THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, wr A SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 PAGE NINE we sticles For Sale Auction Sale é FOR SALE--=GOOD DRY BODY- wood, hardwood sldibs, soft wood. Prices right. Phone 350 r 15. (1901) FOR SALE--ONE QUEBEC HEAT- er, good condition, very cheap; and one ten gallon cider barrel. Apply 81 Ontario St. (193¢) AUCTION SALE--FARM STOCK and implements will be léld on farm occupied by Chas. "Aldsworth on south half lot 23, !coneession 3, Township of Darlington (8° miles west and 1 mile north of Bowman- ville) on: Monday, Nov. 22nd. Sale commences 1 p.m. Terms, ,casn. William Maw, Auctioneer. (195a) FOR SALE MASON | AND RISCH | Used . 'Prull. Phone 96-t8 B/.B? BUGGY~-RUBBER . TIRES, reversible gear, guaranteed clean, Ten dollars. 478 Simcoe Street north. Phone 1264. 162-11. Auctioneer LIVE STOCK. SALES, Ar» HOUSE- hold Furniture. Also goeds brought to our auction rooms weekly will rave prompt attention. W. J. Sulley, 8 Bond St. West. Telephone 924. (174-1mo) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs. $3.75 per load. Also bone dry bodywood. Phone 660. Waterous Supply Co. : 4 157-tf ROOFING, DOORS, HARDWOOD flooring, plaster, Gyproc, Rocboard sheathing. Waterous Supply Co. : (tr) FOR SALE--SOUVENIR COAL AND wood range, hot water front. Apply 56 Division St., phone 207. (193d) FOR SALE--SINGER DROP. HEAD sewing machine, with attachments. Almost new. Price $40. Also 3- * burner Perfection oil stove, $5.. Ap- ply 117 Stacey Ave., phone 2084. (193¢) Farm and General Sales for the City of Oshawa and Ontario County. E. J. Pomery 780 Simooe S; - Phome 1074W. FOR SALE--1 SET BLACK WOLF Furs, 1 folding bed couch. Apply 16 Brock W., phone 1412W, (193c¢) FOR SALE--COAL GRATE, NEW, for half price. Suitable for any open fireplace. H. Salter, 24 Royal St. phone 185. (1952) FOR SALE-+LLEOYD CREAM BABY carriage and fur robe, also white en- amelled crib with rubber tired wheels and mattress. Perfeet: eon- dition." Phone T60W. (195b Oshawa Property Wanted In exchange for owner's solid brick detatched Komeé in for. onto. Has hadwood floors up and dowm. All convewicnees and many extras, parage and large lot, Phone Mr. Willson, 900. POTATOES FOR SALE--! AGS high grade Pontypool Roxboroughs --off sandy land. $2.25 per bag of 90 pounds--while a last. A. F. Cox. Phone 274J. (191f) FOR SALE--TABLE PIANO, $20. J. W. Wilson, 375 Gibbons St., phone 239r5. (193c) FOR SALE--FOUR GOOD WORK horses, cheap. Apply David Miller, Bowmanville, phone 176r32. (193c) SECOND HAND SKATING BOOTS and skates. Call to Shoe Repair Shop, 426 Simcoe south to C.P.R. Railway. (Nov 17-Dec 17) -- FOR CHRISTMAS BUY SHERLOCK- Manning player Pianos, and rolls, at G. Harris' Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. S., phone 1490. (Nov 18-Dec 18) PHONOGRAPHS OFF ALL MAKES repaired at G. Harris' - Music Store, 11 Simcoe St. S., phone 1490. (Nov 18-Dec 18) FOR SALE--CRIB BED, TUP-TO- date range, three piece living room suite, oak table, new 18 pullets, 47 Greta St. Phone 1873M. 194-c COAL, COXE, WOOD--WHE HAN- dle only the highest grade of an- hracite coal and domestic coke. Try 8 for .your next order. All orders -eighed on city scales. Phone 660. Vaterous Supply Co. (119tf) Agents Wanted MAKE MONEY i NOME--MEN and women can ear in spare time writg showcards. No canvassing or soliciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Company Limited, 35 Dominion Building, Ter- onto. 132-tf REAL LIVE AGENT WANTED TO cell radios in full or part time. Ex- perience unnecessary. Apply Pre- mier Electric, London, Ontario. (W.-S.) MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint agents. Yearly guarantee, $1,092, (being $21 weekly average) and expenses. Experience unneces- sary. For particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. (W.