL ST. WEST, lumber, lath, shingles, doors, sash, beaverboard, Gyproc Seamen Keni hardwood flooring. 6-imo FOR SALE -- CEMExT BRICKS, grey and red, also cement: blocks, R. Duizendstra, 16 Albany Si. south, )shawa. (7-t1) Transportation COLEMAN'S CAK1AGE--85 BOND street West. Phone 32. Baggage, local or long distance furniture mov- ing. 6 trucks for prompt service, (22tt) BMITH TRANSPORTATION LIMIT- ed., Simcoe St. S. Phone 346W. 242 Front 8t.. E., Toronto, Phone Main 7637. Buperior Transportation Ser- vice. 42-tt BORROWDALE'S CARTAGBH, - LO- cal a Distance. "When thinking of moving think of us" 241 Ritson Rd, South. Phone 1618. 84-1m Music FOR CHRISTMAS BUY SHERLOCK- Manning player Pianos, and rolls, at G. Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. S., phone 1490. (Nov 18-Dec 18) -- ARTHUR W. LYNDE (HAMBOURG Conservatory, Toronto), Teacher of singing, Pupils prepared for all examinations, also church, concert, opera. Studio, 11 Simcoe south, Oshawa, Wednesdays. (72t1) Orchestra FOR YOUR DANCES, PARTIES, etc, engage the Monarch Novelty Orchestra, with chimes, marimbas aud novelty bells. Phone 2075W. Dental PR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF- fice over Royal Bank, Phone 959; Residence. 3086. 4-1 yr. DR. H. M, COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over . Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 54. DR. L. E, HUBBELL, DENTIST, OF- fice Royal Bank Bldg, Phone 948; residence, 1378M. 36-tf BR. W. H.'GIFFORD, OFFICE RE- gent Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780 Res. 639... 56-tt DR. R. J ADAMS, DR. RUNDLE Block, 107 Simcoe St. S. X-ray, gas extraction. elephone 504, Res. 1114W. 134-tt DR. J. R, PORTEN, DENTIST, 31 King East. Disney Block. Opposite Post Office, Phone 2065. 222tt SAMUEL COLLIS, TEACHER OF violin, Studio--Wilson & Lee's Mu- sic store, 71 Simcoe street north. Phone 2388. 187-tf Canaries for Sale BUY A CANARY FOR THAT Christmas Gift. A beautiful lot to choose from. Prices reasonable. Goodell's 126 Burke St., phone 1324J. (Dec 4-Jan 4) Architects C. C. STENHOUSH, -- GENERAL architectural 'work.. Second floor, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 1496. Res. Phone 9027. Welding OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING ON auto parts, fenders, stove parts, ma- chinery parts, steel, cast-iron, brass or aluminum parts, in fact most apy- thing in the line of metals. Good' workmanship. C. B. Sherry, 69 King St. west, (200tf) oon av HARD AND SOFT WOOD | MIXED slabs, $3.75 per load. Also bone dry Waterous 157-tf bodywood. Phone 660. Supply Co. | CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE 1785M. from 50 and 75c¢ up. Phone ' (209tf) GRAMAPHONE WITH 60 REC- ords. In good condition. For sale cheap. Phone 365W. (214c) Whitby Lumber and Woodyard Osb-i POTATOES FOR SALE --§2.35 per bag, Delivered to your home. | Phone 2743, A. F. Cox, 13 Elgin i Street. Dec. 10-Jan. 10) FOR SALE--LIGHT WAGON, CUT- Vir. Cutting Box and 2.large galvan- ized tanks., Apply Mrs. J. Elliott, Thornton's Corners. (216-222-228) FOR SALE--FORD LIGHT DE- livery, tires, motor and pain in good condition, Cheap for cash. Ap- ply 104 Mill St. (214c) FOR SALE---A MISSION (DARK Oak) Dining room Suite. A big bargain. Apply 24 Connaught St. 216-tf FOR SALE--TWO BABY BUGGIES. Reasonable. In good condition. Ap- ply 199 Court St. (215¢c) FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES (Cedar) af 50c and 75c. W. Cole- man's Cartage. 