THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 PAGE THREE Oshawa and District C.N.R. Earnings The gross earnings of the Cana- dian National Railways for the week ended November 14, 1926, were $5.- 91,582 as compared with $5,786,- 786 for the same week of 1925, an increase of $131,796, or two per cent, a mts Notice i We wish to announce to the pub- lic that we have taken on our Sales Staff, Mr. C. A. Lander, late of the Ontario Motor Sales. Thickson Mo- tor Sales, Star car dealers, 9 Bond St. W., Oshawa, Ont. (195a) Notice to the Public Having severed my active connec- tions with the Ontario Motor Sales, I wish the public to know that I am now and have been for some time, STELCO COKE COAL, COKE, WOOD Phones: 1002-W--1002-J A. F. McCULLOCH 37-41 Ritson Road North AUTO BODY RFPAIRING Metal Bumping a Specialty Paint and Auto Repair MERRITT 20 Church St. Do You Feel Fit ? Is a valuable food tonic, rich in vitamines, very pleasing to the taste, easily digested. Can- not be beat for Debility, Mal- nutrition, Pulmonary affec- tions and for building up weak, emaciated children. Rexall Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Are you able to jump into your job at home, office or shop with the pep that makes work- ing a pleasure. If not, why not? 50c and $1.00 Bottle Rexall SERVICE Stores JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 in the employ of Thickson Motor Sales, 9 Bond street west, as sales- man for Star our and Six cylinder cars, in all models. C. A. Lander. (195a) 5.0.E. Whist Drive One of the most successful week- ly whist drives held by Sons of Eng- land, took placce last evening. There evening was a jolly time for all who winners of the prizes were: Ladies, were fortunate to be presont. The were 21 tables of players and the first, a silk sccarf won by Mrs. Fow- ier; second, cut glass bowl won by Miss Batty; third, a sugar howl won by Mrs. Simmons, Gentlemen's-- first, set of military brushes, won hy Mr. G. Corden; second, pair of brac- es and garters, won by M. J. Wenn; third, handkercchiefs, won' by T. Marshall. The special prize, a bog of sugar, was won by A. E. Smith. Born HASKILL--To Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Haskill, 41 Nassau St., on Novem- ber 19th, a daughter (nee Alma Armstrong) (195a) LIBBY--To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Libby, 144 Ritson South, Osh- awa. on Saturday. Nov. 13th. a daughter, Doreen Olive. (195a) FINE WATCH Simcoe Street United Church Rev. H. S. Dougall, M.A., B.D., Ph.D,, Minister 52 Simcoe St. S. Phone 148 SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 11 a.m.--*"Debatable Territory". 7 p.m.--*My Friend Con". br. Dougall will read the third instalment of his story. Each instal- ment makes a suite independent story. Music Morning--Anthem. Light." (Sullivan), Soto--Selected. Unitt. Evening--Anthem, Day." (Dyson). Solo--Selected. Mr. A. Morrison. "0 Gladsome Mr. Leslie F. "Through the Cor. Bagot and Centre streets Rev. 0. R. dePencier, MLA. 39 Athol street west. Rev. Sidney Heath 48 Quebec St. Phone 641M SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 Holy Communion--C a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer. Sunday School--Centre street 2.30 p.m. St. George's Hall 2.30 p.m. Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Albert St. United Church 30 Elena St. Phone 567F Rev. R. A. Whattam, Minister SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 REPAIRING D. J. BROWN JEWELLER King St. W. Phone 189 Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "Where Satisfaction is a Certainty." 6 roomed brick, hardwood down, all conveniences, wired for electric stove, Gladstone Ave, close to King. $4,200. $200 cash balance to suit. Real Estate and Loans Phones: 1550--1619J Across from P.O. De Laval Milkers, Cream Separators, | and Repairs i For Sale by E. BERTRAND, 122 Simcoe N, Banjos. Hawaiian Guitar Complete Tenor Banjos Complete 11 SIMCOE ST. S. - SPECIAL Five Free Lessons Until Xmas Given with purchase of every instrument listed. Hawaiian Guitars, Tenor Banjos, Mandolins, Ukeleles and Ukelele H. Wagner teacher. Ukeleles and Ukelele Banjos HARRIS MUSIC STORE DISNEY |: {is the present day shining example Insurance Rey. E. A. Tonkin, of Bowman- ville, will preach at both services, {11 a.m. and 7 p.m. | Sunday School and Bible Class at 0. Prayer service Wednesday even- ing at 8 p.m, . Rev. E. A. Tonkin in charge. Pentecostal Assembly Services in the Old Town Hall Special Singing and Preaching Sun- day at 10.30, 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 8 p.m. Rev, J. T. Ball | ----------mm---- Rev. John Galt. Minister SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 A. M.--"Who Is The Almighty." P. M.--*"The Water That Was Made Wine." Sunday School 3 p. m. Deputation from Young People's Protest Com- mittee will speak. B.Y.P.U. Monday 8 p.m. Import- ant topic; also business relative to Young Reople's Protest Meeting Choir, practice Thursday at 8 p.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of the United Church of Canada Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister. SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 11 a.m.--Morning subject: "The Temperance Crisi." 2 p.m.--Adult Bible Class. 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Lantern Service. Some remarkable Pictures and their Story. King Street United Church Rev. O. W. DeMille, B.A., Minister. 189 King St. E. Phone 218 SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Re- ception Service. Subject: "Evil for Good or Good for Evil." The Tem- perance Situation. