THE OSHAWA DAILY "REFORMER, TUESDAY, "NO » . bt Sas Be SE Civiprn 1926 Ay IV, PACE THREE Oshawa and District South Oshawa League The regular meeting of the South Oshawa Young People's League war held last evening and a very enjoy- uble time was spent by those pres- ent. The president, Mrs. L. Trick, occupied the chair during the open- ing and business part of the meet- ing dtring which time a discussion and final arrangements were made in regards to the missionary play being put on by the Bowmanville League on December 14. The president then 'called upon the vice- president of the evening, Miss E. Bimms and the program was open ed with a hymn followed by a Serip- ture reading, Miss A. Sampson, reading, "Words Wrought With Gold," by Miss A, Ayres; Miss V. Langmaid then gave the League a very instructive address on Cana- dian novelists and a short review on the life and study of William Drumm and followed by a reading of some of his poems this item was enjoyed by all present. Mr. A. Ayres then gave a short talk on Joseph Sriven, followed by the read- ing of one of his greatest works, "What A Friend We Have in Jesus." Reading, "The Landlord and The Boy" by Mrs. C. Lee; reading, "Black Moustache," by Miss Hewitt, These selections were also enjoyed by all present. Following the .prograin the League held a social time in the form of a box social followed by a number of games after which the League meeting drew to a cclose. Men's Blue Overcoats Special ..... $18.75 C. W. Detenbech Kiug Nt. E. Oshawa F-------------- Oshawa Battery § Service 37 King St. w. Telephone 1184 A. G. BROOMFIELD, Prop. Repairing all makes of Bat- teries, Starters, Generators, Horns, Lights, ete, RADIOS For fresh Groceries and Meats call104 ht Greenly's Grocery Cor. Mary & Colborne Sts. Oshawa GET YOUR Made-to-Measure -SUIT- - at LEDGER'S A---------------- F. W. C. NASH Carpentering of all kinds. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone 806M 17 Aliik St. FINE WATCH REPAIRING D. J. BROWN JEWELLER King St. W. Phone 189 PERRIN The Drug Store for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING & BUY EARLY Karn's Drug Store LARA @ Phone Your Drug Needs to THOMPSONS 10 Simcoe south. Phone 22 For Better Values tonight. Escapes From Boys' School Oshawa Police Department has been notified of the escape from St. John's Industrial School of Racheal Merrill, 11. The lad, a French Can-| adian, but described as appearing like an Italian, escaped Monday morning. . He was poorly dressed, stands about four feet and was wear- ing long, dark hair, HONOR MEMBER WHO IS LEAVING ony, Mrs. Gordon Bunker was hostess | recently to about 20 members of one of the grousp of King street United Church who gathered at her home, to wish God speed to Mrs. Mae Wil- | kinson who is leaving to take up residence in Toronto. Mrs. Wilkinson will shortly commence training in the Strathcona Hospital. The evening was spent in singing and fancy work. During the evening, Mrs. Wilkinson was given a hand- kerchief shower, and the following address: Dear Mae: It is with deep regret that we hear of your intended departure from Oshawa. You have been a faithful and conscientous worker in our group and we feel that we can- not let you go away without giving you something to remember us by. Will you please accept this hand- kerchief shower as a token of our good wishes in your new venture. Signed, The members of the group, King street United Church. POLLS OPEN IN OSHAWA 8 T0 7 (Continued from page 1) iliar with the voting strength of the constituency that there was a possi- bility of nearly twenty thousand votes being cast, almost equally di- vided between the city of Oshawa and the remainder of the riding. This was predicted on the weather being as favorable, say, as, it was today. But political wiseacres on both sides told The Reformer that it was pretty certain that a big vote would be found out anyway for peo- ple had been well aroused to the situation. In no campaign indeed perhaps never ple been so sharply on the so-called "wet" question that consumed almost all of the interest and on which was based almost all of the oratory and near-oratory which is today practical- iy stilled and will be 'old stuff" af- ter tonight. Voting 'has been, declared to be possible "hetween the hours of eight in the forenoon and seven o'clock in the afternoon" and with that 'change from the usual nine to six in other elections it apparently should mean that no voter, male or female, should be overlooked by the workers for the respective candidates. Party organizations were declar- ed_today