Oshawa Daily Reformer, 18 Nov 1926, p. 8

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_. PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER, THURSDAY, SE mp ---- - me News of Eastern Ontario REPORTS TAXES COLLECTED : A report just presented to Gan: anoque Council by Collector Demp- ster shows that $87,061 in taxes has been paid in to date this year, with outstanding taxes amounting to "$10,932. This is over $16,000 more than collected last year. CATARAQUI MAN DROWNED enry MacRow, Cataraqui farmer, was drowned at Glenora, five miles east of Picton when his motor truck ran over the edge of a ferry and plunged into the Bay of Quinte.Mr. MacRow came to Picton yesterday morning for a load of apples and left about 3 o'clock by way of the Glenora ferry to Adolphustown. After he drove onto 'the boat he apparently found himself unable to stop his truck and smashed through the gate into the water. His body was recovered. His widow and several ch'}dren survive. PORTRAITS REPLACED The large oil painting of Sir John foes | CEE I EC NEE EZ CA A i 2 If you are thinking of A NEW COAT We know we can sell you one at a much lower price than you can buy one for any other place. Individual Styles No two alike in the better Coats. Besides this you have a genuine guarantee as to wear of Coat and Linings. SEE THE COAT You want, don't buy it from a picture and be disappointed. We are selling all our Coats at MAKER'S COST PRICE (Not double profits on the instalment plan) " MILLERS' ARCADE { A. Macdonald and Chief Justice Hagerman, which were sent to To- ronto to be restored and retouched have arrived back and were yester- day afternoon placed im their old positions in the Kingston City Hall, where they have hung for over 50 years. ~ TRANSFER RECOMMENDED The executive of Lindsay Presby- tery, in session, recommended the transfer of Rev. Mr. Morrow of Oakwood to Hanover ' (Toronto Presbytery) and Rev. Mr. Latter of Hanover to go to Oakwood. ' MADOC WOMAN DIES Mrs. Susan L. Thompson, of Ma- doc Village, died in Belleville yes- ADNAN BNIB N81 bY 4 Cm Bruton's Shoe Special For Friday and Saturday WOMEN'S SHOES HALF-PRICE 84 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, Pumps and Oxfords in grey, brown, black, kid and patent. This season's number's every one of them, broken sizes in many lines, but you'll find your size in something nice. pair that you have so often wished for. to $8.50. Half Price A chance to buy that extra Reg. values $5.00 $2.50 to $4.25 : GALOSH SPECIAL $2.79 ' Limited quantity of new Cuban heel 4 and 5 buckle galoshes. These are first grade cashmerette. Price $2.79 Same Style in fine Jersey Cloth For Friday and Saturday Only No exchange.--No refunds. Not more than 2 pairs to any one customer, In J [HAHAH HE Madras Muslins A window always looks well fij:ed with good Madras We have some wonderful rich patterns finished with heavy band borders, which makes them hang so nicely. Comes in 36" wide, Regular 65¢ for 43" wide, Regular 85c¢ for Fancy Silk Marquisette We have this popular Fancy Silk Marquisette, which is so dainty for glass doors. Comes in several designs and prices . 36" wide, Regular 59¢ for 36" wide, Regular 75c¢ for . Silk Curtain Nets IHHTTHTIIITD Silk Curtain Nets by the yard, that can either be used by the pair, or made into Panels finished with silk fringe, we have several desgns to choose from Regular $1.75 for Regular $2.25 for Luke Furniture Company 63 KING ST. E. ... . .... FHONE 79 (1. terday. Deceased was 65 years of | a%e and was the widow of the late { Mr, T. H. Thompson, ex-M.P., for , East Hastings, She was a member of the United Church. Two daungh- il) ters survive. The body was taken to Madoc for jnterment. OFFICERS ARE FLECTED At the annual meeting of the Lindsay Children's Ald Society yes- terday. the following officers were elected: President, Mavor T. Wil- k'nson; Secretary, Mrs. E. E. Sharpe; Treasurer, M. H. Sisson. $100,000 SURSORIBED The citizens of Kingston have to date subscribed about $100.000 to the Queen's Endowment fund, The canvass is still proceeding. and it is exnected that the citv will make a f'ne showing when the canvassers have made their final reports. RATLIFF MAY RECOVER Bailiff Charles St. Charles, who was shot through the chest on Mon- dav, near Eldorado. while making » safznre of cattle on the farm of Abraham Robinson for arrears of taxes was yesterdav reported hv Dr Fagleson. of Madoc, to have a chance of rncoverv, Aha Roh'nean rharpod with a'temntad murder. nareigts in hie story that he'did not do the shooting. RELIGIOUS COUNCIL The 37th annual convention of Grenville County Religious Educa- (| tion Council was held at