* THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 192% PAGE FIVE ADVERTISEMENT 5 ADVERTISEMENT Gy ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT 5 0 CLOCK EDITION TWO CENTS 3 2 2 3 2 Ba she te ¥%: 5% 4 ' : P : | : 1 ; pu A ME nde CY ACT H ACROSS PROVINCE ZR ene hing! 7 AOLLOWS BUFFALO-TORONTO ROAD (- SWORE enuous Fight "VICTIMS BLINDED AND DIE IN AGONY} Ic IONE OTA convoys Boe Sha smc > terg, \ el Ontg,, Jac i | is if ho Pumps id od or Over , oT Th, J woug At sy, oy A use v ; Froag @ T THE ONTARIO DEAD "DEER TEs) ve se Theee of Victims, Buried in ; : T J Chi - ; Poisoned Oakville To-day--Children (Toront>) siriin + Past Month 125 Wee Two Drinks d Alcohol is ! "ERT my of, died Satuidr Cy 7 3 pd Motherien -- QLIVE Sy id I TE PA - mnared With sho S outed 18 o'c . Jescrh s nosy sr \ "uz 22] DRIVER HAD ONE DRINK OF WINE = GIRL THEN TOOK BOTTLE AWAY, «est Into Death of Loretta Bosle > y Concluded: at Ozkvill -- | morgl Girl Wanted to Leave Car But Sister Didn't Unde;- : |r stand Signal-- Husband Interrugraids. nig ---- ¥ Star hy Stags Reporter, uh, ube Juend Wy 7 That Willer) Ronn FA THER TW eb of tne car, , hin Priest gag Bo LC Diuch N 0 OWN WILL PROCEED WITH POISON CASES] ID IN Hi ¢ Men Charged at Hamil-§ ton Are Notified to | Appear . Oct, 8.--From what can il ; eve tonight, the Crown illiam Maybee , d © prepared to proceed as F, D Two rt tomgrrow against ace Charges of ootleggers who were Manslaughe, : July following the -- sonous alcohol. The five Bi EN TO CITy HALL "eT Seriously Hm Poi | Take Him to Sg. ios, See ael's Hospita) : Roeco Perri, Ben Kerr, uller, Harry Sullivan and 3 are charged with man- with adm poison, 1 evaslons of the Custom Act. havo "een 'calle In gturday for nincj® NN ~~ S NN NN several persons from ND S RN S JD SS . i city Police to-day at the re = . fb or ; ~ A | i § Of the Oakvillp pojjce arrested Surely items sath as these appearing in daily ? 007i; ---- Er newpapers now favoring the continuance of vi IW Hs, | BE the O.T.A. prove it to be futile . .. Banish the SSP pp bootlegger! Restore respect for law! Vote Ll alcoholic pois- d to-day. cripple and hag Ol fv. City han py forfler and Hage. pagfee of the cage. son Pmothe Given the S ° Those Er for a safe, sane Temperance Policy. (Enaage APPEAL 5 - ; -- Protect the Youth of Ontario -- Corvin im FRI a | who har OV | iquor issu eres | . roy pay lato wht er TE oor " 23 Ppersong en, s --- : 1 033, acco, s, \ © \ | Dd i L xian t \ ! om i DIOURNS AG : nn Pog : CONSERVATIVE for True Temperance Ontario Conservative Committee, 36 King Street East, Toronto WAS ONLY MIDDLEMA.. of Ge DLING OF LIQUO galnet GEE i, IN HANDLING OF LIQUOR nae ond Tr day 9 a I TE D'ANGELO MAINTAINS v 2 ET EEETEL . - . ANY ARE MO (1 Report a | Carried On Bootlegging and Fruit Pedlar's Buriness 03 we Si et ard 7 woes ously--Seldom Drinks Himself, Says Man Fa hi - Ay, na / slaughter Charge After Numerous Dea osev!! a es any Ane ve Ppa ae Bl BELIEVE MUCH OF POISON-LIQUOR Eh ae TT AOR | STILL IN CIRCULATION IN eA: oe sy ---- ly ST Ra EL wn, of PEATE freen or Twenty Quart Bottles Not Yet Accounted For-- ot aan: : yp ARAN LL Dacidante Lad Nope age, From. Shar rs ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT a ADVERTISEMENT \DVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT > ADVERTISEMENT 2