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. Rev. Archer Wallace of Toronto preach- ing. Knox Presbyterian Church (Continuing) In St. George's Hall, Ceatre Street Rev, A. OC. Reeves, B. A., Minister Phone 1833 : Residence 156 Elgin East SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 11 a.m.--""What Does Christ Mean To Us." 7 p.m.--*Able to Save to the Ut- termost.' Unity Truth Centre SIMCOE ST. N. (G.W.V.A. Hall) SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. Wednesday, 7.30 p. m.--Study class, Subject: "Divine Healing." 2 -- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist 64 Oolborne east SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 11 a.m. Subject: "SOUL AND BODY" 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. Monday, November 8th, 11 Annual Thanksgiving Services. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including Testimonies of Healing "CASCARETS" KEE BOWELS REGULA AND STOP COLDS No headache, sour stomach, bad cold or constipation by morning Get a 10-cent box. Colds--whether in the head or any part of the body--are quickly overcome by urging the liver to ac- tion and keeping the bowels free of poison. Take Cascarets tonight and you will wake up with a clear head and no doubt you will won- der what became of your cold. Cas- carets work while you sleep; they cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con- stipated waste matter and poison from the bowels, Remember the quickest way to get rid of colds is one or two Cascar- ets at night to cleanse the system. Get a 10-cent box at any drug store. Don't forget the children. They rel- ish this Candy Cathartic and it is of- ten all that is needed to drive a cold CALL ON WILSON & LEE 71 Simcoe North. Phone 2388 for all the latest hits in rec- ords, player rolls, and sheet music. New Method Cleaners and Dyers Doom! Donde Goods dalled for and Delivered Phone 102¢ 21 BOND ST. E. - F. W. C. NASH Carpentering of all kinds. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Phone 806M 17 Lloyd St. INSURANCE Fire, Accident, from their little systenis. Automoile through Christian Science. You are cordially Invited to at- tend the services and to make use of the Free Public 'Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased, and periodicals subscribed for. Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days from 3 to 6 p.m. IT ll Christian Church ea oe V. A. HENRY 113% Simcoe St. 8. FFICE: -- PHONE -- RES: 1198-W 1858-3 The Drug Store for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BUY EARLY Karn's Diug Store Next P.O, Phone 378 RH Phone Your Drug Needs to THOMPS ONS 10 Simcoe south. Phone 22 | | orks Pastor Rev. W, P. Fletcher, BA, DD SERVICES, SUNDAY, NOV. 21 11 a.m.--*"Party or Plebiscite." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Mr. Fred Riding. AT THE NEW MARTIN Unwritten Law" Comes Mon- day In the annais of the American stage there are many incidents of talent running through a whole fa- mily, not only father and son, or mo- ther and daughter, but of branches of the family less related. The Bar- rymores are a famous example of this. A case of still more varied and wider talent is seen in the Hammer- stein family of which Elaine Ham- popular screen star "The Elaine's family, first of all, was noted for a century back in Europe for its operatic assoctations. Many famous opera singers of the nine- teenth century received their starts and sang their last songs under the management of a Hammerstein. When Oscar Hammerstein ~ came to America as a little boy, his eld- ers had full expectations that he would earry on the old tradition-- the family profession, so to speak Oscar did not disappoint them. He became the most noted operatic impressario America has ever seen. Its first great one, in fact. He built the huge Manhattan Opera House in New York City, and even carried his ventures into England. His son carried on his work. "Hammerstein" has become a by- word in theatrical circles. Two of the third generation are noted pro- ducers and authors. One of their cousins writes music. Another sta- ges reviews. There are others yet | | PHONE 1490 taste. and fire resistance, MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL --with a Brantford Roof oi Asphalt Slates. You can have a soft toned roof of any colo: or combination of colors that pleases your They add permanent beauty and value to any kind of home and give years of weather protection | § J. V. Hill, ES -- Brantford Roofing Co Limited Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service sn Brantford Roofing rendered by e's Ww. J. T ick & Co., Limited, 5 go = Oshawa shawa to become known who are learning the theories and the practice of their chosen arts and who will add honor to the great name. The most famous living Hammer- stein at the present is undoubtedly Elaine. Her screen performances have developed until today she is a brilliant actress and a noted Ameri- can beauty. Her latest work has been for Columbia, in whose fea- REFRESHING Wampole's Grape sits is a splendid sedy for the re- lief of Rheuma- tism, Constipation, Biliousness, Indi- gestion, etc. It acts as a gentle laxative and stim- ulates the liver. Excellent in all fevers to cool the bleod and cleanse the system. At Local Theatres Unwritten Law," she New Martin theatre ure, "The omes to the ext Monday. The lovely star is supported in his powerful drama of business and ociety by a cast of favorites di- ected by Edward J. Le Saint, in- luding Forrest Stanley, 'William long, Charles Clary, Mary