to be in good running or- der and the machinery well oiled. Cars were allotted to various sub- divisions and volunteer workers had been detailed to the duties. It seemed undoubtedly true that both sides were confident of the re- sult. Canvassers were still out all of today and were instructed to keep on working until the last thing for some years, have the peo- divided as up- and "dry" by proclamation, tomorrow And then to vote! CALF-SKIN HATS The "colyumists" of the country may now prepare for a busy day . The subject is the calf. Long iden- tified with the head. Calf-skin hats, in other words, are all the rage on New York's Fifth Avenue. Pert, neat, compact, dyed and au natur- el, they are appearing everywhere. The car was brought to a local garage for repairs and was badly damaged.--Laredo, Tex., Times. Elections Returns will be received at The LUKE Furniture Co. 63 King St. E. Phone 79 on the Federal Ortho-Sonic Radio BURNS JEWELLERY STORE SHOE STORE AT LOCAL THEATRES REGENT SHOW AVALANCHE OF SCREAMING LAUGHTER Not in many a month has Mana- zer Osier presented to Regent pa- trons such a corking good program of hilarious entertainment as the show that opened last evening. From slight smiles to long laughs the large audience last night con- vulsed themselves into a roaring avalanche of screaming merriment before the final scene of the feature attraction "The Family Upstairs" faded from the sereen. \ We have never watched a motion picture that contained greater hu- man interest, such an unusual am- out of comedy and heart interest. such a splendid portrayal of econ- trasting types than "The Family Upstairs." It tells a story we are all familiar with--that of our ow: home life, what happens behind tii closed doors when we are alone, anc you will laugh and seream the same as every one else did last night, be- cause you can't help it, the situa- tions are so humanly funny--yo will forget you are looking at TRANSFERRED TO THE HEAD OFFICE Mr. Norman Rae Joins the] Division Engineering Staff Mr. Norman Rae, who for twelve years has been connected with the local, branch of the Bell Telephone Company in the capacity of wire chief, has been transferred to the Head office at Toronto where he will be on the Division Engineering Staff. The district in which Mr. Rae will be placed is from Sault Ste. Marie to Niagara Falls. While in Oshawa, Mr. Rae was prominent in athletic circles, having played soft- ball when he was pitcher for the Bell Telephone team. He also play- ed O.H.A. hockey and played for Simcoe street in the Church League. Mr. and Mrs. Rae and daughter, Phyllis, left yesterday, and will re- side in Toronto. The good wishes! hide of their many friend in Oshawa are |P'Cture story and feel that you have |Suadenty acquired the magic gift of extended them. A isceing through brick walls into the WHERE TO CAST [oi shar mn se VOTES IN RIDING Donald is a complete "knockout" (Continued from | and with Lillian Elliott as his troubled wife they provide many of the good clean laughs that abound throughout the picture, Virginia Valli and Allan Simpson have theA leads and do exceptionally fine work (in their respective roles. {" By all means see "The Family Unstai if you want to enjoy an wening's fun. You'll feel better {or having met these folks, and you will laugh all the way home at the fur. they made for you while in the theatre. The good. page , Kingston Road. John Graham"s, House, Brooklin. Township Hall, Brooklin. M--Robert Parrott's, Ashburn, Town of Whitby 1--Show room, Mem. Wihithy, Brock St. 2--Edward Bowman's, Dundas St. 3--Miss McCann's, Brock St. 4--Turner's Shoe Shop, Brock Con. 2 Temperance, Company, ; supporting featurettes are all They include Lloyd Hamilton in a laughable comedy called "Teacher, Teacher!' and curre nt St. events supplied in the Pathe 'New: 5--Community Hall, Brock St. Township of Pickering 1--Woodruff Powell's, Kingston Road. 2--Fire Hall. 3--W. Nicholson's, Liverpool. 4--IGeo. Toyne's, Rouge Hill. 5--Temperance Hall, Cherrywood. Baby 6--Public Hall, Kinsale, of 200 watts, 7--Town Hall, Brougham. ~ With his simple 8--Oddfellow's Hall, Whitevale. | '21ked to England, _Basement Methodist Church, | ' nama, Cuba, Lot 6, Con. 8. | gentina, Chile, 10--Community New 11--Albert Davis', worth piles his key. He employ: a b0-watt tube in a three-coil Mojs- | ner circuit, of tuned grid-tuned | plate type. It. is of lowloss con- ' struction and with a normal input : | | | Pickering. apparatus he has Canada, Alas Mexico, Brazil, A Italy, South Africa, Zealand, Japan French Ind Samoa, Mas- Hall, Claremont. | Australia, Ne Altona. China, Philippines, Township of Reach { hina, India, Tahiti, 1--Memory Hall, Utica. { mania, and Haiti, 2--Roger's Garage, Epsom. Woiitw Aidimake 3 Robert Swanick's. -Lot 6, Con. | entworth first > ence as an amateur 4--Public Hall, Greenbank. {he established Hero gained promin- radio fan when communication for Jarbara, following Fliam of us, Mille, pastor o Chua'ch. 