-S.) MAILS CLOSE 2.45 a.m. ~Goin, 9.1. a.m.--For Cedarasle and vicinity. 8.30 a.m.--Whitby, Toronto and points 12.45 paa.--Port Hope to Blackwater Junme- tion; Porn Hope and Bowmanville. 3.45 p.m.--Toronto and West; and Eastern States. 8.35 p.m.--Al going east and west. East. Raglan, Columbus, Tauntom, New York | .COAL, COKE AND WOOD. ALL orders weighed on city scales. A. F. McCulloch, phone 1002W and J. (165tf) HAVE YOU Greeting Cards yet? Three sample books to select from. Also beauti- ful autograph cards and all different with envelopes at 75 cents per box of 15. You will be delighted with these. Phone me for appointment 1618. W. Borrowdale. (192f) Insurance INSURANCE, DAVIS & SON, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reput- able Fire Companies. _ 118-tf ELECTROLYSIS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PERMAN- ently and painlessly removed by El- ectrolysis. Private 'interviews ar- ranged for. Direct inquiries to Box C, Reformer, (193¢c) RAILWAY TIME TABLES C.N.R. TIME TABLE Going West 4.44 a.m, daily, from Montreal to Toronto. 5.28 a.m. daily, except Sunday from Montreal to Hamilton and Detroit 5.45 a.m. daily. 6.20 a.m. daily, from Montreal to Detroit and Chicago 8.58 a.m. daily, except Sunday, from Belleville to Toronto 22 p.m. daily except Sunday from Brock- ville to Toronto. 4.37 p.m. daily, from Montreal to Detroit and ir 7.24 p.m. Sunday only from Belleville to Toronto 7.27 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Ottawa to Toronto 9.01 p.m. daily, except Sunday, from Montreal to Toronto Going East 8.23 a.m. daily, except Sunday, from Toronto to Montreal, 8.58 a.m. Sunday only. 9.59 daily. . p.m. except Sunday. p.m. except Sunday, 6.45 p.m. daily, except Sunday. 9.42 p.m. daily. 11.07 p.m. daily, except Saturday. 11.59 p.m. daily. 12.25 a.m, daily. CF.R Going 200 am. ally, from po to Montreal. a.m. dail" from Chicago i Montreal. oy p.m. daily (except Sunday, from Toronto to Ottawa, 8.03 P. m nally, except Sunday, from Toronto to Tre: 11.10 por, daily from Hamilton to Montreal Going West 5.45 a.m. daily from Montreal to Hamilton, 6.23 a.m. daily from Montreal to Chicago. 8.40 a.m. daily except Sunday, from Trenton te, Toronto. 4.47 p.m. daily from Montreal fo Chicago. 7.35 p.m. daily except Sunday, from: Ottawa ! ko Toronto, ORDERED YOUR || booklets | The oldest' Here's the place the fans all call And we please them oF and all We know every radio need We supply it too with speed. 'HIS is radio headquarters where yoiuir every want and need is anticipated. Here you + will find the . scientific helpfulness you need, whether novice, amateur or profes- sional radio fan. MOHAWK RADIO FOLLOW THE ADVENTURES - or THE RADIO BUG HET PRINCE ST * PHONE 94.2" OSHAWA, ONT. CAMPUS REBLES By Virginia Swain WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE JUDITH MARTIN, instructor in Pendleton University, is caught in the feud between the student radi- cals led by her admirer, ERIC WATERS, and the conservatives led by DEAN TIMOTHY BROWN and Dr. PETER DORN, astronomy professor. Dr. Dorn is also attracted to her ! and ries te to . peravagle her to concili- _ate the MYRA "ALDRICH, a student liv- | ing in Judith's boarding house, is | im love with Eric and jealous of J When "KITTY" SHEA, town bootlegger, tries to blackmail Dean Brown's wife, Judith befriends her and asks Eric to silence Shea. Eric is arrested as a material witness when Shea's body is found in a creek. Judith finds Eric waiting at her home several days later. He tells Judith thy ™vrs, Brown has secured his rele --aing prodiguous lies tto the a Serie 'NQW GO ON WITH THE STORY | | | CHAPTER XXXIX "Married women!" gasped 'He didn't mean--" Eric nodded. "Yes dean's wife." Judith sat perfectly motionless for a full minute, her hand clutching the door of the car. Eric went on.. "She had 'told them that I spent the night before Christ- inas with her." Judith recoiled. She stared at Eric, who was ealmly puffing at his pipe and fingering the throttle. He did not look at her, "But 4 "Why ? 