85 Bond W., phone 82. (215b) FOR SALE--NEW LAID EGGS. C. Bridges. On sale Market Saturday morning, 216-c DROP HEAD SINGER SEWING MA- chines, in good condition, cheap. Other makes at $10. Call at Sing- er's Store and look them over. 45 King West, phone 696. After six 1811W. (216-tf) ROGERS' SILVERWARE, LADIES' and Gents' watches, beautiful elec- tric Floor Lamps; etc. Small de- posit down, balance at 50 cents per week. O. H. Dell, agent for Osh- awa, 2215 King east. Phone 1916. (216-1) BIG BARGAINS IN FURNITURE-- to clear in the next ten days. 10 Iron Beds complete, new steel springs and new felt mattresses, regular price $20 to $25 reduced from $8 to $10; 7 Oak sideboards, regularly $20 up to $65 reduced from $7 up; 5 (only) dressers; 4 ex- tension tables; 3 hall racks; 1 par- lor set $6; 5 baby buggies from $5 up; a lot of rockers and easy chairs; 1 Morris chair $2; 1 coal and gas range $24; 1 two burner gas stove (nearly new $5. Red tags marking prices will be put on all these ar- ticles. Come early. as this is a real closing sale, 17 Prince street. a (214c) Lost and Found LOST -- SMALL BLACK . PURSE containing sum of money. Leave at Vickery's tobacco store. Reward. 215-c FOUND ON WEDNESDAY LAST A sum of money, Call at 19 Celina St between 6 and 7 o'clock. (215¢) LOST--SMALL BROWN PURSE hetween Leader Dry Goods and High School, containing small sum of money (between $5 and $6). Fin- der kindly phone 740 or leave at Leader Dry Goods -and receive re- ward. (215hb) Stolen STOLEN FROM CAR ON ONTARIO St., Saturday night, grey blanket with red.and. yellow strips, valued as a keepsake. Please inform Hugh McClelland. 330 French St. (215c) Storm Windows Eye Specialist PR. L. J. SEBERT, 86 BLOOR ST. West, Toronto, will be at Jury and Lovell"s Drug Store each Saturday from 11 aap. to 4 p.m. for consul- tation in diseases of the eye. 12-1 yr. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist EE v Your AUCTIONEER Specializing household furniture and live stock sales. A. C. LYCETT 25 King St. E. Phone 295 DR. F. T., BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 ¢.m. for: consultation and treatment of diseases. of ear; nose and. throat snly. Appointments may be made at drug store. - Phrme 97. 49-tf STORM WINDOWS, STORM DOORS, combination doors, . machine. floor sanding. W. B. Haynes, phone 481, A total of 78,161 Jewish immi- grants entered Palestine during the last" four years, the Immigration Department of the Zionist Execu- tive reveal, making the grand total of Jewish population of the Holy Land 165,000. ! King St. West, Oshawa. The : 'ble Fire Companies, MAKE MONEY AT HOME--MEN and women can earn $1 to $2 an hour in spare time writing show cards. No canvassing or soliciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Men- Lenitt Company Limited, 35 Do- minion Building, Toronto. 213-tf . Money to Loan BRADLEY BROS.--LOWEST CUR- rent rates on First Mostgages. Plan of repayment to suit borrower, : If you have a mortgage coming due, see us about renewing, 29 Simepe street south, 202-tf 6%% CITY AND FARM LOANS. No commission. Building loans. Le- gal work done at this office. A. J. Parkhill, Barrister, Disney Bldg. Phone 1614. (176t1) Wanted to Buy MR, 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. I am pay- ing for scrap batteries $1. and$1.50. Buying old cars. Phone 764. 155tf PHONE WARNER'S FURNITURE store, 271. Will buy all kinds good used furniture. 56 King west. (Nov 26-Dec 26) Auctioneer FOR RENT-- DUPLEX . HOUSE with all conveni Pp i on or before 20th, Apply 437 Simeoe St. S. Phone, 507. (215¢) PAPERHANGING, .. . PAINTING. Phone 1131M. 341 King West. W. P, Barber, Moderate prices. ae it BE (215g) FOR RENT--GARAGE ON COURT St. Apply 225 Court St. Phone 1278J. al 216-c TO RENT--EXCELLENT LIVING quarters, 4 bedrooms, with all mod- ern conveniences. Immediate pos- session. Over Woolworth's store. Apply Dr. F. L. Henry, 179 Simgoe S., between 7 and 9 p.m. . Phone 16... (207tf) FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE All. newly decorated and painted Central. Simcoe Street. Appiy Carter's Real Estate, 17 King East, phone 1380. 216-c FOR RENT--6 ROOMED HOUSE with garage and hen house on Ver- dun Road. Immediate possession. For further particulars call 2052W. (214tf) FOR RENT--7 ROOMED BRICK house with garage--386 King St. east. All conveniences, 10 minutes walk from Four Corners. Apply B. E. Downey, Standard Bank, Whitby. Phone 16. 