Alden, fohnny Fox Jr., and William Car- oll. Readers' Views The Editor, . Oshawa Daily Dear Sir: Reformer. Your, correspondent, Mr. Bernard Walsh, writing on the O.T.A. states that in the plebiscite of 1924 the Act was retained by only 2 per cent of a majority and questions the rea- sonableness of a belief that 2 per cent of a majority ean enforce any 'aw against the rest of the province, \pparently implying that no one who voted against the measure is to be axpected to obey the said measure. Unfortunatly this view 'is being expressed and implied in all too nany articles, and 'speeches, in this campaign, making it plain that a great many of our people have not the most elementary idea of the ba- sic principle of representative gov- ernment. If citizens are not under obligation to obey laws of which they do not approve, to the extent that they would vote for them, then we have eome to the place where a dictator who will make us obey his will instead of our own laws, would be the best thing for us. Are we to understand that if one happens to be a free trader he is for that reason justified in smuggling goods into the country and that in doing so he is not defrauding the Customs. Are those who are not in favor of a close season and game laws gener- ally not to be expected to obey these aws when made? Surely not. It is the privilege of every elec- tor at a time like this to express his opinion of the wisdom or un- wisdom of any proposed piece of legislation but it is nof\ his privil- age to disobey the law when made aven if he did speak ang work and vote against it. Whatever may be the outcome of the present contest 't will be the plain duty of every citizen to get behind the Government in the enforcement of such measures as it may duly and regularly pass. Your correspondent forgets the well known principle that the neu- tral voters count with the majority. If he will take the trouble to find out what proportion of the voters recorded their votes he will find that the virtual majority is very much larger than the actual major- ity. - Much is-being said about the O.T. A. being a failure but it is not be- ing generally recognized that pos- sibly never in the history of legis- lation has there been such a cam- paign of incitement to disregard the law of the land. This is to be re- gretted for surely there is no need to pull down the house because it needs to be rearranged. Disrespect of the law and denial of the citizens obligation to obedience is a danger- ous thing to broadcast seeing that along that road lies anarchy. More- over it is not possible to inculcate disrespect for, and disobedience to, any one law, without -weakening \the very foundation of all law and THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE "PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFIs l order. Let us have discussion by all means and let our discussion be frank apd as vigorous as you please but let it be understood that after \it is over we are going to act like reasonable men and not like spoil- ed ghildren who 'won't play' be- cause they cannot get all their own way. JOHN GALT. NEW VANITY BRACELET A new vanity bracelet for evening wear in place of the ordinary slave bangle has appeared in the drawing rooms of Mayfair. It is composed of four little flat, gold boxes, each about the 'size of a, penny and at- tached to a Milanese gold chain. The boxes contain a supply of powder, rouge, and lip-stick, the fourth con- taining a powder puff and mirror. The new mode does away with nec- essity for a Dorothy bag and can be easily slipped on and off. Kitchener, Ont.--Word was re- ceived here that Henry Euler, the aged father of Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of Customs, is critically ill n a hospital at Buffalo, New York. LOOK AT GHILI'S TONGUE IF SICK, GROSS, FEVERISH Hurry, Mother! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver, bowels Qive "California Fig 8: 1 at once if bilious i constipated Look at the tongue, Mother! If coated, it is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bow- els need a gentle, thorough cleans- ing at once, When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat- urally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath 'bad; has stomach-ache, sorc throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful . of '"Celifornia Fig Syrup," and. in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of the little bowels without grip- ing, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless, "fruity -laxa- tive;" they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splen- did. . Saywell & Son 19 BOND ST. WEST BOWLING MOTOR CITY BOWLING NY HO) SE Nel ~¥ 3 SOUTH SIMCOE STREET EE TOWING Handled by the New Up-to-date Service Truckof Ontario Motor Sales Phone $00 LIMITED Simcoe St. S. EG W .T. uddard "Humphrey", "C'C'M*' Per- fect" Bicycles and Reliable Used Machines. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Baby Carriages Tires and Repairs. Keys Made. Phone 1341W 638 Simcoe St. S. Ernest Fawcett Teacher of the VIOLIN and THEORY of MUSIC (aHrmony and Counterpoint) Studio at Johns Piano Store | 80 SIMCOE STREET NORTH For information phone Secretary Miss Pratt 251 Oshawa Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Fig Syrup," which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Com- rany." Refuse any other kind with All kinds of Violins kept in stock at various prices. Also a full line of Sheet Music. - Violin Accessorie kept in Stock Also. JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St. N. Phone 251 contempt. "