'Besides his sisters survive. W. Brown of Greatrix, Belle Webster, ton. Potts of Camp Brown of brothers being Belleville, half brother of (Leo Maxse, in the Canada js as' out her own and if a majorit erately decide tl of the Dominic cither by a dec independence or the United St: the Old Country a little side of the action, deter them too often or too lous. suspicions t the amazeme simply doe to who Downing has its li thoroughfare lunatics, and it to attempt thing Rule." probably knowledge continue ters, one son, two brothers and two Mrs. James Paris of Hamilton; The sisters Spokane, and CANADA AS FREE AS AIR way finger would be lifted on this Atlantic nor would anyone once their mind that they really wanted to "cut the painter." it should clear the air of ,those ridicu- up in certain Canadian polit meant by the talk of "Downing Street doc Street is suspected, or at any rate, cused, by obscurantists in Quebes, nourish that it is a hogy doing so because it serves | some ulterior purpose. | f King street" United widow, four daugh- The daughters are: Mrs. | Toronto; Mrs. E. | ville and Mrs, Wil-! Spokane, Washing- | are Mrs. George and Mrs. Wash., the | Charles Reeves of | James Adams, a Campbellford. | at her own od v of Canadians delib- | at the best interests | m would be served, laration of sovercign' by absorption in: ates, however much, might regret it, not, bellford London National Review) free as air to work to obstruct their attempt to had made up| they This cannot be said emphatically because hat periodically crop al circles, | Britain, | what is nt of Great s not know Street like the rest) mitations, but that s not contain many would 'take a lunatic which Downing ac- | who full s of this bogy in and will | CARD ( Wm. their Mr, thank also Dr. Lo bhors,, «nd sad bereavemen Scott Rebekah Hazelwood ness shown to them in their THANKS and 0 family "wish friends and neigh Lodge No. for their | kind- | | Wednesday Features are COATS, HATS, BLANKETS, COMFORTERS AND GINGHAMS $2.98 All at One Price__Women's Hats worth up Here are a Few Examples of the Class of to $6.95. Selling for Savings Offered in Women's Coats 1 Onl jmtey Red French Warvela trimmed black 1 Only--Rich Wine Color Needlepoint, trimmed tel oppossum, shawl collar and cuffs. reg. $67.50 for 1 Only--Brown Needlepoint, trimmed sable oppossum. Size 18, reg. $49.50 for $29.50 1 oly setiarl Brown Broadcloth, black China fox shawl 1 Only---Fawn Duvetyne with mandel collar to hem. Size 16, reg. $45.00 for 10 Pairs Hours All Wool Bialoete Genuine Scotch Quality, large size, white with $7 85 blue border, reg. $9.85. Wednesday Special pr. ¥ § o 10 Only Cotton Filler Comforters Double Bed Size, chintz coverings. Reg. $3.95 for : each $2.95 Best Quality Canadian Ginghams A splendid variety of check patterns. Our ie 25 35¢ quality. On Sale Wednesday C recen' | t. 203-a BLLIOTT--To Elliott, ber 26, Born 236 Celina street, a son, Frank Novem- (Francis Richard). Mr. and Mrs. get required to keep it.--Kitchener Rec- ord. to is is needed genius A little intelligence In the sporting arena the year money, but positive 3 1926 has been featured by the pass- ing of many champions.--Kingston Whig. 203-a JUBB-- vember Walker, thur Jubb, eral Georze's 29, Ch | : x dah | stricken Sant; 5--W. C. Moon's, Seagrave. jivicgen S8nla 6--Patterson's Shop, Prince : EE quake, Heat after the major rt. ; municated by " gs egal Creek | #park outfit eda el. | with San four days | 8--Township Hall, Manchester. he ht = : + 9--Heeley's. 'Saintfield ie handled 500 messages daily y Village of Port Perey | amateur station 6ZH at San Ysidro b Wentworth has achieve i jo Es i as achieved his or a surer's ne n Town Jreasurer s Office. he says, because of his 3 School Bouse tosa St ingness to stay everlastingly o--= Be, Labi ol. ley and receivers. Township of Scugog "I git at the key Town Hall, Scugog. 