'That's just J" in God's name? Judith shook her head. "I can't un- derstand it. It's horrible." > spoke slowly. "Well, it is. But it had one compensation--it got me out Judith, he did. The she gasped, after a time. said Eric. "Why, ! of that roach-tobacco-garlic jail." $I to $2 an hour' | | | | was not listening. "Eric," "Mrs. Brown did that out of She's a woman of franctic 1 she felt that ou saved Judith she said, gratitude. loyalties. her from Shea before. She came t me after your arrest, almost in a frenzy and said we'd have to get you out, some way, any way." Eric took his pipe out of his mouth and reached with one hand for his to- bacco pouch. "Hold the wheel a min- ute, Jude, while I fill this chimney." Judith gave him another puzzle glance, as he calmly poured the tobac- co into the bowl of the pipe and drew 4 the string of the pouch tight again. "All 1 can say," he mused comfort- ably, "is that she had an exaggerated sense of gratitude, but it's very fortun- ate for me. "Erie," Judith answered,» "do you suppose she 'thought you DID an Shea:" She looked at him' fearfully. But. instead of anger, a chuckle greeted her question. "By golly, Jude | do you suppose so? Judith turned away td 'the fac 'hori: | zon, her eyes clouded. "Well, 1 hadn't ended the "story yet," said Eric. "When the chief had fin- with the dean's wife, he dicked. up_the envelope the jailer had brought in, and tore it open, keeping one scowling eye on me all the while. "Then he read it through to the end, laid it down and looked at me. "Seems I've talked out of my turn. But if you know what's good for you, young fel- low, you'll keep this under your hat, "If you ever let this conversation out, to your best friend, there are other| charges we can push. The prosecutor' hadn't told me the lady didn't" want you to know. Damn fine woman, I, should say. Didn't' want vou to feel under obligations to her. Now you can clear out. y "And 1 did. So that's that, Look at that little creek, Jude! Peach of a jump on hofseback. Someday we'll gel some horses and try it. What say?" The girl beside him turned RY raed him without « looking at the creek "Eric," she said, very low, me that this IS something of an ob~{ ligation you are under." She waited ior his reply, with anxious eyes fixed on his face. It came. "Sure thing. woman, I agree with the Damn fine chief." ~ ® i mtr rooms within, ished bawling me out fof my affair She went up the steps and knocked and could hear the sound echo in the "But. b can't, quite: see 'how you could accept such a sacrifice." Eric shot a quick glance at Judith. "Now don't get any silly nonesense in your head, fude. Of course, the sac- rifice is only temporary. Of course I shall wait till the murder is cleared vp--help clear it up myself, perhaps-- and then I'l go down and tell the chief and the prosecutor that they're damn iools to have believed the story .in the first place. That'll square the dean's wife. Sent her a dozen American beau- ties this afternoon, too." Judith was silent. "Look here, old kid. You wouldn't really have had me play Don Quixote and stay in that jail, would you, when, gee released, I could clear the matter "I don't know," said Judith. "I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think how Mrs. Brown felt while she was telling that story to the prosecutor, and how she'll feel every time she sees him from now on." "That's so," said Eric. "I hadn't thought so much about that. You see men don't take those things so seriously as women. Probably the prosecutor knows dozens of