St. Paul's United Church, Prescott, with a large attendance. There were three sess"ons--morning, afternoon and evening. The morning session was given over mainly to reports of the departmental superintendents. Sev- eral intertsting addresses were given during the afternoon and evening, among the speakers being Rev. Manson Doyle, of thg Ontar"o Rell- gious Educational Couneil Staff; Rev. W. R. Johnston and Rev, F. W. Mahaffy. DIES IN BELLEVILLE Alfred McClatchie, aged 90 years a life long resident of Belleville and vicinity, passed away Tuesday n'ght In early life he was 4d teacher, graduat' ng from Victoria University in 1863. For many years he was principal at Pembroke High School. and also taught at Brighton and Newbnrg. After teaching, Mr. Me- Clotchie went into fruit farming in S'dney. Deceased was a life-long Methodist, and always took an ac- tive part in church work, acting on numerous oceasiong as R On preacher He had been ill for abont three weeks. A son and daughter survive, SIXTY YEARS MARRIED Sixty vears azo, on November 12 1866, Sidney Fox and Margaret Hanna were married in Relleville On the anniversary of that d»v thev were presented wth a pnvse nf monev hy their children. grandehild- ren and friends, and a family re- union was held. Mr. Fox teak nart in repnleine the [Fenfan Raid at Pregrott in the vear of h's marriage Thev settled in Madore Townshin and farmed there vn'il 1914. when they retired to Eldorado Village Six of their eight children snrvive w'th twentv-four grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. RALLY AT BELLFVILLE The city hall, Belleville, was fill- ed last evening with the sunpor'ers of W. H. Ireland. the Conservative candidate for West Hastings, Sneak- ers were Hon. James Lyors, ev-Mini- ster of Forests and Lands, Rev. P W. Goodw"ll, of Cobourg. J. L. Gerow. and ex-Mayor W. C. Mikel of Belleville. All three speakers pointed ont conclusivelv that the policy of Hon. Howard Ferruson of Gtovernment control would nrove to he the trna temperance platform Many ladies were in attendance, and nvidenced much interest in the ad- dresses which were in'ereperaed w'th vacal pnd instrnmental selections (+. A. Reid was chairman. One Thin Woman Gained 10 Pounds in 20 Days Skinny Men Can Do The Same All weak men and women. All nervous men and women, All skinny men and women. Can grow stronger, healthier and more vigorous and take on solid needed flesh in 30 days just by tak- ing McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets four times a 'day--sugar coated and easy to take as candy. And what a hit these flesh produc- ing tablets have made. One drug- gist tripled his sales in one week. Everybody knows that from the livers of the humble codfish comes a first class vitamine that is a wonder- ful vitalizer, flesh producer a. 'health creator. . Millions of McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets are sold every week and thousands of frail rundown un- derweight people are being helped. A box of 60 tablets - for 60 cents and if any skinny man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds in 80 days--money. back. Ask Jury & Lovell, W. H. Karn or T. B. Mitchell or any good druggist anywhere in America. Xs and get McCoy's, the or- igi#! and genuine and don't forgel ther& 18 nothing on earth so good to make y Packward, listless, under- weight \ghildren grow' strong and ro- bust, a NOVEMBER 18, 1926 = A --_-- FAINTED ALMOST DAILY Mrs.Brant Suffered Seven Years Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable : Compound Hamil Ont. -- 'For two years I fainted t daily and was so weak I could not do my work, I would be sick for twelve to fifteen days at a time. This e me so weak and faint that I could not be trusted alone at such times. I was troubled this wi join. I a y x telling of the Lydia E. Pinkham and my husband read it bl pound. I have been taking it for six months and I intend to take it a year, as sickness such as mine cannot be cured in a day. I have not fainted since I took the first box and I have noticed a ing of time between each peri This last month I didn't have to go to bed. 1 , do my own work now, excepting the washing, and the noise from the street and the children doesn't bother me like it did."--Mrs. JOHN K. BRANT, 293 Jackson Street West, Hamilton, Ontario. . Do you know that in your neigh- borhood there are women who feel just like Mrs. Brant does about Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? These women have tried out this well known and reliable medicine and have found it suited to their needs. ZION Dr. Franz Exner, famous as a physicist, died in Vienna. He was noted for his calculations of the size of molecules, and other achieve- ments. 