. THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1926 ADVERTISEMENT | ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT November 29th, 1926. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO The issue with regard to temperance in the pending Provin- cial Election is between two temperance policies. In this connection I would like to make clear two points : FIRST, I was a member of the Hearst Government which put in force the Ontario Temperance Act in 1916. During the ten years it has been in operation I have been a Member of the Govern- ment of Ontario for nearly six years. My position, therefore, has given me opportunity to study conditions under the Ontario Tem- perance Act at close range. The Act has undoubtedly, in some respects, done much good. Unfortunately, however, it is quite apparent that it no longer commands the support of a sufficiently strong public opinion to secure satisfactory enforcement and observance. SECOND, under the Ontario Temperance Act the Govern- ment has been operating twelve liquor stores. Our policy is to abolish the farce of medical prescriptions and substitute an official permit to purchase with proper restrictions and safeguards. The whole question is between these two methods of handling liquor. Shall we continue to allow it to be uncontrolled, or shall we insist upon controlling it ? I urge upon you to put aside the details and consider only the real issue. We are all desirous of doing the best thing for Ontario. We must have public opinion behind the Law to insure its existence and observance. Only in this way can advance along true ~ temperance lines be achieved. pai ol (G. Howard Ferguson)