women in his own crowd who really do entertain nocturnal visitors and still don't suffer 'any socially." Judith turned on him. ~ "And so it is quite all right for him to class Mrs. Brown with those women?" "Now, Jude, don't be foolish. I only meant that the prosecutor's opin- ion doesn't matter a great deal, for the time' being. He'll keep it to himself. I imagine he rather fell for Mrs. Brown himself. And before long I'll have a chance to correct his impressions. So you see it's nothing to worry about." Judith smiled uncertainly. "Well, that's true. And of course, both she and I do owe you something--perhaps more than we realize." She glanced at the bruised spot on his brow, and then at his smiling green eyes, and her softened. "Women spoil you, and I fear I'm as bad as the face Eric, rest." Eric reached over and patted her arm very lightly. "But they never re- gret it, old dear." They turned toward home, Eric still; puffing calmly at the pipe, and Judith watching the fields and hills fly by. "What's your theory of Shea's" "it strikes ! death?" Judith asked after a while. | said | "I'm.not sure it was murder," Eric. "It would have been quite easy! to skid off the road over that bank. | Stranger motor accidents happen every day. That's one reason why I think it's all just a low conspiracy against me. The dean was out to get me by hook or crook, and Shea's death offer- | He'll get | ed a chance. his." Judith laughed. guess. of the Shea case and .stay out. he frantic to know why you were re- leased." Eric chuckled. "Serves him right if he finds out. But--I'm not satis- fied with letting the police crack him down. I shall have something to say to the gentleman myself, one of these days, though I may not say it in so many words." But just wait. \ "He already has, I "If T were'you, I think I'd lie low | | for a while now, Eric." Eric smiled. "Do you know," they were nearing home, on your head didn't look like one re- | ceived by running into a door, Are you sure you weren't in a fight?" she said slowly, as "I don't fight with my fists, old dear. | answered loftily. | I don't have to," he Strathmore when Judith The bridge river under the gleamed dully stopped to look at 'it that afternoon. | There was a thin film of ice near the | bare brown banks. She turned away from it with a little shudder and went on, past the prim rows of professorial ! houses, until she came to Avon place. Here too, the shades and burnished knockers of the houses reflected the calmly ordered lives of their inhabi- tants. On the walk before English cottage, Judith paused, look- ing curiously at the house front. Every shade was down and the door mat was | primly against the wall. She went up the steps and knocked, and could hear the sound echo in the rooms within. For a moment there was silence. Then she thought she heard footsteps But the sound turned out to be only a movement in the trees near- by. "With a curious glahee at the win- | dows, Judith turned away. A' little Loy trundling a wooden wagon up the driveway next door called out to her, "There ain't nobody at home." Judith went down the steps toward him. "How do you know?" she asked. '* "Cause I dropped my ball in their cellar window just now and I rang and rang and nobody came . Guess that ball's gone." Philosophical resig- nation was on his childish face, as he pulled the little cart up on the drive. When Judith had last seen the house, curls of Christmas smoke were Hanging about its chimneys and every window welcomed the traveler with a wreath. Standing now, still and de- serted, with every blind drawn, it seemed as hopeless and sodden as a human being struck down by insup- The police told him to get out| He'll | | "that bruise | Eric. | Dean Brown's| portable grief. With a little shiver, Judith walked slowly down the path