2 | station is known) READERS' VIEWS {and nearly morning for an November 30, 1926 hour," he says. "If 1 do one piece of good DX work in week, feel To The Editor of The Reformer, amply repaid." Dea: Sir: On Good Location On different occasions in the past; Wentworth's station is about 350 few weeks, the question has been feet above sea level, but relative to hurled by tha so called Liberal-Con- | the surrounding valley, it high. servative speak-rs of this ridin And it h a cléar sweep over the the electors: "What has Sie r | Pacific ocean. ever done for the City of Oshawa?' Jy reason of his Being a comparatively new tomer I tion, he works India, cannot answer. that quest'on, but I} China, Australia and can tell those who ask than question | 'n the early morning one of the things he has not donc, | South America, South that Mr. Stacey is trying to do, and | lcastern United States that is to foist a disgrace anid a (en and eight in. the curse right on our front street, in | the business section, namely, OR . crnment liquor store, Died I am one wko has voted - vative for 30 rears, but not this JOSEPH time under leadership of the tool! One of the pioneers of of the liquor interests in the guise of | Ontario passed away in a great humanitarian as Ferguson s 'Monday morning, when Reeves died at the home posing present. | Joseph i "of his son, James Reeves, 486 Sim- South, in his eighty-sixth Within a few hours | quake he had com- | means of a very old | and a few batteries | Pedro, and for Al- School House, | suc- will- at hi | cess, i : of 601 (as his - night after ni ht 4 every a 1 am excellent Joca- French Indo- New Zealand hours and Africa and between sev- evening. Clonsor ™ REEVES astern Oshawa, the late at D. BERTRAND. coe St, EH car. Deceased who had been in fail- {ing health for years, had lived al- i most the whole of his life in Belle- ville, but had been visiting at the | home of hi: son here, for the past year and a half. Decendent was a Methodist in religion, The funeral will he held at Belle- ville Wednesday morning, and inter- ment will be made there. A service will be conducted at Ye son's | home here tonight by Rev. C. W. De- "WOE UNTO HIM THAT PU THE BOTTLE TO HIS NEIGHBOR'S LIPS" My husband's got the booze, The children have no shoes. Their little feet are bare To face the wintry air; I'or we voted the whiskey in A barrel of rum and gin. Ten thousand widows cry And the orphans make reply, The cupboard shelves are bare (Whithy In Oshawa, beloved 240 Gliddon Ave, Thursday paper | on Monday, No- Gertrude Mr. Ar-| Fun- St | Constance wife of afternoon to | 2.30 o'cloc k. | copy.) . 203-a | urch, please Too Late to Classify with | GIRL, WANTED -- hedper. Apply West AS MOTHER'S | 71 Bond 203-a in evening, BOYS WANTED to sell Election Extras Wednesday Night Ask for Mr. Boyce at the Reformer Office after 7 o'clock tomorrow night RENT--F} floor, Use FOR ground nished JEATED ROOM ON | Furnished or unfur- of kitchen. Phone 203-b Gd Every girl you know Will Want $4.00 scowl lideyde A Christmas 1, Suggestion ! yo Doers i A jolly round package that just chal- lenges you to buy it. Covered in the paper and lined with rich green satin, Fitted with Three Flowers Pecfume, Dainty Twin Compact and Lip Stick. RICHARD HU sign of "chintz" patterned DNUT Ferfirners Karn's Next to P.O. Drug Store Phone 378 The Gift of a Picture is a Compliment to the Recipient "It implies a Refined Taste' W. H. A Patte Phone 125 85 Simcoe St., N. With poverty everywhere. { Wave after wave of crime Are round us all the time, For by our votes we said The country must be bled. Thy brother's blood crieth unto me | from the ground, | Shall we repeal or maintain the | Ontario 'Temperance Act? Your vote will decide. . S. E. TALKS AROUND WORLD BY RADIO University Man Spends Spare Time Calling Up "Other Side" Stanford University, Calif., 30--In a tiny home-made that shivers and shakes in winds sweeping across a hill over- looking San Fransisco bay, Brand- on Wentworth, a senior at Stanford, talks to friends on all continents. On a few occasions Wentworth has communicated 19,000 miles with England, the wrong way arcund the world. Daylight may cut | tance, mountains may riers, and deserts may signals--but in the his ear clamped tightly he goes out for distance, McCRUM Nov. shack Pacific down his dis- prove bar- interrupt his night hours, to a phone, and gets 11 KING ST. EAST SIMCOE STREET SOUTH it. On 20 and 40-meter bands Went- Receive the RETURNS IN COMFORT Our Board Room and Wire Facilities at your service for ELECTION RESULTS STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. The fastest wire service in the province, He i PHONE 144 O0000000CO00000000000O0000000000000000000000000000000 SAMUEL SCHWARTZ Selling Out S ALE Is Going Strong Come and Take Your Choice--As These Values Come Only Once in a Lifetime SAMUEL SCHWARTZ "IDEAL" SHOPPE 152 SIMCOE 51, S.