4 ILVER containers in all IFTS in Leather for yy reathe the newest shapes. Men Prices are from $1 to $5 Prices are from $5 to $25 MENS Rings in'a wide variety of styles. Prices are trom $35 to $150 Frices are trom $10 to $40 A=T=) HE PAE EN'S Strap Watches of guarantee quality M Prices are from $25 to $100 THE BURNS CO. LTD. Oshawa, Ontario, Zion, Nov. 18.--Threshing is about completed in this neighbor- hood and everyone is glad. | The laymen's banquet is to be, hel in the church on Monday even- | ing, Nov, 22, when all the men are invited to attend. Music will be pro- | vided and addresses by Mr. Ross Strike, Bowmanville and Rev. Mr. Jull Brooklin. Young ladies' On- | ward class will serve. H Mr. and Mrs. Westnutt and fam- | ily of Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Flintof?. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and | family, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with Mr. Tom Martin's, : Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sulley visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Wade at Ebenezer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chant and son, Paul, North Bay, are vis'ting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Mrs. JeJsse Arnott gave a splen- did reading in Sunday School bear- | ing on the lesson, Mr. Arthur Stainton sang a solo at the church service, Rev. Mr. Bick based his sermon on Prohbit'on. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur afd Gordon attended anniversary ser- vices at Starkville on Sunday and visited at Mr. Millson's. Several have been attending the Royal Winter Fa'r sin Toronto this week. GOOD PENNIES "Well, do you make much out of selling pigeons?" "Yes, it's a paying game. 1 sell them in the morning and they all come hack at night!"'----Pele Mele, Pars. (ROSS, FEVERISH CHILD 1S BILIDUS OR CONSTIPATED vy Look, Mother! See if tongue is | coated, breath hot or stomach sour "California Fig Syrup" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels Every mother realizes, after giv-! ing her children 'California - Fig Syrup that this is their ideal laxa- | tive, because they love its' pleasant | taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels without griping. ; When cross, irritable, feverish, or, breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, | give a teaspoonful of this harmless, "fruity laxative' and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When the little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, indi- gestion, colic--remember, 'a good "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of California Fig Syrup. which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle, Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled, 16t the genuine, sold by 6 pany." the 'California Fig Syrup Com- No. 440 FELT BROS. The Leading Jewelers. Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "Where Satisfaction is a Certainty." "Where footwear shop- png is a real Plogsuve. LEAF ANTI - FREEZE YN ee] folk [CRATE LMI: Motorist: Why do you insist on Maple Leaf?" Dealer: "Because it is scientific--I can positively guarantee freeze protection to any degree of frost you think necessary: I know there is nothing in it that al injure the cooling system and there is no waste--any time you drop in can tell you exactly how much Maple Leaf you need, if any. . nT=AT isscientific radiator protection. MAPLE LEAF ANTI-FREEZE with ALCO-METER service eliminates all guesswork. Use MAPLE LEAF and let your dealer give you the free ALCO-METER service once a week or oftener, and your radiator will be protected all winter ong. Never use an anti-freeze without making sure that it contains no Calcium Chloride, Chlorin, Saline, Kerosene or " Chemicals' of the car wrecking class. Ask your dealer--if he can't or won't tell you what the mixture contains, he is asking you to take chances on having heavy re- pair bills in the spring You take no chances on MAPLE LEAF. Your dealer can guaranteeit. Ask for MAPLE LEAF and insist upon getting it. Sold at all dependable garages and filling stations. Map CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Toronto, Corbyville Winnipeg Vancouver r) FREE ALCO-METER SERVICE 'All Maple Leaf Dealers give Alco- ta We Sell Maple Leaf Antifreeze - Phone Us Your Order ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Simcoe Street South. : : : Phone 900. Maple Leaf Handled for Years by Thickson Motor Sales 9 Bond St., West Phone 533 Maple Leaf Antifreeze Obtainable at Thompson's Drug Store 10 Simcoe St., S. Phone 22

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