to the street, Under the elms that lined the side- walk, she turned about for one last look. She stood quite still, clasping her hands, her eyes glued to an upper window. For a second, just as she turned, the white face of the dean's wife had appeared there. (To Be Continued) Myra shows her claws in the next chapter and events seem to point to a clash between Eric and Dr. Dorn. MARRIAGE EODE IN RUSSIA CHANGED Bond May Be Broken or Re- newed as Desired Now The Rule London, Nov 20--A new marriage code has been instituted in Soviet Russia, under which the marriage bond may be broken and renewed as frequently as desired, according to dispatches to the Daily Express. This. has been brought about by the action of the Soviet Legislative Assembly, the dispatch said, when the Government proposal to abolish the registration of marriages was given unanimous approval. Henceforth marriages in Russia will be consecrated by the mere re- cording of the martial status of the contracting parties on an identifica- tion card before the marriage com- nrissariat. No court action would be required to dissolve such a marriage, it was explained, exeept where there are children or common property to be divided. In cases involving children or the division of property, the courts would determine whether there had been a state of marriage between the man and woman, basing their findings first on the residence of the couple together over a period of time; second the maintenance of mutual household and "hird evidence of conjugal relationship. xDec, 15, Jan, 14 .., x Via Belfast SAILIN, GS FROM QUEBEC - 10 BELFAST- 18 Montnairn FROM ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL . Montroya . Metagams .. Montcalm . Montnairn Montelare Via Greenock oDec. 23, Jan. 21 oDee. 31 TO CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON- ANTWERP SINTER CRUISES ROUND THE WORLD DECEMB BER 2nd MEDITERRANEAN FEBRUARY 12th WEST INDIES JAN. 26 - FEB, Local Agent J. E. PARKER Gen. Agent, Ocean Traffic C.P.R. Bldg., Toronto Adelaide 21! Apply SPECIAL--Men's Dress Shirts .. ...... $1.00 Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 For Better Values BURNS JEWELLERY STORE Oh BOVS/ Heres peach of a knife absolutely FREE} 1 y " Marshall Foch" Knife HIS wonderful knife--exactly as illustrated--is called "Marshall Foch" because it can do almost anything. Here's what it contains: 1. Keen Bowie Blade, 2. Whittler Blade, 3. A fine Gimlet, 4. A piercing Punch, 5. A jar and can Opener, 6. Handy Cap Lifter, 7. A good Screw-driver. Seven tools in one. Can you beat it? Eisily earned by selling only $3.50 worth of lovely Christmas Post Cards at 3 for 5c, Folders at 5c, Booklets at 10c, splendid assortment of Christmas Tags, Cards, Seals and Stickers at 10c a packet and Tissue Christmas Bells at 3 for 10c. Get busy right now. WE TRUST YOU WITH THE GOODS till sold. Send us your order TODAY. THE GOLD MEDAL PEOPLE LIMITED Dept. O.R. 50 545 Jarvis St., Toronto 5, Ontario WESTMOUNT STEAM LAUNDRY For "ng Service and Low Price ry Our Wet Wash 12 LB. FOR 70c We call for goods and deliver. ment to do the Work to the Best Advantage. Oshawa, Ont.' to you as your telephone. 187 Nassau St. S. 20 LB. ONE DOLLAR We have the Mcans and Equip- We are as mear Phone 575 'COAL-COKE-WOOD The best on the market W. J. TRICK CO, LIMITED 25 Albert St. Phone 230. £1 SEGINS TO LOOK AS THO .QOSIE POTASH WOULD BEGIN TO LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK _ WHEN. THE NEEDLE SHOWS UP WITH ME SLAUGHTER. | GUESS | CAUGHT YOU NTHE) AN IDA NICK OF TIME YOU SAID in ANOTHER NICK BEEN ON MY WAY hie CANADA! y MRS. DO You RECOGNIZE THIS MAN POTASH AND PERLMUTTER --Try and Collect A ha "\ TAKING NO FORGET 30-60 A MUG ) 00 DAYS THAT OWES | NE(THERY fi ( HER 9500007 POTASH? { AD te - Yili 4 CASH 1S vou iP UE Lar | T]