216-tf FOR RENT--6 ROOMED BRICK house, all conveniences at 563 JAl- bert street. Apply F. W. White, 241 Nassau St. or phone 946. (216-c) DUBRANT MACHINE ¢O.--WE DO all \kinds of machinery repairing. Excdisior starter ring gears install- ed. comnecting rods re-babbited, crown gears Or piniong supplied for all of cars, 161 King St., W. Phone | 19. (tf) RE-UPHOLSTERING DONE. ALSO Chestesfields made to order. Prices right. ; Workmaashiy guaranteed. 143 Colborne east. Phone 520F. of ania (Nov. 23-Dec. 23) NEW METHOD FLOOR SURFAC- ing. S. B. Edmondson, 251 Simcoe St. S. (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Piano Tuning A, F. COX EXPERT PIANO TUNER and tone regulator, 20 years' experi- ence, Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone all orders to 274J, Oshawa. "3 (186-1mo) W. C. BRITTON Groceries. & . Provisions " CASH AND DELIVERY Phone 555, Simcoe St. South FARM. AND GENERAL SALES -- E. J. Pomery, Licensed Auction2er for Oshawa and Ontario, 780 Sim- coe St. S., phone 1074W. (Nov 22-Jaf 22) LIVESTOCK SALES AND HOUSE hold furniture, Also goods brought to our auction rooms weekly will have prompt attention. W. J. Sulley, licensed auctioneer, 8 Bond St, west. Telephone 924. (Nov. 27-Deec. 29) Wanted to Rent 243 bess onlin pm ---- WANTED TO RENT--YOUNG PRO- fessional man and wife waat two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping in good locality. partment or separate flat desired. Box "A," Reformer. WANTED--BY YOUNG MAN, room and board, central. Apply Box "0" Reformer. (215¢) light | a (211tf) | , Wit PHONE SAR , = TOD JS. CNYOUNG Eo "4% Prince St. -- Oshawa, Ont. SMALL HOUSE ELECTRIC lights. Only $50 down. Balance ar- ranged. The Oshawa House & Land Co., 38 Simcoe street north, Osh- awa, Phone 464 and 1339W. Open evenings. (2121) FOR SALE--7 ROOMED BRICK house, garage, extra lot on Park Road. Price $4,000. Small payment down. Immediate possession. Phone 2446W. (215d) 6 WILL EXCHANGE 6 ROOMED House, Sunnyside Ave,, Toronto, or 7 roomed house North Toronto for house in Oshawa or Whitby. Apply Box "M"" Reformer, (214-216-218) NOTICE The Board of Health desires to ascertain the names and addresses of all those women with homes suitable for taking in children by the day as in a Day Nursery, and the relative number of children who could be accommodated in each home, Arrangements and particu- lars will be determined later. Replies should be sent to. the City Clerk and the Secretary of the local Board of Health, City Hall. Oshawa. (214c¢) NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Frank Marshall, formerly of 14 Mill Streeet, will not hereafter be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by his wife, Harriet Marshall. Oshawa, Dec. 14th, 1926. (216-217-218) CONANT. & ANNIS, .. Barristers &c., Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the said Frank Marshall. "We Sell the Farts snd Insure its Contents" Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRM REPAIRS AT Ideal Tire Repair Shop, 14 Church St. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros. PERSONAL MADAME MAE--PALMIST. John Street (near Centre Phone 1613W. 79 Second-hand Furniture BIG SALE OF NEW AND SECOND hand furniture. Cash or terms. Rugs, congoleum rugs, carpets. Special sale Quebec cook stoves. M. Hen- nick, 442 Simcoe south, (Nov. 27-Dec. 27) Signs H. R. COULDERY, ARTISTIC DE- corating. Sigrs on paper, wood cot- ton, brick; show cards, price tickets of every description, Disney Block, Oshawa, Phone 1550, 229-tt We Buy and Sell SECOND HAND SKATING BOOTS and skates. Call to Shoe Repair Shop, 426 Simcoe south to C.P.R. Railway. Live Stock FOR SALE--FIVE RHODE ISLAND Red hens and one cock bird. Just through with moult, Good layers. Phone 1112W. (212tf) FOR SALE--AIRDALE PUPS, male. Apply 352 Ritson Rd. N. or phone 1766W. (215¢) Insurance DAVIS & SON, INSURANCE, 19 (8 G. FOR. SALE----YOUNG MARE yrs.) sound, splendid driver. Wallis, Thornton's Corners, awa. Phone 202 r 2-2. 1deat Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reput-- 118-tt Phonographs Repaired PHONOGRAPHS OF ALL MAKES repaired at G. Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. S., phone 1490. (Nov 18-Dec 18) De Laval Milkers, Cream Separators, and Repairs For Sale by E. BERTRAND, Special price on lots in good localities if sold id once. t. me write Fire I reliable compamee, Gaon: Fuiibig in 099 Houses and lots for sale in all localities, Money to loan .on 1st mortgages. J. H. R. LUKE PHONNE 871 HUNTER'S PARADISE (Amherstburg Echo) T. H. Fox and a couple of friends had a lovely experience last week, when they went duck shooting at Lakewood Beach. After waiting with patience for hours, only to get one litthe duck, there was a movement shoreward among the birds and be- fore they realized what was happen- ing ducks began to light all round their hiding place, almost asking to be taken. They fired right and left and before the birds could get away they had bagged 32 of them, Not so bad for one afternoon's sport. Chorus Girl: '"Husbands are easy to catch aren't they?" Second Chorus Girl: "You tell | 'em! Lots easier than bachelors. ! | WEST END, DRUG STORER Orders; tly Delivered PHONE 354 BELFRY'S 48 King St. W, I "YOUR EYES Hamilton Optical House 6 Richmond St. E., Osh ogefodefodesfedoefedosdrofodoedetosedosdododuiodeoiodot TUT A SR a 'CALL ON WILSON & LEE 7% Simcoe North. Phone 2388 for all the latest hits in rec- ords, player rolls, and sheet music. St.) ! (214g) ! (Nov 17-Dec 22) | Osh- | (215¢) House for SALE or RENT Six Rooms--All Con- veniences. i Good Location. W.J. Trick Co. Ltd. 25 Albert St. Phone 230 The small boy was busily engaged on his home lessons when he father, who was sitting reading by the fire suddenly looked up and said: "Want me to help you with your home- work tonight Bobbie?' 'Thanks all the same, dad," came the reply, "but my teacher said she would rather I got it wrong myself." A speaker recently remarked that America was not. yet wholy free of whisky. Some inhabitants, .we un- derstand, have a little still. REFORMER WANT ADS PAY | | . MUST BE SOLD | Frame Cottag¢--4 pooms and bath, | furnace, electri, hardwood floors, {$250 Cash, Balance $25 Monthly. ~ DISNEY Estate and Loans Insurance Phones: 1550--1619J DISNEY BLOCK Across from P.O. Real "REFORMER WANT ADS PAY CHIROPRACTIC . E. Steckley, Chiropractor and Drugless LH will be in the office, 86 Sim- coe street, north every afternoon and Mon. day, Wednesday and Friday _evenings. F y ment. 5 1 calls made in towm and surrounding dis- trict. Consultation is free at office. Phone 224. CHADBURN Motor Sales BUY A LOT! mas Eve. Open Evenings.' £ FT TAT BUY ALOT! We Have Them SMALL DEPOSIT - To every person paying a deposit of $25.00 on one of our Lots between now and December 20th, we will make a present of a fine Turkey or Goose on Christ- EASY PAYMENTS LF . 72 54 Come in and see us about this offer. Good Times Are Coming Buy your Lot now and build in the Spring. Good Discount for Cash. The Oshawa House & Land (Co. 8 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA 38 "Phones 464; -- Mack, 1330W ie ' 3 COMPASS OR SLACKIE, WE RAVE , US, Pat. OFF; Cop \ R by peaght, 1926, etropolitarr Newspaper Service S Ir WE HAD A LITTLE GRAVY, = | TSE ade FRET a -------- MAP, BUT WE'RE SRSNG x ~ $ ] BACK --1I CAN'T AF 0. ELF FULL hs TREE a 0. 8. DICKENSON, V.S., DISRASES V3 of all domestic animals scientifically ' CRACYANG THEIR misien Government Vet- : Brock St. B. Phone \ . 131-tt - i Es Window Cleaning : THRE OSHAWA WINDOW CLEAN- srs--Dbouse ning, woodwork and floors polished, screens and storm windows put on and removed. Phone 1302W. tf TO RECEIVE REWARD Miss Phyllis. Clifford, the To- ronto Bell Telephone operator, who sent in the alarm to the police con- cerning the attack and assault upon JaJmes Sammons, grocer, 395 Sack- { ville street, Wednesday night, will receive a reward from the Board of Police Commissioners for her promptness, J RT REMEMBER COULD IMAGINE Ft ROW AST THIS WAS CHICKEN Nn --CAeTuS s9--€